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(CV) CIVIL ENGINEERING INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES ‘Candidates shoutd write their Hall Ticket Number only inthe space provided at the top left hand comer ofthis page. on the leaflet attached to this booklet and also in the space provided on the OMR Response Sheet. BESIDES WRITING, THE CANDIDATE SHOULD ENSURE THAT THE APPROPRIATE, CIRCLES PROVIDED FOR TH TICKET NUMBERS ARE SHADED USING H.B, PENCIL ONLY ON THE OMR RESPONS! SHEET. DO NOT WRITE HALL TICKET NUMBER ANY WHERE ELSI Immediately on opening this Question Paper Booklet, check: (a) Whether200 multiple shiaice questions ae printed (50 questions in Mathematics, 25 questions in Physics. 25 questions in Chemistry and 100 questions in Engineering) (b) Incase of any discrepancy immediately exchange the Question paper Booklet of same code by bringing the error to the notice of ingilator. LUse of Calculators, Mathematical Tables and Log baoks is not permitted Candidate must ensure that he/she has received the Correct Question Booklet, corresponding (o hhiviher branch of Engineering. Candidate shoukl ensure that thé booklet Code and the Booklet Serial Number, as it appears an this page is entered at the appropriate place on the OMR Response Sheet by shading the appropriate circles provided therein using HB. pencil only. Candidate should note that if they fail to enter the Booklet Seri Nomber and the Bonklet Code on the OMR Response Sheet, their Answer Sheet will not be valued. ‘andidate shall shade one of the circles 1, 2, 3 or 4 corresponding question on the OMR Response Sheet using I1-B, Pencil only. Candidate should note that their OME Response Sheet will be invalidated it the eireles against the question are shaded using Black / Blue ink pen / Ball pen ¢ any other pencit other than H.B. Pencil or if more than one circle is shacled against any question. ‘One mari will be awarded for every correct answer. There are no negative marks. The OMR Response Sheet will not be valued ifthe candidate (a) Writes the Hal Ticket Number in any part of the OMR Response Sheet except in the space provided for the purpose any irrelevant matter including religious symbols. words, prayers or any communication whatsoever y part of the OMR Response Sheet. {e) Adopts any other malpractice Rough work shoul! be done only i the space provided in the Question Paper Booklet No loose sheets or papers will be allowed inthe examination fall of Test: 10.00 A.M. to 1.00 PM Candidate should ensure that he/she enters his/her name and appends signature on the Question paper booklet Teafetattacived to this question paper booklet and also on the OMR Response Sheet in the space provided. Candidate should ensure thatthe inviitator puts his signature on this question paper booklet, leafiel attached to the question paper booklet and also on the OMR Response Sheet qe the edamination hall candidate should return. bath the OMR Response Sheet and the leaflet ed to thiv question paper booklet to the invigilator. Failure to retwm any of the above shal be construe practice inte examination. Question paper booklet may he retained by the candisate ‘of 32 pages including Cover page and the pages for Rough Work bea coy MATHEMATICS: a) a Q) 91 3) 27 4) 81 o 21 If A=|-2 0 —2]isaskew symmetric matrix, then the value ofx is -lx 0 qt Q) 2 Q) 3 (@) 4 What is the number of all possible matrices with cach entry as 0 or I if the order of matrices is 3x3 (1) 64 (2) 268 (3) 512 (4) 256 trA=| i -# 1 |,thenjA|= ai (2) 2 By 3 (4) 4 3. 10. 12. Set Code :| Booklet Code + T2 A ‘The solution of a system of linear equations 2x-y +3z=9,x+y+z2=6,x-y+2=2 is Q) x=-hy=-2,2=-3 Q) x= GB) x=2y=Lz=3 (4) x= .y=2,z=1 =2253 @) ~2ai”2ai 2x+4 3 hic WG Gea eo? Gey then LAY is equal to aa Q) 2A, @) 44, @) 4A, ‘The period of the function (x) = |sin x] is az (2) 2x @) 3x 4) 4x IfA+B=45°, then (1-cotA) . (1-cotB) is at @) 0 @) 2 @ -1 The value of sin 78° + cos 132° is VS+1 541 5-1 o> o> 6) o> IfA+B+C = x, then sin2A + sin2B + sin2C = (1) 4 cosA sinB cosC (2) 4sinA cosB sinC (3) 4 c0sA cosB cosC (4) 4sinA sinB sinC ‘The principal solution of Tanx = 0 is, @ * neZ (2) x0 3) x=(Qntl) w/2, neZ (4) x= nnta,neZ +A 4 17. 18. 19. 2 Set Code: Booklet Code :| bated ‘The value of Tan! (2) + Tan” (3) is a) Q) a % i 6) wis wis If the sides of a right angle triangle are in A.P., then the ratio of its sides is a) 12:3 2) 23:4 G) 34:5 @) 4:56 5. Thevalue of rrr, 18 a a Q) a @) 4 @) a a 1 1 i 1 a > Oy Og @) 5 16.46, 8-5, €°9, then the value of angle Ais (1) cos! 2/9) (2) cos"! (2/5)_—(3)._ cos (7/9) (4) cost (1/3) ‘The polar form of complex number I-iis, () v2e""* @) ve" @) v2e"? @) V2e"? If 1, 0, o be the cube roots of unity, then the value of 2".2"2° is a) Qo @) 1 @) 0 The intercept made on X-axis by the circle x24)7+2gx+2fpte= 0 is a) fg?-e Q) {fre @) 2yg-e =) al f?=e If one end of the diameter of the circle 4?-Sx—8)++13 ~ 0 is (2, 7), then the other end of the diameter is a) BD @) 4,3) GB) G3-D @) C13) SA 24, 25. 26. 27, 28. 29. Set Code : Booklet Code : The radius of the circle vI-+m? (x? + y*)—2ex -2mey = 0 is ) 26 Q) 4e @) «2 @c 2 2 . et ‘The parametric equations of the ellipse Steel are (1) x= ase, y= 6 tand (Q) x=bsinO,y~acosd @) cos, y ind (4) x= a cosecO, y = 5 cot ‘The equation of the directrix of the parabola 2x? ~—7y is () &y7=0Q) -B-7=0— GB) TyHB-O (4) B70 was, ‘ ey. The condition for a straight line y~ mec to be a tangent to the hyperbola Boyes (1) c=alm (2) cm atm?- 8 (3) =a +R (4) C= alm 1 Grande, aol ¥-l1 a) 3 Q) 2 GB) 4 @i. log i= () 2 (2) 14 (3) inl2 (4) ind a —K(k |= Slloe, x1 1 a) t (2) Xlogs @) H tog’, (4) logs ~Reosh x]= wm St a @ eter (a) ener 30. 32. 33. 35. 36. ay . Ix ar, y=2at, then = @B) (a) a £ ® 45 8 £ Oy ‘The derivative of e* with respect to Vx is 2x < wi a) Q) Wee’ @ ae 4) “The equation of the normal to the curve y= 5x“ at the point (1, 5) is (1) x+20y=99 (2) x+20y=101 (3) x~20y= 99 (4) The angle between the curves y? = 4x and.2+ y? = Sis « ag 2) tan) @) tar") (4) Be B tw x'y then 5 a () 64) Q) 6xy (3) 6° (4) foosee x= (1) log (cosee x + cot x) + C (2) log (cot x/2)+C (3) log (tan x/2) + (4) cose x.cot x + C Set Code : Booklet Code :| x 20y= 101 tan-'(4) oy ble 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 P2cos!! x ak = 256 693 256 ay (2) G93 LP oolreof a= y WE .c @ Llc n-l n+l de Der 6 QQ) Tan! (Vx +6)+C B) Tan'(x+7)+C tan"! xde= q) sans log(l +32) +C GB) x*Tan'x+C a. Tre™ 1) log (1+e4)+C G) er#C sin |x| de = 2 (0 Qt 2) 4) 2) (4) ) A Set Code : >|s Booklet Code :| 128 693 As@yt+c 4) menpay+c 2Tan" (fe+6)+C 2Tan"(x+7)+C 1 Lex? xTan"'x—logVi+x +C 4C log (Ite) +C etc 2 @ 43. 44. 45. 46. 41. 48. 49. 50. set Code :[T2 Booklet Code :[_A ‘Area under the eurve f(x) = sin x in (0,7) is (1) 4sq. units (2) 2.sq. units (3) 6sq. units (4) 8 sq. units i@’y yp dy The order of x55 428° Gr -3y = is at @4 @) 3 @ 2 (3) a qa) 4 @) 2 “@) 1 (4) 3 ‘The degree of ‘The family of straight lines passing through the origin is represented by the differential equation (i) yde+xdy=0 (2) xdy-ydr=0 3) xdetydy—0 A) xd —ydy = 0 by axthyts ‘The differential equitation iscalled de het by ef (1) Homogeneous (2) Exact (3) Linear (4) Legender The solution of differential equation £ =23y is () yeFexte @ yet=xte 6) yebaxte Gy yarte The complementary function of (D'+D*+D+1) y= 10 is (1) C,cosx + C,sinx + Cye* (2) Cycose + C,sinx + Cet 3) C,+Ccosx + C,sinx 4) C+Cxt ee @ Se a Fe a) te Z a

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