How To Turn Junk Into Joy: Product Packaging From The Mailbox

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Inspiration + Ideas to use from “the junk of life” in your gratitude journal.


Start thinking creatively about things you You might actually start to look
use daily that bring you joy! forward to junk mail!
• Fruit + Veggie Stickers/Labels • Cut out images from
• Labels from Favorite Drinks
• Community Newspapers &
• Use Images + Words from Products Magazines
You Use on a Regular Basis
• Envelopes/Bills you are
• Labels from Soaps, Beauty Supplies, thankful for being paid
and Personal Care Items
• Greeting cards
• Tags from New Clothes
• Event invitations
• Wrapping Paper from Gifts


What “paper stuff” comes
from the places you visit?
• Go through your purse, wallet or backpack for
paper bits from daily moments that remind you
• Ticket stubs of things you are thankful for.
• Coffee Shop/Restaurant • Flip through old magazines or book pages for
Receipts images you can cut out to place in your journal
to represent feelings of gratitude.
• Travel Brochures
• Leftover office, school or craft supplies can be
• Receipts from gas used for making pockets or attaching new
• Receipts from stores • Add texture + dimension with cardboard,
and recent purchases
cellophane, fabric scraps, etc.

© 2017 Chelle Stein ARTJOURNALIST.COM

Use these ideas for images + words to include in the pages of your gratitude journal.

• Something that made you smile today • Something that keeps you warm
• Something funny that made you laugh • Something that helps you relax
• Your favorite thing when you wake up in • A favorite song you love
the morning
• Transportation - what are you grateful for
• Something you are good at doing about the things that help you travel?
• What did you enjoy the most today? • A recent “small success” - from getting
out of bed in the morning to
• A favorite place you like to visit remembering to do something you might
• An act of kindness someone showed you usually forget

• A book you are grateful for reading • Something that cheers you up on a rough
• What weather are you grateful for today?
• Basic skills you learned as a child - how
• Modern inventions you are thankful for to tie your shoes or how to read/write
• Something you take for granted • Technology you use every single day
• Favorite things you like about your job or • Something that helps keep you healthy
• Someone who inspires you
• Something you learned about recently
• Something that was a wish come true
• Someone who made a positive difference
in your life • Favorite things about this season {winter,
spring, summer, fall}
• A favorite activity you enjoy doing
• Holidays you are thankful for
• Day of the week - What’s your favorite
thing about Mondays {…or do you like • What you are grateful about your home
Fridays more?}
• A difficult experience that you learned
• Favorite websites you are grateful for from

• Something that makes your life easier • A good experience with customer service
• A favorite food you enjoy
• The best thing that happened this week
• Something you use every single day
• A favorite quote or saying that makes you
• Something in nature happy
• Something you wear that makes you feel • Something you were putting off but finally
good {clothes, jewelry, makeup, etc.} did anyways

© 2017 Chelle Stein


This is a wonderful day. I’ve never

seen this one before.  – Maya Angelou
It’s the li!le
things that
“ Hap󰇴󰇮󰈡󰈥s󰇷 i󰈤 l󰇪󰇹󰇺󰇯n󰇫 󰈪o 󰈢f 󰇿󰇭󰈜t make life BIG.
yo󰇻 󰇹󰇭󰇯n󰈫 󰈠o󰇻r 󰇰󰇯󰈆e 󰇮s 󰇷󰇼󰇵po󰇷󰇪󰈨 t󰈣
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Joy is not in things; it is in us.

~Richard Wagner

what i love about __________ : thankful

Why I Am Thankful Today:
the “good stuff of life”
#gratitude is not so much the “stuff”
but what we make of it

so󰇲󰇪󰇺󰇯me󰇷 󰈟󰇪 fin󰈧 󰇺he 󰇲󰈢󰈤t 󰈅󰈣󰈠

in 󰇹󰇭󰇪 m󰈣󰇷󰇺 un󰇪󰈀󰇵󰈥c󰇹e󰈨 p󰇰󰇧󰈝󰈥s

© 2017 Chelle Stein

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