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Table of Contents


Chapter One: Problem and Its Background

> Introduction

> Background of the Study

> Statement of the Problem

Chapter Two:

> Significance of the Study

> Scope and Limitation

> Hypothesis

> Definition of Terms

> Review of Related Literature

Chapter Three: Research Methodology

> Method of Research Used

> Respondents of the Study

- Table 1: Number of Respondents per Section

> Sample Technique

> Research Instruments

> Data Gathering Procedure

> Validation of Instruments

Chapter Four: Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis

> Presentation and Analysis of Data

Table 1.1 – 8.3 (“A-G”) ___

Chapter Five: Summary of Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation

> Table 9.1 – 9.5

> Conclusion Recommendation

> Bibliography

> Appendix

> A Survey Materials

> Appendix B: List of Tables

> Appendix B: Detailed Tables

> Appendix C: Protocols

> Curriculum Vitae


Based on the data we have gathered for our study, we can see that more than majority of our
respondents strongly agreed on the statements:

 Most of the students strongly agreed and find the itinerary fun and interesting.
 Most of the students strongly agreed that the tour guide organizes well the itinerary.
 Most of the students are highly satisfied of the itinerary given.
 The most enjoyed outbound activity was trekking rather than the other activities.
 Most of the students strongly agreed that the subject Social Studies is mostly
relevant than the other subjects.
 Most of the students strongly agreed that the itinerary did not help then choose a
strand or track in Senior High School.
Recommendation – Based on the acquired data for the research the participants are
still concerned about the itinerary and learning needs of the students from the
outbound trip

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