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Name: K Mounika

Roll No: 1811144

Assignment 3

Finding the right Job for your product.

 The article mainly stresses on the benefits of segmenting an industry based on jobs instead of
traditional positioning paradigm such as based on product characteristics or customers(age, gender,
need, demographics, etc.).
 Any improvements in products based on product characteristics, customer segments like age,gender,
demography doesn’t add value to the product in terms of making it’s job better when customer uses
it. Customer doesn’t value such a differentiation, company will not be able to price it at premium and
the product can be copied by its competitors easily, leading to customer attrition.
 It is important for companies to analyse a product’s job initially based on which they modify the
product attributes to complete that job in better way, thus they are creating differentiation in their
product offerings compared to our competitors.
 Job defined markets are wide ranging than product defined markets. Segmentation based on job
markets helps marketers to compare different products which compete in customer’s mind. This
helps to acquire desired attributes and obtain the right set of 4 P’s.
 The jobs that customers want to get done can be obtained through watching, observing and
interacting with customer and thinking from customers view .Such information is not available in
any database hence the product cannot be easily imitated by competitors.
 Marketers need to find the job expected from a product through current customer base, prospective
customers buying from competitor, non consumers who may try the product to get job done.
 In case of Business to business marketing, companies can charge premium for their product by
concentrating on the key levers that contribute to returns, thereby increase the customer’s
 Jobs to be completed by a product in case of individual customers are either already known or cannot
be articulated by the customers & company. It is important to understand the situation rather than
the customer. Unlike need, segmentation based on Jobs have a stable focus because it exists
independently from customer.
 In cases of technological innovations that have the potential to explore new applications but the
customers aren’t aware of the jobs which might be done by product then, marketers, customers and
engineers should together find out and co-evaluate the value adding ways of using the product. Thus,
co-evaluation is obtaining data about the job through observations, Interviews and empathic
 Marketers need to unleash opportunities by finding out products which can satisfy customer in cases
where the customer is aware of the job expected to be done but there isn’t any product available.
 Knowing a product’s job and its real competitors can help marketers modify the product attributes
to match with its marketing mix and thereby create differentiation.
 In cases of launch of new technology marketers need to observe customers, other industries to
explore opportunities for use in other jobs such that they can change the marketing mix accordingly.
 There is potential for a failure product to be converted to successful product by understanding the
real job potential of the product and catering to a different customer segment who find value.
 A product can become purpose brand when it’s capable of doing the job well and customers realize
that this product designed for their job.
 Product placement should be based on the job which a product can do effectively, such that it
influences the buying decision of target segment

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