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Questions: 1. Completar en inglés y traducir

Who___________ When______________

What__________ Where______________

Under__________ On____________

Who is that girl? She is __________________________

What is on the table? There is____________________

What is under the bed? ___________________________

Where is my book? Your book is in the bag.

On Friday_______________ At 3 o’clok_________________

When is the party? On Friday at 2 o’clock.

2. Escribir oraciones usando on + el día de la semana y at + la hora

(redactarlas en el cuaderno)

Homeschooling Católico en Sudamérica


The Sign of the Cross

IN THE NAME of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

GOD MADE US ____________________________________

1. Who made you?

God made me.

God made me out of nothing.

He made me because He loves me.

Homeschooling Católico en Sudamérica

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