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Fun With The Animals; So Big Yoga Class Curriculum

Rabbit Pose: Do your ears stand up, do they turn right and left, do your ears stand up.
Sunning Frog Pose: Rib bit, rib bit, I’m a frog, all bent over sunning on a log.
Pigeon Pose: Do the pigeon strut, I bob my head back and forth, can you do it with me?
Bird Pose: I am a Crane standing on 1 leg, don’t blink now, I have switched legs.
Mouse Pose: I am small and quite, just like a mouse in the house.
Dog Tail Pose: Ruff, ruff, I’m a dog, watch me wag my tail.
Cobra Pose: SSS, I ‘m a cobra I slither all around, when I get scared I raise up my head.
Inch worm Pose: Inch worm, inch worm, up and down, inch worm, inch worm crawl on
the ground.
Earth Worm Pose: Rolling, rolling, on the earth I roll.
Monkey Pose: Monkey see, monkey do, I can touch my toes just like you.
Duck Pose: My feet are webbed, I waddle when I walk and I quack when I talk.
Butterfly Pose: Fly, fly pretty butterfly, I flap my wings to fly high up in the sky.
Lion Pose: Roar, roar, says the lion, I am king of the jungle.
Cat Pose: Meow, I ‘m a scary cat with my back arched high you can tell I’m scared when
my tail points up to the sky.
Cow Pose: Moo, moo I chew my grass all day long, so I can grow big and strong.
Armadillo Pose: I’m an armadillo hard and strong, I can curl up in a ball and stay like
that all day long.
Elephant Pose: I swing my trunk back and fourth, up real high, down real low, as I stomp
to and fro.
Bee Pose: We buzz and hum in a snug beehive up above. Buzz
Alligator Pose: I swing my tail from side to side to help me swim with the tide.
Rocking Horse Pose: Rocking horse, rocking horse, watch me rock back and fourth.
Locust Pose: I rub my wings together and make my locust sound.
Turtle Pose: I am a turtle, I walk very slow and it helps me see where to go.
Bear Pose: Brown bear, brown bear climb around, brown bear, brown bear turn around.
Squirrel Pose: I am a squirrel climbing in a tree, hiding a nut for only me to see.
Crab Pose: I’m a little crab, I won’t pinch and I’ll hold my form and not move an inch.
Spider Pose: Spin, spin your web in your sly little den.
Fish Pose: Gold fish, blue fish, puffer fish, clown fish, look at all of them swim around.
Beetle Pose: I am a beetle, I have a hard back, but when I get turned over, I can’t roll
Star Fish Pose: I am a star fish with five points you see, when I stretch out at the bottom
of the sea.
New Poses:
Squirrel Pose: Standing pose legs together, hands together in front of chest like holding a
nut and bend the knees, bring tailbone straight down like you are going to sit in a chair.

Armadillo Pose: ( Tumble Weed Pose) Sit on bottom, bring knees to chest, bring arms
around legs, clasp hands in front of shins so you are curled up in a ball.

Crab Pose: Sit on the floor with knees bend, feet flat on floor, hands behind, straighten
arms and bring torso up off the floor level.
Duck Pose: Start standing with heels together and toes pointing out to the sides, squat
down with knees wide apart, put hands down in front of feet.

Spider Pose: Have parent get on hands and knees and child lay on tummy on top of the
parent sideways, this gives them the 8 legs.

Rocking Horse Pose: Start on Tummy, bring legs up behind as you bend your knees and
grab your ankles with your hands, rock back and fourth.

Horse Pose: Start on hands and knees, raise one arm up and bend at wrist for a
walking horse, switch arms.
Alligator Pose: Twist bottom legs together to one side, then the other.

Fish Pose: 1. Lie on back, bring top of head to floor and arch back, hands together in
front of your tummy. 2. Lie on back with pillow supporting your back between shoulder
blades and lower back and bring arms above head.

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Beetle Pose: Lie on back bring legs up and apart with bent knees and grab your toes.

Sunning Frog Pose: Sit with knees bent backward so heels are by hips and then slowly
lay back.


Class Curriculum: You can just do the animal poses with the rhymes or you can put
them in a story.
Here is an example of a general story you fill in the blanks.
We are all going to the Zoo
Do you see what I see, look over there I see a ___________ and a ____________ and a
_____________, can you try to look like him?
Now let’s go over to this pond and see what animals are here. Look I see a __________
and a big _alligator_ and a striped __fish_ and a creature walking sideways it must be a
_crab_ do you hear the rib bit of the _frog_ and look at that _bird__standing on 1 leg I
bet that is hard to do, lets try it?
If we go over to the jungle exhibit what do you think we will see? Maybe a __________
and a ___________ or a ___________ and a _cobra_ slithering in the tall grass.
Lets go over to the petting pen and see what animals we can touch. Do you want to pet
the _rabbit__ his fur is so soft and the __horse_ if you reach real tall and the
______________, you can even touch the _____________ if you are gentle.
Ok, we’ve got to get going it will be getting dark soon, let’s walk home and look for
other animals on the way. I see a _squirrel_ eating a nut over in that tree and look a
_butterfly_what colorful wings he has and a _bee__buzzing by that flower, look out you
almost stepped on that _earth worm_wiggling on the ground.
Wow what a busy day, maybe we should just lie down for a minute or two and rest for
awhile. _Star Fish Pose_

Other Ideas for class:

Elephant Pose you can have them put one hand forward and l hand between their legs and
hold hands with the person in back of them and make a walking circle.
Crab Pose they could have a race to see who can get across the room first.
Duck Pose they can waddle around the room.
Bear Pose follow the words of the rhyme.
Squirrel Pose they can eat the nut and hide the nut behind their backs.

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