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- 8 =—t—<“—is. CL. JOOST A. M, MEERLOO, M.D. THE RAPE OF THE MIND The Universal Library GROSSET & DUNLAP NEW YORK corvnicat ©1996 3 CONTENTS THE MACULLAN coMPANY, for the quotation on page 28 irom The Cardinal's Story by S. K. Swift, copyright 1949. aie srw york itts, for the quotation on pages 95 and 34 from ‘The New York Times of Febeuaey 27, 1955. FOREWORD page 33 timsARy OF ConoRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 56.9252 PART ONE The Techniques of Individual Submission ISBN: 0-465-00 1973 PRINT Chapter One YOU TOO WOULD CONFESS 19 ‘The enforced confession. Mental coercion and enemy occupation. Witchcraft and torture. The refinement of Chapter Two PAVLOV'S STUDENTS AS CIRCUS TAMERS 37 The salivating dog. The conditioning of man. Isola. tion and other factors ing chrough speech. Pol to be conditioned. a contENtS Chapter Three MEDICATION INTO SUBMISSION Dependency on the drug provider. The search for ‘ecstasy through drugs. Hypnotism and mental coer cion. Needling for the truth. The lie-decexor. The therapist as an insrument of coercion, Chapser Four WHY DO THEY YIELD? THE psycHony: MICS OF FALSE CONFESSION ‘The upset philosopher. The barbed moment of sudden surrender. Tt ‘The need for companionship. Blackm: overburdening guilt feelings. The law of survival versus the law of loyalty. The mysterious masochistic pact. A survey of psychological processes involved in rsinwashing and menticide. PART TWO The Techniques of Mass Submission Chapter Five THE COLD WAR AGAINST THE MIND The publicopinion engincers. Psychological warfare asa weapon of terror. The indoctrination barrage. The contents Chapier Six TOTALITARIA AND ITS DICTATORSHIP ‘The robotization of ma al precilection for totalitarianism. The totalitarian leader. ‘The final sur- render of the robot man. ‘The common retreat from reality. The retceat to automatization. The womb state. Chapter Seven THE INTRUSION BY TOTALITARIAN THINKING ion. Verboctacy and semantic fog— . Logoride. Labelo- Chapter Eight TRIAL BY TRIAL “The demagogue as prose- wor and hypnotist. TI as an instrument of ‘dation. The Congressional investigation. The tes The judge and the jury. ‘Televised interrogation. The quest for detachment. Chepter Nine FEAR AS A TOOL OF TERROR ‘The fear of living. Our fantasies about danger. Para- lexical fear. Regression. Camouflage and disguise. Eeplosive panies. The hedy takes over. 195 5 rat CONTENTS PART THREE Uncbirusive Coercion Chapter Ten THE CHILD IS FATHER TO THE MAN How some totalitarian may develop, The molding nursery. The father cuts the cord. Chapter Eleven MENTAL CONTAGION AND MASS DELUSION ges of thinking and delusion, The I yy: Mass delu- sion, The danger of mental contagion. The explana tion delusion, The liberation from magic thinking, of verifiable res Chapter Thirteen: INTRUSION BY THE ADMINISTRATIVE MIND ‘The adminisvrative mind. The zilments of those in public office. The conference of unconscious minds. ‘The buresucratie mind. 193 208 28 CONTENTS Chapter Porrteen ‘THE TURNCOAT IN EACH OF US ap THE CONFUSING INFLUENCE OF THE PRODLEN OF TREASON AND LOTALTY ‘The involuntary traitor. The concept of treason. The traitor who constiously takes option for the other side. r treacherous intellect, Sel-betrayal. The develop- ment of loyalty. In praise of nonconformity. The loyalty compulsion, PART FOUR In Search of Defenses Chapter Fifteen TRAINING AGAINST MENTAL TORTURE — 259 ‘The U.S. cade for resisting brainwashing. Indoctrina- tion against indectrination?: ‘The psychiatric report about brainwashing and menticide. Chapter Sixicen EDUCATION FOR DISCIPLINE OR HIGHER MORALE 266 The role of education. Discipline and morale. Di ine and brainwashing. ‘The quality of the group and the influence of the leader. Enumeration of factors influencing group morale. The breaking point and our capacity for frustration, a BES CONTENTS PART THREE Unobirusive Coercion Chapter Ten THE CHILD IS FATHER TO THE MAN How some totalitarians may develop. The molding nursery. The father cuts the cord. Chapter Eleven sion. The danger of m tion delusion. ‘The liberation from magic thinking. Chapter Twelve TECHNOLOGY I VADES OUR MINDS ‘The creeping coercion by techaclogy. The paradox of technology. Chapter Thirteen INTRUSION BY THE ADMINISTRATIVE MIND ‘The adminisrative mind. The “Thana shee + 38 SDE Peseta, Fue Indien, 220 “Physognemic isborcimtaey" 140 Punidimest 43 48,59 somsambuise, 117 here, 8 18., 304 66 74-754 259-6, 287,293 Prion camps, 43. 4, $0.9. 190,298 ta 13-741 78-75) Tunces, the pes, 97 Techaslory, 208-17 lem, 209 ‘Teed ier Wisk dicking, aye Swistres 5-5 17d 382,205, mo rnpex Wrongéaing or thinking, 109 ABOUT THE AUTHOR DR. DOT A 96 HEEL oe ot ie he received his early education. His MD. was cared at Leyden Univers (1927) sad his Ph.D. atthe Universey cof Utrecht (1932). Betw teacher and salf psehia In 1992 he narrowly missed death at the hands of the German occupation forces in the Netherlands and escaped to England, where he served as a colonel, chief of the Psychological Department of the thedlands Army. For States in 1946 he was High ice Cross in 1943. Since setting in several schools and conducted the p: 1650. He is an honorary member and fellow of several professional His writings include thirteen books, among them 7 the Human Mind, Patterns of Ponic, and The Two Faces of Man, and more than two hundred articles in beth learned and popular journals. He is also distinguished as an editor and is a well-known book reviewer. The Rape of the Mind. his fourceenth book, draws upon his experiences and intimate Knowledge of what extreme ‘mental pressure can do to the humaa mind. War and A SELECTED LIST OF Universal Library TITLES “AMERICAN FistoRY ‘and Writings BOWEN, CATHERINE Fhe a ‘of Saeze end Farce FANnLN, Osean The Uprooted Taaens, Manaus Arden Ja Andrew Jackson: Berder Capt Higoto 3. The dmercn Prater tow, Pat, Rae ToT= ‘Yaons, Yicant The Message of the Sérolis « Reenowt —— The Sleepwatkers: A Trilogy . : Cay, Joven Except the Lard Gas, Heme Bact Janus, Henay Four Sel Ghostly Teles of Henry Jams Lay Barbering ard 61 Rates, Nora Barbar (hacs ard Nigh Pav@se, Cesint The louse on the Sexpen, Riniox The King and the Queer ‘Tanuzats, unicumo The Mabicke Sisters ‘WAU, EVELAN Decline and Fall

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