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FAST COAST RMLNRY'S ANNUAL REPORT; 206-17 cei ed ESN “With growing professionalism and self confidence, RPF will be able to discharge their duties even better to cope with the emerging challenges of the future”. 4.1 General: Security Department of East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar is headed by the Inspector General & Chief Security Commissioner and assisted by DIG, Dy.CSC, Staff Officer- cum- ASC (HQ), ASC(Pro) & ASC (PS). Gazetted officers Designation Hd.Ors. KUR Divn. WAT Divn. | SBP Divn IG cum CSC a1 = DIG Cum 1 Pa Dy. CSC/SrDSC 1 o1 - psc = = = o1 Asc 03, 02 o1 o1 1.2. Staff Strength : Non gazetted executive staff (Actual Strength) Strength | IPF SIPF ASI He Con. | Ancillary | Driver | G/Total HO 7 2 23 50 112 5 03 207 KUR 15 a 74 308 461 04 oO 905 wat o7 48 46 205 478 04 04 790 SBP 04 18 28 83. 256 > oO 390 Total 33 417, im 647 1307 08 09 2292 4.3. Training: During the year 2016-17, 380 officers and staff of RPF had undergone various training sessions to sharpen thei professional skill and to equip them so as to thwart any type of security threats to Rallway installation and passengers. These training programmes were conducted at various training centers of RPF as well as at central Intelligence units. 2.4 Performance under RP(UP) Act. Year 2015-16 2016-17 Cases Registered 231 273 Value of property Recovered 16.51 Lakhs 10.41 Lakhs 2.2 Performance of RPF under Rly. Act. During frequent drives, many offenders are arrested & prosecuted within 24hrs under different sections of Rly Act, The apprehension of such anti social elements under Railway Act helps in controlling crime in railway premises and in trains. FAST COAST RMLNRY'S ANNUAL REPORT; 206-17 Year 2015-16 2016-17 Persons Arrested 32,811 37,457 Fine realized (in Rs.) 33.54 Laos 39.91 Lacs 3.1. Ticket Checking: RPF is constantly assisting commercial department in drives against ticket less traveller and improved the earnings of railway revenue, Year 2015-16 2016-17 ‘Staff Deployed 30,814 39,018 Ticket less traveler apprehended 96,804 94,839 Fine realized (in Rs.) 3.88 Crores 3.79 Crores, 3.2 Escorting: Constant efforts are made to provide escorts to maximum number of trains by identifying vulnerable trains/stations by RPF personnel. Punctuality had improved by arresting unauthorized alarm chain pullers. During the period 2016-17, 1,011 persons were arrested and fine realized R.1,74,850- During the financial year 2016-17, 35,001 Mail! Express trains were escorted by deploying 1.28,022 RPF personnel The escorts along with CPDS & SF teams have detected a good number of cases by arresting criminals red handed in cases of drugging, theft of passenger belongings, snatching and luggage lifting et. Good and smart detection by RPF (Passenger crime offence) During the year 2016-17 RPF has successfully detected and arrested 167 criminals involved in various crimes against passengers in trains & railway premises, + 57 luggage liters, * 36. gold ornamentimobile snatchers, + 31 pick pockets, + 28 offenders of daccitylrobbery = 07 drugging offenders, + 04 Eve teasing offenders, + 04 cheaters. 3.3: Drive against touts During the year 2016-17, total 7896 nos. of drive were conducted at various PRS/Reservation counters over East Coast Railway with the arrest of 49 touts for committing offence punishable U/S 143 Railway Act. 4.1: Outstanding detection and good work done by RPF in the financial Year- 2016-17. Like every year, elaborate security arrangements were made at Puri and adjoining stations during Car Festival including Suna besha from 05.7.2016 to 16.7.20%6. Around 601 RPF personnel and 06 sniffer dogs were deployed during the said occasion To ensure full proof security arrangement at Puri, an additional surveillance system comprising of 24 CCTV cameras with 08 big LCD monitors were installed. A CCTV Control Room functioned during the above period for round the clock surveillance by RPF personnel. The efforts put in by RPF had been highly appreciated by the travelling public, media and local people. Other Achivements 1.845 minor chiléren including women were rescued by RPF from various stations of East Coast Railway &they were handed over to their respective parents/Social Organizations. 2. During the financial year 2016-17 intensive drives were conducted by RPF officers and staff and recovered forest products ‘and contraband goods worth Rs, 36,03,206I. with the arrest of 40 criminals and handed over to concerned cepariments for legal action 3. 0 22.04.2016, RPF Crime Prevention and Detection Squad of Khurda Road division arrested an inter-state Dacolt gang of throo criminals belongs to Bihar state and recovered a toy lighter pistol, one katari, two nos. of Smm live round, one Saving Koura, iquor Bote, three packet chily povider, 3 nos. of mobile phone & cash Rs.399)- rom tran no.2509 (Bangalore- Gavhat)) express in between Brahmapur-Khurda Road section, wha Were planing ta conv ezime In night bound train. They were handed over to GRPS/khurda Raod, where a case vide no.25/16 did. 22.04.2016 UiS 399/402 IPC and 25 ‘Aims Act has been registered 4. 0n 236.2016, a joint team of RPF Post/Brahmapur and local police station Baidyanathpur conducted raid at Ananta Nagar area near Rama Nagar Railway level crossing and arrested gang of five eriminals and seized one country made pistol, 02 round live ammunitions, Knife, 02 nos. of razor, screw driver & one live bomb. On interrogation, they confessed that, they were preparing to commit dacoity in rain No. (Bhubaneswar-Palasa) 2nd OMU in the night. In this connection Local Police Baidyanathpur has registered a case vide No. 93/2016, dtd. 23.08.2016 UIS 399/4021307 IFC, section 25- (8) (a) Arms Act, Section 3/4 of ES. Act, etc. 5. On 27.04.2016, RPF CPDS (Crime Prevention and Detection Squad) of Khurda Road division arrested one doping criminal at Bhubaneswar Railway station with recovery of 19 nos. of Ativan tablets 2mg, cash Rs.2000), voter ID card, application address to Chief Minister of Odisha, during his attempt to drug a passenger. He was handed over to GRPS/Bhubaneswar, where a case vide no.46/2016 ald. 27.04.2016 U/S 328/420/511 has been registered. AST COAST RMLNAY'S ANNUAL REPORT : 206-17 6. 10. To boost security at railway stations, Integrated Security System (ISS) at four major stations of this Zone are installed, The stations are Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Puri and ‘Visakhapatnam. The system includes provision of CCTV cameras at vulnerable points, access contol, luggage scanner and Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS) for enhanced security TRPF dog squad checeing rallvay Wack, (On 31.08.2016 at about 02.10 hrs, on duty Const/25228 Bhubaneswar Thakur of RPF/OP/Bhawanipatna along with 03 staf of RPF/OP/Muniguda while performing train escorting in train no.13361 (Dhanbad-Alappuzha) express ex- Tillagarh to Theruvali, received an information regarding theft of mobile phone of a lady passenger in the ladies compartment and the offender after committed the crime had entered the nearby General coach no.-00509 ofthe said train. Immediately Const/25228 Bhubaneswar Thakur rushed to the General coach at Kesinga Railway Station and challenged the offender with view of apprehend. In the meanwhile, the criminal pushed the above constable from the running train, resulting Which he fell down from train and sustained grievous injuries on his forehead, nose and multiple fractures on left leg rear Kesinga Rly station, On the basis of information given by injured constable, the train escorting party could aole to arrest the offender at Muniguda Railway station and handed over to GRPS/Titlagath, where a case vide no.31/2018 dated 37.08.2016 U/S 307/332/353 IPC has been registered. (On 06.10.2016, RPF Crime Prevention and Detection Squad (CPDS) of Khurda road division apprehended one habitual criminal with @ laptop, while he was tying to flee away after stolen the same from a passenger of T/No. 17015 Visakha express at Bhubaneswar railway station. On leading, subsequent joint raid was conducted by CIB/Khurda division and GRPSiBhubaneswar under supervision of SRP/Cuttack at Subalpur Colony, Satsankha, PS- Delang and recovered 05 nos. of laptop with chargers and other equipments valued Rs..5 lacs. In this regard GRP'S/Bhubaneswar has connected this to case vide No.127/16 atd, 20.08.2016 UIS 380 IPC. (On 25.12.2016, RPF Crime Prevention and Detection Squad of Khurda Road division apprehended three dacoits from train no. 18645 (Howran-Hyderabad) East Coast express in between Cuttack- Bhubaneswar station and recovered 02 bags containing two nos. of ATM card, keys, 03 money purses, cash Rs 940/-, knife, chill powder packet, 02 blade packets, Aadhar card, cigarette packet, matches box, wearing apparels, bil hook , screw driver etc, while another three Criminals were managed to flee away from the train. On interrogation hey confessed that they planned to commit dacoity in the train. In this connection, GRPS/Bhubaneswar has registered a case vide no. 208/2016 dated 25.12.2016 U/S 399/402 1PC (On 24.10.2016, Sri N.K Behera HIC-8710 of RPF Post Brahmapur, while performing seal checking duty at PF No-2 & 3, detected Rail facture on UP main line at north end of PF-2 of Brahmapur Rallway station just before the arrival of vain no-12867 (HWH-PDY) express. Immediately information was relayed to concerned depariment for reciication. Due to this timely act, & probable accident was averted Passenger awareness Programme. Passenger Awareness Programmes were organized at important stations fo create awareness among the passengers to be alert and careful against criminal aciviies including drugging, PA system available at stations was utlized for creating awareness such as, announcing nol to accept eatables from fellow passengers & strangers otherwise the possibilty 10 become a prey of drugging and theft of their belongings, information on suspected aticies/persons to be informed on Security Help Line Number-182 or GRPIRPF, In order fo educate road users regarding the precautions to be taken while Passing manned/unmanned level crossing gates, periodical awareness programmes are conducted Counseing to puble bxough loud Heller about (Counseling to passenger trough loud Helle about passing at LC gate funetoning of Seeurytelp ine no.182 RPF dogs are utilized at important stations for random checking & detection of any suspectediexplosive article in important and vulnerable trains and during special occasions like Car festival at Puri, rail roko agitations, vist of VIP, oficial functions, ete, Dog squad is also utilized for routine checking of Rajdhani Express at Bhubaneswar Rly station. “Honest hands produce honest actions".

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