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Carer's Allowance

Carer's Allowance

Description of Scheme

Information Leaflet:




Qualifying Conditions in Summary

Qualifying Conditions in Detail - CARER

- Carer must be aged 18 or over

- Carer must satisfy a means test

- Residency Requirements

- Carer must be caring for the person on a full-time basis

- Carer must not be employed or self-employed outside the home

- Carer or Person being Cared for must not be resident in an institution.

- Carer must be fit to Care

Qualifying Conditions in detail - Person being cared for

Prescribed Relatives Allowance

Contributions towards cost of Carer's Allowance


Absence from the State


Late Claims

Rates Structure

Extra Benefits

Over 66 allowance

Free Travel Pass

Free Schemes

Respite Payment

After Death Benefits

Other benefits available from a Health Board

Overlapping Provisions





Late Claims

Investigation of Claim




Payment Day


Duration of Payment


Lost/Stolen Book/Cheque action

Payments to an agent

Change of Post Office of payment or change of address

Absence from the State


Illness/Hospital stay

Certification of ongoing entitlement


Suspension/Revocation of payment


Homemakers Scheme

Back to Work Scheme

Back to Education Scheme


Description of Scheme

Carer's Allowance is a means-tested payment for people who live with and provide full-time care and
attention to:-
I. Persons who are over age 16 and who require full time care and attention, and
II. Persons who are under age 16 who require full time care and attention and in respect of whom a
domiciliary care allowance is being paid by a health board.

The Scheme was introduced on 1 November 1990.

Information Leaflet:

Carer's Allowance - SW 41


The main legislative provisions relating to Carer's Allowance are contained in Chapter 10 of Part III of the
Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act, 1993 as amended, (Sections 163 to 169) and in Part II of the Third
Schedule of that Act (as amended)


Chapters 6 and 7 of Part III of the Social Welfare (Consolidated Payments provisions) Regulations 1994
(S.I. 417/94) (as amended).


The scheme is administered by the

Social Welfare Services Office

Ballinalee Rd.,

Qualifying Conditions in Summary

Carer must:

 be aged 18 or over
 satisfy a means test
 be living with the person s/he is looking after, or be in a position to provide full time care and
attention to a person who is not living with him/her, and satisfy certain conditions;
 be caring for the person on a full-time basis
 not be employed or self-employed outside the home for more than 10 hours per week;
 not be living in a hospital, convalescent home or other similar institution
 be fit to care

Person being cared for (referred to in the legislation as the 'Relevant Person') must:

 be so incapacitated as to require full-time care and attention and be likely to require this full-time
care and attention for at least 12 months.
 if under age 16 must be a person in respect of whom a Domiciliary Care Allowance is paid by a
Health Board.

Qualifying Conditions in Detail - CARER

Carer must be aged 18 or over

There is no upper age limit.

Carer must satisfy a means test

Means for the purposes of Carer's allowance are calculated in accordance with Part II of the Third
Schedule to the Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 1993 ( as amended).

The Carer's means are any income the Carer or his / her spouse / partner have e.g. earnings, an
occupational pension or pensions / benefits from another country or an asset such property (except
family home) which could bring in money or provide the Carer with an income.

Where the carer receives a social welfare pension from another State, the whole sum received is taken
as means.

Special provision regarding means applicable to Carer's Allowance:

Assessment of Means of a Married / Co-habiting Carer

Where the income of a carer and his / her spouse is being assessed under the means test the first £250
of weekly income is disregarded i.e. is not taken into account.

In addition, where the income in question is earned as salary by the spouse or from self employment the
following are deducted:
 £2 a week in respect of each child maintained by the couple; and
 amounts paid in respect of PRSI, union dues, travel expenses, or into a company
Pension/Superannuation scheme.

Where the carer's spouse receives a pension which is a social welfare pension paid by another state, an
amount of that pension equal to the maximum rate of an Irish Contributory Old Age Pension is not taken
as means. (The £250 a week disregard referred to above is not applied to such a pension).

Assessment of Means of a Single/Separated Carer

The first £125 of weekly income enjoyed by a single carer is not assesssed under the means test.

Where the Carer is in receipt of a pension which is a Social Welfare pension paid by another State, the
£125 disregard can not be applied to such income.

See Chapter on "Means Assessment" for fuller details.

Residency Requirements

The Carer must live with the person being cared for. In certain limited circumstances this requirement
may be relaxed.

The following guidelines will apply when eligibility for Carer's Allowance is being considered for a non-
resident carer.

1. A carer must be providing full-time care and attention.

2. A carer's personal circumstances must be suitable to allow him / her to provide full time care and
3. All non-resident care situations will require investigation by a Social Welfare Inspector before
consideration by the Deciding Officer.
4. A direct system of communication must exist between the carers residence and that of the care
recipient. This may be a telephone or alarm type system.
5. The care recipient must not already be receiving full-time care and attention within his or her own
residence from another person.
6. Only one Carer's Allowance will be payable in respect of any one caring situation.

Carer must be caring for the person on a full-time basis

A Carer may continue to be regarded as providing full-time care and attention to a person while either
s/he or the person being cared for, is undergoing medical or other treatment, in a hospital or other
institution for a period not longer than 13 weeks.
A Carer may also continue to be regarded as providing full-time care and attention where the person
being cared for is attending a non-residential course of rehabilitation training, or a non-residential day
care centre approved by the Minister for Health.

A Carer may attend an educational or training course or participate in voluntary or community based
activity for 10 hours a week, provided they make adequate provision for the care of the pensioner in their

Carer must not be employed or self-employed outside the home

A Carer may engage in limited self-employment or outwork within the home provided the care recipient
continues to receive full-time care and attention. Income from this employment would be assessable as
means if the aggregrate of all income exceeds the disregard amounts of £125 for a single / separated
Carer or £250 for a married / co-habiting Carer.

A Carer may, with the prior permission of the Department, engage in employment outside the home for
up to 10 hours per week. The cared for person must be adequately cared for in the Carer's absence.
Income from this employment would be assessable as means if the aggregrate of all income exceeds the
disregard amounts of £125 for a single / separated Carer or £250 for a married / co-habiting Carer.

A carer may also work as a home-help for a Health Board for up to 10 hours week, provided s/he makes
adequate provision for care of the care recipient in their absence. Means from this employment would
generally not be assessable.

Carer or Person being Cared for must not be resident in an institution.

For the purposes of Carer's Allowance, the legislation defines institution as meaning " a hospital,
convalescent home or home for persons suffering from physical or mental disability or accommodation
ancillary thereto, and any other similar establishment providing residence, maintenance or care for
persons therein"

Carer must be fit to Care

Claimants for Carers Allowance who are in receipt of an illness-related payment at the time of making the
claim may be asked to submit medical evidence confirming that they are capable of providing full-time
care and attention.

Qualifying Conditions in detail - Person being cared for

 Person being cared for is aged under 16

A Domiciliary Care Allowance must be in payment by a Health Board in respect of this person.
 Person being cared for must be so invalided or disabled as to need full-time care and

A person is regarded as requiring full-time care and attention when

a. s/he is so disabled or invalided that s/he requires from another person

o Continual supervision in order to avoid danger to him / herself
o Continual supervision and frequent assistance throughout the day in connection with
his / her normal personal needs, for example help to walk and get about, eat or drink,
wash, bathe, dress etc.
b. s/he is so disabled or invalided as to be likely to require full-time care and attention for a period
of at least 12 months.

The degree of medical incapacity and the expected duration of the incapacity must be certified by a
medical doctor.

Prescribed Relatives Allowance

This allowance preceded the introduction of the Carer's Allowance scheme. It was payable in respect of a
relative (specified in legislation) of a social welfare pensioner, who was living with and providing full-time
care and attention to the pensioner.

Initially, the allowance was paid by way of an increase in the pension payment. In 1989 provision was
made for direct payment of the allowance to the relative providing the care. The allowance is payable at a
flat-rate and is not means tested.

Following the introduction of the Carer's Allowance in 1990, relatives of person in receipt of prescribed
relatives allowance, were invited to apply for Carer's allowance. Where they applied, and it was to their
financial advantage, arrangements were made to make payment of Carer's allowance direct to the
relative providing full-time care and attention to the person.

Prescribed relatives allowance continues to be paid to a small number of people. In a number of cases it
is paid by way of increase in the social welfare payment of a person, and in other cases it is paid directly
to the relative providing the full-time care. No new claims for this allowance have been accepted since
the introduction of Carer's allowance in 1990.

Contributions towards cost of Carer's Allowance

Social Welfare legislation makes provision for a person to be required to make a contribution towards to
the support of a Carer. In determining the amount which it could be reasonably expected a person to pay,
no account would be taken of income from any benefit or assistance payment being made by the
Department to the person.

This provision has not been operated by the Department since the introduction of Carer's allowance.


Absence from the State

A person is not entitled to Carer's Allowance while absent from the State. However Carers may take
holidays of up to 3 weeks in a year and receive payment. See Part 3 and Chapter on "Payments
Methods" for more detail.


Where the Carer or the cared for person is undergoing penal servitude, imprisonment or detention in
legal custody, the statutory "full time care" requirement is not satisfied during the detention period. Carers
Allowance is not payable in respect of this period.

Late Claims

A person is disqualified from payment of Carer's Allowance for any period before the date on which the
claim is made. However, the claim can be backdated for up to 6 months in circumstances where "good
cause" is shown for the delay in making the claim. The same procedure applies to claims for increases
for child dependants.

See also Chapter on "Claims and Late Claims" for more information on late claims and other
circumstances in which backdated payment of the allowance or increases for dependent children may be

Rates Structure

Payment is made up of a personal rate and increases for child dependants, where appropriate. The Child
Dependent Increase is half the normal child dependent rate payable, except where the Carer is caring for
children without the financial support of a spouse / partner - in such cases it is payable at the full
standard rate (See "Social Welfare Rates of Payment" SW 19 which is updated each year).

Child Dependent Increase is payable up to age 18, or up to end of academic year (June) of the year in
which the qualified child reaches age 22, if s/he is in full-time education by day at any university, college,
school or other prescribed educational establishment. See Chapter on "Dependants" for more detail on
child dependants.

Only one person can be paid a Carer's Allowance in respect of a person requiring full-time care and
attention. If, however, the Carer is giving full-time care and attention to more than one person, the rate of
Carer's Allowance is increased by 50% of the standard personal rate.

See table in rates of payment booklet SW 19.

Extra Benefits

Over 66 allowance

An additional allowance is payable when a Carer is aged 66 and over. This is paid automatically by the

Free Travel Pass

A person receiving Carer's Allowance will receive a Free Travel Pass in his / her own right.

For fuller details see Chapter on "Free Travel".

Free Telephone Rental Allowance

A Carer is entitled to a free Telephone Rental Allowance. For details see chapter on "Free Telephone

Free Schemes

In certain circumstances a Carer, aged 66 or over, may also qualify for:

 Free Electricity / Natural Gas / Bottled Gas Refill Allowance

 Free Television Licence
 Free Telephone Rental Allowance

For fuller detail see Chapter "Free Elec / Gas / TV".

Respite Payment
An annual grant payable on the first Thursday in June is paid to carers to cover the cost of respite care.
This grant is at a fixed amount for all carers, and does not vary with the weekly rate in payment.

After Death Benefits

Payment of Carer's allowance may continue for 6 weeks after the death of the pensioner being cared for.

See at Part 3 below and Chapter on "Payment Methods" for more detail on after death benefits.

Other benefits available from a Health Board

 Medical Card
 Rent or Mortgage Interest Subsidy
 Exceptional Needs Payments

Application should be made to the local Health Board. A means test and other qualifying conditions may

See chapter "SWA / Basic" on Supplementary Welfare Allowance.

Overlapping Provisions

Carer's Allowance is not payable concurrently with another payment from the Department ( other than
Child Benefit). See Chapter on "Overlapping Benefits".

If the Carer's spouse / partner is in receipt of a payment from the Department, which included an
increase in respect of him / her as a dependant, the increase on the spouse / partner's social welfare
payment is not payable from the date the Carer's Allowance is awarded.



There is an onus on a person under Social Welfare legislation to apply for a Carer's Allowance if s/he
considers that they satisfy the qualifying conditions.

The Carer's Allowance claim form, CR1, should be completed in full and signed by the Carer and the
person being cared for, in all cases. The claimant is required to give his / her full name, address, date of
birth, Personal Public Service Number (PPS No.) and details of means etc. Details of the person being
cared for as well as details of child dependants, for whom an increase is being claimed, should also be
given. Where either the Carer or the person(s) being cared for are unable to sign the claim form, their
mark must be witnessed.

If a claimant does not have an PPS Number, one will be allocated when the claim is received in the

On receipt of the claim, an acknowledgement is issued by the Department showing claim reference
number. This reference number should be quoted in any future contact with the Department regarding
Carer's Allowance.

Depending on financial circumstances, a person may claim Supplementary Welfare Allowance from a
Health Board, while awaiting a decision on entitlement to Carer's allowance.


The claimant is required under social welfare legislation to produce certificates, documents, information
and evidence as required, including birth certificate, marriage certificate (if applicable), means details i.e.
P60, current payslip, etc. in support of the claim.

The relevant documentation may be furnished after the claim has been made if it is not immediately

A medical certificate is incorporated into the claim form (CR 1). This must be completed and signed by a
doctor attending the person(s) being cared for.

Where immediately prior to the award of Carer's Allowance, the Carer was in receipt of any illness-
related payment, s/he may be required to provide medical evidence that s/he is capable of providing the
required care and attention. The Carer may be required in other cases also to furnish medical evidence
that s/he is capable of looking after the pensioner where any doubt arises.

A Deciding Officer may not be in a position to decide on entitlement until all requested documentation
has been received in the Department.


It is an offence for a person to knowingly make a false or misleading statement or to provide documents
or information which s/he knows to be false in some respect for the purpose of obtaining or establishing
entitlement to pension, or pension at a higher rate. A person found guilty of such an offence could be
liable to a fine of £1,000 or a term of imprisonment of up to 12 months or both. Any overpayment of
pension would also be repayable to the Department.

Late Claims

A person is disqualified from payment of Carer's Allowance for any period before the date on which the
claim is made. However, the claim can be backdated for up to 6 months where "good cause" is shown for
the delay in making the claim, provided the claimant can prove to the satisfaction of the Deciding Officer
or Appeals Officer that s/he satisfied the qualifying conditions for receipt of payment during that period
e.g. resided with the person, provided full-time care and attention and satisfied a means test. The same
procedure applies to claims for increases for child dependants.

Good cause may be shown to exist where wrong information received from the Department or ill health
prevented a person making a claim to Carer's Allowance at the correct time.

Further back-dating may also be possible in certain circumstances. Where a claim was made before
25/5/2000, such cases are dealt with on an extra statutory basis . On that date backdating provisions
for Carer's Allowance were brought under Social Welfare Legislation, and the question of back dating in
respect of claims made on or after 25/5/2000 is dealt with on a statutory basis. See Section 4.2 of the
separate guidelines on 'Claims and Late Claims'.

Failure to claim the Carer's allowance at the correct time may result in loss of payment of the allowance

See also Chapter on "Claims and Late Claims" for more information on late claims and other
circumstances in which backdated payment of the allowance or increases for dependent children may be
made. This Chapter also deals with the circumstances in which extra statutory payments may be made.

Investigation of Claim

When the claim to Carer's Allowance is received in the Department, it is registered as received on a
pensions computer system. A paper file containing the claim form and supporting documentation is
referred to a Deciding Officer for decision. The claim is decided on the basis of the details furnished on
the application form and supporting documentation supplied by the claimant, provided all relevant details
are available.

The medical form attached to the claim form is passed to the Department's Chief Medical Adviser. The
Adviser will advise the Deciding Officer on whether the care recipient is in need of full time care/attention,
(as defined by Social Welfare Legislation).

Where the details furnished are not to the satisfaction of the Deciding Officer e.g. full-time care and
attention, residence and / or means details are not clear, further enquiries are made, either by
correspondence with the claimant or by referring the file containing the claim form and supporting
documentation to a Social Welfare Inspector for the area where the claimant lives. A report on means is
completed by the Social Welfare Inspector, usually following an interview with the claimant. The file is
returned to a Deciding Officer who then makes a decision on entitlement, provided all the relevant details
are available.

See Chapter "SWI / Carer's Allowance" on Social Welfare Inspectors and Interviews.

Date of Award of Claim

Where the day on which a claim is received is a day in the week other than Thursday, the payment takes
effect from the next following Thursday. The same procedure applies where there is a change in the rate
of payment.


Claims are decided by Deciding Officers appointed by the Minister under Section 246 of the Social
Welfare (Consolidation) Act, 1993. They are independent in the exercise of their function in deciding on
entitlement to Carer's Allowance. See Chapter on "Decision Making".

A written notification of the decision is issued to the claimant. Where claims are disallowed or allowed at
a rate other than the maximum rate of payment, the claimant is given an explanation of the basis for the
decision, in writing, including details of the means assessment. Claimants are also advised of their right
of appeal against a Deciding Officer's decision.

Any decision of a Deciding Officer may be subsequently revised by a Deciding Officer in the light of new
information or evidence. This could arise where new information is made available as part of an appeal
by the claimant. In such circumstances, a Deciding Officer may revise a decision on entitlement, if it is to
the advantage of the claimant. There is also a right of appeal against a revised decision.

See Chapter on "Revised Decisions".


A person who is dissatisfied with the Deciding Officer's decision e.g. refused award of allowance or
awarded a reduced rate allowance, may appeal the decision.

The appeal should be made by writing to the

Chief Appeals Officer,

Social Welfare Appeals Office,
D'Olier House,
Dublin 2,

within 21 days of notification of the Deciding Officer's decision, stating the grounds of appeal. The
Appeals Officer can decide the matter summarily or may deal with the case by way of an oral hearing.

A statement is prepared on the facts relied on by the Deciding Officer in the making of a decision on
entitlement to Carer's Allowance and on the extent to which the facts and contentions advanced by the
appellant are admitted or disputed. This statement is put before the Chief Appeals Officer.

A person may be interviewed by a Social Welfare Inspector regarding any facts or evidence put forward
in support of an appeal, where the facts / evidence conflict with previous statements made by the


Payment Day

Payment may be made through a Post Office of the Carers choice, by means of a book of personal
payable orders, (PPO Book). Alternatively, a Carer may have the allowance paid by electronic fund
transfer (e.F.T.) into his/her account in a financial institution.

When paid by PPO Book Carer's Allowance is paid weekly in advance on a Thursday. When paid by EFT
Carer's Allowance is paid weekly in arrears on a Thursday.

See Chapter on "Payments Methods" for fuller details on procedures and time limits for the cashing of
payable orders. This Chapter also outlines the responsibilities attaching to the custody of payable orders
and payable order books.


Any arrears of payment due may be included in the normal method of payment or paid by cheque.

See Chapter on "Payments Methods".

Duration of Payment

Carer's Allowance and increases for child dependants are payable as long as all the qualifying conditions
are satisfied and the person is not disqualified from receipt of the Allowance e.g. ceases to provide full-
time care and attention, fails to satisfy a means test, or leaves the State.

If the person being cared for dies, Carer's Allowance continues to be payable for 6 weeks afterwards,
except where the Carer was a spouse / partner of the deceased pensioner - in such circumstances the
married rate of the pension in payment to the late spouse / partner, is paid to the Carer instead of the
Carer's allowance.

See Chapter on "Payments Methods" for full details of the circumstances in which payments after death
are made.

Carers who are no longer entitled to the Carer's Allowance and who are aged 55 or over may
immediately qualify for Pre Retirement Allowance.


Stop dates are inserted onto the Department's computerised payment system as appropriate, to ensure
that dependent child allowance is discontinued when the child ceases to be regarded as a dependant i.e.
at age 18, or if in full-time education, the date the child ceases full-time education or age 22, whichever is
the earliest (if a child reaches age 22 during the school year, dependant child allowance continues to be
payable to the end of the school year).

See Chapter on "Dependants" for more detail re child dependants.

Lost / Stolen Book / Cheque action

See Chapter on "Payments Methods" re action to be taken when a book of payable orders or one or a
number of orders or a cheque from the Department, is lost or stolen. The Department, the Gardaí and the
Post office of payment should be notified immediately of any such loss or theft.

Payments to an agent

A Carer who is unable to cash his / her payable order book may nominate another person to collect the
payment on his / her behalf.

See Chapter on "Payments Methods" for fuller details relating to appointment of an Agent.

Change of Post Office of payment or change of address

The Department should be notified as soon as possible by phone or in writing. See Chapter on
"Payments Methods" for more detail.

Absence from the State

Carer's allowance is not payable outside of the State. A Carer should notify the Department if leaving the
State and payment of the allowance will normally be suspended for the period of absence abroad.


Payment may be made in certain circumstances for periods during which a Carer is temporarily outside
of the State. Carer's Allowance may be paid for up to 3 weeks if the recipient is abroad on a respite
break. In such cases the payment book need not be returned to the Department but may be retained and
the payment orders cashed on return.

Carer's Allowance may also be paid where the carer accompanies the cared-for person abroad for
approved medical treatment for his / her existing incapacity. The Department must be notified in advance
of departure.

Illness / Hospital stay

A Carer may continue to be regarded as providing full-time care and attention to a pensioner while s/he
or the person being cared for is undergoing medical treatment in a hospital or other institution for a
period not longer than 13 weeks in a year.

Certification of ongoing entitlement

Social Welfare legislation puts an onus on the Carer to notify the Department of any changes in
circumstances - see below.

Any increase in means / income of the Carer or spouse / partner must be notified to the Department
within seven days.

When Carer's Allowance is awarded, the Carer is issued with a list of circumstances and events which
may affect entitlement to the allowance.

The following are some circumstances and events which may affect a persons entitlement to a Carer's
 Change in means.
 Change of address of Carer or person being cared for
 Change of Post Office.
 Death of person(s) being cared for
 The Carer or the person being cared for leaves the State.
 Person being cared for goes into hospital or institutional care
 Carer goes into hospital
 Carer no longer providing full-time care and attention .
 Carer returns to work.
 Carer's spouse / partner returns to work.
 Death of a child dependant.
 A child dependant no longer living with or being maintained by the Carer.
 A child dependant who reaches 18 years (or 22 years if in full-time education).

In addition persons in receipt of Carer's Allowance are advised on an ongoing basis of circumstances
which must be notified to the Department.

On the inside cover of the first page of the order book are "Instruction for cashing orders" In the last few
pages of the book is the list of circumstances and events about which the Department must be notified.

Failure to notify the Department of any of the above events may result in an overpayment of the Carer's
allowance which may be recoverable from the Carer by way of lump sum repayment or weekly
deductions. It may equally result in an underpayment of the Carer's allowance e.g. where means have
reduced. Effective date of payment of any underpayment of allowance would normally be decided by
reference to legislative and other provisions in relation to late claims - see at Part 2 above.

See Chapter on "Overpayment Recovery".


A review is initiated when the Carer notifies the Department of any changes in his / her circumstances or
in the circumstances of the person(s) being cared for. The review is carried out by way of a visit by a
Social Welfare Inspector, or by direct correspondence with the Carer. Periodic reviews are also initiated
by the Department to confirm that the Carer's allowance is correctly in payment and that the Carer
continues to fulfil the qualifying conditions for receipt of the allowance.

Suspension / Revocation of payment

Where initial enquiries with the Carer, including written communication, fail to establish the facts as
required payment of the Allowance may be suspended in whole or in part until the relevant information
has been provided by the Carer. The Carer is informed in writing of decision to suspend payment. Where
facts have been established, following a review of the qualifying conditions for payment of Carer's
Allowance, and where a Deciding Officer deems that the qualifying conditions are no longer satisfied, the
Carer will be so advised in writing.

The letter will outline the conditions for receipt of the Carer's Allowance currently in payment. The Carer
will be given 21 days to comment. If new evidence or fresh information is advanced by the Carer, the
Deciding Officer will re-examine the case. If, however, no new information is advanced or that advanced
is considered by the Deciding Officer to have no material bearing on the case, the Deciding Officer will
make a decision revising entitlement downwards or revoking the allowance entirely, as appropriate.
There will be a right of appeal against this decision, as referred to already in this Chapter. If an
overpayment of Carer's Allowance has occurred it may be recoverable by the Department.

See Chapter "Overpayment Recovery".

See also Chapters "Decision-Making" and "Revised Decisions" in relation to principles of Natural Justice
and Revised Decisions.


Credits are awarded to recipients of Carer's Allowance in the following circumstances:

 if the claimant was employed and paid PRSI contributions prior to receiving Carer's Allowance
s/he may be entitled to credits. If, however, there is a gap of two years in the claimant's
insurance record, credits are not valid until at least 26 PRSI contributions have been paid
 if the claimant was in receipt of Unemployment Assistance (provided s/he has at least one paid
Class A PRSI contribution) Unemployment Benefit or Disability Benefit immediately prior to
claiming Carer's Allowance.

See also Chapter on "Credits Award" for further details.

Back to Work Allowance

This scheme allowa a person to return to work and retain some of his/her Carer's Allowance payment.

If a person has been a Carer for at least 12 months and returns to work immediately after caring ceases,
s/he is eligible to transfer onto the Back to Work Allowance scheme. A person should apply for this
allowance immediately on:

 Death of a child dependant.

 A child dependant no longer living with or being maintained by the Carer.
 A child dependant who reaches 18 years (or 22 yeasrs if in full-time education).

In addition persons in receipt of Carer's Allowance are advised on an ongoing basis of circumstances
which must be notified to the Department.

On the inside cover of the first page of the order book are "Instruction for cashing orders". In the last few
pages of the book is the list of circumstances and events about which the Department should be notified.

Failure to notify the Department of any of the above events may result in an overpayment of the Carere's
allowance which may be recoverable from the Carer by way of lump sum repayment or weekly
deductions. It may equally result in an underpayment of the Carer's Allowance e.g. where means have
reduced. Effective date of payment of any underpayment oa allowance would normally be decided by
reference to legislative and other provisions in relation to late claims - see at Part 2 above.

See Chapter on "Overpayment Recovery"

Back to Education
This scheme allows a person to enter full time education and receive a payment equal
to full rate Carers Allowance. (Full rate Carers Allowance is paid even where the Carer
has received a partial rate allowance).

This Programme covers both second and third level approved courses. To qualify a
person must:

 be aged 21 or over.
 have been in receipt of Carers Allowance for at least a year.
 be attending a second or third level course at a recognised school or college.

It often happens that a caring situation ceases at a time of the year when no course of
education is due to start. Flexibility is applied in allowing the applicant time to arrange
acceptance onto a suitable course.

While on Back to Education Allowance a person can have other income without
affecting the payment, (e.g. work during the holiday period).
See Chapters on "Back to Education".

Homemakers Scheme

This scheme is of benefit to people who are providing full-time care and attention to a pensioner and
being paid Carer's Allowance. Persons who apply for Carer's Allowance and satisfy the qualifying
conditions as to full-time care and attention and residence but who have their claim disallowed because
of means are in excess of allowable limits, are also covered by the Homemakers scheme.

The years spent caring may be disregarded ( for the purpose of the yearly average contribution test)
when deciding on a person's entitlement to Old Age Contributory Pension at age 66. If a claim to Carer's
Allowance is disallowed, a claimant is advised that his / her details have been furnished to Homemakers
Section and that Section will contact him / her in connection with the scheme. Those in receipt of Carer's
Allowance have their PRSI record noted to the effect that they are engaged in caring duties on a full-time

See Chapter "Homemakers Scheme" for full details.

Date: 19/07/2001

Service Area: Carers

Scheme Name:

Publication Code: FOI - Carer's Allowance

Billable: no

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