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Management System
Database Systems-Project
BS-Information Technology Part III


1. Isbah Iqbal 2K17-IT-35

2. Sahar Mubashir 2K17-IT-78
3. Nazish Koonj 2K17-IT-61
Hospital Management System

 Elicitation Technique Used: Questionnaire

 Type of Questionnaire: Open-Ended Questionnaire
 Questionnaire divided into 7 parts.
1st Part for Patient’s Data:
Q1: What is patient’s ID?

Q2: Which receptionist deal patient for admission (receptionist id)?

Q3: What is the date of birth of patient?

Q4: What is the Gender of Patient?

Q4: When is patient admitted and released? (Date)

2nd Part for Doctor’s Data:

Q1: What is doctor’s ID?

Q2: What is ID of patient being treated by Doctor?

Q3: What is name of doctor?

Q4: What is name of doctor?

Q5: What is gender of doctor?

Q6: What is specialization of doctor?

3rd Part for Data of Nurse treating the patient:

Q1: What is Nurse ID as a staff?

Q2: In which room she is doing her job?(room ID)

Q3: What is the name of Nurse?

Q4: What is the gender of Nurse?

4th Part for information about Room:
Q1: What is ID of Room?

Q2: What is ID of patient admitted in room?

Q3: What is the type of room? (i.e. general/ICU)

Q4: What is the status of room?

5th Part for Information about Receptionist:

Q1: What is the ID of Receptionist?

Q2: What is the name of receptionist?

Q3: What is the gender of receptionist?

6th Part for the data of Bill:

Q1: What is the serial no of bill?

Q2: What is the ID of patient the bill belongs to?

Q3: What is the amount to be paid by the patient?

7th Part about Patient’s Medicine:

Q1: What is the code of medicine?

Q2: What is the ID of patient the medicine belongs to?

Q3: What is the name of medicine?

Q4: What is the quantity of medicine purchased?

Q5: What is the total price of medicine bought?

SQL Code in Oracle:
CREATE Table command:
INSERT Command:
SELECT Command:

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