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Life Connections 12: Presenting a Section of the “REMSS Capstone Student Guide”

Presentation Template and Planning Sheet

Group Member Names: __________________________________________________

What section will you be presenting? _______________________________

Write a brief (but complete) summary of this section in your own words:

Define any and all terms that are important to your section:
Create a list of clear examples that will help your peers understand your section/topic.

Use this space to record your plan for who will say and do what for the presentation. (You have
up to 5 minutes to present your section. Everyone must play a role in the presentation. Be
clever and clear in terms of how to engage your audience! Have fun )
1. Capstone Overview and Components (Pages 3 & 4)

2. Selecting a Capstone Topic/Strand (Pages 5 - 7)

3. Strand: Experiment/Research Capstone (Pages 8 & 9)

4. Strand: Event Capstone (Page 10)

5. Strand: Project Capstone (Page 11)

6. Strand: Occupation/Entrepreneur Capstone (Pages 12 &


7. Strand: Service Oriented Capstone (Page 14)

8. Mentorship (Pages 21 & 22)

9. Capstone Portfolio (Pages 29 & 30)

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