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Valentin Tio vs.

Videogram Regulatory Board the law bear no relation to the objective pursued
G.R. No. L-75697, (1987) or are oppressive in character. If objective and
methods are alike constitutionally valid, no reason
A tax does not cease to be valid merely because it is seen why the state may not levy taxes to raise
regulates, discourages, or even definitely deters funds for their prosecution and attainment.
the activities taxed. The power to impose taxes is Taxation may be made the implement of the
one so unlimited in force and so searching in state's police power.
extent, that the courts scarcely venture to declare
that it is subject to any restrictions whatever,
except such as rest in the discretion of the CALTEX vs. COA
authority which exercises it. In imposing a tax, the G.R. No. 92585 May 8, 1992
legislature acts upon its constituents. This is, in
general, a sufficient security against erroneous Taxation is no longer envisioned as a measure
and oppressive taxation. merely to raise revenue to support the existence
of the government; taxes may be levied with a
The levy of the 30% tax is for a public purpose. It regulatory purpose to provide means for the
was imposed primarily to answer the need for rehabilitation and stabilization of a threatened
regulating the video industry, particularly because industry which is affected with public interest as
of the rampant film piracy, the flagrant violation of to be within the police power of the state. There
intellectual property rights, and the proliferation can be no doubt that the oil industry is greatly
of pornographic video tapes. And while it was also imbued with public interest as it vitally affects the
an objective of the DECREE to protect the movie general welfare. Any unregulated increase in oil
industry, the tax remains a valid imposition. prices could hurt the lives of a majority of the
people and cause economic crisis of untold
The public purpose of a tax may legally exist even proportions. It would have a chain reaction in
if the motive which impelled the legislature to terms of, among others, demands for wage
impose the tax was to favor one industry over increases and upward spiralling of the cost of
another. basic commodities. The stabilization then of oil
prices is of prime concern which the state, via its
It is inherent in the power to tax that a state be police power, may properly address.
free to select the subjects of taxation, and it has
been repeatedly held that "inequities which result It is settled that a taxpayer may not offset taxes
from a singling out of one particular class for due from the claims that he may have against the
taxation or exemption infringe no constitutional government. Taxes cannot be the subject of
limitation". Taxation has been made the compensation because the government and
implement of the state's police power. taxpayer are not mutually creditors and debtors of
each other and a claim for taxes is not such a debt,
demand, contract or judgment as is allowed to be
G.R. No. L-7859 December 22, 1955

The tax is levied with a regulatory purpose, to PAL vs. EDU

provide means for the rehabilitation and G.R. No. L- 41383 August 15, 1988
stabilization of the threatened sugar industry. In
other words, the act is primarily an exercise of the Indeed, taxation may be made the implement of
police power. the state's police power.

Sugar production is one of the great industries of If the purpose is primarily revenue, or if revenue
our nation, sugar occupying a leading position is, at least, one of the real and substantial
among its export product. Its promotion, purposes, then the exaction is properly called a
protection and advancement, therefore redounds tax. Such is the case of motor vehicle registration
greatly to the general welfare. Hence it was fees. In the Land Transportation code, it is patent
competent for the legislature to find that the therefrom that the legislators had in mind a
general welfare demanded that the sugar industry regulatory tax as the law refers to the imposition
should be stabilized in turn; and in the wide field on the registration, operation or ownership of a
of its police power, the lawmaking body could motor vehicle as a "tax or fee."
provide that the distribution of benefits therefrom
be readjusted among its components to enable it Rep. Act 4136 also speaks of other "fees," such as
to resist the added strain of the increase in taxes the special permit fees for certain types of motor
that it had to sustain. vehicles and additional fees for change of
registration. These are not to be understood as
It follows that the Legislature may determine taxes because such fees are very minimal to be
within reasonable bounds what is necessary for its revenue-raising.
protection and expedient for its promotion. Here,
the legislative discretion must be allowed fully But it is quite apparent that although vehicle
play, subject only to the test of reasonableness; registration fees were originally intended only
and it is not contended that the means provided in for rigidly purposes in the exercise of the State's
police powers, over the years, however, as to the purchaser if payment is made within a
vehicular traffic exploded in number and motor shorter period of time than the maximum time
vehicles became absolute necessities without specified; also referred to as a sales discount on
which modem life as we know it would stand still, the part of the seller and a purchase discount on
Congress found the registration of vehicles a very the part of the buyer.
convenient way of raising much needed revenues.
Without changing the earlier deputy of A quantity discount is a reduction in price
registration payments as "fees," their nature has allowed for purchases made in large quantities,
become that of "taxes." justified by savings in packaging, shipping, and
handling. It is also called a volume or bulk
Motor vehicle registration fees as at present discount.
exacted pursuant to the Land Transportation and
Traffic Code are actually taxes intended for A percentage reduction from the list price allowed
additional revenues of government even if 1/5 or by manufacturers to wholesalers and by
less of the amount collected is set aside for the wholesalers to retailers is known as a trade
operating expenses of the agency administering discount. The purpose for the discount is to
the program. encourage trading or increase sales, and the prices
at which the purchased goods may be resold are
also suggested.
G.R. No. 159647, April 15, 2005 A chain discount is a series of discounts from one
list price.
The 20% discount required by the law to be given
to senior citizens is a tax credit, not merely a tax Akin to a trade discount is a functional discount.
deduction from the gross income or gross sale of It is a supplier’s price discount given to a
the establishment concerned. purchaser based on the latter’s role in the former’s
distribution system. This role usually involves
A tax credit is used by a private establishment warehousing or advertising.
only after the tax has been computed; a tax
deduction, before the tax is computed. What RA 7432 grants the senior citizen is a mere
discount privilege, not a sales discount or any of
RA 7432 unconditionally grants a tax credit to all the above discounts in particular. Prompt
covered entities. Thus, the provisions of the payment is not the reason for (although a
revenue regulation that withdraw or modify such necessary consequence of) such grant. To be sure,
grant are void. Basic is the rule that administrative the privilege enjoyed by the senior citizen must be
regulations cannot amend or revoke the law. equivalent to the tax credit benefit enjoyed by the
private establishment granting the discount.
Tax Liability Required for Tax Credit
In other words, the tax credit benefit is not the
Since a tax credit is used to reduce directly the tax same as a sales discount. To repeat, this benefit
that is due, there ought to be a tax liability before cannot and should not be treated as a tax
the tax credit can be applied. Without that deduction.
liability, any tax credit application will be useless.
There will be no reason for deducting the latter To stress, the effect of a sales discount on the
when there is, to begin with, no existing obligation income statement and income tax return of an
to the government. establishment covered by RA 7432 is different
from that resulting from the availment or use of its
Prior Tax Payments Not tax credit benefit. While the former is a deduction
Required for Tax Credit before, the latter is a deduction after, the income
tax is computed.
While a tax liability is essential to the availment or
use of any tax credit, prior tax payments are not.
On the contrary, for the existence or grant solely Carlos Superdrug vs. DSWD
of such credit, neither a tax liability nor a prior tax G.R. No. 166494, June 29, 2007
payment is needed. The Tax Code is in fact replete
with provisions granting or allowing tax credits, (the ruling on eminent domain in this case is
even though no taxes have been previously paid. obiter dicta; ruling on police power stands)

Moreover, a tax liability is certainly important in The permanent reduction in their total revenues is
the availment or use, not the existence or grant, of a forced subsidy corresponding to the taking of
a tax credit. private property for public use or benefit. This
constitutes compensable taking for which
Business Discounts petitioners would ordinarily become entitled to a
just compensation.
A cash discount is one granted by business
establishments to credit customers for their
prompt payment. It is a reduction in price offered
A tax deduction does not offer full reimbursement or senior citizens for that matter, but merely
of the senior citizen discount. As such, it would not regulates the pricing of goods and services relative
meet the definition of just compensation. to, and the amount of profits or income/gross
sales that such private establishments may derive
The Senior Citizens Act was enacted primarily to from, senior citizens. The subject regulation may
maximize the contribution of senior citizens to be said to be similar to, but with substantial
nation-building, and to grant benefits and distinctions from, price control or rate of return
privileges to them for their improvement and on investment control laws which are traditionally
well-being as the State considers them an integral regarded as police power measures.
part of our society.
The 20% senior citizen discount has not been
The law is a legitimate exercise of police power shown to be unreasonable, oppressive or
which, similar to the power of eminent domain, confiscatory.
has general welfare for its object. Police power is
not capable of an exact definition, but has been
purposely veiled in general terms to underscore Churchill vs. Concepcion
its comprehensiveness to meet all exigencies and G.R. No. 11572 September 22, 1916
provide enough room for an efficient and flexible
response to conditions and circumstances, thus The power to impose taxes is one so unlimited in
assuring the greatest benefits. force and so searching in extent, that the courts
scarcely venture to declare that it is subject to any
For this reason, when the conditions so demand as restrictions whatever, except such as rest in the
determined by the legislature, property rights discretion of the authority which exercises it. It
must bow to the primacy of police power because reaches to every trade or occupation; to every
property rights, though sheltered by due process, object of industry, use, or enjoyment; to every
must yield to general welfare. species of possession; and it imposes a burden
which, in case of failure to discharge it, may be
It is incorrect to insist that the grant of the senior followed by seizure and sale or confiscation of
citizen discount is unduly oppressive to one’s property. No attribute of sovereignty is more
business, when one has not taken time to calculate pervading, and at no point does the power of the
correctly and come up with a financial report, so government affect more constantly and intimately
that they have not been able to show properly all the relations of life than through the exactions
whether or not the tax deduction scheme really made under it.
works greatly to their disadvantage.
If a case were presented where the abuse of the
taxing power of the local legislature was too
Manila Memorial vs. Secretary of DSWD extreme as to make it plain to the judicial mind
G.R. No. 175356 December 3, 2013 that the power had been exercised for the sole
purpose of destroying rights which could not be
rightfully destroyed consistently with the
The 20% discount is intended to improve the principles of freedom and justice upon which the
welfare of senior citizens who, at their age, are Philippine Government rests, then it would be the
less likely to be gainfully employed, more prone to duty of the courts to say that such an arbitrary act
illnesses and other disabilities, and, thus, in need was not merely an abuse of the power, but was the
of subsidy in purchasing basic commodities. It exercise of an authority not conferred.
may not be amiss to mention also that the
discount serves to honor senior citizens who
presumably spent the productive years of their Paseo Realty vs. CA
lives on contributing to the development and G.R. No. 119286. October 13, 2004
progress of the nation. This distinct cultural
Filipino practice of honoring the elderly is an
integral part of this law. As to its nature and The grant of a refund is founded on the
effects, the 20% discount is a regulation affecting assumption that the tax return is valid, i.e., that the
the ability of private establishments to price their facts stated therein are true and correct. Without
products and services relative to a special class of the tax return, it is error to grant a refund since it
individuals, senior citizens, for which the would be virtually impossible to determine
Constitution affords preferential concern. whether the proper taxes have been assessed and
In turn, this affects the amount of profits or
income/gross sales that a private establishment Once the taxpayer has exercised the option to
can derive from senior citizens. In other words, carry-over and to apply the excess quarterly
the subject regulation affects the pricing, and, income tax against income tax due for the taxable
hence, the profitability of a private establishment. quarters of the succeeding taxable years, such
However, it does not purport to appropriate or option is irrevocable for that taxable period and
burden specific properties, used in the operation no application for cash refund or issuance of a tax
or conduct of the business of private credit certificate shall be allowed.
establishments, for the use or benefit of the public,
Taxation is a destructive power which interferes purposes and not for the advantage of private
with the personal and property rights of the individuals.
people and takes from them a portion of their
property for the support of the government. And Under the express or implied provisions of the
since taxes are what we pay for civilized society, constitution, public funds may be used only for
or are the lifeblood of the nation, the law frowns public purpose. The right of the legislature to
against exemptions from taxation and statutes appropriate funds is correlative with its right to
granting tax exemptions are thus construed tax, and, under constitutional provisions against
strictissimi juris against the taxpayer and liberally taxation except for public purposes and
in favor of the taxing authority. A claim of refund prohibiting the collection of a tax for one purpose
or exemption from tax payments must be clearly and the devotion thereof to another purpose, no
shown and be based on language in the law too appropriation of state funds can be made for other
plain to be mistaken. Elsewise stated, taxation is than for a public purpose.
the rule, exemption therefrom is the exception.

Roxas vs. CTA

G.R. No. L-25043 April 26, 1968

The power of taxation is sometimes called also the

power to destroy. Mañosca vs. CA
G.R. No. 106440 January 29, 1996
Therefore it should be exercised with caution to
minimize injury to the proprietary rights of a The term "public use," not having been otherwise
taxpayer. It must be exercised fairly, equally and defined by the constitution, must be considered in
uniformly, lest the tax collector kill the "hen that its general concept of meeting a public need or a
lays the golden egg". And, in order to maintain the public exigency.
general public's trust and confidence in the
Government this power must be used justly and The idea that "public use" is strictly limited to
not treacherously. It does not conform with Our clear cases of "use by the public" has long been
sense of justice in the instant case for the discarded.
Government to persuade the taxpayer to lend it a
helping hand and later on to penalize him for duly "Public use" is one which confers same benefit or
answering the urgent call. advantage to the public; it is not confined to actual
use by public. It is measured in terms of right of
public to use proposed facilities for which
Sison vs. Ancheta condemnation is sought and, as long as public has
G.R. No. L-59431 July 25, 1984 right of use, whether exercised by one or many
members of public, a "public advantage" or "public
Justice Holmes: “The power to tax is not the power benefit" accrues sufficient to constitute a public
to destroy while this Court sits.” use.

On uniformity: The term may be said to mean public usefulness,

Taxpayers who are recipients of compensation utility, or advantage, or what is productive of
income are set apart as a class. As there is general benefit. It may be limited to the
practically no overhead expense, these taxpayers inhabitants of a small or restricted locality, but
are e not entitled to make deductions for income must be in common, and not for a particular
tax purposes because they are in the same individual. The use must be a needful one for the
situation more or less. public, which cannot be surrendered without
obvious general loss and inconvenience.
On the other hand, in the case of professionals in
the practice of their calling and businessmen,
there is no uniformity in the costs or expenses Planters Products vs. Fertiphil
necessary to produce their income. It would not be G.R. No. 166006 March 14, 2008
just then to disregard the disparities by giving all
of them zero deduction and indiscriminately
impose on all alike the same tax rates on the basis The term public purpose is not defined. It is an
of gross income. elastic concept that can be hammered to fit
modern standards. Jurisprudence states that
public purpose should be given a broad
Pascual vs. Secretary of DPWH interpretation. It does not only pertain to those
G.R. No. L-10405 December 29, 1960 purposes which are traditionally viewed as
essentially government functions, such as building
roads and delivery of basic services, but also
In accordance with the rule that the taxing power includes those purposes designed to promote
must be exercised for public purposes only, money social justice. Thus, public money may now be
raised by taxation can be expended only for public
used for the relocation of illegal settlers, low-cost
housing and urban or agrarian reform.

While the categories of what may constitute a

public purpose are continually expanding in light
of the expansion of government functions, the
inherent requirement that taxes can only be
exacted for a public purpose still stands.

In this case, the text of the LOI is plain that the

levy was imposed in order to raise capital for PPI.
They were cavalier enough to name PPI as the
ultimate beneficiary of the taxes levied under the
LOI. Thus, the levy is unconstitutional.
CIR vs. Marubeni ABAKADA vs. Ermita
G.R. No. 137377. December 18, 2001 G.R. No. 168056 September 1, 2005

A contractors tax is a tax imposed upon the The imposition of 12% VAT is not an undue
privilege of engaging in business. It is generally in delegation of legislative power but only of the
the nature of an excise tax on the exercise of a discretion as to the execution of a law. This is
privilege of selling services or labor rather than a constitutionally permissible. Congress does not
sale on products; and is directly collectible from abdicate its functions or unduly delegate power
the person exercising the privilege. when it describes what job must be done, who
must do it, and what is the scope of his authority;
Being an excise tax, it can be levied by the taxing in our complex economy that is frequently the
authority only when the acts, privileges or only way in which the legislative process can go
business are done or performed within the forward.
jurisdiction of said authority. Like property taxes,
it cannot be imposed on an occupation or privilege The intent and will to increase the VAT rate to
outside the taxing district. 12% came from Congress and the task of the
President is to simply execute the legislative
While the construction and installation work were policy.
completed within the Philippines, the evidence is
clear that some pieces of equipment and supplies The Constitution does not really prohibit the
were completely designed and engineered in imposition of indirect taxes which, like the VAT,
Japan. They were already finished products when are regressive. What it simply provides is that
shipped to the Philippines. These services were Congress shall ‘evolve a progressive system of
rendered outside the taxing jurisdiction of the taxation.’ The constitutional provision has been
Philippines and are therefore not subject to interpreted to mean simply that ‘direct taxes are
contractor’s tax. to be preferred and as much as possible, indirect
taxes should be minimized.’

Reagan vs. CIR

G.R. No. L-26379 December 27, 1969 Misamis Oriental vs. DOF Secretary
G.R. No. 108524 November 10, 1994
There is nothing in the Military Bases Agreement
that lends support to the assertion that Clark Field As the government agency charged with the
Air Base has become foreign soil or territory. This enforcement of the law, the opinion of the CIR, in
country's jurisdictional rights therein, certainly the absence of any showing that it is plainly
not excluding the power to tax, have been wrong, is entitled to great weight. Indeed, the
preserved. As to certain tax matters, an ruling was made by the CIR in the exercise of his
appropriate exemption was provided for. power under Sec. 245 of the NIRC to "make rulings
or opinions in connection with the
Petitioner is liable for the income tax arising from implementation of the provisions of internal
a sale of his automobile in the Clark Field Air Base, revenue laws, including rulings on the
which clearly is and cannot otherwise be other classification of articles for sales tax and similar
than, within our territorial jurisdiction to tax. purposes."

To distinguish:
MERALCO vs. Yatco
G.R. No. 45697 November 1, 1939 A legislative rule is in the nature of subordinate
legislation, designed to implement a primary
A company, by making and carrying out policies legislation by providing the details thereof. In the
covering risks located in this country which might same way that laws must have the benefit of
require adjustment or the making of proof of loss public hearing, it is generally required that before
therein, did business in the Philippines and a legislative rule is adopted there must be hearing.
subjected itself to its jurisdiction.
In considering a legislative rule a court is free to
Where the insured is within the Philippines, the make three inquiries:
risk insured against also within the Philippines, (1) whether the rule is within the delegated
and certain incidents of the contract are to be authority of the administrative agency;
attended to in the Philippines, such as payment of (2) whether it is reasonable; and
dividends, sending of an unjuster into the (3) whether it was issued pursuant to proper
Philippines in case of dispute, or making of proof procedure.
of loss, the Philippines has the power to impose
the tax upon the insured, regardless of whether On the other hand, interpretative rules are
the contract is executed in a foreign country and designed to provide guidelines to the law which
with a foreign corporation. the administrative agency is in charge of
In the case of an interpretative rule, the inquiry is Improvements are not exempt
not into the validity but into the correctness or The warehouse of the PPA may not be held as part
propriety of the rule. As a matter of power a court, of the port, considering its separable nature as an
when confronted with an interpretative rule, is improvement upon the port, and the fact that it is
free to: not open for use by everyone and freely accessible
(1) give the force of law to the rule; to the public.
(2) go to the opposite extreme and substitute
its judgment; or The exemption of public property from taxation
(3) give some intermediate degree of does not extend to improvements made thereon
authoritative weight to the interpretative by homesteaders or occupants at their own
rule. expense; likewise, the taxability of the warehouse
stands, it being a mere improvement built on an
alleged property of public dominion.
CIR vs. CA and Fortune Tobacco
G.R. No. 119761 August 29, 1996 The fact that tax exemptions of GOCCs have been
expressly withdrawn by the present LGC clearly
When an administrative rule is merely attests against petitioner’s claim of absolute
interpretative in nature, its applicability needs exemption of government instrumentalities from
nothing further than its bare issuance for it gives local taxation.
no real consequence more than what the law itself
has already prescribed.
Basco vs. PAGCOR
When, upon the other hand, the administrative G.R. No. 91649 May 14, 1991
rule goes beyond merely providing for the means
that can facilitate or render least cumbersome the Supremacy of the NG over the LG
implementation of the law but substantially adds PAGCOR has a dual role, to operate and to regulate
to or increases the burden of those governed, it gambling casinos. The latter role is governmental,
behooves the agency to accord at least to those which places it in the category of an agency or
directly affected a chance to be heard, and instrumentality of the Government. Being such,
thereafter to be duly informed, before that new PAGCOR should be and actually is exempt from
issuance is given the force and effect of law. local taxes. Otherwise, its operation might be
burdened, impeded or subjected to control by a
RMC 37-93 had new tax rate consequences on mere Local government.
Fortune’s products. In so doing, the BIR did not
simply interpret the law; verily, it legislated under The states have no power by taxation or
its quasi-legislative authority. The due observance otherwise, to retard, impede, burden or in any
of the requirements of notice, of hearing, and of manner control the operation of constitutional
publication should not have been then ignored. laws enacted by Congress to carry into execution
the powers vested in the federal government.

Board of Assessment Appeals v. CTA This doctrine emanates from the "supremacy" of
G.R. No. L-18125 May 31, 1963 the National Government over local governments.

In exempting from taxation "property owned by Otherwise, mere creatures of the State can defeat
the Republic of the Philippines, any province, city, National policies thru extermination of what local
municipality or municipal district," Section 3(a) of authorities may perceive to be undesirable
R.A. No. 470 makes no distinction between activities or enterprise using the power to tax as
property held in a sovereign, governmental or "a tool for regulation".
political capacity and those possessed in a private,
proprietary or patrimonial character. And where The power of local government to "impose taxes
the law does not distinguish, neither may the and fees" is always subject to "limitations" which
Court, unless there are facts and circumstances Congress may provide by law. It cannot therefore
clearly showing that the lawmaker intended the be violative but rather is consistent with the
contrary. principle of local autonomy.

Moreover, taxes are financial burdens imposed for

the purpose of raising revenues with which to MIAA vs. CA
defray the cost of the operation of the G.R. No. 155650 July 20, 2006
Government, and a tax on property of the
Government, whether national or local, would Taxability of portions leased to private entities
merely have the effect of taking money from one The Airport Lands and Buildings of MIAA are
pocket to put it in another pocket. property of public dominion and therefore owned
by the State or the Republic of the Philippines.

PPA vs. City of Iloilo Properties of public dominion mentioned in

G.R. No. 109791 July 14, 2003 Article 420 of the Civil Code, like roads, canals,
rivers, torrents, ports and bridges constructed by
the State, are owned by the State. The term ports The fact that some places of amusement are not
includes seaports and airports. taxed while others, such as cinematographs,
theaters, vaudeville companies, theatrical shows,
The Airport Lands and Buildings are devoted to and boxing exhibitions and other kinds of
public use because they are used by the public for amusements or places of amusement are taxed, is
international and domestic travel and no argument at all against the equality and
transportation. The fact that the MIAA collects uniformity of the tax imposition.
terminal fees and other charges from the public
does not remove the character of the Airport Equality and uniformity in taxation means that all
Lands and Buildings as properties for public use. taxable articles or kinds of property of the same
The operation by the government of a tollway class shall be taxed at the same rate. The taxing
does not change the character of the road as one power has the authority to make reasonable and
for public use. natural classifications for purposes of taxation;
and the appellants cannot point out what places of
The real properties owned by the Republic, titled amusement taxed by the ordinance do not
either in the name of the Republic itself or in the constitute a class by themselves and which can be
name of agencies or instrumentalities of the confused with those not included in the ordinance.
National Government, continue to be exempt from
real estate tax.
British American Tobacco vs. Camacho
They lose their tax exemption only if the beneficial G.R. No. 163583 April 15, 2009
use thereof has been granted, for consideration or
otherwise, to a taxable person. Classification Freeze Provision
A legislative classification that is reasonable does
Thus, portions of the Airport Lands and Buildings not offend the constitutional guaranty of the equal
that MIAA leases to private entities are not exempt protection of the laws. The classification is
from real estate tax. For example, the land area considered valid and reasonable provided that:
occupied by hangars that MIAA leases to private (1) it rests on substantial distinctions;
corporations is subject to real estate tax. In such a (2) it is germane to the purpose of the law;
case, MIAA has granted the beneficial use of such (3) it applies, all things being equal, to both
land area for a consideration to a taxable person present and future conditions; and
and therefore such land area is subject to real (4) it applies equally to all those belonging to
estate tax. the same class.

The classification freeze provision could hardly be

Philippine Trust Company vs. Yatco considered arbitrary, or motivated by a hostile or
G.R. Nos. L-46255 January 23, 1940 oppressive attitude to unduly favor older brands
over newer brands. It was the result of Congress’s
earnest efforts to improve the efficiency and
A tax is considered uniform when it operates with effectivity of the tax administration over sin
the same force and effect in every place where the products while trying to balance the same with
subject may be found. other State interests.

In every well-regulated and enlightened state or

government, certain descriptions of property and Domingo vs. Carlitos
also certain institutions are exempt from taxation, G.R. No. L-18994 June 29, 1963
but these exemptions have never been regarded
as disturbing the rules of taxation, even where Set-off or Compensation allowed
the fundamental law had ordained that it should Where both the claim of the Government for
be uniform. inheritance taxes and the claim of the intestate for
services rendered have already become overdue
The method of assessment prescribed in the and demandable is well as fully liquidated,
Revised Administrative Code for domestic banks, compensation takes place by operation of law.
while different from that prescribed for foreign
banks, is permissible.
Philex Mining vs. CIR
The rule of uniformity does not call for perfect G.R. No. 125704 August 28, 1998
uniformity or perfect equality, because this is
hardly attainable. Set-off or Compensation
There can be no off-setting of taxes against the
claims that the taxpayer may have against the
government. A person cannot refuse to pay a tax
Eastern Theatrical vs. Alfonso on the ground that the government owes him an
G.R. No. L-1104 May 31, 1949 amount equal to, or greater than the tax being
collected. The collection of a tax cannot await the
Uniformity on amusement taxes results of a lawsuit against the government.
Taxes cannot be subject to compensation for the However, the best evidence obtainable does not
simple reason that the government and the include mere photocopies of records/documents.
taxpayer are not creditors and debtors of each
other. There is a material distinction between a
tax and debt. Debts are due to the Government in Medicard vs. CIR
its corporate capacity, while taxes are due to the G.R. No. 222743 April 5, 2017
Government in its sovereign capacity.
Letter of Authority vs. Letter Notice
(1) an LOA addressed to a revenue officer is
People vs. Kintanar specifically required under the NIRC
CTA Crim. Case No. 006 before an examination of a taxpayer may
be had; while an LN is not found in the
Willful Blindness Doctrine NIRC and is only for the purpose of
An act or omission is “willfully” done if done notifying the taxpayer that a discrepancy
voluntarily and intentionally and with specific is found based on the BIR's RELIEF
intent to do something the law forbids, or with System.
specific intent to fail to do something the law (2) an LOA is valid only for 30 days from date
requires to be done; that is, with bad purpose to of issue while an LN has no such
either disobey or disregard the law. limitation.
(3) an LOA gives the revenue officer only a
Gloria’s sole reliance on her husband to file their period of 10 days from receipt of LOA to
ITRs is not a valid reason to justify her non-filing. conduct his examination of the taxpayer;
Being an experienced businesswoman, she ought whereas an LN does not contain such a
to know and be aware of her tax obligations in limitation.
connection with her business. Such neglect or
omission is tantamount to “deliberate ignorance” Simply put, LN is entirely different and serves a
or “conscious avoidance”. different purpose than an LOA.

Due process demands, as recognized under RMO

People vs. Santos No. 32-2005, that after an LN has serve its
CTA Crim. Case no. 012 purpose, the revenue officer should have properly
secured an LOA before proceeding with the
By virtue of trust, respect and confidence, she has further examination and assessment.
entrusted her professional, financial and tax
responsibilities to her manager since she was 12 Gross Receipts
years old. She participated and maintained her
intention to settle the case, and thus provided all As an HMO, MEDICARD primarily acts as an
the documents needed as well as payment of her intermediary between the purchaser of healthcare
taxes. The element of willfulness was not services (its members) and the healthcare
established and the CTA found her to be merely providers (the doctors, hospitals and clinics) for a
negligent. The CTA also noted the intention of Ms. fee. By enrolling membership with MEDICARD, its
Santos to settle the case, which negates any members will be able to avail of the pre-arranged
motive to commit fraud. medical services from its accredited healthcare
providers without the necessary protocol of
posting cash bonds or deposits prior to being
CIR vs. Hantex Trading attended to or admitted to hospitals or clinics,
G.R. No. 136975. March 31, 2005 especially during emergencies, at any given time.
Apart from this, MEDICARD may also directly
Best Evidence Obtainable provide medical, hospital and laboratory services,
The best evidence envisaged in Sec. 6, NIRC which depends upon its member's choice.
includes the corporate and accounting records of
the taxpayer who is the subject of the assessment Thus, in the course of its business as such,
process, the accounting records of other taxpayers MEDICARD members can either avail of medical
engaged in the same line of business, including services from MEDICARD's accredited healthcare
their gross profit and net profit sales. providers, or directly from MEDICARD.

The best evidence obtainable may consist of In the former, MEDICARD members obviously
hearsay evidence, such as the testimony of third knew that beyond the agreement to pre-arrange
parties or accounts or other records of other the healthcare needs of its ·members, MEDICARD
taxpayers similarly circumstanced as the taxpayer would not actually be providing the actual
subject of the investigation, which might be healthcare service. Thus, based on industry
inadmissible in a regular proceeding in the regular practice, MEDICARD informs its would-be
courts. The general rule is that administrative member beforehand that 80% of the amount
agencies such as the BIR are not bound by the would be earmarked for medical utilization and
technical rules of evidence. only the remaining 20% comprises its service fee.
The 80% is exempt from VAT, while the 20% appraisers both from the public and private
service fee is taxable at 12%. sectors.

In the latter case, MEDICARD's sale of its services

is entirely exempt from VAT under Section 109(G).
Soriano vs. Secretary
G.R. No. 184450, January 24, 2017
Oceanic vs CIR
G.R. No. 148380, The policy of full taxable year treatment,
especially of the personal and additional
A demand letter for payment of delinquent taxes exemptions, is clear under Section 35 of R.A. 8424.
may be considered a decision on a disputed or
protested assessment. The determination on It does not allow the prorating of the personal and
whether or not a demand letter is final is additional exemptions, even in case a status-
conditioned upon the language used or the tenor changing event occurs during the taxable year.
of the letter being sent to the taxpayer. Rather, it allows the fullest benefit to the
individual taxpayer. This manner of reckoning the
The general rule is that the Commissioner of taxpayer's status for purposes of the personal and
Internal Revenue may delegate any power vested additional exemptions clearly demonstrates the
upon him by law to Division Chiefs or to officials of legislative intention; that is, for the state to give
higher rank. He cannot, however, delegate the four the taxpayer the maximum exemptions that can be
powers granted to him under Sec. 7, NIRC: availed, notwithstanding the fact that the latter's
actual status would qualify only for a lower
(a) The power to recommend the exemption if prorating were employed.
promulgation of rules and regulations by
the Secretary of Finance; There is no legal basis for the BIR to reintroduce
(b) The power to issue rulings of first the prorating of the new personal and additional
impression or to reverse, revoke or exemptions. It is unjust, as incomes do not remain
modify any existing ruling of the Bureau; the same from month to month, especially for the
(c) The power to compromise or abate under MWEs.
Section 204(A) and (B); and
(d) The power to assign or reassign internal
revenue officers to establishments where CIR vs. St. Luke’s
articles subject to excise tax are produced G.R. No. 203514, February 13, 2017
or kept.
Section 27(B) of the NIRC imposes a 10%
Thus, the authority to make tax assessments may preferential tax rate on the income of (1)
be delegated to subordinate officers. Said proprietary non-profit educational institutions
assessment has the same force and effect as that and (2) proprietary non-profit hospitals.
issued by the Commissioner himself, if not
reviewed or revised by the latter. The only qualifications for hospitals are that they
must be proprietary and non-profit. 'Proprietary'
means private. 'Non-profit' means no net income
CIR vs. Aquafresh or asset accrues to or benefits any member or
G.R. No. 170389, October 20, 2010 specific person, with all the net income or asset
devoted to the institution's purposes and all its
The Commissioner is authorized to divide the activities conducted not for profit.
Philippines into different zones or area and shall,
upon consultation with competent appraisers both An organization may be considered as non-profit if
from the private and public sectors, determine the it does not distribute any part of its income to
fair market value of real properties located in each stockholders or members. However, despite its
zone or area. For purposes of computing internal being a tax exempt institution, any income such
revenue tax, the value of the property shall be, institution earns from activities conducted for
whichever is higher of: profit is taxable.

(1) the fair market value as determined by Thus, even if the charitable institution must be
the Commissioner; or 'organized and operated exclusively' for charitable
purposes, it is nevertheless allowed to engage in
(2) the fair market value as shown in the 'activities conducted for profit' without losing its
schedule of values of the Provincial and tax exempt status for its not-for-profit activities.
City Assessors. The only consequence is that the 'income of
whatever kind and character' of a charitable
While the CIR has the authority to prescribe real institution 'from any of its activities conducted for
property values and divide the Philippines into profit, regardless of the disposition made of such
zones, the law is clear that the same has to be income, shall be subject to tax.'
done upon consultation with competent
Clearly, revenues from paying patients are income ADE for educational purposes the revenues or
received from 'activities conducted for profit, income sought to be exempted.
subject to income tax.
Non-Stock, Non-Profit Educational Institutions
vs. Proprietary Educational Institutions
G.R. No. 196596 November 9, 2016 While a non-stock, non-profit educational
institution is classified as a tax-exempt entity, a
Tax exemption granted to non-stock, non-profit proprietary educational institution is covered by
educational institutions Section 27, NIRC.

When a non-stock, non-profit educational Proprietary educational institutions which are

institution proves that it uses its revenues nonprofit shall pay a tax of 10% on their taxable
actually, directly, and exclusively for educational income, Provided, that if the gross income from
purposes, it shall be exempted from income tax, unrelated trade, business or other activity exceeds
VAT, and LBT. On the other hand, when it also fifty percent (50%) of the total gross income
shows that it uses its assets in the form of real derived by such educational institutions, the
property for educational purposes, it shall be regular corporate income tax of 30% shall be
exempted from RPT. imposed on the entire taxable income.
(Predominance Test)
To be clear, proving the actual use of the taxable
item will result in an exemption, but the specific By the Tax Code's clear terms, a proprietary
tax from which the entity shall be exempted shall educational institution is entitled only to the
depend on whether the item is an item of revenue reduced rate of 10% corporate income tax. The
or asset. reduced rate is applicable only if:
(1) the proprietary educational institution is
To illustrate, if a university leases a portion of its nonprofit and
school building to a bookstore or cafeteria, the (2) its gross income from unrelated trade,
leased portion is not ADE used for educational business or activity does not exceed 50%
purposes, even if the bookstore or canteen caters of its total gross income.
only to university students, faculty and staff. The
leased portion of the building may be subject to
real property tax. Letter of Authority, RMO No. 43-90

The test of exemption from taxation is the use of A Letter of Authority [LOA] should cover a taxable
the property for purposes mentioned in the period not exceeding one taxable year. The
Constitution. The exemption extends to practice of issuing LOA as covering audit of
facilities which are incidental to and unverified prior years is hereby prohibited. If the
reasonably necessary for the accomplishment audit of a taxpayer shall include more than one
of the main purposes. taxable period, the other periods or years shall be
specifically indicated in the LOA.
In concrete terms, the lease of a portion of a
school building for commercial purposes, removes What this provision clearly prohibits is the
such asset from the property tax exemption practice of issuing LOAs covering audit of
granted under the Constitution. There is no unverified prior years. RMO 43-90 does not say
exemption because the asset is not used ADE for that a LOA which contains unverified prior years
educational purposes. The commercial use of the is void. It merely prescribes that if the audit
property is also not incidental to and includes more than one taxable period, the other
reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of periods or years must be specified. The provision
the main purpose of a university, which is to read as a whole requires that if a taxpayer is
educate its students. audited for more than one taxable year, the BIR
must specify each taxable year or taxable period
However, if the university ADE uses for on separate LOAs.
educational purposes the revenues earned from
the lease of its school building, such revenues shall If the LOA does not strictly comply with RMO 43-
be exempt from taxes and duties. The tax 90 because it includes unverified prior years, it
exemption no longer hinges on the use of the asset does not mean that the entire LOA is void. Only the
from which the revenues were earned, but on the assessments for the unverified/unspecified are
actual, direct and exclusive use of the revenues for void.
educational purposes.

Parenthetically, income and revenues of non-

stock, non-profit educational institution not used
ADE for educational purposes are not exempt
from duties and taxes. To avail of the exemption,
the taxpayer must factually prove that it used

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