KVA Calculation: Transformer Load Capacity

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Transformer load capacity:

1 MVA = 1000 KVA

Load capacity= KVA x PF

KVA calculation
For three phase KVA= (V*I*1.732)/1000
For single phase KVA= (V*I)/1000
MVA calculation-
For three phase MVA= (V*I*1.732)/100,000
For single phase MVA= (V*I)/1000,000
V = I × R = P / I = √(P × R) in volts V
P = V × I = R × I2 = V2 / R in watts W
P = work / time (W ⁄ t).
I = V / R = P / V = √(P / R) in amperes A
R = V / I = P / I2 = V2 / P in ohms Ω
Load Factor= Average load/Max demand
= (Average load x 24)/(Max demand x 24)
=units generated in T hours/ Maximum demand in T hours
Average Load
Daily average load= No of units(KWh) generated in a day/24 hours
Monthly average load
= No of units(KWh) generated in a month/number of hours in a month
Yearly average load= No of units(KWh) generated in a year/8760 hours
Demand Factor= Maximum demand/Connected load
Reactive Power Formulas:
Q = V I Sinθ
Reactive Power=√ (Apparent Power2– True power2)
VAR =√ (VA2 – P2)
kVAR = √ (kVA2 – kW2)
complex Power
S= VI*
Apparent Power Formulas:
Apparent Power = √ (True power2 + Reactive Power2)
kVA = √kW2 + kVAR2
Real Power formulas:
P=VI (In DC circuits)
P = VI Cosθ (in Single phase AC Circuits)
P = √3 VL IL Cosθ or (in Three Phase AC Circuits)
P = 3 VPh IPh Cosθ
P = √ (S2 – Q2)or
P =√ (VA2 – VAR2) or
Real or True power = √ (Apparent Power2– Reactive Power2) or
kW = √ (kVA2 – kVAR2)
E = P × t measured in watt-hours, or also in kWh
String efficiency
%age string efficiency
= Voltage across string/(n x voltage across disc nearest to conductor ) x 100
K= ratio of self-capacitance to shunt capacitance
K=shunt capacitance/self-capacitance
Sag in overhead lines:
When supports are at equal levels
Sag= w(L^2)/8T
w= weight per unit length of conductor
L= length of span
T= Tension in conductor
When supports are at unequal levels
Sag1 = w(x1)^2/2T
Sag2 = w(x2)^2/2T6
Safety factor
Safety factor of insulator= Puncture strength/Flash-over voltage
Calculate Electricity Bill
1unit = 1kWh.
So Total kWh = 1000 Watts x 24 Hrs x 30 Days = 720000 watts/hour.
1 unit = 1KWh
Total consumed units= 720000/1000 (kilo=1000)
Total units= 720

Cost of per unit is 12.

So total Cost or Electricity bill= 720 x 12 = 8640.

Per-unit impedance new

Per-unit Znew = per-unit Zgiven (base KVgiven/base KVnew)2 x (base KVAgiven/base KVAnew)

Transformer Turn ratio

Np/Ns = Vp/Vs = Is/Ip = a

EMF = turns x rate of change


ƒ = is the flux frequency in Hertz, = ω/2π

Ν = is the number of coil windings.

Φ = is the amount of flux in webers

Power in a Transformer
Power(primary) = Power(secondary) = VsIs Cosϴ = VpIp Cosϴ
Efficiency = output/input x 100 %
Percentage regulation
Percentage regulation = (|V2,No load|-|V2,Full load|)/|V2,Full load| X 100
Resistance of transmission line conductors
R= pl/A
p= Resistivity of conductor
l= length
A= cross sectional area
Inductance of a conductor due to internal flux
Lint = 1/2 x 10-7 H/m
Inductance of a conductor due to external flux
L12 = 2 x 10-7 ln D2/D1 H/m
Inductance of a single phase two wire line
L = 4 x 10-7 ln D/r’ H/m
GMR (geometric mean)
For two strand bundle
Dsb = ((Ds x d)2)1/4
Three strand bundle
Dsb = ((Ds x d x d)3)1/9
Four strand bundle
Dsb = ((Ds x d x d x d x 1.414d)4)1/16
Capacitance of a two wire line
Cn = (2x pi x k)/ln(D/r) F/m to neutral
Cab = (pi x k)/ln(D/r) F/m (line to line)
Capacitive reactance
Xc = 2.862/f x 109 ln D/r ohm.m to neutral
Xc= 1.779/f x 106 ln D/r ohm.mi to neutral
GMR (geometric mean)
For two strand bundle
Dscb = (rd)1/2
Three strand bundle
Dscb = (rd2)1/3
Four strand bundle
Dscb = 1.09(rd3)1/4
Unit conversions:
1 meter = 39370.08 mils
ft = 0.3048 meter
Inch (in)= 25.4000 Millimeter (mm)
Mile (mi)= 1.609344 Kilometer (km)
Energy, work and heat
Btu= 1.05435 kJ
Btu= 0.251996 kcal
Calories (cal)= 4.184 Joules (J)
ft-lbf = 1.355818 J
ft-lbf= 0.138255 kgf-m
hp-hr= 2.6845 MJ
KWH= 3.600 MJ
m-kgf= 9.80665 J
N-m= 1 J
Btu/hr= 0.292875 Watt (W)
ft-lbf/s= 1.355818 W
Horsepower (hp)= 745.6999 W
Fahrenheit= (°F-32) /1.8 Celsius
Celsius= °C+273.16 Kelvin

watt TO Btu/hr Multiply watt by 3.4129

watt TO Btu/min Multiply watt by 0.05688
watt TO ft-pound/min Multiply watt by 44.27
watt TO ft-pound/sec Multiply watt by 0.7378
watt TO hp Multiply watt by 1.34E-03
watt TO hp (metric) Multiply watt by 1.36E-03
watt-hr TO Btu Multiply watt-hr by 3.413
watt-hr TO ft-pound Multiply watt-hr by 2656
watt-hr TO hp-hr Multiply watt-hr by 1.34E-03
watt-hr TO kg-m Multiply watt-hr by 367.2
watt-hr TO kilowatt-hr Multiply watt-hr by 0.001

sq cm TO sq ft Multiply sq cm by 1.08E-03
sq cm TO sq in Multiply sq cm by 0.155
sq cm TO sq m Multiply sq cm by 0.0001
sq cm TO sq mile Multiply sq cm by 3.86E-11
sq cm TO sq mm Multiply sq cm by 100
sq cm TO sq yard Multiply sq cm by 1.20E-04
sq ft TO acre Multiply sq ft by 2.30E-05
sq ft TO sq cm Multiply sq ft by 929
sq ft TO sq in Multiply sq ft by 144
sq ft TO sq m Multiply sq ft by 0.0929
sq ft TO sq mile Multiply sq ft by 3.59E-08
sq ft TO sq mm Multiply sq ft by 9.29E+04
sq ft TO sq yard Multiply sq ft by 0.1111
sq in TO sq cm Multiply sq in by 6.452
sq in TO sq ft Multiply sq in by 6.94E-03
sq in TO sq mm Multiply sq in by 645.2
sq in TO sq yard Multiply sq in by 7.72E-04
sq km TO acre Multiply sq km by 247.1
sq km TO sq ft Multiply sq km by 1.08E+07
sq km TO sq in Multiply sq km by 1.55E+09
sq km TO sq m Multiply sq km by 1.00E+06
sq km TO sq mile Multiply sq km by 0.3861
sq km TO sq yard Multiply sq km by 1.20E+06
sq m TO acre Multiply sq m by 2.47E-04
sq m TO sq ft Multiply sq m by 10.76
sq m TO sq in Multiply sq m by 1550
sq m TO sq mile Multiply sq m by 3.86E-07
sq m TO sq mm Multiply sq m by 1.00E+06
sq m TO sq yard Multiply sq m by 1.196
sq mile TO acre Multiply sq mile by 640
sq mile TO sq ft Multiply sq mile by 2.79E+07
sq mile TO sq km Multiply sq mile by 2.59
sq mile TO sq m Multiply sq mile by 2.59E+06
sq mile TO sq yard Multiply sq mile by 3.10E+06
sq mm TO sq cm Multiply sq mm by 0.01
sq mm TO sq ft Multiply sq mm by 1.08E-05
sq mm TO sq in Multiply sq mm by 1.55E-03

radian TO degree Multiply radian by 57.29578

radian TO min Multiply radian by 3438
radian TO sec Multiply radian by 2.06E+05
radian/sec TO degree/sec Multiply radian/sec by 57.29578
radian/sec TO revolution/min Multiply radian/sec by 9.549
radian/sec TO revolution/sec Multiply radian/sec by 0.1592
Multiply radian/sec/sec
radian/sec/sec TO revolution/min/min 572.9578
Multiply radian/sec/sec
radian/sec/sec TO revolution/min/sec 9.549
Multiply radian/sec/sec
radian/sec/sec TO revolution/sec/sec 0.1592
revolution TO degree Multiply revolution by 360
revolution TO quadrants Multiply revolution by 4
revolution TO radian Multiply revolution by 6.283
Multiply revolution/min
revolution/min TO degree/sec 6
Multiply revolution/min
revolution/min TO radian/sec 0.1047
Multiply revolution/min
revolution/min TO revolution/sec 0.01667
revolution/min/min TO radian/sec/sec 1.75E-03
revolution/min/min by
revolution/min/min TO revolution/min/min 0.01667
revolution/min/min by
revolution/min/min TO revolution/sec/sec 2.78E-04
revolution/min/min by
Multiply revolution/sec
revolution/sec TO degree/sec 360
Multiply revolution/sec
revolution/sec TO radian/sec 6.283
Multiply revolution/sec
revolution/sec TO revolution/min 60
revolution/sec/sec TO radian/sec/sec 6.283
revolution/sec/sec by
revolution/sec/sec TO revolution/min/min 3600
revolution/sec/sec by
revolution/sec/sec TO revolution/min/sec 60
revolution/sec/sec by

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