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TIME - 1 Hour Total Marks – 100
 All questions are compulsory.
 No marks will be awarded for Q2 and Q3 in case of cutting, over writing or use of lead
 Failure to abide by the following instructions will result in disqualification of the
o Roll No will be written on first page of the answer sheet.
o No identification marks e.g drawings, signatures etc will be marked on answer
o Examination center will not be written on the answer sheet.
o All questions will be attempted on the answer sheet only.
o Paper will be attempted with blue ink. Black marker may be used for heading
Q1. Write a paragraph of 150 words on any one of the following:- 25
a. Floods in Pakistan b. Earthquakes in Pakistan
c. Use of Internet
Q2. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions. 10
a. There is a village ___________________ the hills .
b. Pollution is a threat _____________ life.
c. He killed the snake ______________ a stick.
d. We cannot live _____________ water.
e. You should stand ________________ her.
Q3. Fill in the blanks to complete the following stanza 10
a I dream a ________________ where man
No other man will _______________,
Where love will ____________ the earth.
And ________________its path adorn..
b. If I find the book, I ________it to you. (give)
Q4 (a). Match the words from list “A” with their similar meaning in list “B” 5
List A List B
a. Calm Destined
b. Direct Period
c. Era Behaviour
d. Ordained Order
e. Attitude Silent
(b) Use the following words in meaningful sentences: 10
(1) In spite of (2) Stand fast (3) Averted
(4) Social (5) Informative
Q5. Do as directed: 10
a. He said, “I know her address.” (Change into indirect speech)
b. She said to me “Honesty is the best policy”. (Change into indirect speech)
c. He eats the meal. (Change into past tense)
d. They opened the door.( Change into interrogative)
e. Sohail saw the man ________ had been hurt. (Use relative pronoun)
Q6 (a) Translate into Urdu; 10
(1) The rooster saw a fox; it was coming from the forest.
(2) This was the deadliest earthquake in the recent history of the
Sub Continent.
(3) I need your advice as I want to buy a used bike.
(4) His health deteriorated because of working hard.
(5) Your blood pressure should be regularly monitored..
(b) Translate into English: 20
‫ ۔ وي شبم تک واپس گھر پہىچ گیب تھب‬1
‫ ۔ جہبں چبي وہبں راي‬۲
‫ ۔ اولے لگب تبر برس رہے ہیں‬۳
‫ ۔ اسالم بھبئی چبرے کب درس دیتب ہے‬۴
‫ ۔ خدا ان کی مدد کرتب ہے جو اپىی مدد ٓاپ کرتے ہیں‬۵
‫ ۔ ہمیں ہمیشہ دیبوت داری اختیبر کروی چبہئیے۔‬۶
‫ ج میں شمبر ہوتی ہے۔‬۱‫ فو‬۱ ‫ ۔ پبک فوج دویب کی بہتریه‬۷
‫ ۔ وبالئق لڑکے ہر وقت کھیلتے رہتے ہیں‬۸
‫ ۔ پرودے ہوا میں اڑ رہے تھے‬۹
‫واج وے دشمه کو شکست دی‬
‫ ؁ کی جىگ میں ہمبری بہبدر اف‬۱۹۶۵ ‫ ۔‬۱۰

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