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odes and Bar odes in LATEX with

pst-bar ode pa kage

1 QR ode: WWW page

2 QR ode: WWW.JW.ORG - example

3 QR ode: vCard

4 Bar ode: ISBN number

ISBN 978-3-86541-114-3

9 783865 411143

5 Bar ode: simple text

Hello world

6 Bar ode: ISBN number Termodinami

ISBN 978-612-00-2934-3

9 786120 029343

Important notes:
• ompilation must be: latex + dvips + ps2pdf (due to using pstri ks)

• e level parameter spe ies the level of error orre tion, and is one of
L, M, Q, H (low to high)
• in ludetext parameter enable human readable text

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