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Dyah Ratnaningsih, Damoyanto Purba, Daviq Wiratno

Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya, Indonesia –, damoyanto.puba@poltekpel-,

. ABSTRACT: The use of technology in learning this course has grown rapidly, one of
which is learning English-based CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) is a
computer-aided learning media. The use of computer media in the field of education has
many advantages that is with this computer science more easily accessible, spread and
This study tries to determine how much influence the use of CALL media with lecture
methods and discussion to improve the cadets’ English speaking ability.
This study uses a quantitative approach and descriptive-quantitative analysis that
reveals the problems that occur during the English learning. Analysis of data used is
statistical analysis by reviewing the learning process as in learning activities using
CALL with lecturing and discussion methods . The sample of this study are the cadets in
class A and B which consist of 50 cadets.
The findings show a significant difference of use of Computer Assisted Language
Learning (CALL) media in discussion method and lecture on English speaking skill.

Key Words: CALL, lecturing method, discussion method, speaking skills

1 INTRODUCTION implementation. Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya itself
also has a wide range of computer labs and
Background of the Study simulators to support learning activities.
In the field of education, Politeknik Pelayaran In connection with English learning, the use of
Surabaya (the Surabaya Merchant Marine technology in this course has grown rapidly, one of
Polytechnic) is one of the vocational universities to this is CALL (Computer Assisted Language
continuously improve its graduates' abilities to meet Learning) based language learning. It is a computer-
the demands of the industries such as shipping aided learning media. The use of computer media in
companies, port authorities, and all persons engaged the field of education has many advantages that is
in the maritime industry both at home and abroad. with this computer science more easily accessible,
One of the abilities that should be improved is the spread and stored (Zain, 2007: 1).
ability to communicate in English. This is in Meanwhile, according to Levy (1997: 1), "the
accordance with Sallis (2002) stated that all definition of CALL is more succinctly and more
educational institutions should implement and broadly as the search for study of applications of the
standardize the management quality for example in computer in language teaching and learning", which
educational institutions which promote sustainable can be interpreted that CALL can be defined more
quality programs and the ability that is expected is concisely and widely as an application study
able to communicate in English to support the computer in language learning.
demand from the international maritime industry . However, based on observations, most of the
The world of education also cannot be separated learning activities in the classroom are still using the
from technological developments, especially in higher discussion and lecturing method. The report shows
education to support learning. The development of that the oral test scores and practice of cadets are
educational technology produces various concepts still below average. Apart from the test scores, the
and educational practices that use the media as a duration of time in speaking at the time of question
source of learning. This gives the perception that and answer and explain their ideas or ideas often
education technology is the same as the media, this is difficulty in choosing vocabulary, speech duration is
actually contradictory because the position of the also slow, less courage to start talking to lecturers or
media is only a tool in conveying the content or to classmates.
material of the lesson. In the education system, Therefore, with the availability of a language
technology has a role to support curriculum laboratory that has been equipped with a computer
development especially in design, development and with the same number of cadets in one class, it is
expected to use computer learning or with the term become a verbalism which make the visual learning-
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) with style students loss attention while the auditory can
the method of discussion and lectures can improve receive more, it will make the students bored, the
speaking skills in the language English. teacher / lecturer concludes that the student
So, the aim of this study is to know how much understands and is interested in his lecture (subjective
influence the use of media Computer Assisted interpretation), make students become passive, and
Language Learning (CALL) combined with the the last is not suitable for shaping skills and attitudes
discussion and lecturing method on the Students’ and tend to place teaching positions as final authority
English speaking skill.

2.4 Discussion Method

Discussion in a broad sense is to provide answers to
2.1 English for Specific Purposes serious questions or talks about an objective
problem. Whereas in a narrow sense, the discussion
2.2 Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is the exchange of thoughts that occur in small
groups or large groups to discuss topics of mutual
Levy (1997: 1) states "the definition of CALL is interest, so that each member of the participants
more succinctly and more broadly as a search for express their opinions both written and oral about a
study of applications of the computer in language problem or topic. Then the opinion is discussed with
teaching and learning", which could mean that CALL other members, so that the opinion obtained together
can be defined more concisely and extensively as a (Sahara, Fitriah ZA & Kusnadi, 2009: 18).
study of computer applications in language learning. Meanwhile, according to Mulyana (2006: 116)
Furthermore CALL is not only considered as the discussion can be defined as a responsive
simple canonical desktop and laptop devices or conversation that is woven by problematic questions
computers. It also includes the networks connecting that are directed to solve the problem.
them, peripheral devices associated with them, and a So based on this understanding can be concluded that
number of other technological innovations such as the method of discussion is one way to communicate
PDAs (personal digital assistants), mp3 players, actively by interacting and exchanging thoughts and
mobile phones, electronic whiteboards, and even opinions between one person to another. So the
DVD players which have a computer of sorts method of discussion in learning to make lecturers
embedded in them (Levy & Hubbard, 2005). and students active in discussing the topic being
The CALL-based learning also has several studied.
advantages: 1) Fun: giving a sense of fun to learn to
students, 2) Responsibility: giving students the
opportunity to take responsibility for the mastery of 2.5 Speaking Skills
the materials, that is by doing the tasks done, 3)
Active: Students will play an active role in every Speaking is an oral spoken process for expressing
activity during learning, 4) Communicative: many thoughts and feelings, reflecting on experiences, and
imaginative things that are difficult to think of sharing information. Ideas are the essence of what we
students can be presented through computer are talking about and words are a means of
simulations so that such circumstances will facilitate expressing them. Speaking is a complex process
and simplify the students' minds in understanding because it involves the ability of thought processes,
English (Iswanti and Lolita, 2010). discussion and social skills (Ellis, 1989). Meanwhile,
according to Hornby (2005), speaking is "to talk to
somebody about something, to have conversation
2.3 Lecturing Method with somebody." So speaking is an activity that
someone does to someone else about a thing or
The lecture method can be called by the method of conversation activities that someone does to others.
speech or lecture method. According Djamarah According to Iskandarwassid and Sunendar (2009:
(2002) lecture method is a way of teaching that is 239), speech skills have a close relationship with
used to convey information or information or listening skills. A speaker associates meaning,
description of a subject matter as well as the problem regulates interaction; who to say what, to whom,
orally. This method of presentation is by direct when, and about what. In the context of
narrative or explanation of the students. Thus in this communication the speaker acts as a sender, while
method the active role is from the teacher / lecturer. the receiver is the recipient of the message that is the
Furthermore Djamarah (2002: 100) also mentioned object of communication. Then, feedback (feedback)
the advantages and disadvantages in the method of will appear after the news received and the reaction
discussion. The advantages are teachers / lecturers of the recipient of the message. Speech skills refer to
can master the class easily, eaasily organize seats in the principle of stimulus-response, which is
the classroom, can be followed by a large number of essentially the skill of producing a stream of
students, easy to prepare and be implemented, articulation-sound systems to convey the will, the
teachers / lecturers explain the lesson easily. While need for feelings, and the desires of others.
the disadvantages are the teachers / lecturers will
Furthermore, Ur (1996) stated that speaking is one CALL with lecturing method to know the effect of
of the most important skills of all the four language CALL media by using both methods in improving
skills because individuals who learn a language are English speaking skill.
referred to as the speakers of that language. To determine the value of each cadet, the researcher
Therefore Davies & Pearse (2000) explain that the calculates from grammar component (G), fluency (F)
main aim of English language teaching is to give and comprehension (C). The maximum value for G is
learners the ability to use English language effectively 20, for C is 30 and the maximum value for F is 50
and correctly in communication. (Brown, 2004: 172-173). Then this pattern below is
In this study speaking skills are studied only in three used.
categories: grammar, fluency and comprehension.
The scoring rubric from Brown (2004) is used. While the descriptive analysis of mean scores using
Table 2.1 Speaking Rubric (Brown, 2004: 172-173)
this formula:

M = average level of speaking skills in English

ΣX = total sum of values
N = number of research subjects

The mean scores will show improvement by cadets.

If the average value is 75 then cadets are considered
successful in reaching the Good category.

3.2 Participants
Participants in the present study were 50 cadets of
Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya. They were studying
ESP Maritime English in the academic year 2016-
2017. These students were randomly chosen from the
nautical department. The ESP syllabus used in the
study is the syllabus mandated by the Ministry of
Transportation Indonesia, which is a series of
textbooks chosen and used are based on International
Maritime Organization (IMO) Model Course 3.17.



The technique of data analysis in this research was

the pre test and post test in one group using CALL
with lecturing method and another group using
3 METHOD CALL with discussion method. The oral test score
was based on the scoring rubric from Brown (2004).
3.1 Research Design Those tests were analyzed using t-test to know the
cadets’ speaking skill by comparing the scores in pre
This study is quantitative research using an test and post test.
experimental design. This research involves two The t-test in comparing the pre test in both groups
variables; which are independent variable or X shows that t count value has probability 0.501.
variable (independent variable) and dependent Because of the probability is ˃ 0.05, so it can be
variable or Y variable (dependent variable). The defined that there is a difference between the pretest
independent variable is English learning using CALL results of the CALL group by the discussion method
(Computer Assisted Language Learning) with and the CALL group with the lecturing method.
lecturing and discussion methods. This X variable While in post test the t- count value has probability
can be manipulated and controlled by the researcher. 1.301. Since the probability is ˃0.05, then can be said
While the dependent variable is the English speaking that there is a difference between the posttest results
skills of the cadets. The instruments are the English of the CALL group by the discussion method and the
Speaking Test which the validity and reliability CALL group with the lecturing method.
already tested. While the main data is the speaking Finally the score difference is shown below:
skill test scores. Table 4.1 score difference between CALL with discussion
The data analysis searched for percentage of cadets’ method and CALL with lecturing method
speaking skill level in class A using CALL with Groups mean Score difference
discussion method compared with class B using
Pretest CALL 19.0 + 2.48 Ellis.(1989). Learning to Learn English Learners’
with Book. Cambridge University Press.
discussion Hornby. (2005). Oxford Advance Learner’s
method Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.
Posttest CALL 21.48 Iskandarwassid & Sunendar. (2009). Strategi
with Pembelajaran Bahasa. Bandung: Rosda.
Levy, M. & Hubbard, P. (2005) Why call CALL
Pretest CALL 18.5 + 0.5
CALL? (editorial). Computer Assisted Language
with lecturing Learning, 18(3), 143-149.
method Levy, M. (1997). Computer Assisted Language
Posttest CALL 19 Learning: context and conceptualization. New York:
with lecturing Oxford University Press.
method Mulyana, E. (2006). Menjadi Guru Profesional;
Menciptakan Pembelajaran Aktif dan
Based on the result using t-test, it can be seen that Menyenangkan. Bandung: Rosda Karya
there are significant differences in the use of Sahara, Fitiyah ZA dan Kusnadi. (2009).
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Keterampilan Berbahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: FITK
media using discussion methods and lecturing on UIN Syarif Hidayatullah.
English speaking skills. This can be seen from the Sallis, E. (2002). Total Quality Management in
results of hypothesis testing that shows the value of Education. Kogan Page Ltd. UK.
t-count is greater than t-table at 5% significance Ur, P. (1996). A Course in Language Teaching.
level. It can be concluded that the use of Computer Practice and Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge
Assisted Language Learning (CALL) media using University Press.
discussion method and lecture on English speaking
skill resulted in different outcomes in both groups
although higher results were achieved by groups
using CALL by discussion method. This appears on
the difference in value held by the CALL group with
the discussion compared with the Call group with
lectures that is 21.48 ˃ 19.


The conclusion that can be drawn from research

result and discussion of research data is there is
significant difference of use of Computer Assisted
Language Learning (CALL) with discussion and
lecturing method in improving the English speaking
skill. This can be seen from the results of hypothesis
testing that shows the value of t-count is greater than
t-table at 5% significance level. Furthermore it also
concluded that the group using Computer Assisted
Language Learning (CALL) with discussion method
achieve higher English speaking skills than the group
using Computer Assisted Language Learning
(CALL) with lecturing method.

Davies, P., & Pearse, E. (2000). Success in
English Teaching. Oxford University Press.
Djamarah, Syaiful, B. (2002). Prestasi Belajar
dan Kompetensi Guru. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.

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