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PE 103

M 9:30AM - 11:30AM

Multiple Recess Periods per Day: Creatively
Scheduling Instructional Time
(Exercise/ Health/ Sports/ Fitness)

I. Summary

For many reasons, we advocate physical activity for young people: it is health-
enhancing, it has connections to having a positive influence on learning, and it can benefit
people socially. American kids are far too sedentary on a typical school day (Routen,
2011), and anecdotal evidence shows that devoting more time to physical activity and in
this situation is in the form of recess, has a positive impact on learners in the typical
setting of schools. The educators do not miss the time lost to the extra recess. More
educators of physical education, administrators, and champions of school physical activity
should consider either adding time for various recess periods or at least dividing the
present dedicated time into various breaks for learners.

II. Reflection

This article made a discovery that added recess time actually helps students
socially, academically, and physically. This can be directly related to physical education
or physical fitness through the fact that time is given to the students to go play and be
active. In contrast to making students walk laps as a consequence, recess time is the
better alternative because they are out there playing, moving, being active. This article
justifies the definition of physical fitness which is a state of health and well-being and,
more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities.
The kids are able to perform these activities because they are given the time of day daily
to move and be active, in comparison to not giving them any time at all, they will most
likely not be able to develop any kind of fitness.

The line that we found in this article that caught our eyes is the line, “Primary
teachers especially noted that students would play better together, interacting much
earlier in the school year as a result of simply having the time to play freely with one
another. Allowing them that time helped them learn each other’s names and interact with
one another as peers, as opposed to being told or directed what to do by an adult.” It
shined a spotlight that every person should have and that is being able to socialize with
other people. Added recess time where they can go out and play directly sharpens their
social skills because when you play, you tend to play with other people and when that
happens, a bond is created. Through getting more recess time to play, they are allowing
the kids to socialize more through being active and playing.

The kids are the future of this nation and when they are given the time to go out
and play, they are being active and most likely achieve fitness just by running around and
playing playground games. Soon, our society will be made up of the kids of today so
allowing them to play more outside as early as elementary, they can achieve muscle and
body development. This article also stated that by giving more time for recess, their
grades went up. Thus, not only are we developing them physically and socially, their
grades are also affected positively by this added time for recess

Cebu Institute of Technology - University has a set of institutional outcomes which

are being a/an: team player and manager, effective communicator, competent &
technology oriented, lifelong learner, well-rounded citizen, ethical & values-driven,
innovative person, and critical thinker and problem solver. In relation to the different
concepts in our PE 103, some of these institutional outcomes have been sharpened and
developed. For example, we were tasked to do different kinds of physical activities as a
group and because of that task we developed our communication skills because we had
to relay various information to our partner/group after doing a certain physical activity. In
our future jobs as engineers, we are also tasked to relay information to our team and this
should be an ease because we are familiar with that kind of set-up thanks to our PE
teacher, Mrs. Agosto’s group tasks. Also, we had a topic where we calculated the correct
estimated heart rate for an individual and this directly helps us in our critical thinking and
problem solving skills because it involved various information and that information such
as age and it was to be mathematically calculated using formulae. Soon as engineers,
we will be bombarded with mathematical problems and we are expected to solve them.
So due to the topic and exercise of estimated heart rate, we can safely say we can solve
them a bit easier because although it is now the same topic, we learned values such as
being patient and getting all the information needed in solving the problem.

Most of the topics we encountered in our PE 103 was new to us such as training
principles and the different aspects in an exercise, it made us realize that there is always
something to learn, thus we will always be lifelong learners. Knowing that there is
knowledge and something new to learn humbles us and helps us build character. A good
character is such a good thing to have nowadays because of all the bad things happening
around us. We also had a group activity to showcase different kinds of exercises and we
had to collaborate within our group what to show and how to do it. All of us became team
players while some became team managers because we had to work together in order to
properly do the group activity. Being able to work in a group in today’s society is so
important because no man is an island and receiving help as well as giving help is what
makes us united. Lastly, we feel like we became better well-rounded citizens due to the
fact that we followed the exercise protocols that we learned about in PE 103 and in parallel
to real life, we can follow simple laws and rules in our society today because we know
that these laws and rules are implemented for a reason and it is for our own good.

III. Reference

Heather Erwin (October, 2017) Multiple Recess Periods per Day: Creatively
Scheduling Instructional Time, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance,
88:8, 3-4, DOI:10.1080/07303084.2017.1358575

IV. Picture of Magazine

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