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Digital Design

Name_____________________ Date_______________________ Culminating Project

Creating the Corporate Vision
Purpose: To understand the process of creating a corporate vision. To understand the
development of a mission statement, logo, letterhead, business card, envelope and other
business related documents. In order to create a corporate vision you must approach this in
a step-by-step process. Let’s begin.

Mission Statement
Visit the follow site and answer the following questions
regarding Mission Statements:

Answer the following questions from the Web site.

1. What is a mission statement?
2.How specific should it be?
3.Locate three mission statements from other companies other than those
listed on the Web site. Make sure they are different from the
companies already listed.
4.What is the mission statement of your local High School?
5.What is the vision of your local county school system?
6.Does your system having guiding principles, if so, what are they?
Check off
7.What do you think ethics have to do with mission statements?
your list as
you finish…
Developing Your Own Mission Statement:

You should have created some thumbnail or preliminary sketches of your

logo. The name of your company has been decided. Now it is time to
develop your own mission statement for your company. Having looked at the
site on mission statements, try your hand at developing one yourself.

Developing a custom Logo

Create the digital version of your logo.
I recommend having several versions with
different coloring, fonts, quality etc. (About 3)

Developing a Letterhead
Ask yourself…what information goes on a letterhead?

1. Go to Google images and look at the layout for other sample

letterhead. Write down the common elements you can
identify between three different examples.
Name_____________________ Date_______________________
2. Open Word and find a letter head or create a letter head.
The only way you can borrow the layout is if you can re-
create this yourself…without copying and pasting.

3. Letterhead Criteria –
Letterhead dimensions: 8.5” x 11” (pull down a horizontal
ruler at 1.5” mark and keep the design above the ruler guide!)

 Use 1” margins for left, right, top, and bottom margins

 Create a single-sided, single page publication
 Be consistent in design and color scheme through all
 Use the header and footer to include address information
 Include appropriate address: address, city, state, zip code,
fax #, phone #, web address, e-mail
How About Promoting Your Business? TEMPLATE AND
What will you do to promote your business? INSERT YOUR
Create a plan that you would use to promote. TEXT…CREATE

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