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Subject with code: Web technology and its application (15CS71)
Tutorial questions for 1st IA
Q.NO Questions Mark

1 What is the difference between XHTML and HTML5? What role do HTML validators 8M
play in web development?

2 What are the main syntax rules for XML? 8M

3 What are HTML elements? What are HTML attributes? 7M
4 Why is removing presentation-oriented markup from one’s HTML documents 6M
considered to be a best practice?
5 What is the difference between standards mode and quirks mode? What role does the 6M
doctype play with these modes?
6 What is the difference between the <p> and the <div> element? In what contexts should 6M
one use the one over the other?
7 What are the advantages of using the new HTML5 semantic elements? Disadvantages? 4M

8 Are you allowed to use more than one <heading> element in a web page? 5M
9 What are the different parts of a CSS style rule? 8M

10 Design college website using css style sheet.

11 Illustrate the CSS box model. Be sure to label each of the components of the box.

12 What are the elements used to define the structure of an HTML table? 8M

13 Describe the purpose of a table caption and the table heading elements. 4M

14 How are the rowspan and colspan attributes used? 6M

15 Create a table that correctly uses the caption, thead, tfoot, and tbody Elements. Briefly 7M
discuss the role of each of these elements.

16 What is the difference between HTTP GET and POST? 4M

17 What is a query string? 6M

18 What are the two different ways of passing information via the URL? 5M
19 In what situations would you use a radio button? A checkbox? 6M
20 How can one make an HTML table more accessible? Create an example 7M

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