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Elements of Literature and the Combined Arts

Literature - written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting

artistic merit.
-Not all can be considered literature
-Language is composed of words that are combined into sentences to express
emotions, ideas and desires.
In other words, a writer should bear these objectives in mind:
1. To strive in raising the level of the readers humanity;
2. To accomplish the purpose of making one a better person and giving him a
sense of value.


- is attained when the reader is emotionally moved or touched by any literary work.
- Both knowledge or information and remind the reader what he forgotten.
- can be attained when literary work makes the reader an improved person with
better outlook.

- is written for entertainment purposes that is to help us pass the time in agreeable
-take us away from the real world and forget troubles.
- is written to broaden and sharpen our awareness of life.
- Imagination, deeper the real world and understand troubles.

- to present moral values for the reader to understand and appreciate the moral
directly or indirectly.
- is found not only in history books and advertising and marketing books but also in
some books describing one's personal success and achievement in life.
- it could be looked on as a sophisticated modern elaboration of the idea;
CATHARSIS an emotional relief of experienced by the reader by helping him
recover from previous emotion.

Elements of Poetry

Poetry- is a universal language and almost as ancient. The most primitive people
have used it and civilized and cultivated it.
- Poetry is challenging.
•proper words or grammar.
• the denotative symbols and symbolical meaning of the chosen grammar.
• limitation by structure and rhythm sound.

1. Denotation/ Connotation
Denotation- is the actual meaning of a word derived from the dictionary.
Ex. Home is a place where one lives.
Connotation- is the related meaning of a word derived from the dictionary.
Ex. Home- warmth, comfort, security and love.
2. Imagery
- define as the representation of sense experience through language.
- image we see, hear, taste, smell and touch.
3. Figurative Language
- the most commonly figurative language are the Simile and Metaphor.
- both Simile and Metaphor used as means of comparing things essentially unlike.
Simile- used words like, as than, similar to, and resemble ot seem.
Metaphor- comparison is implied substitute or identified with a literal term.

4. Rhythm and Meter

Rhythm- is part of our daily lives as there rhythm in the way we talk, walk, swim
and other activities.
Meter - in language are the accents that are so arranged to occur apparently equal
to intervals of time.
- metrical language is called VERSE.
5. Meaning and Idea
- the meaning of the poem is the experience to express
• Total Meaning - the idea in a poem which is only part of the total experience it
• Prose Meaning - does not necessarily have to idea itself. It may be a story, a
description or presentation pf human character.

Elements of Short Story

Short Story- a story with a fully developed theme but significantly short or and
less elaborate than a novel.
- it is a sequence of events/ incidents of which a story is composed.
- means arrangement of actions.
- are people who acts in the story and may evolves in just one character.
- it is the controlling idea or the central insight in a literary work.
- it is the unifying generalization life stated or implied by the story.
- A literature symbol is something that means more than what it is.
Ex: object , a person, a situation, an action that has meaning.
• IRONY - Is the term with range of meanings, all of them involves some
discrepancy or incongruity. It contrast in which one term is contrast in some way.
▪according to Perrine, there are 3 kinds of Irony:
A. Verbal Irony - is a figure of speech which is opposite is said from what os
intended. The discrepancy between is what is said and what is meant.
B. Dramatic Irony - is the contrast between what a character says what the readers
knows to be true.
C. Irony of Situation - is the discrepancy between appearance and reality between
expectation and fulfillments or between what is said and what is appropriate.
5. Language and Style
Language- refers to the idioms used and how it is used.
Style- on the other hand, is a term which may refer to the precise used of language
both literary or figuratively.

Elements of Essay

Essay - simply defined as a literary composition on a particular subject. It usually

short express the authors personal thoughts, feelings, experiences or observations
on a phase of life that interested him.
-Informal Essay- light, humorous, and entertaining.
-Formal Essay- heavy, informative and intellectually stimulating.
When writing an Essay, the following elements should be considered:
1. THE ISSUE INTRODUCED. This reflects the actual purpose of the writer.
2. THE WRITERS VIEWPOINT AND THOUGHT. The final stand of the author,
whether he is against the issue he has discussed.
refers to the readers perception, responsiveness and enjoyment of the theme.

Elements of Novel

Novel- is a particularly applicable to a long work prose fiction dealing with

character, situation, scene that represent those real life and setting action in form
of plot.
- give us moral support or pleasure.
•Setting - a novel covers a time, the place and the background.
- involves not only the geography but also the entire climate of Beliefs, habits, and
values of a particular region and historical period.
• Plot - is the skeleton framework which gives and proportion to the novel.
- described the story itself, the actual events or happenings in the novel.
• Theme - compared to subject painting. It is thw universal truth found int the
novel, the main idea or the topic.
• Character - the moving spirit of the novel. They do not only act but also manifest
the moral, emotional and intellectual quality.

2 qualities: Morality and Personality

Morality - has older status as technical concept in literary criticism.

Personality - is a more modern concept includes speech, hairstyle, hobby, attitude
towards worka and all the complex attitude and feelings that define individual.

Elements of Drama
Drama- like prose fiction, utilizes plot, and characters develop a theme, arouses
emotion or appeal to human and may either escapist or interpretative in its dealing
- normally present actions
1. Through actors 2. On stage 3. Before an audience

1. PLOT. It is the term used sometimes a summary of plays story. It concerned

what happens in the story.
2. CHARACTER. The character must shaped to fits the needs of the plot and allof
the characterization must fit together.
3. THOUGHT. Every play, even the most lighthearted comedy, involves thought in
broadest sense. Includes ideas and emotions implied by overall meaning.
4.LANGUAGE. Is means of expressing the character and the thoughts
- language in the Theater refers to the dramatic dialogue which may be prose or in
•prose dialogue - may be naturalistic or rhetorical.
• Naturalistic Dialogue- is the actual way people talk.
• Verse Dialogue- make use of the conventions of poetry for the purpose of drama.
5. THEME. It is what a story mean. It is the conviction about the real world we live
in and it may be in social ways.
6. CLIMAX / DENOUEMENT. The climax is the scene or incident that the fruition
of the accumulated suspense and that stirs the most intense feelings or emotions.
•Denouement- is the working out of the plot following the climax. Explain the
7. MUSIC AND SPECTACLE. Aside from background music, music speed and
movement. Spectacle intensify emotions or whatever the emotions are.
8. COSTUME AND MAKE-UP. Every costume should be comfortable and
securely put together so the performer does not have to worry about once it is on.
The make-up crew should be allowed plenty of time to do their work after each
actor is dressed.
9. SCENERY AND LIGHTING. Furniture- painted , backdrops, large props should
be real.
- Literary works art like poetry, stories, novels and play are worth reading for they
only entertaning us give on pleasure.
- learn moral, values that can improve our life.

The Drama

What is Drama?
The Abridged Oxford dictionary defines drama as a composition in prose or in
verse, adapted to be acted and is represented with accompanying gesture,
costume and scenery as an real life.
- drama an ancient greek meant something that is acted out or lived through. It is
essentially social and involves contact, communication and the negotiation of
A World- wide show ( a dramatic entertainment)
- miss Saigon which was produced by Cameron Mackintosh of England whose
received a Queen's Award for Export Achievement was stage in the center of the
- drama originally originated among primitive tribes on the dance of religious
festivals or in mimetic actions for purposes of showing how a certain feat was
exploits of some memebers of the tribes.


- French drama in the 17th century, from its medieval and religion influences with
the classical tragedies of Pierre Cornielle and Jean Racine and superb comedies
of Moliere.
- the popular 18th century drama in France was the Farcical Comedy in England,
the comedy of manners and domestic drama.
- in the 19th Century, Romantic drama flourished throughout the Europe. Idealized
historical or sentimental chatscters plots of adventure and triumphant love.

-credit should be given to Ibsen, a Norwegian dramatist for the development of
modern drama. Ibsen influence in modern drama was immense.

-understanding the oriental drama, the japanese, the chinese and the Philippine
drama in particular will help appreciate asian heritage culture and Civilization
-sangita(or samhita), the threefold of music , dance and poetry focused on single
artistic entity.

- before the spanish period, the early forms pf philippine drama is the duplo and
• DUPLO. was a practical debate held by trained men and women in the ninth
night, thelast night of the mourning pf deaf.
•KARAGATAN. was also a practical debate like the duplo but its participants were
3 kinds of plays became popular in Spanish era:
1. Cenakulo- it is a very heavy drama shown in relation to the life sacrifices of
Jesus Christ. Celebrated in march or april depends on holy week.
2 kinds of presentations
• the Ablada( oral)
• Kantads( song)
2. MORO- MORO- it is cloak and dagger play depicting the wars between the
Christians and the Muslims where the Christian on the winning side. The first
Moro- moro was written by Fr. Jeronimo Perez and was stage on Manila in 1637.
3. Zarzuela - it is a melodrama which songs and dances that have three- in-one-
act play. It is intended to make the mass feeling towards love, grief, sorrow or any
emotional reactions sublime.
4. Moriones- the Moriones Festival is a lenten ritual that is colorful as it is unique.
It is celebrated every Holy week in Marinduque an Island at the Southern end of
- morion means mask or visor, which is the top part of the medieval roman armor.
- the climax of the morion festival is the Pugutan Ceremony held at noon Easter
5. Ati- atihan- is a pagan ritual which has become an annual affair that the natives
look forward to with great expectation.- celebrated ik Kalibo, Aklan every sunday of
January in honor of infant of Jesus- derived fromAtis" the aboriginal negritos of
the area in the Visayas.

Japanese Drama

The traditional forms of Japanese drama are the Noh, the Joruri and the Kabuki.

Noh plays- are the oldest of the three traditional forms of the Japanese drama. Noh
plays are poetic treatments of history, love story, war story and legends influenced by
the religious beliefs of Buddhism and Shintoism. Noh plays can be classified into those
with one or two acts according to the structure. The most common is the “dream”.

Joruri play- It is a puppet drama. It enjoyed great popularity between 1650-1730 but is
now restricted to the Bunraku theatre, Osaka where scenes from famous players are
performed in drama. The puppets about three feet tall are each manipulated by as many
as three men. Movements of tongue, finger, joints and eyelids re possible.

Kabuki drama- It is the most popular form of Japanese drama. It is originated at the
end of the 16th century. Settings and costumes are lavish, acting is extremely broad
and exaggerated, and heavy make-up is used instead of masks. Kabuki is most famous
for its spectacular visual effects.
Chinese Drama
The history of traditional drama in China goes back to the earliest rituals connected with
sacrifices performed with song and dance by the “Wu” and a very ancient pantomime
said to originate from a symbolical dance in honor of the victory of Wu Wang, founder of
the Chou Dynasty, over the then known empire of China.

There are three types of Chinese plays, namely the Vun Pan Shi, the Sin Pan Shi and
the Vun Min Shi.

1. Vun Pan Shi- The oldest form of Chinese play; it has patriotism and filial devotion for
its subjects.
2 . Sin Pan Shi- It presents civil and military conditions.
3. Vun Min Shi- This is also known as the “modern play.”

The Cinema

The cinema or motion picture is one of the most popular form of art and entertainment in
the Philippines. TV networks use picture techniques to film many of the programs that
appear on television each week. Philippine motion picture is also a source of
information as well as of entertainment. Motion pictures can introduce as to new ideas
and help us explore serious social issues. Our government uses films to inform and
influence the Filipinos and people from other countries. More than just a medium of
entertainment, the cinema or motion picture is an art form that is appreciated. The film
medium itself has been called “a wild combination of art, culture, commerce and
technology”. The film extensively makes use of sound and light. It has intellectual,
imaginative and technical aspects.

Brief History of the Philipphine Drama

- In 1926 , hollywood sil3nt pictures where shown in the Philippines

- In 1927, the Silos Brothers made the “the three tramps, a short comedy where
Miami Salvador, Manuel Silos and eEnrique Espinosa played the roles.

World war II and the Philippine Movies

- The out break of the second world war temporareily paralyzed the philippine
movie industry. The japanese imposed censorship on Americsn tagalog pictures
before they coould exhibited and established Eiga Heikusa, a central exchange
for all pictures

Present Movie Dewelopment

- Fom the period ofliberation up to the presewnt , the local movpies have been
struggling hard but gradually improving. Despite thhis conditon, there some local
producers who are creating quality pictures.
1. The local market for limited movies.
2. Lack of capital or funding
3. Inadequate facilities or equipment.

Elements of Philippine Motion Pictures

1. Music and Musical Director. During the era of silent movies . every house
cinema emloyed musicians who plyed music that suited the tempo and varying
moods of scenes as they were projected on the screen while others use
photograph record for econmy.
- Musical directoe who was charged of of the music, compposed of new songsand
wrote their orchestration, prepared background musicetc.

2. Make up, Coiffeur and costumes. Make-up consists of the sticky substances
which applied on the fasce of the actors before facing the camera.

3. Actrong and the Stars. Acting is the art pof portraying impersonating a
4. Color in the Movies. The latest innovation of cinematography is the Color.
Colormovies was attemted in 1941 by LVN picutres Inc. “Ibong Adarna”.
- After the war, the LVN Pictures Inc. was againthe first intriduced color in local
5. Set and Ar Directors. Beautiful Setting gives beauty to the picture and pleases
the eye.
- Art directors shuold know the setting and build artificial sets.
6. Sound, Cameras and Technicians. Technicians exerts efforts in nakoing the
dialogue clear and the music fine quality.
- Recording is the process where an orchestra playing the music or song recorded
in the sound track recording apparatus.
- Playback is the method employed when an actress or actor borrows the voiceof
- The use of cameras and the functions of the technician are indespensable on
1. this may be defined as the representation of sense experience through language.
a. Imagery
b. Figurative language
c. Rhytm and meter
d. Meaning and Idea
Rationalization: a. Imagery, because Images are formed as we see, hear, taste
smell and touch.

2. It refers to the idiom uses and how is used. what is it?

a. Symbol and Irony
b. Character
c. Language and Style
d. Theme
Rationalization: c. Language and Style, because it refers to the idiom used.

3. It is a figure of speech in which the opposite from what is intended.

a. Symbol and Irony
b. Dramatic Irony
c. Irony of situation
d. Verbal Irony
Rationalization: Verbal Irony because, the discrepancy us between what is said
and what is meant.

4. It is more difficult than reading for a plot.

a. Character
b. Theme
c. Plot
d. meaning and Idea
Rationalization: character, because character is more complex, varied and

5. Described as the turning point of the story.

a. Music and spectable
b. Climax/ denoument
c. Character
Rationalization: B. climax, because it stirs the most intense feeling or emotion.
6. A melodrama with songs and dances that have a three in one act play.
a. Moro moro
b. Zarzuela
c. Cenakulo
d. Moriones
Rationalization: b. Zarzuela, because it is intended to make the mass feeling
towards love, fear, sorrow or any emotional reactions subline.

7. It is the one of the most popular form of art and entertainment in the philippines.
a. Chinese Drama
b. kabuki Drama
c. Cinema
d. Jojuri play
Rationalization: c. Cinema, because the cinema or motion picture is one of the
most popular form of art.

8. Aside from the "background" music. there is music of speech and of movement.
a. Thought
b. Language
c. Music and Spectacle
d. Theme
Rationalization: c. Music and Spectacle, because spectacle intensifies emotions.

9. It is the most popular form of japanese drama .

a. kabuki drama
b. jojuri play
c. Noh plays
d. Ati- atihan
Rationalization: Kabuki dram, because kabuki developed a much freer, more
extravagant type of entertainment.

10. These are the oldest of the three traditional forms of the Japanese drama.
a. Noh plays
b. Jojuri play
c. Ati-atihan
d. kabuki drama
Rationalization: a. Noh plays, because they develop Noh play during the 1300
from the dances performed at religious shrines.

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