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Lesson Plan

I. Objective

Within one hour of discussion the students must have:

 Identify the different kinds of cell

 Explain the function of the cell
 Differentiate each parts of a cell
 Evaluate the learning from the given topic

II. Subject Matter

Bio 6 – Cell Biology

III. Teaching Strategies

Lecture discussion and demonstration

IV . Instructional Materials/Visual Aide

Powerpoint Presentation, and Film Viewing

V. Activities
a. Motivation

The students were going to look for their group with five members. Each
group must have a leader, secretary and repoter. They list all living things that
they found in their surroundings. They have only 15 minutes to do their task.

b. Lesson Proper

Parts and Fuctions of the Cell

1. Show them a video about the cell

2. Able to discuss the several parts of the cell and their functions
3. Show the examples and explanation
4. Able to introduce the man discovered the cell
5. Form a group for their task related to the topic

VI. Content of the topic

Robert Hooke discovered in 1665 a mass of tiny cavities from thin slices of
cork using his self-made microscope; and this called a cell. Cells are basic unit of
life which made up of all living things. There are two kinds of cells; Eukaryotic
and Prokaryotic. They composed of several parts in order to sustain our life and
function as well.

Nucleus – mainly made up of DNA in the form of linear unit called chromosomes
and called the governor of the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum – a series of membrane that continuous with the nuclear
membrane and can extend throughout the cytoplasm.
Ribosome – site of protein synthesis
Golgi Apparatus – a sacs that appear to be flattened and curled at the edges.
Packed the proteins and lipids and send to secretory vesicles.
Lysosome – came from GA that full of enzymes and move about in cytoplasm.
Mitochondrion – powerhouse of the cell where the energy stored and released.
Centriole – found only in animal cell, which form the ends of the spindle
apparatus during cell division.
Cytoskeleton – provides the structure of the cell.
Chloroplast - found in only in plant cell which is site for the photosynthesis in
green pigment of leaf called chlorophyll.
Vacoule – found only in plant cell that regulate water from turgor within the plant
cell, preventing wilting.
Cell Membrane – semipermeable lipid bilayer that surrounds all living cells.
Phosholipid – combination of glycerol molecule either hydrophilic (water-loving)
or hydrophobic (water-fearing).

VII. Summary
Cells are discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665 in the cork. The cell
consists of a mass of protoplasm that enclosed in a thin membrane called
plasma membrane. Within the cell is a denser bit of protoplasm called the
nucleus. This nucleus is known for regulating growth, reproduction, and other life
processes that go on within the cell. Cells has two type ; the eukaryotic and
prokaryotic. There several parts of the cell: nucleus, ER, ribosome, GA,
lysosome, mitochondrion, centriole, cytoskeleton, chloroplast, vacuole and cell
wall. The plant cell has no centriole while the animal cell are lack of chloroplast
and vacuole.

VIII. Application

Students apply a good understanding which provoke for their high

mentality. Different kinds of parts that game their interest for the topic. Several
ideas that acquire for their learning process evolve a capacity to enhance a
processing. They learned a lot of knowledge gaining from the given topic above.
A student create a vision of literacy to outrage the thinking habitual actions.
Differentiate each of given ideas and apply for the distinction of learning ideas.

IX. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the given question. Write your answer on your piece of paper.
1. Powerhouse of the cell.

2. Found in animal cell that ends with spindle apparatus


3. Encloses the cell

(Cell Membrane)

4. Governor of the cell

5. Discover the cell
(Robert Hooke)

6. Organelles that full of enzymes


7. Regulate water in plant cell and prevent wilting


8. Basic unit of life


9. Site of protein synthesis


10. Site of photosynthesis in plant cell


X. Assignment

For your assignment, draw and discuss the Cell Reproduction and Cell
Cycle. Write your answers to your Drawing Book.

XI. References

Book (High School Subjects for Self-Study)

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