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Hari OM !

Bashishtha ji, your full Horoscope analysis along with answer to

specific concerns is as follows—
Ref. – 03-09-2019.
Name : Bashishtha Bhattacharji
DOB: July 29TH 1969.
Tob: 04:03:00 hrs. IST (Corrected).
POB : Bhagalpur, Bihar, INDIA.

Rasi: Makar, Rasi-Swami: Shani (Saturn), Nakshatra : Uttarashadha 4th

Charan (part), Lagna: Mithun, Swami: Budha (Mercury) .
Mahadasa : Jupiter up to September 12th 2020.
Antardasa : Rahu under Jupiter up to September 12th 2020.
Pratyantardasa : Mercury under Rahu under Jupiter up to September
13th 2019.
Gochar (Transit) : Saturn’s Saadhe Saati (7½ year cycle) -- 1st Charan
(1st part out of 3) up to January 24th 2020 and lasting up to March 29th

Health and Longevity : Bashishtha ji , Over all your health will be
good and bone structure strong due to Venus, Sun and Lagna lord’s
positions. But malefic effects coming from Rahu, Saturn, Mars and Lgna
lord’s combustion will give birth to health troubles also from time to
Health concerns in the areas related with
Blood and its circulation, gastric, dyspepsia, stone, colic, apoplexy, skin
eruptions, eyes, mouth region, back portion, accidents, cuts and
wounds (especially lower body), fevers, inflammation of inner and
excretory systems are to be watched and cared for medically and
Right now Dasas’ combinations and
Saadhe saati are not very conducive for the energy and immune
system and well being. So care should be taken and maintained
regarding these.
Longevity will be good and there are every chances
that you will achieve Deerghayu (over 60 years). In fact the total Aayu
comes as over 80 yrs. (Purnaayu), though some Markeshas (death
inflicting periods) will be there.
Personality and Characteristics : Your personality is made of Air
tattwa (out of 5 Pancha-tattwas -- Fire, Earth, Air, Water and inherent
in all, Space) which represents Intellect. Further, this air-Intellect is
Dual (Flexible) in motion and Masculine (Assertive) in approach. So
naturally and basically you possess a dual nature acting primarily
through intellect. Though you are very intelligent, your other planetary
combinations make an unhappy composition of the mind- half
emotional and half intellectual. So you must keep balance between
these two. You of course want to take a reasonable and balanced view
of everything. And you have your own way of persuading others to
your own point of view.
You understand the emotional values of
anything (especially domestic, antique and aged, nostalgic), yet being
intensely attached to anything is not possible for you. You are adept in
tight rope-walking. But this constant endeavor tells upon your nerves
resulting in nervousness, wavering, indecision and stress. You have an
innate longing for change, new things and new excitements. Though
due to Saturn’s effect you have the capacity to bear, the dull routine of
life bores you. Your restless soul is in search of indefinable something.
You have a clear pronunciation and correct
to the occasion expression. You are skilled and eloquent in speech and
easily impress anyone by your articulation. Yet due to Sun and Mars
your straightforwardness and directness in speech and approach
offend authorities sometimes.
Your intelligence and intellectuality makes
you curious and interested in many different subjects and you are
inquisitive about any type of information. You are also very clever and
skilled in getting your work done by others. You are also skilled at
liaison work and get involved in mediation.
Due to your innate inquisitive and
analytical nature , you are desirous of going into depth of things as
though it was some research. Your refined level of mind makes you
interested in singing, music, dance, poetry, art or any aesthetic thing.
But you are a self-critical person and destroy consciously or
unconsciously your own image.
To achieve the best and real bliss in life
you should be aware of, and exercise control over some shortcomings
like – talkativeness, variation, non-commitment, starting a new work
without finishing the previous one, lack of concentration, impatience
and anxiety to know beforehand the results of any work, lack of mental
rest or unnecessary strain over nerves.
Family and Prosperity : Your Kundali is not a Mangalik-dosha
(Mangali) Kundali. So, basic strength about conjugal bliss is secured.
Lord of the 7th house (House of life-partner) i.e. Jupiter is well placed
in 4th house (House of contentment and comforts, particularly
domestic) - a Kendra (desirable places for Jupiter). Jupiter is also
natural significator of Husbands in Horoscopes of females. While
Venus, the natural significator of love and conjugal bliss is also placed
in a friendly Rasi and again in a Kendra and has vision directly to the
7th house. On the other hand there are malefic influences also on these
from Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Sun and Ketu. So, mixed results in this regard
may be experienced. Though the basics being strong the tilt will be on
the positive side more. In Navamsa kundali (D9 Chart) again Jupiter
and Venus both are strong and vey well posited, though some
blemishes from Sun and Ketu-Rahu are also there.
The lord of 5th house (House of Issues in
general and 1st in particular) i.e. Venus is posited in Lagna- a Kendra in
a friendly sign. Jupiter the natural significator of Issues is also, as
already said above, strongly placed in Kundali. But position of Venus in
Lagna and many bad influences over it are not conducive for any issue,
let alone the male issue. In Saptamsa kundali (D7 Chart) the
combinations are not much favourable heralding stress, conflict and
grief from issues side.
But due to friendly sign of Venus in main
Chart and lordship of D7 by Jupiter and strong Venus in D7 , and also
strong position of Jupiter in the main Chart (D1), male and female both
issues have been possible. Yet there are chances that miscarriage or
abortion or Caesarian might have been occurred in past. And also,
astrological principles suggest a word of caution about children’s
safety and well being and their Kundalis must be erected and
astrological consultancy must be done annually.
Prosperity houses (2nd, 11th, 4th,5th, 9th and
1st ) and their respective lords are basically fairly good and strong but
also have elements of unsteadiness, change, success after struggles,
efforts in them. Venus the natural significator of wealth and luxury is
well posited but has visions from planets denoting challenges and
struggles. Wealth from the sources like own efforts, husband, mother
side directly or indirectly, inheritance, younger sister, rivals and
medical arena etc. are indicated in the Horoscope.
Specific Querries : Bashishtha ji, right now you are running in the
Mahadasa of Jupiter which is the lord of Career and Husband in your
kundali. It is posited in the House of Mother, Contentment and Home- a
fine place! It has direct visions to its own house of Career and house of
Abroad and house of Big and Sudden changes. It also has vision over
Moon- the mind, mother, emotions and also Lord of Wealth. Quite
naturally the events either good or bad related and correlated with
these aspects of life will be prominent in this duration.
It has started from September 2004 and
your both Jobs, 2nd Home, Car, Father’s accident and unfortunate
demise (Jupiter is Markesh –killer for him in your Kundali), both Car
Accidents, Fracture and Death of a mother i.e. Mausi, Change in
Husband’s life and career, Break in your Career, Surgeries to the Son
(Jupiter is natural indicator of Issues), Acquiring MBA degree (Jupiter
is Deva-guru- indicator of higher learning and knowledge), all these
have happened in the Mahadasa of Jupiter under different Antar and
Right now the Antardasa of Rahu (by nature
a malefic one and opposing to Jupiter) has started from 20-04-2018
and will last up to 12-09-2020. Augmenting its negative aspects the
Saturn’s Saadhe-saati is running since 26-01-2017. Rahu is posited in
the house of Luck (a good place for it) in its beloved Rasi- Kumbha. But
being a shadow (not real) planet, it will give effects according to 6th
house Lord (house of obstacles, challenges and enemies) i.e. strong
Mars (having direct vision to it and a malefic one for you) and Saturn
(Rahu’s house lord which is Neecha/debilitated in the house of Income
or Gain).
So, Rahu can not give prominently good
effects of house of Luck and Gain. Yet some aspects of these houses
(like religiousness, long travels, indirect support, strong will and
capacity for hard work, help from network circle, new opportunity
etc.) will also be certainly felt. Moreover Saadhe-saati in Gochar
(transit) is another important factor involved now in life.
Astrologically, events are primarily decided
by the Dasas and Planets from birth, yet Gochar (transit- current
position of planets in the sky) of Saturn and Jupiter significantly affect
the mode and time of happenings. Saadhe-saati is the phase of Paap-
prakshalan (cleansing of evils done by us in past lives). It teaches us to
keep patience, humbleness, introspection, spirituality and detachment,
our limitations, and ability to surrender before the will of Almighty
During the vibrations of Saadhe-saati, the
Mahadasa of Jupiter (career lord)/Antardasa of Rahu (affecting luck
and income, creating obstacles thru Mars the 6th lord)/Pratyantardasa
of Jupiter (again career lord) from 29-08-2018 to 24-12-2018 you had
to face break in your career. In Dasamamsa kundali (D9 chart),
interestingly, again both Jupiter is lord of Career and Rahu is posited in
house of Luck. But Jupiter is in Uchcha Rasi (exalted) here and Rahu is
in Neecha Rasi (Debilitated). So in entire previous period of other
Antardasas under the Jupiter Mahadasa you enjoyed the good results
of your labor, sincerity and intelligence. But Neecha Rahu in D9 chart
with Saadhe-saati saw you in this situation.
Due to Antardasa of Rahu (up to September 2020) and
Saadhe-saati shadow of uncertainty will loom over for a while now and
this should be dealt with and taken in stride as a fact. Till this
Antardasa health of children will be a concern. Some gain from
unexpected, inherited or clandestine sources is possible. Trouble
to/with close friends is possible. Nagging and assertiveness on the part
of Husband in the domestic environ may be experienced. You have to
socialize more now to get favours. Because you have few friends and
they also seem turning hostile. Health and well being of husband
should be in awareness since November 2019.
Taking risks, loosing patience, disturbing own poise and
diminishing faith in Almighty doesn’t help a bit. On the other hand,
lord of career i.e. Jupiter is strong in main kundali (D1 chart) and vey
strong in D9 (luck and husband) and D10 (career) charts. It also has
vision over Neecha Rahu in D10 chart. So, better changes and relief
again will be possible. Such possibilities may gain strength and
momentum since November 2019. Following recommendations given
below with faith will also help in that.

Favourable colors : Cotton white, Blue, Indigo, Green (any shade),
Firoza or Turquoise, Black, Grey generally and Yellow/Orange
(particularly on Thursdays) till the next Job start.
Unfavourable colors : Red, Maroon, Pink, Brown, Silver, Golden.
Favourable Days and Dates : Friday, Wednesday, Saturday.
6,15,24/ 5,14,23/ 8,17,26.
Unfavourable Days and Dates : Tuesday, Sunday, Monday.
Gems and Remedies :
1. Wear Diamond of 50 cent -1carat , in Platinum or white
gold, in Right/Left Middle or Little finger from Friday
onwards. For whole life.
2. Wear Blue sapphire (Neelam) of 5-6carat, in above said
metals, in Right Middle finger from Saturday onwards. For
whole life.
3. Wear yellow sapphire of 3-31/2 carat or yellow Topaz of 8-
10 carat in Gold or Bronze or Tridhatu (3 metals
combined), in right Index finger from Thursday onwards.
Stop wearing it after getting Job.
4. Till the last of Saadhe-saati (March 2025) visit Shani or
Hanumaan Temple every Saturday and pray there for the
grace of the deity and eradication of Saadhe-saati’s bad
5. Every Saturday pour some oil (lentil or mustard) on the
barren or untilled ground.
6. Feed or rear a dog regularly. Keep good terms with in-laws.
7. Whenever possible drop in running water 7 full/whole
coconuts on Saturdays.
8. Worship lord Shiva as much as possible. He is your last
birth’s Ishta. Prosperity and peace will increase.
9. Regularly get Annual analysis of the kundali.

With Iswara’s grace

Your own Self

Mukul kashyap

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