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1 In which temperature the density of water is maximum ?
A 100 C 0

B 0C 0

C 4C 0

D 273 C 0

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Answer: Option [C]
2 Loudness of sound depends upon ________ of the sound wave.
A Frequency
B Wavelength
C Amplitude
D Pitch

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Answer: Option [C]
3 The reason behind decrease in the boiling point of water at higher altitudes is :
A high temperature
B low temperature
C high atmospheric pressure
D low atmospheric pressure

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Answer: Option [D]
4 The moment of inertia of a body does not depend upon it's :
A axis of rotation
B angular velocity
C form of mass
D position of ais of rotation

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Answer: Option [B]
5 Which method can be applied to determine purity of a metal ?
A Boyle's law
B Pascal's law
C Archimedes principle
D Newton's law

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Answer: Option [C]

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6 Which of the following is related to threshold frequency ?
A Photo current decreases with voltage
B Photo electric emission is not possible

C Photo current increases with voltage

D Photo current is constant

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Answer: Option [B]
7 The instrument used to study the laws of vibrating string is :
A Hydrometer
B Hygrometer
C Sonometer
D Electrometer

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Answer: Option [C]
8 Which device is used to measure the wavelength of X-rays ?
A Framing square
B Spectrometer
C Manometer
D SWR meter

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Answer: Option [B]
9 The hydraulic press depends upon :
A Coulomb's law
B Pascal's principle
C Boyle's law
D Bernouli's principle

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Answer: Option [B]
10 The Newton's first law is also referred to as :
A Law of inertia
B Law of friction
C Law of moments
D Law of motion

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Answer: Option [A]

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11 Which instrument is used to measure atomospheric humidity ?
A Tintometer
B Tacheometer
C Hygrometer
D Thermometer

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Answer: Option [C]

12 Ocean depth can be measured by :

A Fathometer
B Audiometer
C Actinometer
D Barkometer

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Answer: Option [A]
13 Which device is used to measure the intensity of light ?
A Load cell
B Lux meter
C Heliometer
D Inkometer

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Answer: Option [B]
14 Specific gravity of milk can be measured by :
A elaeometer
B dosimeter
C lactometer
D odometer

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Answer: Option [C]
15 A transformer works with :
A Direct current
B Alternating current
C Both AC & DC
D None of these

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Answer: Option [B]

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16 The unit of Planck's constant is :
C JS 2

D None of these

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Answer: Option [A]
17 The SI unit of electric charge is :
A ampere
B coulomb
C ohm

D kelvin
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Answer: Option [B]
18 Which instrument is used to convert heat into electrical energy ?
A Ammeter
B Hydrometer
C Thermoelectric generator
D Voltmeter

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Answer: Option [C]
19 The colours of stars depend on :
A distance
B temperature
C atmospheric pressure
D pollutants of air

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Answer: Option [B]
20 How stationary waves are formed ?
A A transverse wave superposing a longitudinal wave
B Two waves of the same speed superposing
C Two waves of same frequency travelling in the same direction
D Two waves of same frequency travelling in the opposite direction

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Answer: Option [D]

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21 In a filament type light bulb most of electric power consumed appears as :
A LED light
B Infra red rays
C Ultra violet rays
D Fluorescent light

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Answer: Option [B]
22 The purpose of using Diode is :
A amplification
B purification
C modulation
D demodulation

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Answer: Option [B]

23 What is the minimum escape velocity of rocket to be launched into space ?

A 4KM/Sec
B 8KM/Sec
C 11KM/Sec
D 13KM/Sec

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Answer: Option [C]
24 Who invented Electron Microscope ?
A Galileo
B Knoll and Ruska
C Robert Koch
D Leeuwenhook

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Answer: Option [B]
25 What is the wavelength of visible spectrum ?
A 1300A 0
- 3000A 0

B 3900A 0
- 7600A 0

C 7800A 0
- 8000A 0

D 8500A 0
- 9800A 0

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Answer: Option [B]

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26 Decibel unit is used to measure :
A speed of light
B intensity of heat
C intensity of sound
D radio wave frequency

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Answer: Option [C]
27 Which atmospheric layer helps in radio transmission ?
A Ozonosphere
B Ionosphere
C Stratosphere
D Mesosphere

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Answer: Option [B]
28 Kilowatt-hour(KWh) unit is used to measure :
A Power
B Energy
C Electric charge

D Electric current
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Answer: Option [B]
29 Golden view of sea shell is due to :
A Diffraction
B Reflection
C Refraction
D Polarization

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Answer: Option [D]
30 The 'Greenhouse effect' is mainly due to increase in atmospheric :
A Ozone
B Nitrogen
C Carbon dioxide
D Carbon monoxide

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Answer: Option [C]
Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure ?
A sphygmomanometer
B thermometer
C hygrometer
D barometer

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Answer: Option [A]
32 Which device is used to convert solar energy into electricity ?
A Danial cell
B Solar cell or photovoltatic cell
C Electrochemical cell
D Vectorscope

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Answer: Option [B]
33 According to special theory of relativity the mass of a particle :
A remains constant with increase in velocity
B increase with increase in velocity with respect to an observer
C decreases with increase in velocity
D decreases with decrease in velocity

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Answer: Option [B]
34 The field produced around a current carrying conductor is :

A electric field
B electro-magnetic field
C magnetic field
D electrostatic field

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Answer: Option [C]
35 Cause of rainbow formation is :
A refraction, reflection and dispersion
B refraction and dispersion
C refraction and scattering
D diffraction and reflection

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Answer: Option [A]

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36 The unit used to measure the distance between stars is :
A Galactic unit
B Light year
C Steller mile
D Cosmic kilometre

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Answer: Option [B]
37 Tesla is a standard unit of which of the following ?
A Magnetic flux density
B Magnetic induction
C Magnetic field
D Magnetic moment

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Answer: Option [A]
38 Which type of mirror is used in the head lights of vehicles ?
A Plain mirror
B Concave mirror
C Convex mirror
D Parabolic mirror

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Answer: Option [B]
39 Heavy water is used in nuclear reactor as :
A coolant
B moderator
C fuel
D atomic smasher

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Answer: Option [B]
40 Which metals are used in fuse wire :
A an alloy of tin and copper
B an alloy of tin and lead
C an alloy of tin and aluminium
D an alloy of nickel and chromium

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Answer: Option [B]

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41 Which device is used to convert sound energy into electrical energy ?
A Solar cell
B Gramophone
C Microphone
D Loudspeaker

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Answer: Option [C]
42 The device dynamo is used to convert :
A Electrical energy into mechanical energy
B Electrical energy into heat energy
C Mechanical energy into electrical energy
D None of these

View Answer Comment [C]

43 Ball pen functions on the principle of :
A Lenz's law
B Surface tension
C Doppler effect
D Gravitional force

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Answer: Option [B]
44 Because of _______ red light is used for signals ?
A High frequency
B High intensity
C Long wavelength
D High refraction

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Answer: Option [C]
45 Which of the following light rays is used for eliminating bacteria ?
A Alpha rays
B Infrared rays

C Ultra-violet radiation
D Microwave radiation

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Answer: Option [C]

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46 Which of the following principles is associated with Optical fibre ?
A Scattering
B Interference
C Total internal reflection
D Refraction

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Answer: Option [C]
47 Which type of coal produces the greatest energy ?
A Coal
B Anthracite
C Lignite
D Bituminous

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Answer: Option [B]
48 Ultra violet radiations of the Sun do not reach the earth because of the layer of :
A Ozone
B Carbon di-oxide
C Nitrogen
D Ammonia

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Answer: Option [A]
49 Which metal is used for the manufacturing of heating elements used in electric
iron ?
A Chromium
B Nichrome
C Lead
D Nickel

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Answer: Option [B]
50 Which device is used to measure the speed of wind ?
A Altimeter
B Anemometer
C Calorimeter
D Chronometer

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Answer: Option [B]

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51 What is found in frequency modulation ?
A fixed frequency
B fixed dimension
C change in dimension only
D change in frequency and dimension

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Answer: Option [A]
52 Colour of light is related to it's :
A Frequency
B Velocity
C Amplitude
D None of the above

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Answer: Option [A]
53 What principle / law explains the working of hydraulic brakes in automobiles ?
A Poiseuille’s principle
B Pascal’s law
C Bernoullis law
D archimede’s principle

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Answer: Option [B]
54 Which one of the following is used for sun glasses ?
A Crooks glass
B Pyrex glass
C Crystal glass
D None of the above

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Answer: Option [A]
55 Good conductor of electricity is
A kerosene
B paper
C dry air
D graphite

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Answer: Option [D]

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56 Longitudinal waves cannot travel through

A Liquid
B fixed dimension
C Vacuum
D Gas

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Answer: Option [C]
57 The fourth state of matter is known as
A Vapour
B Plasma
C Gas
D None of the above

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Answer: Option [B]
58 Which of the following parts of sunlight makes the solar cooker hot ?
A Infra Red
B Ultra violet
C Cosmic rays
D Red light

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Answer: Option [A]
59 ‘Cryogenics’ is a science dealing with
A growth of crystals
B high temperatures
C low temperatures
D None of the above

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Answer: Option [C]
60 Spectacles used for viewing 3D films have
A Polaroids
B Concave lens
C Convex lens
D Bifocal lens

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Answer: Option [A]

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61 The weakest of all fundamental forces is
A Nuclear force
B Magnetic force
C Electrostatic force
D Gravitational force

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Answer: Option [D]
62 1 Micron is equal to
A 10 -6

B 10 -8

C 10 -12

D 10 -14

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Answer: Option [A]
63 The unit of noise polution (level) is
A decimal
B decibel
C ppm
D None of the above

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Answer: Option [B]
64 The pitch of sound depends on its
A amplitude
B velocity
C frequency
D All of the above

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Answer: Option [C]
65 Solar energy is due to
A chemical reaction
B combustion reaction
C fission reaction
D fusion reaction

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Answer: Option [D]
A body absorbs heat most if it is
A black and smooth
B black and rough
C white and black
D white and rough

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Answer: Option [B]
67 The slope of a velocity-time graph represents
A distance
B acceleration

C speed
D All of the above

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Answer: Option [B]
68 A rear-view mirror for driving is
A convex
B concave
C inverted
D None of the above

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Answer: Option [A]
69 The audio signals of TV are
A unmodulated
B velocity modulated
C Amlitude modulated
D frequency modulated

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Answer: Option [D]
70 Red is used as an emergency or danger signal as
A it is scattered
B it has very high energy
C its wavelength is the longest
D None of the above

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Answer: Option [C]

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71 Which colour of light shows maximum deviation when passed through a prism ?
A Yellow
B Violet
C Green
D Red

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Answer: Option [B]
72 Pure water is poor conductor of electricity because it is
A a non-polar solvent
B a very good solvent
C not volatile
D feebly ionized

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Answer: Option [D]

73 The filament of electric bulb is made up of :

A Copper
B Lead
C Tungsten
D None of the above

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Answer: Option [C]
74 The device which transfer the signal from low resistance region to high resistance
A transistor
B capacitor
C inductor
D All of the above

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Answer: Option [A]
75 When a detergent is added to pure water, its surface tension
A increases
B decreases
C becomes infinite
D remains constant

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Answer: Option [B]

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76 ‘Therm’ is the unit of
A speed
B light
C power
D heat

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Answer: Option [D]
77 A pond water appears less deep due to
A polarisation
B refraction
C diffraction
D reflection

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Answer: Option [B]
78 Heat from the Sun reaches the Earth by
A radiation
B convection

C reflection
D conduction

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Answer: Option [A]
79 The mass of a star is two times the mass of the Sun. How it will come to an end
A White Dwarf
B Black hole
C Neutron Star
D None of the above

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Answer: Option [C]
80 A boat will submerge when it displaces water equal to its own
A weight
B surface area
C volume
D none of the above

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Answer: Option [A]

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81 Where are mesons found ?
A Cosmic rays
B Gamma rays
C X-ray
D Ultra violet

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Answer: Option [A]
82 Tungsten is used for the manufacture of the filament of an electric bulb, because
A It is economical
B It is malleable
C It is a good conductor
D It has a very high melting point

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Answer: Option [D]
83 The term ‘Isoneph’ indicates the lines of equal
A salinity
B pressure
C cloudiness
D none of the above

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Answer: Option [C]

84 The period of revolution of a geostationary satellite is

A 24 hours
B 24 days
C 365 days
D changing continuously

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Answer: Option [A]
85 The time period of a seconds pendulum is
A 1 second
B 2 seconds
C 3 seconds
D 4 seconds

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Answer: Option [B]

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86 Lens is made up of
A Ordinary glass
B Pyrex glass
C Cobalt glass
D Flint glass

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Answer: Option [D]
87 Among the following materials sound travels fastest in
A vacuum
B steel
C water
D air

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Answer: Option [B]
88 Kilowatt-hour is the unit of
A light
B energy
C force
D power

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Answer: Option [B]
89 The head mirror used by ENT doctors is
A convex
B concave
C plane

D plano-convex
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Answer: Option [B]
90 The word ‘insolation’ means
A insoluble matters
B matters which insulate
C incoming solar radiation
D none of the above

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Answer: Option [C]

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91 A NOT gate can be implemented by
A a single transistor
B a single resistor
C a single diode
D two diode

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Answer: Option [A]
92 The term reactor referred to in wastewater treatment is
A Clarifier
B Aeration tank
C Vassel
D Setting tank

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Answer: Option [B]
93 The earth is a
A non-absorber of heat
B good reflector of heat
C bad absorber and bad radiator of heat
D good absorber and good radiator of heat

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Answer: Option [C]
94 Which of the following radiations has the least wavelenght
A g-ray
B X-ray
C a-ray
D b-ray

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Answer: Option [A]

95 A light year is a unit of

A distance
B speed of light
C intensity of light
D none of the above

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Answer: Option [A]

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96 Persons suffering from myopia are advised to use
A plano-concave lens
B convex lens
C concave lens
D plano-convex lens

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Answer: Option [C]
97 The device used for locating submerged objects under sea is
A radar
B sonar
C laser
D all of the above

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Answer: Option [B]
98 A device which is used to limit the current in an electrical circuit is called a
A fuse
B grid
C conductor
D none of the above

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Answer: Option [A]
99 A transformer
A converts DC to AC
B converts AC voltage to DC voltage
C converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
D is used to decrease or increase AC voltage

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Answer: Option [D]
100 Eclipses occur due to which optical phenomena ?
A refraction
B diffraction
C reflection

D rectilinear propagation
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Answer: Option [C]

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101 The material used in the fabrication of a transistor is
A Silicon
B Silver
C Aluminium
D Copper

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Answer: Option [A]
102 For a person having hypermetropia, the near point is
A 25 cm
B 50 cm
C greater than 35 cm
D infinity

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Answer: Option [B]
103 Angle of friction and angle of repose are
A proportional to each other
B not equal to each other
C equal to each other
D none of the above

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Answer: Option [C]
104 Intensity of gravitational field of earth is maximum at
A Surface
B Poles
C Equator
D Centre of earth

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Answer: Option [B]
105 The sound production by a bat is
A subsonic
B audible
C infrasonic
D ultrasonic

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Answer: Option [D]

106 When a person sitting on a swing stands up the swing, the frequency of
A increases
B decreases
C becomes infinite
D does not change

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Answer: Option [A]
107 Forged documents are detected by
A beta rays
B infra-red rays
C ultraviolet rays
D gamma rays

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Answer: Option [C]
108 When light passes from air to glass its speed
A decreases
B increases and does not depend upon the density of glass
C speed increases and depends upon the density of the glass
D does not change

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Answer: Option [A]
109 A green leaf when seen in red light would appear to be
A white
B cyan
C magenta
D black

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Answer: Option [D]
110 The wave theory of light cannot explain the phenomenon of
A scattering
B polarisation
C reflection
D photoelectric effect

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Answer: Option [D]


The sky appears blue because of

A Mie scattering

B Back scattering

C Rayleigh scattering

D None of these

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Answer: Option [C]

A man standing at the top of a tower has two

spheres A and B. He drops sphere A
downwards and throws sphere B horizontally
at the same time. Which of the following is
A A will reach the ground first

B B will reach the ground first

C Question is incomplete as the mass is not given

D Question is incomplete as the mass is not given

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Answer: Option [C]


Radio-active elements can be traced out in

living cell through a technique called
A Auto radiography

B Chromatography

C Centrifugation

D All of the above

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Answer: Option [A]

Clear nights are colder than cloudy nights

because of
A Insolation

B Radiation

C Condensation

D Conduction

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Answer: Option [B]

Which of the following is used to split white

light to different colours?
A Prism

B Glass slab

C Convex lens

D Concave lens

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Answer: Option [A]


If the temperature of a place increases

suddenly, the relative humidity
A Increases

B Decreases

C Fluctuates

D Remains constant

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Answer: Option [B]


Which colour is the complementary colour of

A Red

B Orange

C Green

D Blue

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Answer: Option [D]

Sound cannot pass through

A Air

B Vacuum

C Steel

D Water

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Answer: Option [B]


In a photocell light energy is converted into

A Heat energy

B Potential energy

C Electric energy

D Chemical energy

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Answer: Option [C]

The process involved in making soap is

A Saponification

B Hydrolysis

C Condensation

D Polymerization

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Answer: Option [A]

The fuse in our domestic electric circuit melts

when there is a high rise in
A Inductance

B Current

C Capacitance

D Resistance

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Answer: Option [B]

The modulus of rigidity is the ratio of

A Volume stress to volume strain

B Longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain

C Tensile stress to tensile strain

D Shearing stress to sheering strain

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Answer: Option [D]

Which of the following is not a property of

heavy water?
A It produces corrosion

B Density of heavy water is higher than that of ordinary water

C Boiling point of heavy water is lower than that of ordinary water

D Freezing point of heavy water is higher than that of ordinary water

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Answer: Option [C]


The center of gravity sprinter during the race

A Ahead of his feet

B Behind his feet

C At the center of the body

D To the side of the body

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Answer: Option [A]

A spherical ball made up of steel when

dropped in mercury container will
A Sink in mercury

B Will dissolve in mercury

C Will be on the surface of mercury

D Will be partly immersed mercury

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Answer: Option [C]

The sounds having frequency of 20 hertz to

20000 hertz are known as
A Audible sound

B Ultrasonic

C Infrasonic

D Megasonic

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Answer: Option [A]

Pure water is bad conductor of electricity due

A Not volatile

B Feebly ionized

C A very good solvent

D A non-polar solvent

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Answer: Option [B]

A sphere rolls down on two inclined planes of

different angles but same height, it does so
A in the same time

B with the same speed

C in the same time with the same speed

D in the same time with the same kinetic energy

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Answer: Option [B]

Damp clothes are dried in spin dryers by the

action of
A central forces

B centripetal force

C centrifugal force

D non central forces

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Answer: Option [C]

Night photography and photography and

photography in mist and fog are possible
A Gamma radiation

B Microwave radiation

C Infrared radiation

D Ultra violet radiation

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Answer: Option [C]

Which one of the following is a conductor of

A Rubber

B Benzene

C Pure water

D Salt water

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Answer: Option [D]

Electrostatic precipitator is used to control

A air pollutants

B water pollutants

C chemical pollutants

D radio-active pollutants

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Answer: Option [A]

Flywheel is an important part of a steam

engine because it
A decreases the moment of inertia.

B accelerates the speed of a engine.

C gives strength to the engine.

D helps the engine in keeping the speed uniform.

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Answer: Option [D]


The motion of a wheels of a bullock cart

while moving on the road is an example of
A Translatory motion only

B Translatory and rotatory motion

C Oscillatory and rotatory motion

D Oscillatory and translatory motion

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Answer: Option [B]

Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of

A Density of the substance to the density of water

B Density of the substance to the density of water at 0 C


C Density of the substance to the density of water at 4 C


D Density of water at 4 C to the density of the substance


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Answer: Option [A]

A person standing on a railway platform

listens to the whistles of arriving and
departing trains. The whistle heard is
A the same of both respects

B of higher intensity when train arrives

C of higher pitch when train arrives

D of higher pitch when train departs

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Answer: Option [C]


An electron microscope gives higher

magnification than an optical microscope,
A it uses more powerful lances.

B the electrons have more energy than the light particles.

C the velocity of electron is smaller than that of visible light.

D the wavelength of electron is smaller as compared to the wavelength of visible


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Answer: Option [D]

What is the reason for twinkling of light?

A Atmospheric refraction

B Atmospheric reflection

C Total internal reflection

D Dispersion of light

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Answer: Option [A]

Which conservation principle is applicable in

the case of the motion of a rocket?
A Conservation of energy

B Conservation of momentum

C Conservation of charge

D Conservation of mass

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Answer: Option [B]

Speed of sound is unaffected by change in

A Pressure

B Volume

C Humidity

D Temperature

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Answer: Option [A]

Water boils at a lower temperature on the

hills because
A It is cold on the hills

B There is less oxygen

C There is less carbon dioxide in the hills

D There is a decrease of air pressure on the hills

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Answer: Option [D]

The radiation initially produced in fluorescent

tube is
A ultraviolet

B infrared

C x-rays

D microwaves

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Answer: Option [A]

It is dangerous to observe solar eclipse with

naked eyes because
A Cosmic rays reach eyes more during the eclipse

B Infrared radiation from the sun burn our retina

C Ultraviolet radiation of the sun burn our retina

D All radiation from the sun initiate in eye

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Answer: Option [C]

The temperature which has the same reading

on both Fahrenheit and Celsius is
A 40 0

B -40 0

C -34 0

D -140 0

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Answer: Option [B]

Water from soil enters a cricket ball should

be hit to travel maximum horizontal distance
A 15 horizontal

B 30 horizontal

C 45 horizontal

D 60 horizontal

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Answer: Option [C]

Fiber optics work on the principle of

A Optical rotation

B Scattering of light

C Total internal absorption

D Total internal reflection

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Answer: Option [D]


Energy of UV rays is greater than

A X-rays

B Gamma rays

C Infrared rays

D Cosmic rays

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Answer: Option [C]

A hydrogen balloons floats up because of

A air pressure decreases with decrease of height

B air pressure decreases with decrease in weight

C weight of the balloons is less than the weight of air displaced by it

D the pressure inside the balloons is more than the pressure outside it

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Answer: Option [C]

Which of the following lenses should be used

to correct the defect of astigmatism?
A Cylindrical lens

B Convex lens

C Concave lens

D Bifocal lens

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Answer: Option [A]

The sensation of weightlessness in a

spacecraft in an orbit is due to
A Absence of gravity outside

B Fact that spacecraft in the orbit has no energy

C Presence of gravity outside but not inside the spacecraft


D Acceleration in the orbit which is equal to the acceleration due to gravity outside

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Answer: Option [D]

A falling drop of rain water acquires the

spherical shape due to
A Viscosity

B Surface tension

C Gravitational force

D Atmospheric pressure

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Answer: Option [B]

Velocity of sound in air does not change with

the change of
A Moisture of air

B Temperature of air

C Pressure of air

D Wind in the direction of propagation of sound

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Answer: Option [C]

Which of the following wavelengths of light is

most effective in photosynthesis?
A Blue

B Yellow

C Green

D Orange

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Answer: Option [A]


‘Mirage’ is an example of
A Refraction of light only

B Total internal reflection of light only

C Refraction and total reflection of light

D Dispersion of light only

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Answer: Option [C]

The time period of pendulum when taken to

the moon would
A increases

B decreases

C become zero

D remain the same

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Answer: Option [A]

The function of ball bearings in a wheel is

A To increase friction

B Just for convenience

C To convert kinetic friction to rolling friction

D To convert kinetic friction from static friction

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Answer: Option [C]

Which of the following determines the

sharpness of the camera?
A The aperture

B The exposure time

C Size of the camera


D The focal length of the lens

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Answer: Option [A]

The velocity of sound in air

A Does not depend on temperature

B Increases with decreases in temperature

C Decrease with decrease of temperature

D Decreases with increase in temperature

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Answer: Option [C]

The device which converts sound energy to

electrical energy is
A Speaker

B Microphone

C Amplifier

D Transmitter

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Answer: Option [B]

After a long period of use, a grey spot

develops inside of a bulb. This is because
A Dust inside the bulb condenses on the top

B Glass undergoes a change due to the heat

C The heat of the bulb scorches the glass at the top

D The tungsten filament evaporates and collects there

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Answer: Option [A]


In radio communication, the signal emitted

by transmitting antenna are reflected on
A troposphere

B ionosphere

C ozonosphere

D stratosphere

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Answer: Option [B]

Which among the following waves is used for

communication by artificial satellites?
A A. M.

B Radio waves

C Micro waves

D Frequency of 10 series

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Answer: Option [C]

Coolis tube is used to produce

A X-ray

B Gama ray

C Micro waves

D Radio waves

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Answer: Option [A]

The substance which conducts current in the

solid state is
A Iodine

B Diamond

C Graphite

D Sodium chloride

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Answer: Option [C]

The best conductor of heat is

A Ether

B Water

C Alcohol

D Mercury

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Answer: Option [D]

What is the wavelength of visible spectrum?

A 1300A -3000A
0 0

B 3900A -7600A
0 0

C 7800A -8000A
0 0

D 8500A -9800A
0 0

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Answer: Option [B]

Which of the following laws validates the

statement that matter can neither be created
nor be destroyed?
A Law of osmosis

B Le Chatelier’s principle

C Law of conservation of mass

D Law of conservation of energy

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Answer: Option [C]


A bird sitting on a high tension electric wire

does not get electrocuted because
A The body is earthed

B It has high resistance

C Its feet are good insulator

D It does not form a closed path for the flow of electricity

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Answer: Option [D]

An athlete runs before long jump to get

advantage on
A Inertia of motion

B Moment of a force

C Frictional force

D Principle of moment

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Answer: Option [A]

The laser is a beam of radiation which are

A Non coherent and monochromatic

B Non coherent and non-chromatic

C Coherent and monochromatic

D Coherent and non-chromatic

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Answer: Option [C]

A light year is a measure of

A Time

B Distance

C Speed

D Velocity

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Answer: Option [B]

A layer of atmosphere used for radio wave

A Stratosphere

B Chromosphere

C Troposphere

D Ionosphere

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Answer: Option [D]

A copper disc has a hole. If the disc is

heated, the size of the hole
A Increases

B Decreases

C No change

D First increases and then decreases

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Answer: Option [A]

Anemometer is used to measure the

A Pressure gradient

B Wind direction

C Wind velocity

D Wind speed and time

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Answer: Option [C]


Which one of the following has the highest

value of specific heat?
A Water

B Lead

C Copper

D Glass

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Answer: Option [A]

The metal whose electrical conductivity is

more, is
A Lead

B Silver

C Copper

D Aluminium

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Answer: Option [B]

A man can-not see properly beyond 10

meters. The disease he suffers from
A Myopia

B Cataract

C Far sight

D Hypermetropia

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Answer: Option [A]

Light beam which is highly directional is

A Maser

B Grazer

C Eraser

D Laser

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Answer: Option [D]

Permissible noise level at residential area

during night time is
A 45 dB

B 55 dB

C 75 dB

D 80 dB

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Answer: Option [A]

The best material for the core of a

transformer is
A Mild steel

B Hard steel

C Soft iron

D Stainless steel

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Answer: Option [C]

When a pail of water is swung in a vertical

circle, the water does not fall out at the top
of the loop when the speed is
A Below a certain minimum value irrespective of amount of water in the pail

B Above a certain minimum value irrespective of amount of water in the pail

C Above a certain minimum value depending on amount of water in the pail


D Below a certain minimum value depending on amount of water in the pail

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Answer: Option [B]

The radiant energy having lowest energy is

A UV rays

B Gamma rays

C Visible light

D Microwave radiation

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Answer: Option [D]

The sharpness of a television image is

termed as
A Colour

B Clarity

C Graphics

D Resolution

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Answer: Option [D]

Small bubbles are perfectly spherical because

A surface tension

B viscosity

C pressure

D gravity

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Answer: Option [A]


The final image in a simple microscope is

A real, diminished and inverted

B real, magnified and erect

C virtual, magnified and erect

D virtual, diminished and erect

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Answer: Option [C]

Two rods, one of copper and other of steel,

experience the same up thrust when placed
in in water. Thus both have
A equal mass

B equal density

C equal weight

D equal volume

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Answer: Option [D]

A single fixed pulley is used to draw water

from a well because
A efficiency is 100%

B velocity ratio is low

C mechanical advantage is high

D force is applied to a convenient direction

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Answer: Option [D]

Water is used in car radiator because of its

A Low density

B Low boiling point


C High specific heat capacity

D Easy availability

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Answer: Option [C]

Negative feedback in amplifier

A Increases bandwidth and decreases noise

B Decreases bandwidth and decreases noise

C Increases bandwidth and increases noise

D Decreases bandwidth and increases noise

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Answer: Option [A]

Water can-not be used to distinguish fire

caused by electric current because
A It may cause hydrolysis

B It may cause electrocution

C It may spoil the wiring

D It may cause electrolysis

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Answer: Option [B]

A periscope works on the principle of

A Reflection

B Refraction

C Diffraction

D Total internal reflection

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Answer: Option [D]


Decibel is a term connected with

A Sound

B Air

C Soil

D Water

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Answer: Option [A]

The energy that can harness heat stored

below the earth’s surface is known as
A Tidal energy

B Nuclear energy

C Thermal energy

D Geo thermal energy

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Answer: Option [D]

Fat can be separated from milk in a cream

separator because of
A Centrifugal force

B Centripetal force

C Cohesive force

D Gravitational force

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Answer: Option [A]

A concave lens always forms an image which

A Real and erect

B Virtual and erect


C Real and inverted

D Virtual and inverted

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Answer: Option [B]

Which combination of colour is the most

convenient day and night time?
A Red and green

B White and blue

C Orange and blue

D Yellow and blue

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Answer: Option [A]

The shape of our milky way galaxy is

A Elliptical

B Spiral

C Circular

D None of these

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Answer: Option [B]

The different colour of different stars is due

to the variation of
A Density

B Pressure

C Temperature

D Radiation from them

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Answer: Option [C]


The fundamental scientific principle in the

operation of battery is
A Dialysis

B Oxidation reduction

C Acid base interaction

D Dissociation of electrolytes

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Answer: Option [D]

The spoon dropped by an astronaut in a

satellite will
A Fall to the floor

B Remain stationary

C Move tangentially away

D Continue to follow the motion of the satellite

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Answer: Option [D]

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