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Gregorio L. Juste (ljuste@aero.upm.

Proyecto Fin de carrera : Turbofan y Turbina de Gas
Cámara de combustión
 Pre dimensionado
 Estimación perdidas de presión de remanso
 Estimación distribución de flujos de aire
 Estimación de rendimiento de combustión

Annular combustor configuration Gregorio L. Juste (

Gregorio L. Juste (

A2 H 2 rm 2 r L
AR 1 2 m2 tan
A1 H1rm1 rm1 H1
H ro ri rm ro ri 2

Gregorio L. Juste (

P2 P1
P2 P1 isen 1
CPid 1
q1 AR 2

P2t 1 1 AR 2 1 D
D 1
P1t 1 2 M 12

Bt is the thickness of the turbulent boundary layer at diffuser entry

Note on Fig. 9.22 that the diffuser efficiency ~o is very nearly constant with varying L/H1
for a constant wall angle 20 = 9 deg for values of L/H1 between "-- 4 and --- 20.
The corresponding range of area ratios, determined from the geometrical relations
of Eq. (9.61) and shown on Fig. 9.20, is 1.5 < AR < 4.

Gregorio L. Juste (

Dump diffuser

2 6
Pet A A
exp M i2 1 i 1 i
Pit 2 Ae Ae


Aircraft Engine Design, Second Edition, AIAA Education Series, 2002. Jack D. Mattingly (University of Washington); William H.
Heiser (U.S. Air Force Academy); David T. Pratt (University of Washington) Gregorio L. Juste (
limit of a stirred reactor with n = 1.8

Para combustión de hidrocarburo

aire n = 1.8

Spalding, D. B., Combustion and Mass Transfer, Pergamon Press, Elmsford,NY, 1979
Aircraft Engine Design, Second Edition, AIAA Education Series, 2002. Jack D. Mattingly (University of Washington); William H.
Heiser (U.S. Air Force Academy); David T. Pratt (University of Washington)

Gregorio L. Juste (

Combustor volume (*): total can volume (not including the outer annuli)
At the sea level static maximum rating loading should be less than 10 kg/s atm1.8m3,
and preferably less than 5 kg/s atm1.8m3.

At idle at the highest altitude, lowest flight Mach number and the coldest day should be
less than 50 kg/s atm1.8m3.

At worst it should be less than 75 kg/s atm1.8m3 or 100 kg/s atm1.8m3 for constrained
or unconstrained designs respectively.
Furthermore, for aero-engines to achieve combustor relight loading must be less than
300 kg/s atm1.8m3 when windmilling at the highest required altitude and lowest Mach
Combustor volume must be the largest of the three values derived from the above

Gregorio L. Juste (

Local Mach numbers and combustion system areas

Gregorio L. Juste (

* Gas Turbine Performance, Second Edition. Philip P. Walsh (BSc, FRAeS, Ceng,Head of Performance and Engine Systems Rolls-
Royce plc); Paul Fletcher (MA (Oxon), MRAeS, Ceng Manager, Prelim Design Energy Business Rolls-Royce plc). 1998, 2004 by
Blackwell Science Ltd

Gregorio L. Juste (

Estimación de perdidas presión remanso y distribución global de flujos (áreas)

Robert R Tacina and Jack Grobman “ Analysis of total-pressure loss and airflow distribution for annular Gas Turbine Combustors”, NASA TN D-5385
Theoretical analysis of total-pressure loss and airflow distribution for tubular turbojet combustors with constant annulus and liner cross-sectional areas
Naca report 1373 Gregorio L. Juste (
Gregorio L. Juste (


WL c 1 c
WT AH WT f zp G
AH ,liner c

AH ,liner

Gregorio L. Juste (


1 2
qref V
3 ref
P ( frias)

Gregorio L. Juste (

Perdidas fundamentales (calientes)

Pt T4t Pt R G T3t
K1 K 2 1 PLF
G 2 3 Aref T3t P3t 2 Aref P3t

Gas Turbine Theory. 4th Edition. Longman Scientific & Technical , Cohen, H., Rogers and Saravanamuttoo
Gregorio L. Juste (
Longitud de cámara

L L 3t Aref L P3t
tres L tres
Vav Vref G3
T4t Aref
3t P3t
trea P3t n
G3 tres
L A4
Aref P31t L P3t
n 1

G3 G3 A4 P4t A4 MFP M 4 1, Aref T4t

Aref A4 Aref T4t Aref 1 f A4 Aref cte (diseño semejante)
P4t  P3t
L P3t r T4t

Gregorio L. Juste (

Gregorio L. Juste (
Rendimiento de combustión
Modelos empíricos:
The empirical model utilizes a large body of experimental data to develop a correlation often using multiple-
regression analysis techniques. Consequently, this modeling approach works well on specific combustor designs
for which there is a broad base of technical data. Unfortunately, it cannot be used arbitrarily as a general
design tool. One example of an empirical correlation model is illustrated in Table 2.3.

Gregorio L. Juste (

A second empirical correlation employed by some combustor designers today defines a reaction
rate parameter based on the "burning velocity” theory of Lefebvre*

*Lefebvre, A. H., Gas Turbine Combustion, Hemisphere, New York, 1983

Gordon C. Oates Aircraft Propulsion Systems Technology and Design (AIAA education series), 1989
Gregorio L. Juste (
This is a preliminary design of main combustor. This includes sizing,
air partitioning,and layout.

Aircraft Engine Design, Second Edition 2002

Jack D. Mattingly (University of Washington), William H. Heiser (U.S. Air Force
Academy), David T. Pratt (University of Washington)
AIAA EDUCATION SERIES, J. S. Przemieniecki Series Editor-in-Chief

Gregorio L. Juste (

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