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Collective Action Cooperation

Parable of Sadhu

De jure Power and De Facto Power

Externalities – Negative externalities and Positive externalities

Social cost, internalizing an externality

Positive consumption externality, negative consumption externality

Coase Theorem

Transaction costs

Pigovian Taxes and Subsidies

Tradable Pollution permits

Private Goods, Natural Monopolies, Common Resources and Public Goods

Free Rider Problem

Information Asymmetry, Imperfect Information

Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection

Tragedy of commons

Market Failure

Government Failure


Comparative Advantage

Market failure and Rural Credit Markets

Covariant Risks and Segmented Markets

Enforcement Problems


Cost Curve: Relation between cost and rate of level (C=f(T)), size of the group (Sg), total gain of the
group (T), group gain (SgT), Value of the group (Vg), Fraction (Ft), Advantage (At)

Exclusive and Inclusive Groups

A theory of critical mass

Community led Total Sanitation



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