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Penilaian Harian Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris kelas XI IPA-IPS KD 3.

A. Read the dialog and answer the questions

Jonah Jonah : Look at this! Someone has just won one billion rupiahs in Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
How a lucky man! I have never won any quiz yet.
Inggrid : Well, what would you do if you won it?
Jonah : Me? Well, if I won one billion rupiahs, I’d buy expensive bags and shoes.
Inggrid : Hmmm. If I were you, I would go to Korea.
Jonah : What will you do if you are a management of Korean artists?
Inggrid : I’ll be their choreographer instructor and design their fashionable costumes. How about you?
Jonah : I’ll take pictures of them while I develop my hobby of being a photographer.
Inggrid : That would be lovely , I think. I hope someday.

1. Analyze the Conditional Sentence and the type in the dialog .

 It has been a long time we lost contact .If I found her phone number, I would call her .
 I knew John would buy a Ferrari if he had much money.
 I would take a rest now if the news program about healthy life were not interesting

2. Find out the concept of the rules of the Conditional Sentence above

Indie : Why is Kimberly absent today?

Shaun : If Kimberly … (not/sick), she … (not/be) absent today

Firda : Why don’t you buy that interesting book?

Yuli : I …(buy) the book if I …(have) enough money

Dena : Why do they send rescue team ?

Zara : Millions of people …( die) if they…..(not/receive). aid soon.

3. Fill in the blank with the correct Conditional Sentence

 He wouldn’t face difficulties in doing the test if he studied seriously

 It would be fun if the button to lower volume on my PC could work properly
 If I were tall, I would consider joining the flag raiser troop.

4. Make the fact for conditional sentence above

 I would like to send an invitation to a friend. I have looked everywhere for her address, but I cannot
find it. So now I think it is rather unlikely that I will eventually find her address. If…
 We plan to go to visit our uncle house in the village but we have to wait until next holiday . If…

5. Write the Conditional Sentence based on the situation above

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