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Notebook: 48c

Dr. Bedelia Nicola Richards is Associate professor of Sociology at the University of

Richmond she study the grow and diversity in the USA. By studying the Sociology of
Race and Ethnicity in the education.
With this she straightly applied 5 important questions for the “is your University
Racist?” dilemma or issue. She talked about how hard is sometimes to understand the
“institutional racism” because it is suppose to be higher in education institutions
shouldn’t be racial with the diversity of people but that’s not the case they just hide it
from the public since when those people who are facing the issue their afraid to talk and
get kick out the institution.
I think I would barrow the first question for my interview because I think it kind
of identify my issue with her question. The question is do you feel at home at school?
And I choses this question because most of the students see the school as their second
home. We only thing we do is to study finish with our education and incorporated
ourselves for our community but I think is not just me who had the similar feeling or
issue but people from different countries like Cubans, Africans Asian etc. it just like I
said before they are afraid to be seem bad.

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