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Mental Fitness

Athletes spend a lot of hours trying to perfect their physical training so they be ready for different
competitions, but the important question can be asked, are they ready to face the challenge in mental
level? Focus is considered to be important factor. It will be hard to remember what they’ve practiced
during physical training without focusing factor. Also, learning to control excitement and reduce stress is
important to help improve their mental game.

Mental fitness can be defined as the state of psychological of persons being where a positive sense of
how we think and act improves our ability to be self determined. Mental fitness can be seen in different
images and aspects such as High self-confidence, commitment and dedication, ability to play under
pressure, positive attitude and emotional control and feeling responsibility. These aspects can be
achieved by a lot of ways as follows:

1) Focusing in the techniques:

A lot of thinking about winning or losing makes athlete get distracted from doing the right actions
that athlete need to perform. It is crucial for athlete to isolate himself from outside factors such as
whether conditions or audience influence by focusing in details needed to execute skills that athlete

2) Transform stress to positive benefit :

Feeling stress is an ordinary thing for athletes before any competition. Converting stress to positive
energy is crucial for Elite athletes to perform in right way so learning to accept stress and not letting
it to consume energy is important way to win titles.

3) Visualizing performance :

The ability of athlete to visualize different situations that faces them during games before any
completions. Implementing different scenarios helps athlete to react quickly to various situations.

4) Picking the right place before an event:

Selecting the training place before any competition is very important because simulating the same
conditions that could happen in the competition place help athlete to adapt to many situations such
as getting used to the same atmosphere or whether.

5) Positive self talks :

Motivation is important for athletes to practice at any competitions for success by encouraging talks
through the games.

6) Self awareness :
Different experience can be helpful during games by preparing thoughts those able athletes to react
to stress and drawing plans to different situations.

One of the best examples can be noticed is the great mental fitness for tennis player Roger
Fedderer. Fedderer is considered to be the greatest player ever by wining 20 grand slam and
participating at 75 different tournaments. Fedderer is not the best player taking physical structure
as comparison tool but Fedderer have the ability to execute difficult shots in hard circumstances at
the right moments. This shows the importance of mental fitness which differentiate between
average athletes and elite athletes.

On conclusion, mental fitness is crucial to differentiate between average athletes and elite athletes.
Improving mental fitness can be achieved by a lot of ways as mentioned before where good
preparations before coming events physically and mentally help elite athletes to compete in the
higher levels.

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