Basic Human Need

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Praise and gratitude we pray to God Almighty, thanks to His grace and His blessings we can finish our
paper entitled "Calculation of Calories And Nutritional Adequacy With Risk of Nutritional Disorders".
In this paper we explain the calculation of calories and nutritional adequacy in the human body and
the risk of nutritional disorders. Our goal is to write this paper primarily to fulfill the tasks of the
Human Basic Needs lecturer. On the other hand, we write this paper to find out more about the
importance of calorie and nutritional adequacy.
We realize this paper is still far from perfection. Therefore, it is expected the criticism and
suggestion of the reader for the perfection of our paper for the future. Hopefully this paper is useful
for all of us.

Semarang, September 11, 2017

A. Background

The problem of calorie and nutrition sufficiency is still quite vulnerable in some
areas of Indonesia, especially in slum areas of urban areas, where the condition of many
people who lack understanding of the importance of the adequacy of calories and nutrients.
That causes many infants suffered malnutrition. Malnutrition / nutrition is less common due
to unbalanced food, especially in terms of calorie and nutritional content.
For that is important for you and your family to keep paying attention to the daily calorie and
nutritional intake. Calories and Nutrition can be found in foods you may find or even
consume daily.
Calories and Nutrition are essential to help the growth of children, and increase their
endurance. And also the excess Calorie will also cause illness, such as obesity. So it can cause
diseases like kwasiorkor, marasmus, and obesity.
Many consider food to be of vital importance. Throughout our lives, Calories and Nutrition
are the basic elements that can sustain life and provide the energy needed by cells so that
various tissues and organs can perform coordinated actions. Human life can be likened to a
small wooden tree that needs water spray continuously, fertilization and maintenance in order
to be able to do growth strongly. Thus the importance of nutrition for human life
During the period of nutrient addition, only balanced nutrition can prevent the body from the
unbalanced state between Yin and Yang which can lead to the onset of the disease. Provision
of additional nutrients should be reasonable and according to scientific knowledge. When a
person becomes ill, it is necessary to obtain treatment; When a person is in good health, it is
necessary to take care of the disease. Therefore, prevention of disease is a very basic problem
in relation to health care.
As a key point in relation to eating habits is to keep from overeating so that the satiety, eat
with the vegetables, do not eat cooked food until overcooked, eat in a hurry, the food has a
mild taste, the food is still in fresh condition; has a variety, with cool conditions, there is
separation, accompanied by maturation. Only then can a person be able to have a healthy
body accompanied by a vigorous and confident life.
Based on the exposure of the background that the author has described, the author is
interested to create a paper entitled "Calculation of Calories and Nutritional Adequacy With
Risk of Nutritional Disorders".
B. The Formulation of problem
The formulation of the problem in this paper the authors describe in several points namely
1. How To Calculate Calories In The Body?
2. What is the Definition of Nutritional Adequacy?
3. What is the Risk of Nutrition Disorder?

C. Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper is:
1. To know how to calculate the calories in the body
2. To know the definition of nutritional adequacy
3. To know the Risk of Nutrition Disorder


A. Calculation of calories in the body

Calorie is the energy that enters the body and is released by the body associated with calories.
According to Sunita Almatsi (2000: 133) Calorie is the unit of energy expressed in hot units. Then this
opinion is reinforced by Imam Hidayat (2000: 188) which states the calorie is the amount of heat
power used to raise the temperature. The unit of energy is expressed in calories (kal) and kilocalories
(kcal), 1 kilocalories = 1000 calories meaning one caloric equal to the amount of heat or chemical
power used to raise one degree celsius water temperature by one gram.

So it can be concluded that the calorie is the unit of energy expressed in the heat unit. Each
ingredient must have a different amount of calories that can affect the energy that humans use to
work. If the number of calories that enter the body is not processed into energy then the calories will
become saturated fat that will cause fat deposits in the body.

The amount of energy needed per day per person is different, this is influenced by several factors:
age, gender, weight and height and activity level.

The formula for calculating caloric needs

formula to find the daily body caloric needs = BMR x value of activity level. Before calculating the
caloric needs of the body, must know in advance what the BMR (basal metabolic rate). BMR is the
energy / calories needed during the day, in a resting condition.

The formula to know the male BMR

= 66,4730 + (13,7516 x BB kg) + (5,0033 x TB cm) - (6,7550 x age)

Formula to know female BMR

= 655,0955 + (9,5634 x BB kg) + (1,8496 x TB cm) - (4,6756 x age)

Which one:

BB is weight in kg.

TB is height in cm.

And x age is how old now.

If already known the amount of BMR, then multiplied by the level of activity level.

activity level values:

Not active = 1.2. Which they do not exercise at all in a week.

Light activity = 1,375. Which they exercise about 1-3 times a week.

Medium activity = 1.55. Which they exercise about 3-5 times a week.

Weight activity = 1,725. Which they exercise about 5-6 times a week.

Very heavy activity = 1.9. Which they exercise about 2 times a day, including extra-severe physical
exercise, or indeed his job desc full of physical activity.


Nutrition is an element found in food and can be used directly by the body as well as carbohydrates,
proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Balanced nutrition is needed by the body, especially in
infants who are still in its infancy. In the rapidly growing period of toddlers, food is needed with the
quality and quantity of the right and balanced.

Nutrition adequacy is the average nutritional needs of almost all (97.5%) healthy people in certain
age, gender, and physiological groups. The daily nutritional intake value estimated to meet nutritional
needs includes 50% of healthy people in certain age, gender, and physiological groups called
nutritional needs.

The nutritional adequacy standards in Indonesia generally still use macro standards, the adequacy of
calories (energy) and protein adequacy, whereas micronutrient adequacy standards have not been
applied in Indonesia. Energy adequacy is influenced by several factors: age, sex, body size,
physiological status, activity, thermic effects, climate, and adaptation.For protein adequacy is affected
by factors of age, sex, body size, physiological status, protein quality, energy consumption level and

The recommended average nutritional intake for each person per day varies depending on the age,
sex, and physiological state of the individual. In children aged 0-6 months, the adequacy of energy
and protein each of 550 Calories and 10 grams. Increasing age, macro nutrient adequacy in the form
of energy and protein and micronutrients also increase.

Planning fulfillment needs and nutritional adequacy needs to be done so that sufficiency and
nutritional needs can be optimally. Planning of nutritional adequacy fulfillment can be done through
several steps, among which is by determining the nutritional needs of each individual, taking into
account the nutrients in the food to be consumed, as well as the fulfillment of the menu in accordance
with the general guidelines balanced nutrition for example AKG (Figures Nutrition Adequacy)
Recommended For Indonesian Nation


So far we know that the nutrients are necessary to perform the function of the body to stay healthy and
can carry out daily activities. So we always try to eat and often consume supplements to meet the
daily needs. However, some people do not know the exact number of nutritional adequacy so that
nutritional adequacy is usually approximated. Minister of Health Decree of 1593 / MENKES / SK /
XI / 2005 on Nutritional Sufficiency Recommended For Indonesian Nation. The value of this AKG as
recommended by Widya Karya National Food and Nutrition XI 2012.

Recommended Nutrition Sufficiency Rate for Indonesian Nations hereafter abbreviated as AKG is an
average daily nutritional adequacy for all people according to age group, sex, body size, body activity
to achieve optimal health degree. AKG is almost the same as the Recomended Dietary Allowance
(RDA) taken from the average value of adequate intake to meet the intake of almost all (97-98%)
healthy people. AKG already takes into account the variation of the individual needs and nutrients
reserves in the body. The value of this AKG is preferred from:

1. Plan and provide food supplies for residents or groups of people.

2. Interpret data of the individual food consumption or group.

3. Planning of feeding in institutions, such as hospitals, schools, industries / offices, dormitories,

orphanages, nursing homes and prisons.

4. Establish food aid standards, eg for emergencies; assisting gtransmigrasin and people affected by
natural disasters and providing supplementary feeding for toddlers, school children, and pregnant

5. Assess the adequacy of national food supplies.

6. Plan nutrition counseling program.

7. Developing new food products in the industry.

8. Establish guidelines for the purpose of nutrition labeling of food.

Please note that the AKG only applies to healthy people and the conditions of pregnant women and
nursing mothers in the first and second semesters. AKG does not consider other factors that affect
nutritional needs such as genetics, health conditions, deficiency rates, lifestyle (smoking and
alcoholism), and drug use.

1. Disturbing the Growth Function

Children who do not grow according to normal, may be a child
lack of a nutrient. For example, if the child has protein deficiency,
it will have muscles that are soft and hair easily fall out. In
general, children from middle-and upper-middle-income families
are on average higher than children from low socioeconomic
2. Reduced Power Production
In general you realize that many people say if someone eats with a
lot of portions is often called portion food porters or pedicab
drivers. It is true, because the porters and pedicab drivers need
more energy to work. So the food intake they need is also more.

In children or adults who are sick, in general, the nutritional

intake they receive less than when the condition is healthy. Well,
they will definitely experience weak and not powerful. Why the
hell are the sick most of them are told to eat a lot? This is one of
the benefits, namely that they are not until malnutrition and soon
can produce more energy
3. Decreased Body Defense Power When a person's food intake
can not meet the needs of the body, it can make the immune
system can decrease. Once a person's immunity falls, it can be
easy to catch small infections like flu, cough and diarrhea.In
addition, if suffering from a disease, when the immune system
decreases it will facilitate the disease to relapse. Furthermore, if
after suffering from a disease and intake of foods put into the
body is not sufficient, then the immune system is also not
recovered immediately.If you are experiencing a shortage of
nutrients that are temporary, may experience a decrease in
endurance. Well, at the time of decreased endurance, immediately
take vitamin C. Because vitamin C will help the body process to
build a new body defense.
4. Inhibits Development Of Structure And Brain Function
brain development maximally develops when at the age of the
children. The brain can achieve maximum shape when the child is
two years old.

Malnutrition can interfere with brain function permanently.

When the child lacks food intake, it can not deliver nutrients to
the brain. Let alone for brain nutrition, to meet energy needs
alone is not enough, then what nutrients will be sent to the brain.
It's a pity if your child has brain deficiency. Well, then try to keep
your child fulfilled his nutritional needs.

In adults, chances are that the brain is not growing as much as it

was in childhood. The adult brain requires more nutrients to
replace dead brain cells. Therefore, the nutritional value for the
brain, in adults is less than children.

The child's brain needs more protein and melanin in order to

thrive and continue to regenerate.

5. Raises Unhealthy Behavior

malnutrition in both children and adults can make them uneasy

in behaving. They will become irritable, crybaby and apathetic.
This can happen because they feel hungry, so the emotional
stability is not maintained. If they continue to experience
something like this, then it can harm themselves. Because, over
time their social environment will also be affected by their
emotional instability. So they will have trouble in socializing.

Chapter III
Conclusion nutrition:
Nutrition is part of the process of life and the process of growth
and development of a person, so the fulfillment of nutritional
needs adequately helped determine the quality of growth and
development as a human source in the future. Less nutrition is a
health problem due to nutritional deficiencies or imbalances
necessary for growth, thinking activity and all things related to
life. The cause of the occurrence of malnutrition is due to social
factors, poverty, the rate of population growth, infection, and
many other factors, either directly or indirectly affect.
From the above discussion it can be concluded that the nutritional
problem is a complex thing in Indonesia. To date there are four
major nutritional problems in Indonesia, namely Protein Energy
Loss (KEP), Impaired Disorders of Iodium (GAKI), Iron
Nutrition Anemia (AGB), and Less Vitamin A (KVA). Many
factors affect the nutritional intake of these communities. From
day to day the number of problems above continues to increase,
which automatically also increases the mortality rate of the
population. The impact of nutrition is less influential on the life of
a person as a whole, such as physical, mental and intellectual
disabilities. As for preventing undernourishment is with PHBS
and the increase of adequate and balanced nutrition consumption,
counseling, improvement of public knowledge about nutrition,
etc. Thus, the overall effort to prevent and overcome the problem
of nutrition is less that is in the form of government participation,
health officer and entire society.

Conclusion Calculation of calories:

Calorie itself is a unit for energy, according to Samuel Oetoro, a
nutrition specialist, it is quite clear that the human body needs
energy in these caloric units in order to move and perform its
functions. In every food we consume, the number of calories will

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