Perform Integrated Change Control (Step-By-Step)

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“Perform Integrated Change Control”

 A change request is a formal proposal to modify any document, deliverable or baseline.
 Several project management processes may involve a change request.

Perform integrated change control is the process of reviewing all change requests and approving
the changes. This process happens throughout the project for integrating change requests.

The approved change request may be a:

 Preventive action (an intentional activity that ensures the future performance of the project is
aligned with the project management plan)
 Corrective action (an intentional activity that realigns the future performance of the project with
the project management plan)
 Defect repair (an intentional activity that modifies a non-conforming product or product
component) or
 Updates (changes to formally controlled project documents ‫تغييرات على وثائق المشروع التي تخضع‬
‫) للرقابة الرسمية بمعنى أنه ال يسمح لمدير المشروع عمل تعديل عليها من نفسه ال بد من موافقة على هذا التعديل‬

The approved changes are implemented through the direct and manage project work process, to
achieve the project’s objectives.
‫بالطبع يتم تنفيذ التغييرات المعتمدة خالل عمليات التنفيذ ولذلك تجد أنها مدخل لعملية تٌجيو ًإدازة أعمال انمشسًع انتي تتم بيا عمهية انتكامم‬
.ٍ‫نعمهيات انتنفير األخس‬
‫تدخم انتغييسات انمعتمدة كمدخم في عمهيتيه بعيدا عه مسحهة انتنفير ىما (انتحكم في انجٌدة – انتحكم في انمشتسيات) ًذنك ألن إجساء انتحكم في انجٌدة‬
.‫ًانمشتسيات بعد عمم أي تغييسات ال بد أن يستند إلعتماد ىره انتغييسات‬

Changes to the Project Management Plan

Project management plan should be baselined so that the actual project performance can be
measured against the baseline. Before baselining the project management plan, it can be changed as
many times as you want without going through any change control process. But, once the baseline is
agreed, any further changes can happen only through formal change control process.

While developing the project management plan ‫أثناء تطوير خطة إدارة المشروع‬, we also
should establish which project documents will be subject to the formal change
control process (‫ضا تحديد وثائق المشروع التي ستخضع لعملية مراقبة التغيير الرسمية‬
ً ‫)يجب علينا أي‬.

Change management plan, a component of the project management plan, describes how the
change requests will be formally authorized and incorporated.

Change log is a project document. The change log contains the status of all change requests.
In an Agile/ adaptive environment, the project manager’s focus is on ensuring the team has the ability
to respond to changes.


Perform Integrated Change Control [Step-by-Step]
The first thing to do as a Project Manager is to minimize change requests in a
project. You have to work to influence the causes of change requests.
You need to understand that, in spite of your efforts, changes are inevitable in a project ‫على الرغم من‬
‫ فإن التغييرات ال مفر منها في المشروع‬، ‫جهودك‬.
If you get a change request, the following are the suggested steps to address the change request:

 Receive the change request. Any project stakeholder may request a change.
 Identify/ clarify need for change ‫ توضيح الحاجة للتغيير‬/ ‫ تحديد‬BY meetings with a stakeholder who
requested the change.
 Changes may be initiated verbally ‫ ;شفهيا أو لفظيا‬in such cases, the changes should be
documented into a proper change request in written form.
 Record the change request in the change log ( ‫هام جدا أن نعرف أنك تقوم بتسجيل طلب التغيير بسجل التغييرات قبل‬
‫)مرحلة دراسة وتحليل آثار هذا التغيير على المشروع وهذا السجل يتم تحديثه بإستمرار أثناء كافة مراحل التغيير‬.
 Evaluate the impact of the requested change on various project objectives. The analysis should
address various questions like:
 Does the change affect the schedule?
 Are we going to incur additional costs if the change is implemented?
 Does it introduce any new risks?
 How the overall project risk has changed? …

 After evaluated the impact of the requested change may be need to meet with the stakeholders
who requested the change or with the sponsor to inform them the impact of the changes.
 Once the evaluation is done, the Project Manager submits the following to the Change Control
 Change Request
 Analysis Report
 A Project Manager’s recommendation to the CCB
 CCB reviews the change request, with the inputs given by Project Manager. After the review,
CCB will take a decision either to accept the change request, defer it or reject it.

You should also note that depending on the level of authority given to the project manager, the
change requests may be reviewed and approved by the project manager himself.

 Customer or sponsor approval may be needed for certain change requests after CCB approval,
in case they are not part of the CCB.
 Update the change log with the decision of the CCB (approved, deferred or rejected)
 Update the relevant components of the project management plan and the project documents.
 In some projects sponsor approval may be needed for the project management plan after
updated (‫) هام جدا أن تعرف أن ببعض المشاريع تحتاج ألخذ الموافقة مرة أخرى على خطة إدارة المشروع بعد تحديثها‬.
 Communicate the changes to relevant stakeholders
 Implement the changes (approved change requests go back as an input to Direct and Manage
Project Work process)
 Check whether the changes are implemented (approved change requests are an input to
Control Quality process)
Change Requests as Output
Change requests can be generated throughout the project. PMBOK Guide has listed 24 processes
where change requests may be generated. They are:

 Initiating Process Group

1. Identify Stakeholders
 Planning Process Group
1. Define Activities
2. Develop Schedule
3. Plan Risk Responses
4. Plan Procurement Management
 Executing Process Group
1. Direct and Manage Project Work
2. Manage Quality
3. Acquire Resources
4. Develop Team
5. Manage Team
6. Implement Risk Responses
7. Conduct Procurements
8. Manage Stakeholder Engagement
 Monitoring and Controlling Process Group
1. Monitor and Control Project Work
2. Validate Scope
3. Control Scope
4. Control Schedule
5. Control Costs
6. Control Quality
7. Control Resources
8. Monitor Communications
9. Monitor Risks
10. Control Procurements
11. Monitor Stakeholder Engagement

You do not need to remember all the 24 processes.

But, you should remember that all Monitoring and Controlling processes will generate Change

Approved Change Requests as Output

Approve change requests is an Output from Only ONE process it is (Perform Integrated Change
Control) and will be input for only THREE processes (direct and manage project work, Control
Quality and Control Procurements).


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