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Name: Abigail Adams

Subject: Geography
Topic: Global Warming
School: Sixth Form Government
Centre Number: 160174
Candidate Number:
Teacher: Ms. Roopnarine
Territory: Trinidad & Tobago
Table of Contents

Purpose of Investigation……...…………………………….………1-2


Presentation, Analysis & Discussion of Data …………………………....4-11


Recommendations …………………………………………….…...13


Appendix -Questionnaire ………………………………………..…15-16

Purpose of Investigation

Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's
atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s climate and all
this is attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other

The "greenhouse effect" is the warming that happens when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap
heat. Relating to figure 1 the Sun emits short wave radiation onto the Earth's surface, where it is absorbed and
warms the surface in the process. Long wave radiation then emits into the atmosphere from the surface as
showed by the yellow arrows. The radiation passes through the atmosphere where “greenhouse” gases trap
some of this heat, and the rest escapes into space. The trapped radiation re-emitted in all directions, heating
the lower atmosphere and the earth’s surface. This greenhouse effect is what keeps the Earth's climate liveable.
Without it, the Earth's surface would be an average of about 15 degrees Celsius cooler.
Levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs) have gone up and down over the Earth's history, but they have
been fairly constant for the past few thousand years. Global average temperatures have stayed constant over
that time as well, until recently. Through the burning of fossil fuels and other humans activities which are
enhancing the greenhouse effect and warming the Earth.
The rapid rise in greenhouse gases is a problem because it is changing the climate faster than some
living things may be able to adapt. Global warming is also intensifying rainfall, flooding, hurricanes and
droughts. Changing precipitation patterns can affect plant growth, the amount of moisture in soils, nutrient
runoff, water retention and insect prevalence. Warming oceans become increasingly acidified, stressing corals
and causing bleaching and the death of corals. Also, a new and more unpredictable climate poses unique
challenges to all life. The purpose of this investigation us to determine the effects of how a sample population
understands global warming. The use of questionnaires was made by the researchers to collect the data, and
graphs and charts were used to present the data.
Picture 1: The Greenhouse Effect (
In preparing for the internal assessment, the necessary steps were taken, researchers partake in
classroom tutoring and discussion centred on the topic global warming as well as the causes, effects and
solutions within the period of the 5th November 2018 to 12th November 2018. On the 15th November 2018,
the researchers were divided into three groups consisting of three students each and each group were giving a
topic that is causes, effects and solutions of global warming to formulate various questions to put into the
questionnaire. After questions were created by each group, the class came together and decided on 13
questions to be placed on the final questionnaire. For the distribution of the questionnaire from the 19th
November,2018 to 26th November 2018. The researchers were to give out 20 questionnaires at their place of
origin within the following age groups: 15 and above. All questionnaires were collected on the 21st November
2018 and the mathematical formula for mean was applied for each question to obtain the data. Questions were
selected for the discussion of the internal assessment and data was represented in the form of pie charts and
bar graphs. To show the location of the respondents, a locational bar graph map was used as seen in map 1.
The secondary sources for the discussion were textbooks and online articles as seen in the bibliography.
Presentation, Analysis & Discussion of Data
A total of 225 questionnaires were distributed in several respondent communities.


The depletion of the ozone layer 15

Increase in ocean temperature 30

Increase in atmoshpere temperature 50

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Percentages of Respondents

According to the figure 1, fifty percent (50%) of the respondents selected increase in atmosphere temperature,
while thirty percent (30%) decided on the increase in ocean temperature. Another fifteen percent (15%) of the
respondents chose the depletion of the ozone layer.

Figure 1 shows that most of the respondents who selected the options of increase in atmosphere temperature
and ocean temperature understand the term or concept of Global Warming. According to live science global
warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and its oceans. It is
caused by the increased in greenhouse gases from increased human activities. While for the other respondents
whose choice differed, showed to the researchers that they aren’t aware of Global Warming as ozone depletion
does not cause global warming. However, both of these environmental problems have a common cause: human
activities that release pollutants into the atmosphere altering it. Therefore, depletion of the protective ozone
layer in the stratospheric atmosphere occurs when chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) gas formerly found in aerosol
spray cans and refrigerants are released into the atmosphere and causing chemical reactions that break down
ozone molecules, reducing ozone ultraviolet radiation-absorbing capacity and allows for UV-B rays to enter
into atmosphere causing harmful effects to humans, fauna and flora.
Figure 2; Which do you believe are the main causes of Global Warming?


Percentage of RRespondents






Livestock Farming Increase in Deforestation Burning of Fossil Increase in Rainfall
mosquito borne Fuels

In accordant to figure 2 above, it displays that thirty six percent (36%) of the respondents agreed on livestock
farming, deforestation was chosen by thirty percent (30%) of respondents and the burning of fossil fuels were
selected by twenty eight percent (28%) of the respondents. Another four percent (4%) chose increase in
mosquito borne diseases and the mere two percent (2%) chose increase in rainfall.

Livestock farming, deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels are the most chosen options from figure 2 are
considered the main causes of global warming as they released large amounts of greenhouses gases like carbon
dioxide and methane into the atmosphere trapping heat. The least percentages in figure 2 were for increase in
mosquito borne diseases and increase of rainfall, these options were not causes of global warming but effects.
This showed to the researcher that these respondents grasp little knowledge of the difference of the factors.

Vegetation absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, deforestation reduces carbon dioxide
absorption from the atmosphere and burning of trees released the stored carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
and contributes to global warming. According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF), up to one-fifth of global
greenhouse gas pollution originates from forest degradation and deforestation. The greenhouse gas called
methane is released by ruminants, such as sheep, cows and goats through burping and flatulence. Bacteria in
their stomachs ferment their food and this releases the methane. When we burn fossil fuels like coal, and gas
to create electricity or power our cars, we release CO2 pollution into the atmosphere.
Figure 3; Do you think Global Warming is affecting weather pattern worldwide?



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

In figure 3, eighty-three percent (83%) of the respondents agreed while seventeen percent (17%) of the
respondents disagreed that global warming has an impact on worldwide weather patterns.

In figure 3, majority of the respondents agreed as global climate change has already had observable effects
on the atmospheric environment. For most places, global warming will result in more frequent hot days and
fewer cool days, with the greatest warming occurring over land. Longer, more intense heat waves will become
more common. Storms, floods, and droughts will generally be more severe as precipitation patterns change.
Hurricanes may increase in intensity due to warmer ocean surface temperatures.

According to Nasa Earth Observatory, “Heat waves, droughts, and intense rain events have increased in
frequency during the last 50 years, and human-induced global warming more likely than not contributed to
the trend.”
Figure 4; Which country do you believe contributes the most to Global Warming in the Caribbean?




Barbados Grenada Trinidad & Tobago St. Lucia

In the graph 4, majority of the respondents being fifty-eight percent (58%) decided that Trinidad and Tobago
contribute the most to Global Warming while twenty two percent (22%) chose St. Lucia, another twelve
percent (12%) said Grenada and the mere remaining eight percent (8%) said Barbados.

In figure 4, Trinidad and Tobago were the most chosen option among respondents this may attributed to the
realization that as Trinidad is heavily involved in oil and gas industry which result in the burning of fossil
fuels which in turn creates greenhouses gases which contributes to global warming. While St. Lucia, Grenada
and Barbados depend more on the agriculture and tourism industry which contributes less to the creation of
greenhouse gases.

According to the World Bank Group, Trinidad and Tobago emits the highest carbon emissions in the
Caribbean which is connected to its oil and gas sector, followed by Barbados which is heavily involved in
tourism, this encourages the use and burning of fossil fuels as it is used to provide electricity and power for
vehicles. Then Grenada, which is also largely tourism-based engage in agriculture, the country’s principal
export crops are spices nutmeg and mace and small-scale manufacturing industry, lastly St. Lucia economy
depends primarily from tourism and banana production, with some contribution from small-scale
Figure 5; Do you think Trinidadians are affected by Global Warming?

In keeping with figure 5, ninety percent (90%) of the respondents said yes while ten percent (10%) of the
respondents said no, which represents the question, “Do you think Trinidadians are affected by global

From figure 5, the respondents who responded with a yes are aware of the changes attributed to global
warming on Trinidad and Tobago. With Trinidad and Tobago being located near equator we already received
a lot of sunlight and heat, with global warming this increases the radiation in take that these small Caribbean
islands receive. The effects of global warming are quite apparent as each decade that passes, the land masses
get smaller as the ocean level rises, intense rainfall causing localised flooding, repeated and prolonged
droughts and increase intensity and frequency of hurricanes.

In a Newsday article, “Climate Change already affecting Trinidad and Tobago,” it is said that the effects of
climate change are already evident in this country, as scientific evidence suggests there has already
been an increase in mean surface temperature of about 1.7 degrees Celsius, based on meteorological
data between 1961 and 2008.
Figure 6; What do you think are the possible effects of Global Warming on Trinidad and Tobago?

Rise in Sea Level

25 33
Livestock Farming

Coral Bleaching

Increase in Mosquito Borne

Vechile Emissions


Referring to figure 6 above, which represents the responses for “What do you think are the possible effects of
global warming on Trinidad and Tobago?” Figure 6 shows twenty six percent (26%) of the respondents
selected coral bleaching, twenty five percent (25%) chose increase in mosquito borne diseases, while twenty
three percent (23%) of the respondents said rise in sea level. Twenty percent chose flooding/coastal erosion,
while four percent (4%) selected deforestation and the mere two percent (2%) of the respondents chose burning
of fossil fuels.

From figure 6 the majority responses are rise in sea level, coral bleaching and increase in mosquito borne
diseases. These responses are accurate as these factors are effects of global warming but vehicle emissions
and livestock farming are minority responses as these responses are causes of global warming. The warming
of the oceans can lead to thermal stress, which contributes to coral bleaching as the colourful algae inside of
the coral is expelled. According to an article from Australia Caribbean Coral Reef Collaboration, “Many coral
colonies were damaged during the 2005 mass bleaching. It is believed that global warming has caused this
bleaching. ” It is also believed by scientists that the warm temperatures caused by global warming can increase
mosquito-borne diseases, such as dengue because the warmer temperatures will encourage mosquito breeding
and thriving. Another effect of global warming is sea level rise, which is caused by thermal expansion and
melting of land-based ice, such as glaciers. Sea level rise can affect by flooding and destroying human
infrastructure, that is roads, buildings, power plants as well as cause salt water intrusion into groundwater
supplies, shoreline erosion and disappearance of low-lying islands.
Figure 7; What do you think are some of the solutions for global warming??


25 26 26
Percentage of



The responses in figure 7 for “What do you think are some of the solutions for global warming?” were as
followed: 26% of the respondents chose reforestation, twenty four percent (24%) of the respondents selected
use of alternate sources of energy, another 23% of the respondents chose development of legislation to reduce
industrial emissions, while 17% of the respondents selected reduction of vehicle emissions. In addition, 7%
of the respondents chose burning fossil fuels and the option of all of the above have a mere percent 3% in

Referring to figure 7, the factor burning fossil fuels is cause of global warming and for the minority of
respondents who chose this option need to be educated on the differences. Development of legislation to
reduce industrial emissions, reduction of vehicle emissions, reforestation and use of alternate sources of
energy are all great solutions to combat the effects of global warming. Reforestation where plants help to
reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Developments of legislation to reduce industrial
emission provides the regulatory framework to help reduce and eliminate the discharge of gases into
atmosphere. Reduction of vehicle emissions through mandatory yearly inspections can reduce the gases, which
this industry has contributed to. Use of alternate energy sources, from wind and solar energy to hydroelectricity
and biomass fuel offer a way to power homes, vehicles or businesses without using fossil fuels. That means
renewable energy sources can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions we put into the air.
Figure 8; Whose responsibilities it is to solve the problem of global warming?

Percentage of Respondents



0 nt

Figure 8 shows that 75% of the respondents chose both, 15% of the respondents chose government and the
remaining 10% of the respondents chose individuals for the question, “Whose responsibility is it to solve the
problem of global warming?” From figure 8, the sample population understood that global warming is not an
individual problem, everyone has to contribute in their way to help against global warming. Governments can
create bills, laws and enforce these guidelines upon their citizens.

They can also develop public transport so that citizens do not have to use their private cars, ban against heavily
producing greenhouse gas objects and also create recycling systems or programs for their country. As citizens,
they have the responsibility to make use of what their government provides and enforce and use of low energy
light bulbs at home. With these two cooperating with each other they can both decrease carbon footprint and
create a sustain environment to live in.
To conclude in this investigation, the respondents to these questionnaires have a reasonable amount of
knowledge with the concept of global warming. They understood how global warming is enhanced by the
many greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They also understood the causes of the increase of greenhouse
gases and what activities enhances it. Being the number one contributor, in Caribbean, it leads to respondents
choosing solutions to contest global warming as they know they’re not invisible to this problem. Some
solutions are using alternative fuel sources, reforestation and the development of legislation to reduce
industrial emissions. To combat global warming, it is understood that both government and individuals must
work together.

The following factors discussed above can be considered for the improvement of this investigation. It should
have been considered by the researchers that a wider region in Trinidad should have been considered for the
distribution of the questionnaires for this study as this would allow for wider range of views of the sample
population. Those apart of the sample population who selected the incorrect responses, confirms that public
awareness needs to be increased and therefore, educating the public can be done through the use of
advertisements on television and billboards, pamphlets in government offices and community meetings.
Waugh, D.:Geography, An Integrated Approach (3 rd Edition). Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham, UK,

Web Sites
Nunez, C. – Causes and Effects of Climate Change National Geographic, 2019
Union of Concerned Scientists- Global Warming Solutions: Reduce Emissions
Union of Concerned Scientists - Is There a Connection Between the Ozone Hole and Global Warming?
World Wildlife Fund Australia- Causes of Global Warming, 2018
The World Bank- CO2 Emissions (metric tons per capita), 2014
Australia Caribbean Coral Reef Collaboration – Reefs in Trinidad and Tobago,


Gender: Male [ ] Female [ ]

Age: 15-30 [ ] 31-46 [ ] 47 and above [ ]

1. What do you understand by the term Global Warming?

A) Increase in atmosphere temperature
B) Increase in ocean temperature
C) The depletion of the ozone layer
D) The increase in gases in the atmosphere

2. Which do you believe are the main causes of Global Warming?

a) Agriculture
b) Increase in mosquito borne diseases
c) Deforestation 2%
d) Burning of fossil fuels
e) Increase in rainfall

3. Which country do you believe contributes the most to Global Warming in the Caribbean?
a) Jamaica
b) Grenada
c) Trinidad and Tobago
d) Haiti
4. What do you think Trinidadians do in particular that contributes to Global Warming?
5. Do you think Trinidadians are affected by Global Warming?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

6. What do you think are the possible effects of Global Warming on Trinidad and Tobago?
A. Rise in sea level
B. Burning of fossil fuels
C. Coral bleaching
D. Increase in mosquito borne diseases
E. Deforestation
F. Flooding/Coastal Erosion

7. Do you think Global Warming is affecting weather pattern worldwide?

Agree [ ] Disagree [ ]

8. Are you aware of the solutions implemented for global warming?

Yes No
9. What do you think are some of the solutions for global warming?
a) Reforestation
b) Use of Alternate sources of energy
c) Burning of fossil fuels
d) Reduction of vehicle emissions
e) Development of legislation to reduce industrial emissions
f) All of the above

10. Do you think enough is done to raise awareness of global warming?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

11. If no to previous question what do you think can be done to raise awareness?

12. What would you do to counteract the effects of global warming?

(a) Car pool
(b) Use of non CFCs products
(c) Cut trees down
(d) Recycling
(e) Use of energy efficient appliances
(f) Burn refuge
(g) All of the above

13. Who do you think should solve the problem of global warming?
(a) Government
(b) Individuals
(c) Both

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