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EXS 208 – Anatomy and Physiology II

Cardiovascular System Study Guide

General abilities:
1. Be able to answer all of the questions presented during lectures and class discussions.
2. Be able to label anatomy when provided with a diagram.

Chapter 1 – Homeostasis
Requirements for Life
1. List the functional characteristics necessary to maintain life in humans
2. List the survival needs of the body.

1. Define homeostasis and explain its significance.
2. Describe how negative and positive feedback maintain body homeostasis.
3. Describe the relationship between homeostatic imbalance and disease.

Chapter 18 – The Heart

Heart Anatomy
1. Describe the region of the thoracic cavity that is the heart found.
• Shape, location, orientation
2. Name the coverings of the heart.
• Be familiar with the labeling of the pericardial layers and layers of the heart wall
• Describe the structure and function of each of the three layers of the heart wall.

Chambers and Associated Great Vessels

1. Be able to describe the structure and functions of the four heart chambers.
2. Name each chamber and provide the name and general route of its associated great vessel.
• Be able to trace the pathway of blood to/from the pulmonary & systemic circuits.
o What type of blood is contained in the right atrium?
o Where does it receive blood from?
o What are the three veins to the right atrium?
o Where does it send blood?
o What type of blood is contained in the right ventricle?
o Where does it send blood?
o How does the wall of the right ventricle compare to the right ventricle?
o What type of blood is contained in the left atrium? Where does it receive
blood from? Where does it send blood?
3. Name the heart valves and describe their location, function, and mechanism of operation
• Compare and contrast anatomical differences between the AV vs. SL valves.
• What portion of the atrioventricular valves connect to papillary muscles?
• What connects the papillary muscles to the AV valve?
• How many cusps are on the left AV valve? How many on the right AV valve?
Coronary Circulation
1. Name the major branches of the coronary circulation.
• How many arteries supply the myocardium with the blood and oxygen it needs?
• What is the name of the main vein that drains into the right atrium?

Cardiac Muscle Fibers

1. Describe the structural and functional properties of cardiac muscle, and explain how it differs
from skeletal muscle.
• Means of stimulation
• Organ vs. motor unit contraction
• Length of absolute refractory period
2. Describe the sequence of events leading to the contraction of cardiac muscle.
• Action potential of contractile cardiac muscle cells

Heart Physiology
(Electrical Events)
1. Name the components of the conduction system of the heart, and trace the conduction
• Intrinsic cardiac conduction system and action potential succession during one
2. Draw a diagram of a normal EKG tracing and name the individual waves and intervals, and
indicate what each represents
• Be able to identify abnormalities detected on an EKG tracing.
3. Extrinsic innervations of the heart
• Modification of the heartbeat by the autonomic nervous system
• Compare and contrast the sympathetic vs. parasympathetic innervations of the heart.

(Heart Sounds)
1. Describe normal heart sounds and the sequence of valve closure based on the mechanism of
the cardiac cycle.

(Mechanical Events)
1. Describe the timing and events of the cardiac cycle.
• Ventricular filling
• Ventricular systole (distinct phases of isovolumetric contraction phase and ventricular
ejection phase)
• Isovolumetric relaxation

(Cardiac Output)
1. Name and explain the effects of various factors regulating CO.
• Name and explain the effects of various factors regulating SV and HR
o Preload, contractility, afterload
o Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic nervous system
Abnormalities observed in the CV system
• Murmurs
• Atherosclerosis
• Hypertension
• Myocardial infractions
• Tachycardia/bradycardia

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