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Iloilo Doctors’ College of Medicine – Batch 2020

Dr. Amargo

MENTAL HEALTH • Philippines psychiatric Assoc.

The mental health program as required by law. The real score

• Mental disease • 567 psyhiatrists in the philippines

• Neuro disease • 62 child and adolescent psychiatrists
• Substance abuse and other addictions o • total Pop= 106, 512, 074 , 1:187852
Provision of services for mental,
Mental Health And Intergration
neurologic and substance disorders @
primary level from assessment and - mental illness is the second largest contributors
management to referral and provision of to years lost due to diasbaility (YLDS) in the asia specific
psychotropic drugs for free. region . Nowhere, though , do more than half of those
affected receive any medical treatment. This is not some
Components: temporary crisis . It is business as usual.

A. Wellness of Daily Living MENTAL HEALTH ACT

• all health , poverty reduction , safety and • national mental health policy
security programs .
• enhancing the delivery of inergrated mental
• promotion of helthy lifestyle and prevention and health services.
control of disorders
• Promoting and protecting the rights of persons
• school and workplace health and wellness utilizing psychiatric neurologic and psychological
programs. health services.

B. Extreme life experience CONTENTS OF MENTAL HEALTH LAW

provision of mental helath and psycosocial Chapter Chapter Title

support during personal and community wide
disasters . I General Provisions

R.A. 11036 II Rights of service users and other

- an act on establishing a national mental health policy
for the purpose of enhancing the delivery of intergrated III Treatment and consent
mental health services , promoting and protecting the
rights of persons utilizing psychiatric, neurologic an IV Mental Health Services
psychosocial healths services. Apporpriating funds
therefore and for other purposes. V Education and promotion of mental


• annual training on mental health action program VI Capacity building research and
• crisis hotline training development
• annual suicide prevention multisectoral forum
VII Duties and Responsibilities of
• annual school forum and suicide prevention
• TV ads on depression and suicidde prevention
VIII The Philippine Council for Mental Health
@ GMA 7 network
IX Mental Health for Drug Dependents
• Regional alliance for mental health and autism.
3/4/2019 Final Frontiers SUBJECT:
Mental Health
Iloilo Doctors’ College of Medicine – Batch 2020
Dr. Amargo

CHAPTER III Treatment and Consent service users legal representative , the following
person shall act as service users legal
Sec. 8 Informed consent to treatment- Service users representative – spouse, non – minor, chief ,
must provide informed consent in writing prior to the administrator, or medical director of a mental
implemenation mental health professionals , workers health care facility or a person appointed by the
and other service providers of any plan or program of court.
therapy or treatment , including physical or chemical
restraint. Sec.11 Supported Decision making – A service user may
designate up to three (3) persons or “supporters” ,
All persons, including service users , persons with including the service users legal representative for the
diabilities and minors shall be presumed to possess purpose of supported decision making . These
legal capacity for the purposes of this act or any other supporters shall have the authority to access the service
applicable law , irrespective of the nature of defects of users medical information , consult with the service user
their mental health condition or disability . Children shall vis- a vis any proposed treatment or therapy ; be present
have the right to express their views on all matters during a persons appointments and consultations with
affecting themselves and have such views given due mental health professionals , workers, and other service
consideration in accordance with age and maturity. provides during course of treatment or therapy.

Sec. 9 Advance Directive – A service user may set out Sec . 12 Internal Review Board- Public and private
his or her preference in relation to treatment thru a health facilities are mandated to create their respective
signed , dated , and notarized advance directive internal review boards to expeditiously review all cases ,
executed for the purpose . An advance directive may be disputes and controversies involving the treatment ,
revoked by a new advance directive and notarized restraint or confinement of service users within their
revocation. facilities.

Services should allow people with mental health a) The board shall be composed of
conditions the possibility to write advance directives thru representatives from DOH, CHR, a person
the support of peers and trusted persons. nominated by an organization representing
service users and their families duly accredited
Sec. 10 Legal Representative – A service user may
by the Philippine council for Mental, health , and
designate a person of legal age to act as his or her legal
other designed members deemed necessary to
representative thru a notarized document executed for
be determined under IRR.
that purpose
b) Power and functions of the internal review
a) Functions: provide the service user with support board.
and help represent his or her interests , acts as a. Conduct a regular review , monitoring , and
substitute decision maker when on temporary audit of all cases involving the treatment ,
impairment of decision making capacity , assist confinement or restraint of service users
the user the service user vis-à-vis exercise of within its jurisdiction. The internal Review
any right provided under this act and be Board Shall also receive the “register
consulted with respect to any treatment or containing information on all medical
therapy received by the service user. treatments and procedures administered to
b) Declining an appointment . A person thus service users”
appointed may decline to act as service users b. Inspect mental health facilities to ensure that
legal representative. However shall inform the service users therein are not being subjected
service user. to cruel , inhumane , or degrading conditions
c) Failure to Appoint. If the service fails to appoint a or treatment.
legal representative, the ff person shall act as c. Motu proprio , or upon the receipt of

3/4/2019 Final Frontiers SUBJECT:

Mental Health
– atchDoctors’
B 2020 College of Medicine
Dr. Amargo

written complaint or petition field of • Provided by mental health professionals and

service user or service user‟s workers in a manner that ensures accountability.
immediate family or legal
representative , investigate cases , Sec. 15 Mental health services at Community Level-
disputes and controversies involving Responsive primary mental health services shall be
involuntary treatment , confinement or developed and integrated as part of the basic health
restraint of a service user. services at the appropriate level of care, particularly at
the city, municipal and barangay levels -every local
d. Take all necessary action to rectify or
government unit (LGU) and academic institution.
remedy violations of service user‟s
rights vis-à-vis treatment , confinement • The standards of mental health services shall be
or restraint , including recommending determined by the DOH in consultation with
that an stakeholders based on current evidences.
administrative, civil , or criminal case be • Strategies of wellness promotion, prevention,
filed by the appropriate government treatment and rehabilitation shall be inclusive
agency. and responsive to the needs of populations at
risk and geographically-isolated and
Sec.13. Exceptions to informed consent – during
psychiatric or neurologic emergencies or when there is Sec.16. Community – based mental health care
impairment or temporary loss of decision making facilities – the national government thru the DOH shall
capacity on the part of a srvice user, treatment , physical fund the establishment and assist in the operation of
or chemical restraint and confinement may be community based mental healthcare facilities in the
administered and implemented. province , cities an clusters of municipalities in the entire
country based on the needs of the population , to
As a rule , involuntary confinement or treatment is provide appropriate mental health care services
prohibited except: enhance the rights based approach to mental health
a) During psychiatric or neurologic
emergencies This includes community-based mental health in patient
b) When there is impairment or temporary loss of units community residential facility ; mental health da tx
decision making capacity on the part of a service facility and other faculties , in consideration of current
user, treatment , restraint or confinement , needs of the population.
whether physical or chemical.
Sec. 18 . Psychiatric , Psychosocial and neurologic
Sec. 14. Quality of mental health Services shall be : services in regional , provincial and tertiary hospitals –
all regional provincial and tertiary hospitals , including
• Based on medical and scientific research private hospitals rendering service to paying users , shall
findings provide psychiatric neurologic and psychosocial
• Responsive to the clinical , gender, cultural and services .
ethnic and other special needs of the individuals
Other specialized services may be made available to the
being served:
best extent possible in regional ,provincial and other
• The mental health service also considers tertiary hospitals including private hospitals – labs
economic , social , and spiritual needs of the diagnostic procedures , assessment for
individual neurodevelopmental conditions , speech and language,
• Most appropriate and least restrictive setting occupational performance ,medication counselling , and
Age appropriate , and for prolonged hospitalization for complex conditions.

3/4/2019 Final Frontiers SUBJECT:

Mental Health
Iloilo Doctors’ College of Medicine – Batch 2020
Dr. Amargo

• Mainstreaming of suicide prevention chiefly in

special settings such as schools, workplace,
Sec. 19 Duties and Responsibilities of mental health disaster areas
• Training of non-specialized health professionals
• Establish policies , guidelines and protocols for and volunteers on the recognition of suicidal
minimizing the use of restrictive care and behaviors, providing support to those bereaved
involuntary treatment by suicide, and telephone counseling.
• Inform service users of their rights under this act • Suicide surveillance and responsible media
and all other pertinent laws and regulations „ coverage
• Provide every service user, whether admitted for
voluntary treatment with complete information Twenty-four seven (24/7) hotlines that serve as helplines
regarding the plan of treatment to be or crisis hotlines shall be coordinated and linked to
available appropriate services within the territorial
jurisdiction of the crisis call when necessary. The DOH,
• Ensure the informed consent is obtained for the in partnership with other agencies and stakeholders,
service users prior to the implementation of any shall develop policies and guidelines on establishing
medical procedure or plan of treatment of care , hotlines and linking to emergency and support services.
except during psychiatric or neurologic Sec. 22 Public awareness
The DOH and the LGUs shall initiate and sustain a
Sec. 20. Drug screening services – pursuant to its duty heightened nationwide multimedia campaign to raise the
to provide mental health services and consistent with level of public awareness on the protection and
promotion of mental health and rights including but not
policy of treating the drug dependency as a mental halth
limited to, mental health and nutrition, stress handling,
issue. Each local healthcare facility must be cpable of guidance and counseling, and other elements of mental
conducting drug screening. health

• Drug screening services may icnlude any one or SEC. 23. Integration of Mental Health into the
Educational System. – The State shall ensure the
a combination of the fllowing but are not limited
integration of the mental health into the educational
to lab exams, clinical reviews and drug system, as follows:
dependency examinations , as deemed
appropriate. a) Age-appropriate content pertaining to mental
health shall be integrated into the curriculum at
Sec . 21. Suicide prevention – mental health service all educational levels. Within two years after the
Implementing Rules and Regulations, age-
shall also include mechanism for suicide intervention ,
appropriate content for the promotion of mental
prevention , and response strategies , with particular health and prevention of mental health
attention to the concerns of the youth. Twenty-four conditions, shall be made available and
seven (24/7) hotlines, to provide assistance to individuals accessible to all educational institutions at all
at risk of committing suicide, shall be set-up, and levels from preschool to post-graduate school,
existing hotlines shall be strengthened. including alternative learning systems and
schools for populations with special needs,
• In collaboration with other national agencies and using various strategies deemed appropriate for
stakeholders, the DOH shall develop a national the population, from integration into current
curricula (for example, values formation, science,
suicide prevention strategy as part of its national
homeroom) 487 special course offerings.
mental health program.
b) Psychiatry and neurology shall be required
A national suicide prevention strategy shall include the ff: subjects in all medical and allied health courses,
• Emergency mental health care for person in including postgraduate courses in health.
suicide crisis situations, including through • The CHED shall oversee inclusion of
hotlines psychiatry and neurology subjects in the
3/4/2019 Final Frontiers SUBJECT:
Mental Health
Iloilo Doctors’ College of Medicine – Batch 2020
Dr. Amargo

allied health courses appropriate to the SEC. 27. Capacity Building of Barangay Health
context of the degree pursued. Workers (BHWs).
• The Professional Regulations The DOH shall be responsible for disseminating
Commission shall include, as separate information and providing training programs to LGUs.
subjects, Psychiatry and Neurology in The LGUs, with technical assistance from the DOH,
the Physician’s Licensure Examination. shall be responsible for the training of BHWs and other
barangay volunteers on the promotion of mental health.
SEC. 24. Mental Health Promotion in Educational
Institutions. • The DOH shall provide assistance to LGUs with
medical supplies and equipment needed by
Educational institutions, such as schools, colleges,
BHWs to carry out their functions effectively.
universities, and technical schools shall develop policies
and programs for students, educators, and other • The LGUs shall ensure the capacity building and
employees designed to: raise awareness on mental supervision of the BHWs for mental health
health issues, identify and provide support and services promotion as part of general health promotion.
for individuals at risk, and facilitate access, including
SEC. 28. Research and Development.
referral mechanisms of individuals with mental health
conditions to treatment and psychosocial support. Research and development shall be undertaken, in
collaboration with academic institutions, psychiatric,
SEC. 25.Mental Health Promotion and Policies in the
neurologic, and related associations, and
nongovernment organizations, to produce the
Employers shall develop appropriate policies and information, data, and evidence necessary to formulate
programs on mental health in the workplace designed to: and develop a culturally-relevant national mental health
raise awareness on mental health issues, correct the program incorporating indigenous concepts and
stigma and discrimination associated with mental health practices related to mental health.
conditions identify and provide support for individuals at
• Research and development shall also be
risk, and facilitate access of individuals with mental
undertaken vis-à-vis non-medical, traditional or
health conditions to treatment and psychosocial support.
alternative practices.
• All appropriate government agencies and the
• A national epidemiologic study on mental health
military, shall provide guidance in the
shall be undertaken at regular intervals to be
development and implementation of mental
determined by the Philippine Council for Mental
health policy and programs in the workplace
Section 29 The national center for mental health (NCMH)
AND DEVELOPMENT The NCMH formerly the national mental hospital, being
SEC. 26. Capacity-Building, Reorientation, and the premiere training and research center under the
Training. DOH, shall expand its capacity for research and
development of interventions on mental and neurological
In close coordination with mental health facilities,
services in the country.
academic institutions, and other stakeholders, mental
health professionals, workers, and other service
The national center for mental health shall strengthen its
providers shall undergo capacity-building, reorientation,
and training to develop their ability to deliver evidence- training capacity to include psychiatric, neurologic, and
based, gender sensitive, culturally-appropriate and psychosocial conditions, and on mental and human
human rights-oriented mental health services, with rights.
emphasis on the community and public health aspects of
mental health.
• The DOH, shall also provide systems for support Sec. 30. DOH Chapter VII duties and responsibilities of
and supervision, monitoring, and evaluation of
government agencies
the capacity526 building, reorientation and

3/4/2019 Final Frontiers SUBJECT:

Mental Health
Iloilo Doctors’ College of Medicine – Batch 2020
Dr. Amargo

• Formulate and implement the NMHP in appropriateness of such treatment, confinement,

coordination with relevant agencies, create a or care
framework for Mental health awareness program • shall appoint a focal commissioner on mental
to promote effective strategies. health
• responsible for the regulation, licensing,
monitoring, and assessment of all mental health Sec 32 Investigative roles of the commission of human
facilities, with established internal review boards rights (CHR)
• integrate mental health into the routine health The investigative role of th3 CHR as provided in the
information system, including completed and pertinent provisions of this act shall be limited to all
attempted suicides violations of human rights involving civil and political
• improve research capacity and academic rights consistent with the powers and functions of the
collaboration on national priorities for research, CHR under Section 18 of article XIII of the constitution.
including the establishment of centers of
• coordinate with Philhealth to ensure that Sec 33. Complaint and Investigation- the DOH, CHR,
insurance packages are available to patients and DOJ shall receive all complaints of improprieties
• ensure that all health workers are remunerated and abuses in mental health care and shall initiate
accordingly and shall undergo appropriate appropriate investigation and action.
trainings, including training on human rights.
Sec. 34
• provide support services for families and
coworkers of service users, mental health • Integrate age-appropriate content about mental
professionals, workers, and other service health into the curriculum at all educational
providers levels both in the public and private institutions
• develop alternatives to institutionalization • Develop guidelines and standards on age-
particularly recovery-based approaches to appropriate programs for public and private
treatment institutions
• establish a balanced system of community • Ensure implementation of mental health
based and hospital-based health services at all programs in public and private educational
levels of care, private or public institutions, and shall be adequately
complemented with qualified mental health
Sec. 31CHR
• CHR to establish mechanisms to inspect
facilities, chiefly those where psychiatric service
users are held for involuntary treatment, • Develop guidelines and standards on mental
ensuring full compliance with domestic and health programs for the workplace
international standards
• Develop policies to promote on mental health
• inspect mental health facilities to ensure that programs in the workplace and address stigma
service users therein are not being subjected to and discrimination
cruel, inhumane, or degrading condition or
• The CSC and DOLE in consultation with
concerned stakeholders and other agencies,
• Investigate all cases involving involuntary shall issue appropriate order/guidelines for the
treatment, confinement, or care of service users, public and private sectors to adopt and
for the purpose of ensuring strict compliance implement in their workspaces provisions of the
with domestic and international standards Mental Health Act in consideration of the
respecting the legality, quality, and following:
3/4/2019 Final Frontiers SUBJECT:
Mental Health
Iloilo Doctors’ College of Medicine – Batch 2020
Dr. Amargo

o advocacy, education and training • establish a local multi-sector stakeholder

o non-discriminatory policy and practices network for the identification, management, and
o equal rights and benefits be given to workers prevention and mental health condition
with mental health conditions SEC 38. Upgrading of Local Hospitals and Health
o opportunity for work accommodation Care Facilities
o treatment and referral system and o
confidentiality Each LGU, upon its determination of the necessity
based on well-supported data provided by its local
Sec 36 DSWD
health office, shall establish or upgrade hospitals and
• refer service users to mental health facilities, facilities with adequate and qualified personnel,
professionals, workers and other service equipment and supplies to be able to provide mental
providers health services and to address psychiatric emergencies:
• provide or facilitate access to public or group Provided that people in geographically isolated and or
housing facilities, counseling, therapy, and highly populated and depressed areas shall have the
livelihood training and other available skills same level of access and shall not be neglected by
development programs providing other means such as home visits or mobile
health care clinics as needed: Provided further, that the
• in coordination with the LGUs and the DOH,
national government shall provide additional funding and
formulate, develop, and implement community
other necessary assistance for the effective
resilience and psychosocial wellbeing training,
implementation of this provision.
including psychosocial support services during
and after natural disasters and other calamities SEC 39 Mandate
Sec 37 LGUs The Philippine Council for Mental Health, herein referred
to as the Council, is hereby as policy making, planning,
• formulate policies and regulations on mental
coordination and advisory body, attached to the DOH to
health care and wellness within the territorial,
oversee the implementation of this Act, particularly the
integrating mental health care services in the
protection of rights and freedom of persons with
basic health care services in the community
psychiatric, neurologic, and psychosocial needs and the
• establish training programs to enhance the delivery of a rational, unified and integrated mental
capacity of health providers at LGU levels, in health services responsive to the needs of the Filipino
coordination with appropriate agencies and other people.
• promote deinstitutionalization and other recover- Sec 40- Duties and Functions
based approaches in the delivery of services
A. Develop and periodically update, in coordination
• establish or upgrade hospital facilities with
with the DOH, a national multi-sectoral strategic plan for
adequate qualified personnel, equipment and
mental health that further operationalizes the objectives
of this Act which shall include the following:
• if independent living arrangements are not 1) The country’s targets and strategies in protecting
available for service users, provide or facilitate rights of Filipinos with mental health needs and in
access to public housing facilities, vocational promoting mental health and the well-being of Filipinos,
training and skills development programs, and as provided in this Act;
disability or pension benefits 2) The government’s plan in establishing a rational,
• refer service users to mental health facilities, unified and integrated service delivery network for
professionals, workers, and other service mental health services including the development of
providers for appropriate care health human resources and information system for
mental health; and

3/4/2019 Final Frontiers SUBJECT:

Mental Health
Iloilo Doctors’ College of Medicine – Batch 2020
Dr. Amargo

3) The budgetary requirements and a corollary • one representative from medical or health
investment plan that shall identify the sources of funds professional organizations
for its implementation. • one representative from NGOs

B. Monitor the implementation of the rules nd

regulations of this Act and the strategic plan for mental
health, undertake mid-trm assessment and evalutations
Sec 42- Creation of the DOH Mental health
of the impact of the interventions in achieving the
objectives of this act
• there shall be created in the DOH a Mental
C. Ensure the implementation of the policies Health Division, under the disease prevention
provided in this Act and issue or cause issuance of and control bureau, staff with permanent
orders, or make recommendations to the implementing appointments and supported with an adequate
agencies as the council considers appropriate yearly budget. It shall implement the National
D. Coordinate the activities and strengthen working Mental Health Program and, in addition, shall
relationships among national government agencies, also serve as the secretariat of the Council.
LGUs, and non- government agencies involved in
Sec 43- Voluntary submission of a drug dependent to
mental health promotion
confinement, treatment, and rehabilitation
E. Coordinate with foreign and international
Persons who avail of the voluntary submission provision
organizations regarding data collection, research and
and persons charged pursuant to Republic Act No. 9165,
treatment modalities for persons with psychiatric,
otherwise known as the comprehensive dangerous drug
neurologic, and substance use disorders and other
act of 22 2002, shall undergo an examination for mental
health conditions and, if found to have mental health
F. Coordinate joint planning and budgeting of conditions, shall be covered by the provisions of this Act
relevant agencies to ensure funds for programs and
A drug dependent who avails of voluntary submission for
projects indicated in the strategic medium-term plan are
confinement, treatment and rehabilitation shall be
included in the agency’s annual budget
examined by a qualified mental health professional.
G. Call upon other government agencies and When determined by qualified mental health
stakeholders to provide data and information in professional. When determined to have both a mental
formulating policies and programs, and to assist the health condition and drug dependency, the mental
council in the performance of its functions; and health professional shall recommend appropriate
treatment for the mental health condition and when
H. Perform other duties and functions necessary to necessary, aftercare and follow up treatment pursuant to
carry out the purposes of this Act. section 56 of RA 9165 on the temporary release from the
center, after-care and follow-up treatment under the
Sec 41- Composition voluntary submission program.

• Secretary of DOH as chairperson Sec 44 Penalty Clause

• Sec of DepEd
Any person who commits any of the following acts, shall,
• Sec of DILG
upon conviction by final judgement, be punished by
• Chairperson of CHR
imprisonment of not less than 6 months but not more
• Chairperson of CHED than 2 years, or a fine of not less than PhP10,000 but not
• secretary of dole more than PhP200,000, or both at the discretion of the
• one representative from the academe/research court.

3/4/2019 Final Frontiers SUBJECT:

Mental Health
Iloilo Doctors’ College of Medicine – Batch 2020
Dr. Amargo

• Failure to secure informed consent of the service

user, unless it falls under the exceptions
provided under Sec 13 of this Act
• Violation of the confidentiality of information, as
defined under Sec 4 of this Act

Sec 45. Appropriations

The amount needed for the initial implementation of this

Act shall be charged against the 2018 appropriations of
the DOH for the following maintenance and other
operating expenses of the national mental health
program, capital outlays for the development of
psychiatric facilities among selected DOH hospitals, and
formulation of the strategic plan for mental health.

For the succeeding years, the amount allocated

for mental health in the DOH budget and in the
budget of other agencies with specific mandates
provided in the Act shall be based on the
strategic plan formulated by the Council, in
coordination with other stakeholders. The
amount shall be included in the National
Expenditure Program (NEP) as basis for the
General Appropriations Bill (GAB)

Sec 47 Separability Clause

If any provision of this Act is declared unconstitutional or

invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the
remaining provisions not affected thereby shall continue
to be in full force and effect.

Sec 48 Repealing Clause

All laws, decrees, executive orders, department or

memorandum orders and other administrative issuances
or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the
provisions of this Act are hereby modified, suspended or
repealed accordingly

Sec 49 Effectivity

This Act shall take effect 15 days after publication in the

Official Gazette or in at least 2 newspapers of general

3/4/2019 Final Frontiers SUBJECT:

Mental Health

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