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What’s the wrong way to read Proverbs?

What is wisdom? Is Christian wisdom any different?


The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and


Chiasmus, Chiastic Structures

Nested or Ring pattern

Pitfalls in Reading Proverbs

Reading in isolation

• Reading like horoscope/i-Ching

• Reading out of context of rest of Scripture


• Belcher: Proverbs provide principles not promises


- Humanistic: God doesn’t speak, experiential wisdom (24:30-34)

- No mention of law, covenant, Exodus, Israel, temple, prophecy
- Similarities to other Near Eastern texts
- Book itself does not claim purely humanistic authority
• Words of inspired, charismatic, anointed king
- Oracle of God
- Astute observer, interpreter of creation, leader of covenant community
• vs. Moses: face-to-face
• vs. prophets: supernatural revelations
Not connecting to Christ

- Legalism / Self-improvement
• Eternal promises
- Grace Alone: salvation & sanctification
• Jesus (God) greater than Wisdom (Solomon/type)
- Christ/Wisdom as our companion

The book of Proverbs is a gospel book, because it is part of the Bible. That means the

book of Proverbs is good news for bad people. It is about grace for sinners. It is about

hope for failures. It is about wisdom for idiots. This book is Jesus himself coming to us as

our counselor, as our sage, as our life coach. The Lord Jesus Christ is a competent thinker

for all times and all cultures. He is a genius. And he freely offers us, even us, his unique

wisdom. Do you remember how he concluded his Sermon on the Mount? He defined the

gospel as a call to wisdom: "Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them

will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock…. And everyone who hears these

words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the

sand" (Matthew 7:24, 26). Jesus is our priest and our prophet, but in the book of

Proverbs we encounter Jesus as our mentor. Do you see him that way? You can have him

that way—the universe's greatest expert on you. He alone is qualified to have that kind of

say in your life. (Ortlund, 16)

Wisdom is the gospel of Christ reshaping us for royalty, as God places us on his anvil and

we trust him enough to stay there until his work is done. (Ortlund, 19)

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