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BIO101 (Jones 10:30am): Assignment #1 Due Monday, January 24, 2019


Question 1
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Question 2
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

(a) Suppose “chuck" implies throwing.

Question 2 continued on next page. . . Page 1 of ??

BIO101 (Jones 10:30am): Assignment #1 Due Monday, January 24, 2019

(b) Suppose “chuck" implies vomiting.


Question 3
Identify the author of Equation ?? below and briefly describe it in English.

P (B|A)P (A)
P (A|B) = (1)
P (B)


Question 4
The table below shows the nutritional consistencies of two sausage types. Explain their rela-
tive differences given what you know about daily adult nutritional recommendations.

Per 50g Pork Soy

Energy 760kJ 538kJ
Protein 7.0g 9.3g
Carbohydrate 0.0g 4.9g
Fat 16.8g 9.1g
Sodium 0.4g 0.4g
Fibre 0.0g 1.4g

Question 4 continued on next page. . . Page 2 of ??

BIO101 (Jones 10:30am): Assignment #1 Due Monday, January 24, 2019

Question 5

Listing 1: Luftballons Perl Script

1 # ! / usr / bin / p e r l

3 use s t r i c t ;
4 use warnings ;

6 f o r ( 1 . . 9 9 ) { p r i n t $_ . " L u f t b a l l o n s \ n " ; }

8 # T h i s i s a commented l i n e

10 my $ s t r i n g = " H e l l o World ! " ;


12 print $string . " \n\n " ;


14 $ s t r i n g =~ s / H e l l o / Goodbye C r u e l / ;

16 print $string . " \n\n " ;


18 finale ( ) ;

20 exit ;

22 sub f i n a l e { p r i n t " F i n . \ n " ; }

(a) How many luftballons will be output by the Listing ?? above?

Question 5 continued on next page. . . Page 3 of ??

BIO101 (Jones 10:30am): Assignment #1 Due Monday, January 24, 2019

(b) Identify the regular expression in Listing ?? and explain how it relates to the anti-war sentiments
found in the rest of the script.

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