Thru These Tears

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This hurts like hell

But I keep telling myself
It's gonna get better
But it's taking forever
I tried to go out
But every time I leave the house
Something reminds me
Of what's now behind me
Everyday I let go
Just a little bit more
In the end I'm gonna be alright
But it might take a hundred sleepless nights
To make the memories of you disappear
But right now I can't see nothing through these tears
Control my thoughts
Convincing myself it's your loss
I really mean it
And I'm starting to believe it
'Cause everyday I let go
Just a little bit more
In the end I'm gonna be alright
But it might take a hundred sleepless nights
To make the memories of you disappear
But right now I can't see nothing through these tears
Out of sight but you're not out of my mind
So it might take somebody else at night
To make it feel like you were never here
But right now I can't see nothing through these tears
You said it was over
But when we got closer
You cried on my shoulder
In the end I'm gonna be alright
But it might take a hundred sleepless nights
To make the memories of you disappear
But right now I can't see nothing through these tears
Out of sight but you're not out of my mind
So it might take somebody else at night
To make it feel like you were never here
But right now I can't see nothing through these tears
Driving home on an empty highway
I thought about you and I hit the brakes
What we had and who we were was so clear
But right now I can't see nothing through these tears
Insights into Asian art: introduction
The geography of South, Southeast and East Asia ranges from tropical jungles to frozen peaks, from lush
pastures to arid deserts. The cultures, languages and ideologies of this vast region, now home to over
half the world’s population, are just as diverse.

The cultures of Asia still maintain distinct characteristics that took centuries to evolve. Influences and
ideas from other sources have been accepted, absorbed, altered, sometimes rejected, creating families of
cultures which, while related, are richly distinctive.

As in the West, religious beliefs have inspired an abundance of imagery that uplifts and comforts. Faiths
such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam have spread through Asia, inspiring individual expressions of
prescribed imagery. Buddhist texts, for example, state what the relative proportions of a Buddha figure
should be, yet each figure is different – a Chinese Buddha would not be confused with a Thai Buddha.
The patronage and preferences of monks, courts and devotees has resulted in breathtaking, yet
stylistically different, temples, sculptures and ritual objects across Asia.
Text has shaped the arts of Asia. Although lost in mainstream Western traditions, the art of writing –
calligraphy – is still cherished. Different scripts, from ancient Sanskrit to contemporary ‘Chinlish’, have
been valued for their aesthetic expression as well as their content, and are synonymous with specific

Respect for craft, skill or artisanship has been maintained in different Asian cultures. The range
of media used across Asia is immense, and many have long artistic traditions behind them. Certain
materials tend to associated with the art of specific countries because – again, often through patronage –
extraordinary heights of artistry and innovation were realised: think of stone for India; jade and porcelain
for China; lacquer for Japan; textiles for Indonesia.

Textiles are a medium in which Asia has excelled, with a long history of exporting to the West. Through
textiles, as with all media, there are clearly different tastes and preferences: the lavish brocades of
Mughal emperors, the ikats of Indonesia, the silks of Chinese elites, the export cottons of India.

In the West, artistic values have been shaped by the Renaissance, which put fine art – painting, sculpture
and architecture – above others, such as decorative art and design. In Asian cultures such hierarchies
are irrelevant, which is one reason Asian galleries in museums display objects of many kinds in many
media. In traditional China, the principle of qi, or spirit resonance, has determined the artistic merit of
landscape painting, while in Japan the aesthetics of tea masters has created a permanent legacy, and in
India the theory of rasa, flavour, has been a measure of artistic merit.

While, from the 1800s, young Asian artists had experimented with Western artistic conventions, they are
now turning back to their own traditions and combining elements of East and West – a clear expression of
the gradual shift to a world culture.
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