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Comprehensive test paper:21-09-2019

1. u = 5 ± 0.2 cm is the distance of an object from a convex lens and v = 20 ± 0.3 cm is the
distance to its image from the lens obtained while determining the focal length f of the lens.
What is the focal length with error estimate (in cm)? (Use f = uv/(u + v))
A 4 ± 0.128 B 4 ± 0.014 C 4 ± 0.203 D 4 ± 0.512 Ans:

2. Two fair dice are tossed together. Then the probability that the product of their outcome is
divisibe by 6
A 37 B 12 5
C 47 D 12 7

3. Consider n moles of ideal gas initially at a state A(P, V, T ). The gas is taken thorugh a cyclic
process in three steps as follows (1) An isochoric process AB in which pressure increases to 3P.
(2) An isothermal process BC in which volume increases to 3V. (3) An isobaric process CA in
which the gas regains the original state. The net work done during the cycle is?
A nRT [2ln2 − 2] B nRT [3ln3 − 2] C nRT [ln3 − 2] D zero Ans:

4. A drunkard walking in a narrow lane takes 5 steps forward and 3 steps backward , followed
again by 5 steps forward and 3 steps backward, and so on. Each step is 1m long and requires
1 s. How long the man takes to fall in a pit 13 m away from the start?
A 48sec B 37sec C 43sec D 40sec Ans:

5. A 3 × 3 matrix and its inverse have the same determinant. A probable set of eigenvalues of the
matrix is
A (−1/3, −1/3, 2/3) B (−1/3, 1, 3) C (−1/3, 2/3, 2/3) D (1, 0, −1) Ans:

6. A ve digit number is chosen at random. Find the probability that there are exactly two 00 s
in that number
A 0.0486 B 0.3146 C 0.8412 D 0.3543 Ans:

7. A heater coil is immersed in huge reservoir of water at 300K . A current of 2A is sent through
the coil for 1 minute using a battery of e.m.f 12V . Calculate the change in the entropy of the
universe (in JK −1 ) during this process.
A 4.8 B zero C 2.4 D 7.2 Ans:

8. Two towns A and B are connected by a regular bus service with a bus leaving in every T
minutes. A man cycling with a speed of 20 km/h in the direction from A to B notices that a
bus goes past him in every 18 minutes in the direction of his motion, and every 6 minutes in
the opposite direction. (a) What is the period T of the bus service and (b) with what speed
(assumed to be constant) do the buses ply on the road?
A 9min, 40km/h B 6.5min, 20.6km/h C 10min, 30km/h D 15min, 40km/h Ans:

9. The position vector of a particle moving with constant speed is ~r(t). The angle between its
velocity and acceleration is
A π/4 B π/3 C π/2 D π Ans:

10. A random experiment only has two possible outcomes. The rst occurs with probability p2 + p4
and the second with probability 3−p
4 . Then the possible values of p are
A 3 , 3 B − 3 , − 3 C ± 4 D ± 12 Ans:
1 2 1 2 3
11. Consider a 2D square lattice of N lattice points. Each lattice point is occupied by one spin 12
particle of magnetic moment µ. The system is immersed in a magnetic eld B, with eld being
perpendicular to the lattice. The magnetic susceptibility of the system at high temperature
when the magnetic eld is weak is?

N µ2
2 C KT


12. A spring of force constant k is stretched by x. It takes twice as much work to stretch a second
spring by x2 . The force constant of the second spring is,
A k B 2k C 4k D 8k Ans:
zeπ z

13. 4 − 16
+ ze(π/z)
=? where C is the ellipse 9x2 + y 2 = 9 traversed counter-clockwise
C z
A i(π 2 − 1/4) B iπ(π 2 − 1/4) C iπ(π − 1/2) D i(π − 1/2) Ans:

14. In a colony each family has atleast one child. The probability that a randomly chosen family
from this society has exactly k children is 23 ( 13 )k−1 , where k = 1, 2, 3...∞. Each child can be a
boy or girl with equal probability. Then the probability that a randomly selected family has
no boy child is?
A 13 B 25 C 35 D 23 Ans:

15. Six Ising spins are arranged at the corners of a regular hexagon. Hamiltonian for the system is
H = −J 6i=1 Si Si+1 , The average energy of the system at temperature T  KJB is

A − KTJ2
B − KT
6J 2
C − KT
3J 2
D − KT6J 2
2 Ans:

16. A particle of mass m, moving along the x-direction, experiences a damping force −γv 2 , where
γ is a constant and v is its instantaneous speed. If the speed at t = 0 is v0 , speed at time t is
γv0 t
A v0 e− m B 1+ln(1+ v0
γv0 t
C m+γv
D 2vγv0 0 t Ans:
m 1+e m

17. The rst few terms of the Taylor expansion of sin x about
 x = π/4
1 (x − π/4)2 (x − π/4)3
A √ 1 + (x − π/4) + + + ....
2  2! 3!
(x − π/4)2 (x − π/4)3

B √ 1 + (x − π/4) − − + ....
2 2! 3!
(x − π/4)3
C 1 + (x − π/4) − + ....
(x − π/4)3
D (x − π/4) − + .... Ans:
18. Suppose that the time of failure in functioning of a laptop has a Poisson distribution with mean
3 years. Given that the laptop survives the warrenty period of two years the probability that
it will survive the next year also
A e− 3 B 1 − e− 3 C e−1 D 1 − e−1 Ans:
1 1

19. The dispersion relation for an electron in 1-D lattice is E = A[( πa )2 + k2 ], here A is a constant,
a is the lattice parameter and k is the wave vector of the electron. The lattice is monatomic
and is of length L. Assuming that each atom donates one free electron to the lattice, Fermi
energy is?
A A 23 πa2 B A 54 πa C A 54 πa2 D A 25 πa2 Ans:
2 2 2 2

20. How is your weight aected if the Earth suddenly doubles its radius, mass remaining the same
A increases by a factor of 4
B increases by a factor of 2
C decreases by a factor of 4
D decreases by a factor of 2

21. If y(x) satises xy 0 = y 2 − y and the (x, y) graph passes through ( 12 , 12 ), then y(−1) is
A 2 B 1 C −1 D 0 Ans:

22. A parking lot has two entrances. Car arrives at entrance-1 according to Poisson distribution
at an average 3 cars per hour and at entrance-2 at an average of 4 cars per hour. What is the
probability that total of 3 cars will arrive at parking area in a given hour, assuming the arrivals
are idependent of each other
A 0.02 B 0.03 C 0.04 D 0.05 Ans:

23. Consider a particle of Hamiltonian α2 p2 + δ 2 γ 2 where p2 = p2x + p2y and γ 2 = x2 + y 2 . All

co-ordinates px , py , x and y can vary continuously from −∞ to ∞. α and δ are constants.
The partition function at the inverse temperature β = KB1 T is
A (2β~αδ)−2 B 2β~(αδ)−2 C (β~αδ)−2 D (2β~αδ)−1 Ans:

24. A particle of mass 2 kg is moving such that at time t, its position is given by ~r(t) = 5î − 2t2 ĵ
. The angular momentum of the particle at t = 2s about the origin, in kgm2 s−1 , is
A −40k̂ B −80k̂ C 80k̂ D 40k̂ Ans:
25. If y(x) is given by 2xy 00 + y 0 − 3 = 0 with boundary conditions y(0) = 0, y(1) = 1, then
y(x = 3) is nearly
A 4.9 B 5.2 C 5.7 D 6.1 Ans:

26. In hydrogen atom the radius of orbit B is 16 times than the radius of orbit A (rB = 16rA ).
The total energy of electron in orbit A is EA = −3.4eV . What is the total energy of electron
in orbit B, EB in eV
A −0.85 B −0.21 C −0.65 D None Ans:

27. The energy eigen values of a particle in 1-D SHO potential is E = (n + 21 )~ω . Consider two
fermions in that SHO potential. If x = β~ω . The partition function of the system is?
e− 2
A e−2x + e−3x + 2e−4x + ... B [1 + e−x + e−2x + ...]2 C 2cosh(1
) D 1−e −x Ans:

28. In a certain inertial frame two light pulses are emitted at points 5km apart and separated in
time by 5 microseconds. An observer moving at a speed V along the line joining these points
notes that the pulses are simultaneous. Therefore V is
A 0.7c B 0.8c C 0.3c D 0.9c Ans:

29. If f (t) exp [−xt f (t)] = ∞

n=0 Rn (x)t where f (t) = (1 − t) , |t| < 1, then Rn (0) and R0 (x)
n −1

are respectively
A 1, 1 B 1, 0 C 1, 1 + x D 1, 1/(1 − x) Ans:

30. The number of hyperne components observed in the electronic transition 2 P 1 →2 S 1 of an

2 2
atom with nuclear spin 12 is
A 3 B 4 C 6 D 5 Ans:

31. Consider a system of three identical bosons. Each particle can access two non-degenrate energy
levels of energies ±2 and a doubly degenerate energy level of energy zero. The total number
of microstates of the system when it's total energy is zero is
A 12 B 4 C 8 D 6 Ans:

32. The kinetic energy of a particle of rest mass m0 is equal to its rest mass energy. Its momentum
in units of m0 c, where c is the velocity of light in vacuum, is
A 3.44 to 3.48 B 1.72 to 1.74 C 0.86 to 0.88 D 5.76 to 5.78 Ans:

33. A function is dened for x 6= 0 as fn (x) = x(x + 1)(x + 2)....(x + n − 1), f0 (x) = 1. Then
f4 (1/3) is
A 143/42 B 10/9 C 1/3 D 280/81 Ans:

34. Wavelength λ in nm of Lyman series of a one electron ion is in the range 24 ≤ λ ≤ 30. The
ionization energy of the ion is?
A 32 eV B 42 eV C 52 eV D 62 eV Ans:

35. Consider a hot body of heat capacity Cp at temperature T1 and a cold body of heat capacity 2Cp
at temperature T2 . A carnot engine operates between these two bodies till their temperatures
are equalized. What is the nal temperature?

A T1 T2 B (T1 T22 ) 3 C (T12 T2 ) 3 D (T1 T2 ) 3 Ans:
1 1 1

36. The dynamics of a particle of mass m is described in terms of three generalized coordinates ξ
η and φ. If the Lagrangian of system is L = 81 m[(ξ + η)( ξξ̇2 + η̇η2 ) + 4ξη φ̇2 ] + 18 k(ξ + η)2 , where
2 2

k is a constant. Then a conserved quantity is

A (m + k)(ξ˙ + η̇) B mξη φ̇ C m( ξ̇ξ2 + η̇η2 ) D m[(ξ + η)( ξ̇ξ2 + η̇η2 )] Ans:
2 2 2 2

37. For 0 ≤ m ≤ (n − 1), −∞
∞ 2
xm e−x Hn (x)dx =?
A 1 B 2 C 0 D m Ans:

38. Molecular spectra of two linear molecules O-C-O (Molecule-1) and O-C-S (Molecule-2) are
recorded in microwave region. Which of these molecules will show absorption spectrum [GATE-
A Both will show B None will show C Molecule − 1 only D Molecule − 2 only Ans:

39. A CO2 molecule and an oxygen molecule are at very high temperature so that all modes of
vibrations are excited in both cases. Then the ratio of specic heats at constant volume for
CO2 and O2 is
A 13
7 B 117 C 13
9 D 11
9 Ans:

40. The Lagrangian for a particle of mass m at a position ~r moving with a velocity ~v is given by
L= m 2
2 v + C(~ r.~v ) − V (r), where V (r) is a potential and C is a scalar constant. If p~ is the
canonical momentum, then its Hamiltonian is given by
A 2m
p − C~r)2 + V (r) B 2m
(~ 1
p + C~r)2 + V (r) C 2m
(~ 1
p − C~r)2 − V (r)
(~ D 2mp2
+ V (r)

π2 X (−1)n
41. Given the expansion x2 = −π ≤ x ≤ π . Then is
P∞ −4
+4 cos (nx), n=1 n
3 n2
A π 5 /100 B π 4 /90 C π 4 /60 D π 3 /40 Ans:

42. From the gure 1 (at the end) calculate approximately the energy dierence between L and M
levels of Molybdenum in KeV. ( options are not provided, write the value)
A − B − C − D − Ans:
43. Calculate the approximate temperature at which r.m.s speed of O2 molecule becomes equals
to the most probable speed of H2 at S.T.P
A 2700K B 2900K C 3100K D 2500K Ans:

44. The Lagrangian of a system with one degree of freedom q is given by L = αq̇ 2 + βq 2 where
α and β are non-zero constants. If pq denotes the canonical momentum conjugate to q , then
which one of the following statement is correct?
A pq = 2βq and it is a conserved quantity
B pq = 2βq and it is not a conserved quantity
C pq = 2αq and it is a conserved quantity
D pq = 2αq and it is not a conserved quantity

45. If Fourier transform FT 2c/(x2 + c2 ) = exp(−c|k|), then FT 1/(x4 + 5x2 + 4) is


A [2 exp(−|k|) − exp(−2|k|)]/12 B [2 exp(−|k|) − exp(2|k|)]/12

C −1 + exp(|k|)/6 D 1 − exp(−2|k|)/12 Ans:

46. The energy levels corresponding to the rotational motion of a molecule are EJ = BJ(J +
1), where J = 0, 1, 2... and B is the rotational constant. Rotational Raman spectra allow
transitions of selection rule ∆J = 0, ±2. When this molecule is irradiated the seperation
between the closest Stokes and Anti-Stokes line is [NET-6/19]
A 6B B 12B C 4B D 8B Ans:

47. A substance undergo phase transition under normal atmospheric pressure. During the transi-
tion the volume of substance increases by 10−3 m−3 and the entropy increases by 4JK −1 . Now
if the pressure is increased by 100Pa, the change in transition temperature is
A 0.0025o C B 0.025o C C 0.25o C D 2.5o C Ans:
√ √
48. For the transformation Q = 2qe−1+2α cosp and P = 2qe−α−1 sinp, where α is a constant, to
be canonical, the value of α is
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 Ans:

Figure 1: Distribution of wavelength of x-rays produced when electron strike the molybdenum target.

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