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 Look at the pictures. Write the number of a picture next to the correct expression.

talk on the phone do the homework sleep

go to bed brush your hair have a drink cycle

watch TV get dressed study

get washed get the bus play

do exercise wake up read

go to the cinema go out with friends eat

listen to music go to school dream

brush your hair get up

 Read the text. Put the pictures in the correct order. Write the number in the circle.
I’m Emma. I live in London. I get up at 7 o’clock on
week days. I have a shower. I have breakfast. Then
I brush my teeth. I go to school at quarter to eight.
We have lunch at one o’clock. Lessons finish at
three o’clock. I get home at about quarter past
three. I watch TV for half an hour, and then I do
my homework. I sometimes visit my friends before
my dinner. I have dinner at seven o’clock. I listen to
music, and then I go to bed.

At the weekends I get up at about ten and I usually

stay in bed for a while. I often play tennis on
Saturdays. I always take my dog for a walk. I tidy
my room and I help at home. I sometimes go to the
shops, and I often go out with my friends.

 Turn the text into the third person singular.


 Complete with the words in the box and write the time:

do have (3X) meet wake up love go

finish get up sing brush start play

Hello! My name is Jane. I usually _____________ at

_____________________ (7:30) but I only _____________ at

_____________________ (7:45).

Then I _____________ a bath and _____________ my hair.

I _____________ breakfast at _____________________ (8:10).

I always _____________ to school on foot. School _____________

at _____________________ (8:45) and _____________ at

_____________________ (12:00). I _____________ lunch at home

with my family.

In the afternoon I _____________ my homework and then I

_____________ my friends. We _____________ hide-and-seek and

we _____________ beautiful songs. I _____________ music.

 Rewrite the sentences, placing the adverb of frequency in the right place.
a) My sister gets up late. (always) ___________________________________________________
b) She has a big breakfast. (usually) _________________________________________________
c) She goes to school on foot. (never) _______________________________________________
d) She arrives late at school. (often) _________________________________________________
e) She has lunch at school. (sometimes) _____________________________________________
f) She does her homework. (never) _________________________________________________
g) She plays tricks on people. (often) ________________________________________________
h) She goes to bed late. (always) ___________________________________________________

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