Statistics: Critical Book Report Homogenity and Normality Test

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 Khairun Fadhilah (4173131019)
 Luxy Grebers Swend Sinaga (4173131021)
 Veronika Anastasya Simbolon (4172131025)
 Wenny Christin Simarmata (4172131026)



MEDAN, 2019

Praise and gratitude the authors convey to God Almighty for all his grace
the author can complete the Critical Book Report task entitled "Test for Normality
and Homogeneity". The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect.
Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions are needed in perfecting this
paper. Then if there are many errors in this paper, the authors apologize profusely.
The author also thanks all parties, especially to our Statistics lecturers who
have guided in writing this paper. Hopefully this paper can be useful.

Medan, September 2019


FOREWORD............................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................ii

CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINERY..........................................................................1

1.1 Background..........................................................................................1

1.2 Purpose................................................................................................1

1.3 Benefits................................................................................................1

CHAPTER 2 DISCUSSION.............................................................................2

2.1 Identity of Book...................................................................................2

2.2 Summary of Book................................................................................2

CHAPTER 3 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES.............................13

3.1 Advantages of Book..........................................................................13

3.2 Disadvantages of Book......................................................................13

CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION.........................................................................14

4.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................14



1.1 Background

Critical Book Report is the result of criticism or comparison about a topic of

material that is generally in lectures on different books. The writing of this Critical
Book is basically to compare the book with two books that will be used as a
reference source. Every book made by a particular writer must have advantages
and disadvantages of each.

The feasibility of a book can we know if we do a review of the book with a

comparison of other books. A book with more dominant advantages compared to
its drawbacks means that this book is appropriate to be used and used as a
bireference source for the general public.

1.2 Purpose
1. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of 2 Statistics books on "Test for
Normality and Homogeneity" by different authors
2. Analyzing the feasibility of the book as a reference for learning
3. Train yourself to think critically in finding information from both books
4. To fulfill the "Statistics" course

1.3 Benefits
1. Suggest to readers which books are best used by readers

2. Can take conclusions from the two books that have been reviewed

3. Can add knowledge about the Test for Normality and Homogeneity



2.1 Identity of Books

2.1.1 Identity of Book I

Title : Dasar- Dasar Statistika Penelitian

Authors : Nuryadi,S.Pd.Si.,M.Pd, Tutut Dewi

Astuti,SE,M.Si,Ak.,CA.,CTA, Endang Sri Utami, SE.,
M.Si.,Ak.,CA and M.Budiantara,SE.,M.Si.,Ak,CA

Publisher: Sibuku Media

Year : 2017

2.1.2 Identity of Book II

Title : Dasar- Dasar Statistika Penelitian

Authors : Nuryadi,S.Pd.Si.,M.Pd, Tutut Dewi

Astuti,SE,M.Si,Ak.,CA.,CTA, Endang Sri Utami, SE.,
M.Si.,Ak.,CA and M.Budiantara,SE.,M.Si.,Ak,CA

Publisher: Sibuku Media

Year : 2017

2.2 Summary of Books

2.2.1 Summary of Books I

Normality test is a procedure used to find out whether the data comes from
normally distributed or in populations normal distribution. Normal distribution is
symmetrical distribution with mode, mean and the median is centered.

The normal distribution is one of our most important distributions

will face. There are several reasons for this:

1. Many dependent variables, generally assumed to be normally distributed in the

population. That is, we often assume that if we get the entire observational
population, the resulting distribution will be very similar with normal distribution.

2. If we can assume that the variable is at least close to normally distributed, then
this technique allows us to make a number of conclusions (whether exact or
approximate) about the values of variables that.

3. Testing the normality of data is often included in a statistical analysis inferential

for one or more sample groups. Normality of data distribution it becomes an
assumption that becomes a condition for determining the type of statistics what is
used in the subsequent analysis.

Normality test is usually used to measure data on ordinal scale, intervals, or ratios.
If the analysis uses parametric methods, then the normality requirements must be
met ie the data comes from a normal distribution. If the data are not normally
distributed, or the number of samples is small and the type of data is nominal or
ordinal, the method used is non-statistical parametric.

1. Normality Test Using Liliefors Test

According to Sudjana (1996: 466), the data normality test was carried out with

using the Liliefors (Lo) test is carried out with the following steps.

Beginning with the determination of the significance level, which is at the

significance level of 5%

(0.05) with the proposed hypothesis are as follows:

H0: Samples come from populations that are normally distributed

H1: Samples do not come from populations that are normally distributed

With testing criteria:

If Lhitung <Ltable accept H0, and

If Lhitung> Ltable reject H0

2. Kolmogorov Smirnov Test

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov one sample test is a goodness-of-fit test. That is,

what is concerned is the degree of concordance between certain theoretical
distributions. This test determines whether the sor-score in the sample can
reasonably be ascribed to a population with that particular distributive.

So, the test includes calculating the cumulative frequency distribution that will
occur below the theoretical distribution, as well as comparing the frequency
distribution with the cumulative frequency distribution observed. The distribution
of the theory is a representation of what is expected under H0. This test applies a
point where the two distributions - the theoretical and the observed - have the
biggest differences. By looking at the sampling distribution, we can see whether a
large difference might occur by chance alone. This means that the sampling
distribution shows whether the observed large differences might occur ifthe
observations are really a random sample of the theoretical distribution.

B. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is a statistical test procedure intended to show that two or

more groups of sample data come from populations that have the same variance.
In regression analysis, the analysis requirement needed is that the regression
errors for each grouping are based the dependent variable has the same variance.
So it can be said that the test Homogeneity aims to find out whether or not several
groups of research data have the same variance. In other words, homogeneity
means that the data set that we examine has the same characteristics.

Homogeneity testing is also intended to provide confidence that a set of data

manipulated in a series of analyzes indeed comes from populations that are not
much different in diversity. For example, if we want to examine a problem such as
measuring student understanding for a sub material in a particular subject in a
school that is intended to be homogeneous it can mean that the data groups that
we sampled in the study have the same characteristics, for example from the same
grade level.

Homogeneity test calculations can be done in various ways and methods,

some of which are quite popular and are often used, among others: Harley,
Cochran, levene and Barlett tests.

2.2.2 Summary of Books II

1.Data Normality Test

Data normality test is carried out to find out whether the continuous data
obtained is normally distributed or not. If it is proven that the data is normally
distributed then parametric statistics such as validity, reliability, t-test, correlation
and regression tests can be continued. Conversely, if it is proven that the data
collected is not normally distributed, then parametric statistics cannot be used, but
instead uses nonparametric statistics.

To test the normality of the data can be done in several ways including: (1)
using a normal chance paper (2) Kurtosis coefficient (3) Chi-square test (4)
Liliefors Test and so on.

2. Homogeneity Test of data

To find out the level of dispersion of quantitative data or the level of

homogeneity of data in a group of data, it can be done by looking at the size of the
deviations that occur. The size of this deviation consists of a range of data, the
standard deviation (standard deviation) and the variance of the group of data that
has been collected.

Range is the simplest measurement of variation calculated by subtracting the

largest data from the smallest data. The smaller the range of data in a group, the
more homogeneous the data.

The distance between individual values and the average is called a deviation
where the total total deviation must be 0. The measure of the level of variation of
the group of data most widely used is the standard deviation (standard deviation).
If the standard deviation is squared it is called variance or in other words standard
deviation or standard deviation is the root of variance. The sample standard
deviation is symbolized by s and the variation is symbolized by s 2. The population
standard deviation is symbolized by σ and the variation is symbolized by σ2. The
smaller the standard deviation and variance, it can be concluded that the data
available are increasingly homogeneous.

Homogeneity Test One Sample group

If we have a sample of size n with data X 1, X2, X3, X4 ..., Xn and average = X then
s2 and can be calculated using the following formula:

Homogeneity test of two sample groups
Homogeneity testing of data variance of two or more sample groups is
performed by the F test with the formula:
Fhit:greatest variance
Smallest variance


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