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N.3.A STC- 2012 DO NOT OPEN THIS TE: BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO T.B.C. ; P-OEBB-M-NIF ‘Test Booklet Series TEST BOOKLET MATHEMATICS Tims Aloned 1 Too Hours ond Tain Mine INSTRUCTIONS 1, IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and ‘Test Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR answer sheet. Any omission / discrepancy will render the answer sheet liable for rejection. 3. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside. DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet 4, This Test Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi and English. Each item comprises four responses (answers). You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet, In case you fvel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. 5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. Sce directions in the Answer Sheet. 6. All items carry equal marks. 7. Before you proceed to mark in the / sis wer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent 10 you with your ‘Admission Certificate, 8. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. 10. Penalty for wrong answers : THERE WiLL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKE! OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. (i) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third (0-33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty Gi) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question. (ni) Wa guestion is left blank, i no penalty for that question. (DONO OvEN Tins TEST BOOKLET UNTIL VOU ARE ASKED TODO SO wo yan @ es ge wow ar BY A CANDIDATE IN THE no answer is given by the candidate, there will be If the roots of a quadratic equation are m + nand m—n, then the quadratic equation will be @ x2+2mx +m mn +n? (b) x2 +2 mx + (m—nP = 0 (©) 2-2 mx + m= =0 @ <+2mx+m—-r=0 If a, Bare the roots of x? + px—q=0 and ;, 8 are the roots of x? ~ px + r= 0 then what is (B + 7) (B + 8) equal to ? (a) ptr (&) pta @ att @ p-4 Consider the following statement: 1. The sum of cubes of first 20 natural numbers is 44400. 2. The sum of squares of first 20 natural numbers is 2870. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (©) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Consider the following statements = 1, @M+ D7? +o=0 2. (@!%5 + 1)! = pl? for some prime number p where @ # 1 is a cubic root of unity. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (@) 1 only (b) 2 only (©) Both 1 and 2 (a) Neither 1 nor 2 What is the sum of first eight terms of 1 the series 1-5 +4 — St? 89 © 128 57, (&) 39a 85, © Tg (@)_ None of the above ‘The number of permutations that can be formed from all the letters of the word ‘BASEBALL’ is (a) 540 (b) 1260 (©) 3780 (@) 5040 ‘The relation “has the same father as’ over the set of children is : (a) only reflexive (b) only symmetric (c)_ only transitive (dan equivalence relation If the roots of the quadratic equation 3x? — 5x + p = 0 are real and unequal, then which one of the following is correct ? (@) p= 25/12 (b) p< 25/12 (©) p> 25/12 (a) ps 25/12 (Contd.) aft fief Rare aeren Boa m+n ae m—n 8, at ae fare weer sar er? (a) x? +2 mx + m?— mn +n? =0 (b) x? +2 mx + (m- nj? =0 (ce) x? -2 mx + m?- = 0 (4) x2+2 mx + mn? =0 a x2+px-q=0% Wap AU opt r=0 8 7,8 HT B+) Grd) Pak waar em 7 @) ptr () p+a (©) a+r @ p-4q Prrafafas sod ue feare aia 1. ver 20 eaquisy &owit a ar 44400 21 2. yer 20 saypiet & aif a ar 2870 #1 sufra wot Ho ata-aa wh 8/8 7 @ 1 (b) aa 2 © 1 a2 a7 a @ 71a &2 Preafafaa saat ae Pare Fife 1 @ +1 +a=0 2. (lS + 1) = ple feet sea eT p & fm vel oe] GH FAR eI aides wot H ata-m/a ahh 8/8 7 @) Fe 1 (b) Fea 2 (@ 1 ae 2 a A @ 7A 17 H2 tec DTH BTS FRY ©) 384 © ig @ veer FE aE We ‘BASEBALL * at aat 8 a7 awit aa wera a ven a 8 ? (a) 540 (b) 1260 (©) 3780 (@) 5040 wedi @ ape oe, were waa fot ah et ven’, wre? @ Fe eq (o) Baa waRra (c) Faq aa @) Ww aT wry aft Reus wire 3x2 - Sx + p= 0% ag areas wa sear &, aa Pratt Boga w wh 2? (a) p= 25/12 (b) p< 25/12 (©) p> 25/12 dd) ps 25/12 (Comtd.) 9. 10. uN 12, 13, The decimal representation of the number (1011), in binary system is @ 5 (b) 7 (©) 9 (d) 1 ‘The decimal number (57.375). when converted to binary number takes the form : (a) (111001.011), (b) (100111.110), (©) (110011.101), (a) (11011.011), If (log, x) (log, 2x) (log,, y) = log, x”, then what is y equal to? (a) 4.5 (b) 9 () 18 (@) 27 Let P = {1, 2, 3} and a relation on set P is given by the set R = {(1, 2), (1. 3) 2, D, C, 1), 2, 2), B, 3), 2, 3)}- Then Ris: (a) Reflexive, transitive but not symmetric (b) Symmetric, transitive but not reflexive (©) Symmetric, reflexive but not transitive (@)_ None of the above rhe value of the sum 55 ((* +i") where i=v-l is: = @i () =i ©) 0 @ on FOR THE NEXT TWO (02) QUESTIONS. THAT FOLLOW : ‘The sum of first 10 terms and 20 terms of an ‘AP are 120 and 440 respectively. 14. What is its first term ? (a) 2 (be) 3 @ 4 @ 5 15. What is the common difference ? @ 1 (b) 2 © 3 @) 4 16. Ifa non-empty set A contains n elements, then its power set contains how many elements ? @) 2 (b) 2 (©) 2n @ n+ 17. Let A= {x € W. the set of whole numbers and x <3}, B= {x € N, the set of natural numbers and 2 < x <4} and C = {3,4}, then how many elements will (A U B)xC contain ? (@) 6 () & (©) 10 @ 12 (Contd.) . af% (log, x) (log, 2x) » ob, y= |. AFT . arr fe-sneré vais at der (1011), # Fae Prev yar 2 ? @ 5 (b) 7 © 9 @u |. eA AMT (57.375) q Fi fe-sETe He Ro acat ye waar eT a Bm ? (@)_(111001.011), (b) (100111.110), (©) (110011.101), (a) (111011.011), log, x?, wa y fear sTee (a) 4.5 (b) 9 (c) 18 (4) 27 P= (1,2,3) @ aqeay Pe weary, FSS R= (1,2), (1,3) 2 Ds GD, 2. 2), G, 3), @, 3} Te Fear wa ei a R wm am ? (a) Sara, dare feeq aati ae (o) wHfta, dame fq gre et (© wo, age Arg dae ah @ sear 2 ae ar B > +i") aera, wei i=v-1, co an B? (a) i ©) © 0 (@d) srt at aa A (02) wet B fat Rett qarae aot F vee 10 yal ek 20 ver a att wa, 14, ae 120 war 440 21 eaaT we We aT BP (@) 2 () 3 ©) 4 qd) 5 wat a? @) (b) © @ Roepe aft after ayer A Hon saua #, a wee ue eyes Fee saa 2B 7 (a) 7 (b) 2" (c) 2n @ n+1 LonTT aa A= {x © W, wae yet aT aqrar wm x <3}, B= {x eN, aayufay #1 Sara wat 2 z O | @ x af fet ants aA ge va S vets wand Saar TR r Boao Pear wa, @ 8 a aha & ar (b) 3r 3% WaT (©) Rec @n @ © 2 aha a wr Fach sre a aA: (a) wafer arege Hm & (b) foe WAP aTeyE at e (©) Reef siege Aare @ sedea 3 ate adh a 23. 24, 2s. 26. 34 ag A=|5 6 | ar B 78 freafataa # aa-a we ad 2 7? (a) A # aor B? (b+) A # wedsT Be ©) Aw af Be @) safaa Fa re (a) -5 (b) 0 © @ 10 a ore AB aH oe A Presa # aa ww wh 2? (@) Aa wag & wo far A aay, saa Bau areye & aeae Ba & anf, (b) A TEs sey # aaae AAT A aC, ar B Ypa sree Breer Aa arity (©) we wee a mat A TET HER @ saa Bye areyg BF @) sagaa Foe eT «22 ann 04 1-11 we 8, a @ a=-5 () a=5 © a= @ a= appr sree (Contd) 27. 28. 29, 30. 31 The value of the determinant x? 1 yPaz? 21 ax? y 24x?) is 2 1 x+y?) (a) 0 (b) P+ yr (@) tty +21 (4) None of the above ‘A square matrix [a,,] such that a, = 0 for i+ j and a, = k where k is a constant for i=/ is called (a) diagonal matrix, but not scalar matrix {b) scalar matrix (©) unit matrix (d) None of the above What is the value of sin 15° ? (a) (b) (©) (d) If 4 sin? @ = 1, where 0 < @ < 2x, how many values does 0 take ? f@) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) None of the above What is the value of sin 18° cos 36° equal 10? (a) 4 (b) 2 © 1 @ V4 What is snl sin (3) +sin7 (3)] equal 5 to? fa) 0 (b) 172 1 @) 2 If seca where 270° < a < 360°, then what is sin « equal to ? (a) 5/13 Consider the foliowing statements : 1, The value of cos 46° — sin 46° is positive. 2. The value of cos 44°— sin 44° is negative. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (a) Neither 1 nor 2 . The line making an angle (-120°) with x-axis is situated in the (a) first quadrant (b) second quadrant (©) third quadrant (@)_ fourth quadrant (Contd. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 vag arte fy? 1 22 +x? 21 x+y? ra FT a? f@) 0 (b) P+ yt? (@) ery t241 @) seat F are et arg af siege [a,] oF ware PR a, = 0, ij # faq car a, k, i= j # Re set k Ww sax 2, aa wear & ? (a) fash sreyg Pig aftr sree el (&) after areays () wre seg @) ores 9 are aah sin 15° #1 art aur B ? (a) (b) ©) qd) af? 4 sin? @ = 1, Wel 0< 6 <2n, oF O Rs art aat 8? @ 1 (b) 2 ©) 4 @) sua Yo me ae sin 18° cos 36° #1 at fra aeae & ? (@) 4 (b) 2 () 1 (@) 1/4 eo fon )oe J] ae a? (a) 0 (b) 1/2 @ 1 (d) 2 L ~ . ae seoa= 12 wet 270° < a < 360°, sina feat aerax 3 ? (a) 5/13 (b) 12/13 (c) -12/13 (d) -13/12 |. tan(-585°) Pra aera B 7 @ 1 (b) -1 (©) -V2 @) -3 Preafifer weriY oe fare aaa 1. cos 46° — sin 46° BT ATT ATER 21 2. cos 44°— sin 44° 1 HTT BUTCH Bt safer wert H Aa-w/a we 8/2 ? @) Fa 1 (b) Fam 2 © 1am. 8 @7a%147 82 xe B (120°) eT ST ATA aT Tear fra ugafr Y safer @ 7 (a) waa agate (b) Rea agate (©) gta agate (@ sgt aga (Contd.) 37. 38. 39. 40. The angle subtended at the centre of a circle of radius 3 cm by an arc of length Lemis: 30" @ = 60° OT (c) 60° (d) None of the above 1 2 If sinA=—7 and cosB=—— where vs vio A and B are acute angles, then what is A +B equal to ? (a) 135° (b) 90° (c) 75° (a) 60° ‘The top of a hill observed from the top and bottom of a building of height h is at angles of elevation a and B respectively. The height of the hill is : hot B ©) Cotp—cota heota_ ©) Cota —cotf htane © ‘ana —tanp (d) None of the above From the top of a lighthouse 70 m high with its base at sea level, the angle of depression of a boat is 15°. The distance of the boat from the foot of the lighthouse is: @ (b) © (@ 70(2- V3)m 70(2+V3)m. 70(3-V3)m 703+ V3)m 41. 42. 43. 44, 45. The locus of a point equidistant from three collinear points is : (@) a straight line (b) a pair of points (©) a point (@) the null set ‘The equation to the locus of a point which is always equidistant from the points 1, 0) and (0, -2) is (a) 2x +4y+3=0 (b) 4x +2y+3=0 (©) 2x+4y-3=0 (@) 4x +2y-3=0 The points (3, 1). (1, -1) and (11, 4) are : (@) collinear (b) vertices of right angled triangle (©) vertices of equilateral triangle (@)_ vertices of an isosceles triangle What is the perpendicular distance between the parallel lines 3x + 4y = 9 and 9x + 12y + 28-02 (@)_ 7/3 units (b) 8/3 units (©) 10/3 units (@_ 11/3 units Let p, a, 1, s be the distances from origin of the points (2. 6), (3, 4), (4, 5) and (-2, 5) respectively. Which one of the following is a whole number ? @ Pp (>) 4 © r @) s (Contd.) 38. 39. 40. 30° @ > by © o (c) 60° @) siar F are ae af sna=e war cone, et Age Bam % we A+B frat ayat & 7 (a) 135° (b) 90° () 75° (d) 60° fret sed ar fire, h Sard anh ow area # ohh ote at Bo aM: ge am a car pve Siem aot Bi ae eR a sud am 2 ? heotp cot B—cota heot a cota —cotB (a) ) hang © jana-tanB @) srfaa ¥ are ae Tomer Sarg wa Reh oH ve Wr a, avaa a game? (@) 70(2-¥3)m (&) 70(2+V3)m © 703-V3)m @) 703+ V3)m al. 42. 43. 45. ai ater Pegs @ anger Pet Reg aT faqra qa 2 ? (a) wet tar ) fy ge © fry (a) Reet ayer eft eg ar ge Regue er atta, ot fargsit (1, 0) 4 (0, -2) & when oH a we we? (a) 2x+4y+3=0 (b) 4x +2y+3=0 (©) 2x+4y-3=0 (@) 4x +2y-3=0 fy (5, 1), (,-1) war (11, 4) Far? (a) ata (&) wat Py Sve (© wag Py a at @) wattage Pry Fah wrest tert 3x + dy = 9 ow Ox + 12y+28=08 ae A are gh aT a? @ () 73 ware 8/3 THe (©) 10/3 were @ 113 wre AIA ATA p,q, r,s, Pgs (2, 6), (3, 4), (4, 5) He 2, 5) F Aafarg a HAT. qftat @ 1 Preafaftrr a-ar ww, setae gis 8? @ Pp @) 4 ©r @s (Contd.) 46. From the point (4, 3) a perpendicular is dropped on the x-axis as well as on the y-axis. If the lengths of perpendiculars are p, q respectively, then which one of the following is correct ? (a) p=aq (&) 3p =4q (©) 4p =3q @ pra=5 ‘What is the value of 2 if the straight line (2x + By + 4) + A(6x — y + 12) = 0 is parallel to y-axis ? @) 3 (bo) -6 © 4 @ 3 ‘The line y = 0 divides the line joining the points (3, -5) and (~4, 7) in the ratio (a) 3:4 (b) 4:5 (©) 5:7 @ 7:9 The sum of the focal distances of a point 2 2 on the ellipse ot 47. 48. 49. is: (a) 4 units (b) 6 units (c) 8 units @ The eccentricity e of an ellipse satisfies the condition : (a) e<0 (b) O1 10 units 50. e=1 51 52. 53. 34, 55. ‘The equation of a straight line which makes an angle 45° with the x-axis with y-intercept 101 units is : (a) 10x + 10ly = 1 (b) 10Ix +y=1 () x+y-101=0 (@) x-y+101=0 If the points (2, 4), (2, 6) and (2+ V3,k) are the vertices of an equilateral triangle, then what is the value of k ? (@ 6 () 5 (©) -3 @ 1 If the distance between the points (7, 1, -3) and (4. 5, 4) is 13 units, then what is one of the values of & ? (a) 20 (o) 10 © 9 @ 8 Ifa line OP of iength r (where ‘O° is the origin) makes an angle a with x-axis and lies in the xz-plane. then what are the coordinates of P ? (a) (cos a, 0. r sin ce) (&) (0, 0, sin a) (©) (cos a, 0, 0) @) (, 0, r eos «) What is the distance of the point (1, 2, 0) from yz-plane is : (a) (b) 2 units (©) 3 units (@) 4 units 1 unit (Contd.) 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. frg (4,3) @ x srt may 21 (d@) fe (x + 3y +4) + Ax —y + 12)=0 yw F sara @, WA A FT @? @ 3 Yar_y = 0, frgst G,-5) BE (4,7) at, adh tar # fee aaa F Penta wedt ® 7? (a) 3 @) 4 © 5 @ 7 hig yea ae eh feg at afta @ftat ar an aa @ 7 (@) 4g (b) 6 re (©) 8 re @) 10 =e fit aga at otra c fra wh A age waft & 7 (a) e<0 (b) O1 + e=1 51. 52. 53. 54. Ta ta aH whee wr 2 x-siet 8 45° ar ror aril Bo qar eaHT y-#aas 101 ware B ? (a) 10x + 10ly =1 (b) 10Ix+y=1 (©) x+y-101=0 (d) x—-y+101=0 ft fiz (2, 4), 2, 6) TH (2+V3,k) rf arag Pras & vif ai, Ak Fr ATT ware? @ 6 (b) 5 © 3 @1 ‘ufe fargsit (7, 1, -3) WG, 5,4) * ate ® 013 wed a AH ar aS wr AM Far 2 ? (a) 20 (b) 10 (c) 9 @ 8 aft r ward at tar OP (wei ‘O" YA fret xe Aa a a A car xa ® fer @, PR Pate aT a? (a) (F cos a, 0, r sin a) (b) (0, 0, r sin a) (c) (F cos a, 0, 0) (a) (0, 0, r cos a) . REA, 2, 0) A year B var GAs? @) 1 wre (b) 2 sere (©) 3 ere (@ 4 wet (Contd) 56. 37. 58. 59, What are the direction cosines of a line 60. which is equally inclined to the positive directions of the axes ? What is the angle between the 61- x-2_y+l_z+2 a= and z @ 5 z ® 3 62. = © F (d)_None of the above What is the equation to the plane through (1, 2, 3) parallel to 3x + 4y ~ 52 = 0 (a) 3x +4y +5244 (b) 3x + 4y - 52414 63. (©) 3x+4y-S5z24+4 (@ 3x + 4y~ 52-4 What are the direction ratios of the line of intersection of the planes x = 32 + 4 and yi = » -32 @ » 3) () tan 13 ) (©) (3.2.1) @ (13,2) 14 What is the equation to the straight line passing through (a, b, c) and parallel to zeaxis ? What is li oe equal to 2 (@ 0 () 1/2 ©. @ -12 lim 2(1-cosx) What is iy 20=£08%) (a) 0 b) 12 © V4 @1 equal to ? Consider the following lim 1 = exists x05 2. lM) eX does not exist Which of the above is/are correct ? (@) 1 only (&) 2 only (©) Both 1 and 2 (4) Neither 1 nor 2 (Contd) 56. set AY aarera Rens Y ear srt tar # ferme wa F ? 57, (@) fra X arg vet 4 58. 3x + 4y —$2= 0% waa (1, 2,3) 4 apa a aa pr weer aT Be? (a) 3x +4y+5244=0 (b) 3x + 4y—5z+14=0 (©) 3x + 4y~5z2+4=0 (@) 3x + 4y-52-4=0 59, wat x= 3244 Wd y=22-3a oReOe Yer Rapryna gar 2 7 @ (1, 2,3) (b) (21,3) (c) (3, 2,1) @ (1,3,2) 60. 239 F TIAN TH (a, b,c) J UA ant at tar we whee ae 7 x-a_y-b_z-c @ (b) © @ 61. gp ASH! fact ee 8? (a) 0 (b) 1/2 (c) 1 (dy) - 1/2 lim 2(1-cosx) 62. x07 (@) 0 (b) 1/2 () 14 @1 fram aay 3 ? 63, freafafaa a Rare afd lim 1 1 lo Emr attare &1 1 2, lim) ex mr aftaes ard & x>0° safer # aaava ah 2/2 7 (a) aa 1 (b) Faq 2 © 1 ae 2 ae @7a17h2 Cond.) 65. 67. 68. 69, 1 such that 9¥ = _*, then dx what should be the value of m ? (a) 0 (b) 1 (©) 2 (a) None of the above Which one of the following is correct in 2 respect of the function f(x)=2— for x x #0 and f(0) = 0? (a) f(x) is discontinuous every where If x™ + ym (b) f(x) is continuous every where (©) fC) is continuous at x = 0 only 70. (@)_ f(x) is discontinuous at x = 0 only lim x x2 3204 ‘What is equal to ? (a) 0 (b) 1/4 © 12 @ 1 The radius of a circle is uniformly increasing at the rate of 3 cm/s, What is the rate of increase in area, when the radius is 10 em? @) () 1. 6m cm/s 107 cm/s n. (©) 30m cm/s (@) 607 ems Let f: RR be a function whose inverse x+5 is ~~. What is ff) equal to ? (@) 10x) = 3x +5 (b) f(x) = 3x - 5 (©) f(x) = 5x -3 (@)_ f(x) does not exist Consider the following statements : 1. If y = In(sec x + tan x), then 2. If y = In(cosec x ~ cot x), then Which of the above is/are correct ? (2) 1 only (b) 2 only (©) Both 1 and 2 (A) Neither 1 nor 2 If f(x) = 2", then what is the derivative of f(x) ? (@) 28% In 2 (b) (sin x)2"" > © (os x)28"! (@)_ None of the above The function f(x) = x? — 3x? + 6 is an increasing function for @ 02orx<0 @ allx . Consider the following statements : 1, If f(x) =x? and g(y) = y? then f= g. 2. Identity function is not always a bijection. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (©) Both 1 and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 (Contd.) 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. a x" + y™=1 ee vere fe YL x we ma aa art a aie” (a) 0 (b) 1 (ce) 2 (@) sudea 3 ae oat wart f(x)= : x #0 9 ft, ar Ix] f0) = 0, * at Preafafea % ata-a um, wet 27 (a) fx) verH ame ier B (>) f(x) stH oe eet e (©) fx) #44 x=0 We aaa ® Gd) fx) F439 x = 098 saa? my = wl art Pree acre 8? (@ 0 x (b) 1/4 © 12 @ 1 fr ga a Pou Gra ey a 3 cm/s axe 8 az wh 81 area FH gfe at Fr 2, wa fre 10cme@ ? (a) 6x cm/s (b) (©) 307 ems @ 60x ems aM APA £: RR ow aT @ aa stots 225 a) gx) Prat aerar 2? 3x +5 10m em?/s (c) f(x) = 5x -3 @) toy #1 afer ete 69. Preafafta weit ae Pra aA 1, af& y = In(see x + tan x), oa 2. wf y = In(cosec x — cot x), 74 wader 3 aaa ah 82 7 (a) aq 1 (b) Fae 2 (c) 1 se 2 at @ 7a 1,782 70, ae fix) = 25%, Te fx) FI se FT e? (a) 2% In 2 (b) (sin xy2si8 (©) (cos x28 @) sega 3 ae ae 71, Pree RR, FT OK) = acura sort 2? (a) O2 34a x <0 @ wh x 3x2 +6 OH 72, Prefefear set we fare aif 1, a fox) = x8 TAT gy) = f=. 2. Aer Set eA RAR sreereT a suas wert Haare WA B/E? (a) #44 1 (b) Fae 2 (©) 1 ae 2 a a @) 714 2 3 (Contd.) 23. 74. 75. 16. 71. Let A= {x € R| x > 0}. A function f:A— A is defined by f(x) = x”. Which one of the following is correct ? (a) The function does not have inverse (b) fis its own inverse (©) The function has an inverse but f is not its own inverse None of the above @) Ify = In(e™ + e™), then what is x = 0 equal to ? @) -1 ) 0 @ 1 (@) 2 What is the minimum value of | x | 7 (a) -1 () 0 © (d) 2 4 & at dx What is fa*e* dx equal to? aX e* @ ) +e Ina aeXte at e* © ines) (@)_ None of the above where ¢ is the constant of integration +e 1 What is J x|x|dx equal to ? 4 (a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 0 (d) -1 78. 79. 80. 81. x 1 What is f dx equal to? é 2 ® o> 2 © ® > z= © 5 a 2 @ | x2 What is f sin 2x In(cot x)dx. equal to ? 6 (a) 0 (b) xIn2 (c) —xin2 ain2 @ 2 What is the area of the portion of the curve y = sin x, lying between x = 0, 2n? y = 0 and x @) (b) 2 square units 1 square unit (©) 4 square units (@)_ 8 square units in What is [2% dx equal to ? 2 (ax? @ day), 2 (in xP +e ‘None of the above (b) (©) (@) where c is the constant of integration (Contd.) 73. 74. 75. 16. 77. wrt A A= (x © R[x 20}. UF FT f:A >A, f(x) =x? are ofenfie fear aa 81 Yo aaem ww, ait a? (a) we Fe ar afte ate fea a facie 2 worn ow afer @ fg fad ar wast et ® wader Fae ore (b) © ® a y=Inem +e, cr xno Z an ar wn 8? @ -1 () 0 ©1 @ 2 jx | eran aE oT BP @ = (b) 0 (c) 1 @ 2 faveac Prat aaa #7 aXe @ Tha ) a&ed+e +e © Trae) ** @ veer Fae TH uel co TaTETT wat & 1 Jxixidx Peak waar 2? 4 (a) 2 () 1 ©o @ -1 2B. 79. 80. 81 5 tan! x pdx wi HT eae aera % ? z * é @ ) a BIL ofA © 7 x @ F 2 Jsin2xin(cor xyax fra wea #7 @ 0 (b) mIn2 (ce) —xin2 min2 “27 (@) y=0 TH x=2n% ae fed aH (a) @ Bre ©) (nxfte @ sera H we set wei c WATE TTF (Contd.) 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. What is the area of the region bounded by the lines y = x, y= Oandx=4? (@)_ 4 square units (b) 8 square units (c) 12 square units @)_16 square units What is s( 1 cos? x (a) 2 cosec 2x +e (b) — 2 cot 2x +o (c) 2sec 2x +e (@ -2tan2x +e where ¢ is the constant of integration What is the degree of the differential dy _ of dy ay equation $5425] ~ ge tn 8? Jax equal to ? sin? x dx? @ 6 () 3 © 2 @1 Consider a differential equation of order m and degree n, Which one of the following pairs is not feasible ? (@ @G, 2) (b) (2, 3/2) © @, 4) @) (2, 2) ‘The differential equation representing the family of curves y = a sin(aAx + @) is : #y 42 ste oO a” #y 42 SY y=0 dx? @) (b) dy SYeay=0 a None of the above ©) @ 87. 88. 89. 90. dy The differential equation ygo+x=a where ‘a’ is any constant represents (a) A set of straight lines (b) A set of ellipses (©) A set of circles (d)_ None of the above the differential equation 2 ) (2) {* \ 5 =0, which one of the following is nor its solution ? @ y=x-! (b) 4y = ©) yx @ya-x-t What is the general solution of the differential equation x? dy + y? dx = 0? (@ xt+y=e (b) xy (©) o(& + y) = XY (a) None of the above where ¢ is the constant of integration What is the general of the differential equation e tan y dx + (1 — ¢*) sec?y dy = 0? solution (@ sin y = e(1-e) (b) cos y = e(1 =e’) (© cot y = (1 ~ e*) (d) None of the above where ¢ is the constant of integration (Contd.) 82, 83 ans aa a dara we 7? (a) 4af we (bo) sat ore () 12 af re (@) 16 3 (4 j B) equal to ? @ (b) ©) 23 (@) 12 1/4 1/6 (Contd.) 115. Preaferfert % eta-ar uw wel 2 7 (a) we wert frat me oh wftaeh fag ad @, afte aca weardt & (b) we eat rat ww vier fag A, write went weerdt & (©) Ww ver Prat a atest fg a, wren ye sant (d) we vem frat ate vite Reg ai, unifies ver weet & 116.10 qiact #, fra area at near 23 8, wast a after vet aT 2? (a) 10 (b) 7 © 5 @ 4 at at ara 2 (02) wey B fat um aa Fo we art te wd uw ao Fe 81 gat wa 8 ww ade Tee ww ee ie wate wae 8 ww ie ageom Pract anh @ 17. at #8 F war Gr A aA A afte we ? (@) 12 () © @ 13 1/4 213 118.68 8 aH Up ee ie F Pert A wiftraT wa 8 ? @ 12 (&) V3 (c) 2/3 (@) 3/4 ait at at B (02) wet BF RT aS oma A, Ht der 1 8 6 ae PaPed z, we ae Far mar 21 aT ABA A ote BT werd Preafefer 4 ng 2: A: yam om Ww aH dee B: fedta vam ox den 4 a ah 2 119. P(A U B) feat aera @ ? (a) V2 (b) 1/4 (© 23 (d) 1/6 120. P(A 9 B) frat acax @ 7? (@) 12 (b) 1/4 © 23 @ V6 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK wea art & fear SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK wea ard & fear y ( wa we onaat ae whleror gfe aay a 7 wer ae ae ae A ae } Arata, : P-OEBB-M-NIF atten gferr seer ~C_) aderot gferr safer wget 1. ater sree BS Gea are, sie ee ater gferer A agaTeT ora we A AH eee AE PRAT wT, weet AT BT FAT FS oteray weieT on TST aS tar #, ar a a vee gferar Bac sare 2. pear wart TH fe OMR Sax wae H, ofr eat Te, Ge tae ote ater gferer Mra Te A.B.Cat Da, ont & ud faa feet qe ar fadafy & wer ste gene Fer A fakery Spotter #181 Peet oftware A ae 7 Reeinfy At feat see ore freer we fear TTT 3. ee wher gfe se ore FR re eww A are sr agente rear @) wher gferer ye site ge a Pre 4 we vd oer 120 geri Ger) Req me BL get we Fes ote sin eH oa Br ach getin 8 are wee (See) Re me He Bw vege A GT A BA sw gece we oi aren wey Bi BE ave Ver a AH GH a afew weet ae BA ss Eee FT se FE A sr wate ay ae wei F Re Fae eR A ENE GIT Br 5. amet sah wh oegere som & RG me serra oe ah afer wT By Te sw FR me Per Bee 6. wh vers Fo atw waT Fr 7. wea eR RE ay shen ge SAT ger Be segee TTCes oT ot FCT TE FR, ara sar TaTTa Bare ARR oa wR sgere | fae voces FAH goo ae a wh aged A goewe Fw Fae oon whet Bees ee Fat TATE afters a atte Fi sree we mer Ten yew A oT a sTHAT Fy 9, wet wR Re caw whem yew Fo ait H ders FI 10. mat Sart fe ae: werdt H seteare wre faq me waa sett F faq awe feet are (eee wer & fe ae Aas See 1 seers ge wae wT Pe Re Me GH Ae TTT 3 fre ver bq Pra Pre me sit ay ea feng (033) SF ee Hey ITY Gi) aR AE oHteere GH S fire See Bat 8, A A Te Sa FHT TET, ga Ae me see Ha ww sere wet Set Bec oA ge ver & fq oadeergare # seh ee wT ave PRT aT Git) aR sHfeare gro WE we wa aH Re ore B, wei THfeare erat Se TE Pat oT &, toga wer & fie ae ave et Peer oe ( wa we oneal ae veer fener aad tT wer aE aa ae 7 Note : English version of the instructions is printed on the front cover of this Booklet.

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