Enadia Recruitment Telegram

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[b]Greetings your Excellency[/b],

We are humbly inviting you to join and be one of the many Great Member States of the Enadian

[b][region]Enadia[/region][/b] is a prosperous region invested in [i]Democracy, Liberty and most

importantly, its people[/i].

If you're looking for a home, information or a fun place to entertain yourself in NationStates,
consider [b][region]Enadia[/region][/b]! Enadia is a great region with lots of active players,
projects and departments that will get you involved, as much or as little as you'd like and
become a part of a vibrant, interactive community which never stops evolving.

We're looking for leaders that can shape the future - leaders like [i]you[/i]! - who have a lot to
offer to whichever community they join.

[list][*][b][region]Enadia[/region] is one of the most interactive regions within NationStates,

with people from all over the world![/b][/list]

[list][spoiler=Read More][*]We are a diverse region, with players of all nationalities, ages, races,
sexualities, interests and careers. Maybe you can find your new Real Life Friends from here.

[*]We have an interactive community, where there is always something to talk about. No matter
what timezone you’re in, you can always find someone online to talk to you in real time.

[*]We have an active chat room on Discord [i][u][b](https://discord.gg/UnNbQRA)[/b][/i][/u].

Feel free to stop by and chat with us anytime you wish!

[*]We have an amazing off-site forum [i][u][b]( http://enadia.eu/forum/index.php)[/b][/i][/u],

with lots of activities and other things you can get involved with..[/list][/spoiler]

[list][*][b][region]Enadia[/region] is the region of politics, roleplay and education[/b][/list]

[list][spoiler=Read More][*]All of our governmental activities take place on the EU forums,

where you can join in and contribute to any of the three branches of our government. The
Executive, Legislative and The Judicial Branch.

[*][u]The Executive:[/u] is composed by the President and their elected Administration.

[*][u]The Legislative Branch:[/u] is composed by the Enadian Parliament, the Senators and the
Speaker of the Parliament

[*][u]The Judicial Branch:[/u] is composed by the Department of Justice and the Attorney

[*][u]Luxford University[/u] is EU’s Interregional University with Professors and Students all
across NationStates.

[*][u]Roleplay[/u] is part of the everyday life of [region]Enadia[/region], jump in in the Enadian

Main Universe, or have fun in one of the many Unofficial Roleplay Stories.[/list][/spoiler]

[list][*][b][region]Enadia[/region] is a world power in interregional diplomacy.[/b][/list]

[list][spoiler=Read More][*]We keep a positive and pragmatic attitude towards interregional

affairs, promoting regional sovereignty and liberty while often assisting a plethora of regions
throughout our World Projects (Global Citizen, EU|AID)

[*]We have a professional Diplomacy Department, representing our region offseas in consulates
and embassies across the world. You can start your own path towards becoming an international
statesman by joining the Diplomatic Department as a Diplomat or an Ambassador.

[*]We have one of the most active militaries in the game. All citizens are welcome to join the
Enadian Unified Forces (EUF), which will get you involved in this exciting aspect of NationStates
right away![/list][/spoiler]

[list][*][b]And there is still a lot more that you can do in [region]Enadia[/region]![/b][/list]

[list][spoiler=Read More][*]In the Enadian Union we allow the creation of player-based

businesses. Be the one of the many Business man and join the World of the Enadian Economics.

[*]Are you a designer or developer? You may join our Marketing Department and assist us in the
maintaince and development of future EU Apps.

[*]We, here in the Enadian Union have jobs of all sorts. Work within the Ministries of the EU, or
create your Political Movement.

[*]You may want to join one of the Four Houses that we have in the EU. Work with your House in
shaping and changing entirely the look of Enadia.

[*]Join our debates or games and become one of the top players in the Enadian Sports League.

That and a lot more await you, and your nation in the Enadian Union. If you have any questions,
feel free to respond to this telegram or join our discord (https://discord.gg/UnNbQRA).

If you’re interested to join a world power, where your vote and your nations voice mean
something, then click the “Move to [b][region]Enadia[/region][/b]”. I hope to see you in
[region]Enadia[/region] soon.

Best regards,


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