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UFOs don't come from another planet

Cacildo Marques – Sao Paulo

Since Governor John Winthrop, of Massachusetts, wrote accounts of men

who saw light objects flying at high speed in January, 1639, the stories of UFO
encounters in the Americas have grown.
These contacts have many points in common, which should be taken into
account for the formulation of valid hypotheses to explain the phenomenon.
The most important fact is that all these UFOs, whether manned or
unmanned, take great care not to interfere with the visited environment. Even if the
person who sees them has the feeling that might experience a shock, which can be
fatal, such a thing never happened. In fact, UFOs do not even need to be careful.
They do not really interfere.
The other common points in the reports are that these objects suddenly stop
in the air in a way that no modern human vehicle can do. As soon as they stop, they
start at very high speed. They are always very luminous objects. Their shape is
cylindrical, oval or saucer-shaped, always rounded, never cubic, what obviously
facilitates their rapid locomotion.
It is necessary to be aware that, although UFOs work with technologies that
until now science does not dominate, such as the use of some very advanced form of
energy and engineering resources of Taguchi that do not yet apply to the transport
of humans, others aspects of the vehicles are compatible with the aerodynamics and
displacement that would be expected from flying machines manufactured by the
current industry.
We must also be aware that flight safety has made very little progress since
the important contributions of Jerome Fox Lederer in the 1950s - such as the
introduction of radio in aircraft cabins - and the reason for this paralysis is the
interest of airlines in bragging about the excellence of the current system, mounted
on convenient statistics, without the concern of pushing for improvements. All this
is the effect of the so-called "installed base". If companies are to demand from the
factories equipment with new forms of take-off and landing and new mechanisms
for guaranteeing individual safety for passengers, this simple act will denounce an
uncertainty that they will not allow to be revealed. This phase, however, will not last
for many decades.
As soon as companies are willing to test new inventions, not only with
incremental advances, as it has been since the creation of the jet turbine, but with
revolutionary novelties, then we will be facing the future of air transport. We will
come to understand how UFOs work and we will stop looking at them as a great
Yes, because UFOs do not come from other planets. They are - strictly, will be
- manufactured by our industry.
Will be they? Exactly. Where do UFOs come from? From here, but from
future times.
Given the working hypothesis that they do not come from outside the Earth,
there would still be the possibility of a civilization developing outside our radars,
perhaps in some underground environments, or at the bottom of some ocean. With
all the screening tools we have today scouring without finding anything in these
places, the chance of such civilization exists is practically negligible. There remains
the journey in time.
UFOs are vehicles that the humans of the future use to research what is past
for them, and also to research their future.
By the paradox of the grandfather, they cannot interfere in the facts that are
already part of the past. One or another person who receives the visit of them can
faint of fright, but soon recovers the senses, without keeping sequels. If the person
is alone and believes in ETs, he can imagine that he was abducted while this fainting
lasts. (Paradox of the grandfather: a traveler who travels to the past and interferes
in it can kill his own grandfather, so that the traveler himself cannot exist.)
Researchers of the future visit our time and also times from a more remote
past, gathering and imparting information. Since the seventeenth century, when we
were already trying out advanced means of transportation, we came to understand
that these vehicles could contain people. Those who saw them in previous centuries
saw them as luminous phenomena of nature or as manifestations of the
supernatural world.
UFOs, however, do not come from other planets nor from the world of spirits.
They are vehicles used by our fellow researchers a few decades later.
This is not the case of Galileo's relativity, nor of Poincaré's relativity, but since
Einstein's Theory of General Relativity of 1916, the whole study of Mechanics is
directed, directly or indirectly, to the possibility of time travel. Just it is necessary to
find the passage. Stephen Hawking thought it might be in the wormholes, which
connect the folds of spacetime. We do not know yet, but if we do not speculate we
will not achieve the feat.
Time travel, which by current understanding is limited only by the
grandfather's paradox, will bring about an unprecedented revolution in human life.
In addition to clarifying the historical facts of the past, they will search the future
and eliminate, almost completely, the possibilities of epidemics, war conflicts and
major accidents, because the uncertainty will be reduced to almost zero. The
etiologies will all be unraveled in a short period of time. And, of course, national
lotteries, major sporting championships and other chance-based practices will
disappear, because they will be obsolete. The great robberies and the great financial
deviations will no longer be practiced, because they would be quickly clarified.
Democracy, with marked letters or not, will no longer be a game, giving way to more
appropriate methods of choice. However, small committee games and small draws
will continue to run smoothly, because the vehicles that will lead researchers to the
future will not be concerned about them.
The most alarming conclusion to this, that of the impending time travel, is that in
addition to the cure for human diseases, the environment will also be healed, and
the Earth will be saved. And how free will will be? It will be where it has always
been, without major changes in everyday life.

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