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Zomi International Conference (ZIC2019KL)

17-19 February 2019

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Conference Declaration

After a focused deliberation and discussion by all participating members at the

Kuala Lumpur Zomi International Conference 2019, based on the proposals of
Zomi Innkuan USA (ZIUSA) and complemented by the proposals, comments,
suggestions and advice of all participating Zomi organisations, leaders and
intellectuals, it was consented by the members to present the Kuala Lumpur
Declaration on the Future of Indigenous Zomis: Political Status and Socio-
Economic Development of Zogam 2019, on this day, the nineteenth of February,
Two Thousand and Nineteen, as follow:

1. We reaffirm our Zomi identity as an indigenous people; and resolve to

continue working towards achieving our political goal of establishing a
self-administered Zogam for the Zomi nation with a renewed commitment.

2. To establish a Zomi Parliament under the framework, guideline and

parameters of United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues to
protect, promote and propagate the emotional, social, cultural and political
integration of Zomi people across the world.

3. To collectively work together towards strengthening and advancing the

interest of the Zomi movement and realizing Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) for the socio-economic upliftment of Zomi-inhabited areas
through our respective capacities at appropriate forums.

Dated: February 19, 2019

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Board of Directors

Press Release No.04/2018-19

December 24, 2018

A Thu: Leitungbup Zomi-te Minam Khawmpi ( Zomi International Conference)

1. Zomi Innkuan USA (ZIUSA) Kipawlna’ Ngimna Bulpite sung-ah Zomi-te in minam picing khat a
suah theihna ding cih thu a kihel bangin ZIUSA Kipawlna in Zomi Movement ah ma kipang in, tha
kipia tawntung hi. Zomi Movement (Minam Maban Kalsuanna) cih ciang in 2016 Zomi Khawmpi
USA, Political Forum hun sung a kithu minna zui-in hih a nuai a bangin kikhung hi:
• Zomi-te in leitung minam tuamtuamte lak ah minam kician, minam picing khat hihna tawh
minam thuneihna bukim angah theihna dingin hanciamna, mapanna leh vaihawmna;
• Tualsuak minamte hamphatna pulakna (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples) thu bulpi sunga tualsuak minamte hamphatna teng ngahna ding mapan na.
2. Zomi Movement a lawhcin theihna ding leh Zogam aki phuh zawhna dingin leitungbup a om Zomi
minam makaite, gam makaite, minam kipawlna makaite, khua leh tui kipawlna makaite, gam leh
minam tawh kisai mipil misiamte kaikhawm in – a masa pen Leitungbup Zomi-te Minam
Khawmpi (Zomi International Conference-ZIC2019KL) khat Zomi Innkuan USA (ZIUSA)
kipawlna vaihawmna in Zomi Association of Malaysia (ZAM) kipawlna leh Malaysia gam sung a
om Zomi makai, khuanu khuapate innteekna tawh February 17~19, 2019 hun sung teng Malaysia
Gam, Kuala Lumpur khuapi ah ki bawl ding hi.
3. Khawmpi Thu bulphuhte (Conference Objectives)
i. Zomi-te in minam kician, minam picing khat a hihna tawh minam thuneihna bukim a ngah
theihna ding; (To set foundation for installation of Self Determination of Zomi as an
Indigenous People)
ii. Zogam sung – (sak leh khang, sim leh mal) khantohna bukim leh Zomite a ding daihna leh
bitna a om theihna ding; (To implement political, economic and social development in Zogam
and to maintain Peace and Security for Zomi)
iii. Gam leh minam kivaipuakzia (Political Status) kician khat nuai ah sak leh khang, sim leh
mal, tuipi galkhat a om Zomi-te kigawmkik theihna ding. (For the re-unification of Zomi as
ONE nation under an internationally recognized Political Status)
4. Khawmpi Lam-etna (Conference Expected Outcome)
i. Zogam leh Zomi-te a’ding in madawk in ma a pang party, pawlpi, kipawlna, makai mipil
misiamte maitang kimukhawm in, ankuang umkhawm a kimeltheihna om ding; (Meeting
face to face, introducing and recognizing one another to build mutual respect among the
leaders of Zomi Political Parties, Revolutionary Organizations, Civil Society Organizations,
Non-governmental Organization, and Political Scientists, Intellectuals, Experts, Advocates),
ii. Zogam leh Zomi tawh kisai ngimna tuamtuam a nei Zomi Party, Zomi Pawlpi, Zomi
Kipawlnate in a Ngimna teng uh sungkhawm in, maban kitheihpihna nei thei ding; (Sharing
and contributing of Objectives, Goals, Demands, Charters, Policies and Principles on
Political, Economic and social issues of Zogam and Zomi),

iii. Gam leh minam tawh kisai Zomi-te mabante khat leh khat kitu kalhlo, kithuaplo, kikelkilo a,
lampi khat a ton khawm thei ding; (Collaboration on each Political and Economic Policies,
establishing cohesion among major key players, reorientation and repositioning of stake
holders on Zogam and Zomi)
iv. Gam leh minam tawh kisai ngimna tuamtuamte lemtuah a, minam khat hihna tawh ahuamkim
in ngimna leh maban kiciante kikhungkhawm thei ding; (Policy Development and
Coordination on Political and Economic Goals of Zogam and Zomi),
v. Zogam leh Zomi tawh kisai thute kithuzakna, kikupna khang semsem ding a, pawl
tuamtuamte kizopna leh pankhopna hong om thei ding hi. (Promoting Consensus Building,
establishing of Networking, advocating of working together for Zogam and Zomi).
5. Khawmpi kah Mipi (Conference Attendees)
Leitungbup Zomi-te Minam Khawmpi a kah dingin a nuai pawl tuamtuam panin Zomi Makaite,
Tangmite kisam ding hi.
1) Political Parties (5 Parties)
2) Revolutionary Organizations (5 Organizations)
3) Civil Society Organizations (14 Organizations)
4) Non-Govermental Organizations (4 Organizations)
5) Professional Organizations (4 Organizations)
6) Religious Organizations (8 Organizations)
7) Leaders, Intellectuals and Experts (32+ Individuals)
8) News & Media (4 Groups, min.)
6. Thupulakna Thuluite (Presentation & Discussion Agendas)
Khawmpi i thu bulphuh om bangin khawmpi a kah palaite, taangmite leh mimal khat ciatin Zomi
leh Zogam a ding muhna leh ngimnate, sep le bawl dingte, na sepna mabante leh mailama a
sepkhop theih dingte bulphuh in thu pulakna leh thuluite kikupna om ding hi.
7. Khawmpi Vaihawm Pawl (Conference Organizing Team)
Project Director : Board of Directors, ZIUSA
Project Executive : Executive Director & Officers, ZIUSA
Project Sponsor : Zomi Innkuan USA
Host (Innteek Tanu) : ZAM Kipawlna & Malaysia Zomi-te

Theih ding thu

Hih Leitungbup Zomi-te Minam Khawmpi akah dingin Zomi makaite, Tangmite, Uliante, Mipil
Misiamte leh Upate tung ah sapna lai kipuak ding hi. Khawmpi akah dingin akisam mite lamsap, annek
tuidawn leh zintunna ding vaihawmnate Sapna Laipi tawh kitheisak ding hi. (Khawmpi tawh kisai
vaihawmnate a kisapna leh a hun zui in ZIUSA Kipawlna, Board of Directors pawlin puahpha, khel,
behlap ding hi.)

Do Khan Khup Pu Tual Khan Suan
Pu Go Sawm Khup Pu Do Khan Khup
Chairman Secretary
Executive Director

Zomi International Conference (ZIC2019KL)
17-19 February, 2019
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Members of various Zomi political leaders, political party, organizations, student groups, women
groups, The Zomi International Conference 2019 Kuala Lumpur hereby moves the following;

Strategic Issues

1. Zomi Identity:
(a) We hereby reaffirm the fact that Zomi is our political identity as an indigenous people.
(b) Although in the past, we have been recorded and classified under various nomenclatures, our
identity remains and will remain Zomi.

2. Territory:
(a) Territorially, Zogam (Zoland) comprises of all the ancestral Zomi-inhabited areas.

3. Political Goal:
(a) The principle political goal of the Zomi movement is the realization of a self-administered
territory of Zogam as per our rights as indigenous people under the United Nations Declaration
on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
(b) That, to make advancement towards Zomi self-determination , it is resolved to establish a Zomi
Parliament under the guidelines and provisions of the United Nations
(c) That, ZCI2019KL shall make a declaration towards achieving the establishment of Zomi
(d) That, ZIUSA in the US, ZC in India and ZYA in Myanmar will take the lead to initiate the
establishment of Zomi Parliament and if necessary, form a coordination committee to execute
the mandate of the Conference. Additionally, ZIUSA, ZYA & ZNCM (Myanmar) and ZC
(India) will go back to their respective constituents and stakeholders and conduct consultations
to work towards establishing a Zomi Parliament to integrate the political goals of the Zomis
(e) ZIC2019KL takes serious consideration of the unfortunate turn of events within Zomi
movement in India in recent months and appeals that an amicable peaceful solution be reached
at the earliest.
(f) ZIC2019KL appreciates and congratulates our Zomi brothers with regard to the progress made
in Sialkal Range Development Council (SRDC) in Mizoram state and wishes them further
success in strengthening it for the socio-economic upliftment of the Zomi people.

4. Economic and Social Goal:

(a) It is our collective appeal that all Zomi organizations and stakeholders shall take renewed and
sustained efforts towards furthering the socio-economic development of Zomi and Zogam in
the next 5-10 years.


(b) We resolve to take all necessary steps and continue working towards realizing Sustainable
Development Goals in all Zomi-inhabited areas.

5. Peace and Security:

(a) We hope that the efforts and endeavor of (United Peoples Front (UPF) for a political status in
India shall be achieved for the Zomis in India and that they will take concerted steps towards
this objective. We resolve to strengthen their efforts through our respective capacities.
(b) That, we ask for the ZRO (E) to play a specific role to realize peace and security in Zomi-
inhabited areas and urge them to move forward for the establishment of self-determination in
(c) We also request them to make strategic headways in line with contemporary political
developments in the country for the advancement of Zomi movement

Current National Issues

1. Constitution:
(a) ZIC2019KL hereby agrees the proposed amendment of 2008 Myanmar Constitution on the
grounds that it is disadvantageous to the Zomi interest.
(b) We also agree to draft the Zogam (Zoland) constitution in the need of political changes in
Myanmar. That, a Zoland Constitution Drafting Committee be constituted with the following
members and will engage with the elected representatives/MPs.
(i) Convener : Pu Go Sawm Khup, Zomi Innkuan USA
(ii) Member : Sia Pau Sian Lian, Ph.D. (Candidate), Japan
(iii) Member : Pu Kham Lam Tuang, Zomi Congress for Democracy
(iv) Member : Sia Golan Suanzamung Naulak, Ph.D. (Candidate), India
(v) Member : Sia Mung Lan Thang, Myanmar
(vi) Member : Sia Cin Khan Lian, Myanmar
(vii) Member(s) : Zomi Members of Parliament, Myanmar

2. Zomi MPs and National Party:

(a) We acknowledge and appreciate the work and role of Zomi MPs for their contribution and
commitment to the Zomi movement.
(b) We heartily acknowledge and mark a note of appreciation for the presence of four MPs from
ZCD at ZIC2019KL.
(c) It is our appeal to Zomi MPs in Myanmar to take renewed efforts towards fulfilment for
including Zomi 914 in the Census enumeration process.
(d) ZCD is considered as the Zomi National party and is therefore a party for the Zomi people and
for the Zomi cause. Accordingly, it is our fervent appeal that a renewed consideration be made
within the party for a structural reform towards sustaining the people’s confidence in the
interest of the Zomi cause. It is also our request to our elected representatives to made
concerted efforts to achieve the aspirations of the people.


3. GZA and the Zomi:
(a) We recognize the contribution of GZA’s prophetic role for our Zomi nation and for the well-
being of Zogam. We reaffirm their role as they continue their role as mandated by the
organization in the years to come, and look forward to their blessings to the Zomi movement
in their prophetic capacity.
(b) We also beseech their blessings in realizing the conference resolutions of ZIC2019KL. We
also ask all religious leaders among the Zomi to give their blessing to the Zomi movement.

4. Zomi National Day:

We endorse the celebration of Zomi National Day in all Zomi-inhabited areas and encourage the
formation of celebration committees to organize Zomi Natioanl Day in Zomi towns and in all key
areas of concentration

5. 2020 Myanmar Election:

It is our appeal that qualified individuals from Zomi are nominated and elected in the upcoming
2020 Elections in Myanmar. We appeal to all stakeholders and to all concerned to refrain from
supporting any candidate who will work against the interest of Zomi movement and Zogam.

6. District:
(a) The ZIC2019KL condemns the government officials in Myanmar for taking advantages of
their position to profit their individual, their clan (origin), villages and township. We also
condemn the ruling government, NLD for the formation of new districts in Chin State have
been lopsided and disadvantaged for the Zomis. We, thereby, collectively call for the re-
drawing of district boundaries and establishing Tedim ,Tonzang, Cikha, Khaikam and Rih into
one district.
(b) We extend our support to the demand for Lamka District in Manipur to have an administrative
unit for the Zomis in India.

7. Zomi ancestral land and territory:

(a) We hereby declares that there is no fallow/vacant/virgin land in any ancestral Zomi-inhabited
areas as per our traditional and cultural form of self-governance. We will take any necessary
action to protected our ancestral land.
(b) ZIC2019KL unanimously registers our dissatisfaction with the new law that enables non-
Zomis to buy land in Zomi-inhabited areas and townships. We will not tolerate any involved
party to take our ancestral land by force.
(c) We, therefore, resolves to take all necessary representation in this regard at appropriate forums,
and to our elected representatives to take necessary steps to withdraw this law.

8. Infrastructure Development:
(a) We appeal to our elected representatives to take concerted steps to promote infrastructure
development in Zomi-inhabited areas including inclusion into the Myanmar National Power
Grid, setting up Behiang Trade Centre and others.


(b) We collectively express our concern and register our disapproval at the shifting of Haimual
Border Trade Centre to somewhere else. In this regard, we request all Zomi MP to investigate
the issue and take an appropriate action accordingly.

9. Zomi Refugees:
(a) We appreciate the generous support extended to the affairs of Zomi refugees by ZIUSA, and
appeal ZIUSA to commit for continued support of Zomi refugees in their asylum demands and
in the resettlement/reparation efforts being considered.
(b) We appeal to the concerned governments and authorities to put in place a transparent process
in case of a reparation plan/resettlement plan for the Zomi refugees. We request to the ZIUSA
to continue support and help the Zomi refugees.
(c) In the case of repatriation advised by the UNHCR, the advice, guidance and assistance of
elected representatives, ZYA, TYF and Ar Yone Oo is sought in this regard.

10. Zomi National Flag:

(a) It is agreed to have a national flag for the Zomi nation and;
(b) we propose the present flag of ZRO in this regard subject to the endorsement of each
constituent of ZIC2019KL.

11. Meitei armed groups and Opium:

(a) We register our opposition at the presence of Meitei armed groups in ancestral Zomi-inhabited
(b) We also oppose the cultivation of opium by these armed Meitei groups is also a cause of serious
concern to our people
(c) In this regard, it is resolved that CSOs make a formal submission in protest against the
cultivation of opium by the armed Meitei groups in ancestral Zomi-inhabited areas. We appeal
to the Zomi elected representatives, MP to take the lead in this effort for eliminating opium
cultivation in our land.

12. Zomi Women Causes:

(a) We appreciate the efforts made by Zomi women groups in advancing political, socio-economic
development of the Zomi and Zogam.

13. Zo Script:
(a) To explore possibilities for the establishment of Zomi Language and Research Institute
(b) The indigenous script of the Zomi is to be promoted in research and preserved as a marker of
our distinct identity.

14. Zomi Baptists Churches:

(a) We endorse and heartily support the initiative for all Baptist Churches within the Zomi to
assemble together under one umbrella organization.


15. Myanmar State Sponsored School In Zogam:
(a) We are against the state sponsored imposition of religious teaching and practices on students
through free education in various state sponsored schools and educational institutions in the
Zomi-inhabited areas. It is our earnest appeal to all concerned that immediate steps are to taken
to discontinue this kind of imposition on the freedom of religion.
(b) In this regard, we request Global Zomi Alliance (GZA) in working together with all churches
to establish orphanage in Zogam to help Zomi orphans.

16. Zomi Community Center leh Library:

(a) We make an earnest request for the establishment of a Zomi Community Center and a Zomi
Library and Resource Centre in Zomi towns (Lamka and Tedim) for the educational upliftment
of the Zomi people. We also request to all Zomi elected representatives, officials and respective
organizations to take lead on this regard.

17. Zomi Youth Association:

(a) We appreciate the efforts made for the establishment of Zomi Youth Association (ZYA) in all
Zomi-inhabited areas and extend our support in this regard.


( Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

1. Chin Sian Thang, MP 3. Go Sawm Khup (Sd xxx)
5. Kap Za Khup
(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)
2. John Khatthang Ngaihte 4. Kam Suan Mung

Recording Secretaries

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

1. Tual Khan Suan 2. Golan Suanzamung Naulak 3. Ngo Sian Pau


(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)
(Sd xxx) 3. Pau Sian Lian 6. Dr. Lam Khan Piang,
1. Gin Kam Lian, MP Professor
(Sd xxx)
(Sd xxx) 4. Hang Khan Lian (Sd xxx)
2. Kham Khan Thang, 7. Mung Lan Thang
MP (Sd xxx)
5. Cin Khan Lian (Sd xxx)
8. Khamsonlian Joy Ngaihte


(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

1.Dr. C. Thang Za Tuan 11.Dr. Cin Lam Pau 21.Kham Lam Tuang

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

2.Dr. Hau Za Cin Suante 12.Cin Ngaih Lian 22.Khamminthang Tunglut

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

3.Dr. Pum Khan Pau 13.Dal Sawm Tung 23.Khual Za Nang

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

4.Ciang Lem Vung 14.Dal Sian Pau 24.Minlun

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

5.Cin Khan Lun 15.Do Khan Khup 25.Nang Khan Suan

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

6.Man Ngaih Don 16.Hau Khan Mung 26. Pau Khan Khup

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

7.Zen Dot Mang 17.Kam Lam Khup 27.Pau Lian Tuang

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

8.Augustine Kim Mung 18.Kap Khan Khual 28.Pauchungnung Vaiphei

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

9.Biangtung T. Ngaihte 19.Kap Khan Thang 29.Paumuanthang Khuptong

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

10.Cin Khan Lam 20.Kham Do Dal 30.Thang Deih Khup MP


(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)
31.Thang Lam Cin 41.Rev. Go Za Suum 50. Kai Za Dal

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

32. Thang Sian Hau 42.Rev. Khai Sian Tuang 51.Ngin Khat Thang

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

33.Thang Za Khai 43.Rev. Ngul Cin Thang 52. Pau Khua Muan Lal

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

34.Thangbiaklian Hangzo 44. Rev. Pau Khan Lian 53. Raymond Thang Tung

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

35.Thangkhangin Ngaihte 45. Rev. Thang Za Cin 54. Tuan Do Nang

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

36.Vungh Khen Mung 46. Rev. Thawng Khat Sut 55. Rev. Thang Do Khen

(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)

37.Won Lian Nang 47. Rev. Timothy Pau Sian 56. Rev. LP Tuang
(Sd xxx) (Sd xxx)
38.Rev. Dai Sim Mang (Sd xxx) 57. Cin Lian Khai
48. Rev. Vungh Suan Mung
(Sd xxx)
39.Rev. Gin Do Khup (Sd xxx)
49. Hau Thang
(Sd xxx)
40.Rev. Gin Khan En


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