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Decisions Manual

Decisions is a voting tool which helps you to vote resolutions, general meetings and other
official documents. This feature allows you to define the importance of the voters.

Who can use it: Host, Presenter

1. If you want to create a Decision directly in the room please choose “Decisions” from
the “+” menu on the left upper corner of the screen. | 2
Decisions Manual

2. To create a new Decision please click on “Create New Decision” or “Add New”.

3. To add new decision first type your question – Step 1. Then define the importance of
each vote – Step 2. When you have it all filled in just click on “Save Decision” – Step 3.

4. After clicking the “Save Decision” button you will see the list of your decisions. You can
either “Start” it or click on the “Actions” button to Edit, Duplicate, see Results or
Remove the Decision from the list. | 3
Decisions Manual

5. When clicking on the “Results” button you will see the scores of your Decision with the
percentage importance of each vote. | 4

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