Summative On Macroecnomics Objectives

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FORM 5 TERM 2 SUMMATIVE TASK –Macroeconomics

Date: _____________

Group members’ name: ________________________________________________________________


Title of task: Macroeconomics aims


 Student will develop their collaboration skills by working in groups, dividing work, discussing
ideas and reaching to a consensus.
 Students will also develop their research skills of finding relevant secondary data related to
country’s macroeconomics performance objectives.
 Prior to the investigation, they will have to write a research question and justify its relevance.
 They will have to follow an action plan to investigate their RQ.
 In the end, they have reflect on their action plan

FORM 5 TERM 2 SUMMATIVE TASK –Macroeconomics

Date: _____________

Group members’ name: ________________________________________________________________


Assessment criteria: A, B, C and D

A: Knowledge and Understanding
The students should be able to:
i. use a wide range of Economic terminology related to the Macroeconomics indicators.
ii. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of economic content and concepts through
developed descriptions, explanations and examples related to Inflation, Unemployment,
Economic growth and government policies.

B: Investigation
Students should be able to:
i. formulate a clear and focused research question on Economic performance of a country and
justify its relevance
ii. formulate and follow an action plan to investigate a research question and appropriate
secondary data from reliable sources.
iii. use research methods to collect and record appropriate, varied and relevant information
iv. evaluate the process and results of the investigation.

C: Communication
Students should be able to:
i. communicate information and ideas effectively using an economic report structure for the
purpose of informing government officials.
ii. structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate to the specified format
iii. document sources of information using a Harvard referencing style.

D: Critical Thinking
Students should be able to:
i. discuss concepts, issues, economic models, visual representation and theories related to
Economic indicators and the policies implemented by government to tackle the economic
conditions of a country.
ii. synthesize information to make valid, well-supported arguments
iii. analyse and evaluate a range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, examining value
and limitations
iv. interpret different perspectives and their implications.

FORM 5 TERM 2 SUMMATIVE TASK –Macroeconomics

Date: _____________

Group members’ name: ________________________________________________________________


ATL skills: Collaboration skills

Have I been able to:

 Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas

 Negotiate effectively
Your reflection

Teacher’s comment

FORM 5 TERM 2 SUMMATIVE TASK –Macroeconomics

Date: _____________

Group members’ name: ________________________________________________________________


Demonstrate the following prior to the investigation process:
 Decide on a research question which will guide the investigation.
 Student will look for reliable sources and collect appropriate data.
 They will have to follow an action plan.
 They will have to divide the big task into smaller pieces and each individual should work on one
small task.
 You have to use Harvard referencing to document the sources of information.
 You will have to attach the raw data in the appendix.
 You should follow the given format when doing the writing up.
 Pay attention to presentation, grammar and punctuation in the work.

Write the research question that you have chosen and justify your choice.

Examples of hypothesis:
1. Government should use demand side policies to address the macroeconomics problems of the
2. Low inflation should be the main objective of a government.

FORM 5 TERM 2 SUMMATIVE TASK –Macroeconomics

Date: _____________

Group members’ name: ________________________________________________________________



Guidelines- In brief we are looking at macroeconomic performance of a country.

Below is a table where you need to think and present an action plan that you will follow based on your
chosen research question and the guidelines given above- please add more grids if needed;


After conduction.

Each person should focus on one
Step 1- Divide the task into macroeconomic objective related
three macroecocnomics
to unemployment, inflation and
objectives economic growth.
Name of student working on
1. Inflation:

2. Unemployment

3. Economic Growth

Step 2: Choose a country to
study. Name of the country chosen:

DURING CONDUCTION Look for data on Inflation,

Step 3: Look for information Unemployment and Economic

related to the Macroeconomics growth for the last five years.

FORM 5 TERM 2 SUMMATIVE TASK –Macroeconomics

Date: _____________

Group members’ name: ________________________________________________________________


Step 4: Record the data in Explain the trends in the data.

tables and make charts. Also explain how the data has
been obtained (example: how is
inflation is measured).

Step 5: Identify and explain the List the economic theories to be

theories that will be used. used below:


Step 6: Use economic theories Example: use macroeconomic

to explain the trend in the data. diagram to show the connection
between data and theory.

Step 8: Merge work together Prepare a country report on the

and discuss which macroeconomic performance of
macroeconomics objective is the country.
more prominent.

FORM 5 TERM 2 SUMMATIVE TASK –Macroeconomics

Date: _____________

Group members’ name: ________________________________________________________________


Step 9- Write down a

conclusion which answers the
research question and which is
supported by the findings.

Step 9- Write the references



How could you have improved on your investigation [individually and group- wise]? If you had to do it
again, what would you do differently? Why?

FORM 5 TERM 2 SUMMATIVE TASK –Macroeconomics

Date: _____________

Group members’ name: ________________________________________________________________


Format for Writing

Chapter 1: Inflation
1.1. Definition
1.2. Types of Inflation
1.3. How inflation is measured
1.4. Data trend on Inflation
1.5. Explanation of the trend using economic theories.

Chapter 2: Unemployment
2.1 Definition
2.2 Types of Unemployment
2.3 How Unemployment is measured
2.4 Data trend on Unemployment
2.5 Explanation of the trend using economic theories.

Chapter 3: Economic Growth

3.1 Definition
3.2 Types of Economic Growth
3.3 How Economic Growth t is measured
3.4 Data trend on Economic Growth
3.5 Explanation of the trend using economic theories.

Chapter 4: Country report

4.1Restate the hypothesis
4.2 Answer the hypothesis
4.3 State the limitations of the study


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