1 MPP 3 Listening Transcript PDF

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This is the PT3 listening test. There are five parts to the test. You will hear each part twice.
For each part of the test, there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for
you to check your answers. Write your answers on the question paper. You will have six
minutes at the end of the test to copy your answers onto the answer sheet. The recording will
now be stopped. Please ask any questions now because you must not speak during the test.

Part 1
Questions 1 – 5

Now open your question paper and look at Part 1. There are five questions in this part. For
each question, there are three pictures and a short recording. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B or C. You now have 20 seconds to look at the questions.
Look at the pictures for question 1
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Extract 1
Mom : Son, can you buy me some fruits?
Son : Sure! What should I buy?
Mom : It is durian season now. I would love to have some durians.
Son : Oh mom! Can we buy something else? What about watermelon?
Mom : Buy some mangosteen instead. Your sister said she would love to have some.
Son : Okay mom.

Now, listen again.

[Repeat extract 1]

Look at the pictures for Question 2.

Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Extract 2
Ali : Excuse me. May I know where the railway station is?
Siti : Yes, sure. From here, walk along the road until you reach a junction.
Ali : OK, do I have to turn right?
Siti : No, take left. The railway station is the second building on your right.

Now, listen again.

[Repeat extract 2]

Look at the three pictures for Question 3.

Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Extract 3
Haikal : Have you bought the movie tickets for us?
Amin : Not yet. Which movie would you prefer?
Haikal : I would love to watch “Avengers: End Game” but I think the tickets are
sold out.
Amin : You are right. The tickets are sold out. Should we watch “Spider-man: Far
From Home” or “Toy Story 4”?
Haikal : Spider-man: Far From Home. I don’t think Adam would agree with “Toy
Story 4”.
Amin : Okay. I will buy the tickets.

Now, listen again.

[Repeat extract 3]

Look at the three pictures for Question 4.

Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Extract 4
Fiona : Hello Amy!
Amy : Hi Fiona!
Fiona : This is about our netball practice. We should start at five thirty in the evening,
but our coach said we will start half an hour later, which is six pm.
Amy : Okay. Thank you for informing. I will be there at around five forty-five pm. See
you later.
Fiona : See you!

Now, listen again.

[Repeat extract 4]

Look at the three pictures for Question 5.

Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Extract 5
Alice : Hey Daniel! How was your weekend?
Daniel : It was great!
Alice : I’m sure you had a lot of fun at the beach.
Daniel : We did not go to the beach as my little brother was not feeling well. So, we
stayed at home and went to the playground in the evening. How about you?
Alice : I went to the zoo and it was fun!
Daniel : Perhaps we can visit the zoo next time.

Now, listen again.

[Repeat extract 5]

That is the end of Part 1. Now look at Part 2.

Part 2
Questions 6 – 10

You will listen to the teacher-in-charge talking to the president of the Environmental Club
about a holiday camp programme. For questions 6 to 10, complete the notes with options A –
G. You only need to write the letter. You now have 20 seconds to look at the questions.

[Pause for 20 seconds]

Now we are ready to start, listen carefully.

Extract 6
Lily: Good morning teacher. Did you call me?
Teacher: Oh hi Lily…I want to discuss something with you. We’ll be running a
Environmental Club Holiday Camp at Suria Resort during the semester
Lily: Yes, teacher. The club members are very excited about it.
Teacher: That’s good to hear. Let me explain about the programme with you so that
you can brief the other members later.
Lily: Sure. What is our programme for these two days?
Teacher: On the first day, we will pitch our tents and organise the camp. Then, at 9.30
a.m we will have team building activities near the beach.
Lily: That sounds exciting.
Teacher: We will have lunch together at noon and after that you can rest in your tents
after lunch until 2.00 p.m.
Lily: That’s a good idea. At least we can rest for a while.
Teacher: After you have rested, there will be an orienteering course to teach you how
to use a compass. This will be useful for when you go hiking at 2.30 p.m.
Lily: Where will we be hiking?
Teacher: We are going to hike to the top of Belukar Hill. There is a waterfall there.
Lily: I am looking forward to this activity.
Teacher: After that, we will return to camp by 6 p.m to start our campfire and cook
dinner. At night, we will have a karaoke session together.
Lily: What will we do on the second day?
Teacher: After breakfast, we will have a wall climbing activity. We must break camp
by 11 a.m as we will depart for home at noon.
Lily: I can’t wait to go. Thank you, teacher!

Now listen again.

[Repeat extract 6].

That is the end of part 2. Now look at Part 3.

Part 3
Questions 11 – 15

You will hear a conversation between two friends at a café. For questions 11 to 15, choose
the correct answer A, B or C.
Blacken the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet. You now have 20 seconds to
look at the questions.

[Pause for 20 seconds]

Now we are ready to start, listen carefully.

Extract 7

Jason : Where shall we sit? Look! There are some free seats in the corner.
Julie : The seats by the window are better. It’ll be cooler there.
Jason : Okay. What would you like to eat?
Julie : I’m really hungry. I think I’ll have chicken and chips with baked beans. Why don’t
you have the chicken too?
Jason: I don’t eat meat. It makes me ill. I’ll have a cheese sandwich instead.
Julie : And what about drinks? I think I’ll have some mint tea.
Jason : No, that’s really expensive! It’s RM 13.60. I’ll have a coffee; it’s much cheaper.
Waiter : Good evening.
Julie : Good evening. We’ll have one chicken and chips with baked beans and one cheese
sandwich please.
Waiter : No problem! What would you like to drink?
Jason : A mint tea and a coffee please. Oh, and please bring me some cream for the coffee.
Waiter : Ok. Let me repeat your order. One chicken and chips with beans, one cheese
sandwich, a mint tea and a coffee with cream.

Now listen again.

[Repeat extract 7].

That is the end of part 3. Now look at Part 4.

Part 4
Questions 16 - 20

You will hear a secretary telling about a flight detail to Kuala Lumpur.
For questions 16 - 20, complete the notes below.
Use no more than three words and/or a number for each answer. Write the correct
answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

[Pause for 20 seconds]

Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Extract 8

Good morning Miss Nailah. I would like to remind you your flight details for tomorrow.
Your meeting in Kuala Lumpur is going to be in the afternoon, so I have booked you a
flight at 10 am. You need to be there early to avoid traffic problem. I would suggest you
to be there 30 minutes before the boarding time. You are going to board the flight at
9.30 am. You would not want to miss your flight again this time. Also, you must not
forget to bring your identity card and the boarding pass. You will not be allowed to
board if you were to leave one of the required documents. So make sure you have them
both with you. I know you would prefer window seat, so I got you one by the window.
Your seat would be 3C. Check before you sit. I was also told that passengers are not
allowed to bring power banks and spare batteries on board. If you were to bring them
you need to keep them in your check-in luggage. Both power banks and spare batteries
are prohibited items as they are flammable. I guess that is all for now. Enjoy your flight
and have a safe journey.

Now listen again.

[repeat extract 8]

That is the end of part 4. Now look at Part 5.

Part 5
Questions 21 - 25

You will hear a conversation between friends planning a movie outing over the weekend.
For questions 21 to 25, complete the notes below.
Use no more than three words and/or a number for each answer. Write the correct
answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.

Extract 8

Jamie : Hi Phani, would you like to watch a movie with me at LFS Cinema? I
have an extra ticket.
Phani : Hello Jamie, that sounds interesting. I have not watched movie for
quite some time. What movie is it?
Jamie : You know how much I love disney movies so I got tickets for Aladdin
Phani : Wow. I heard a lot of good reviews about Aladdin. They have nice
songs too.
Jamie : It is a musical show. It is absolutely your favorite genre Phani.
Phani : You know me too well Jamie. So when is the movie exactly? I need to
check my schedule.
Jamie : It is going to be this weekend. Saturday.
Phani : Which Saturday will that be?
Jamie : 24th August 2019
Phani : I don't have anything planned yet on that date. What time is the show?
Jamie : The movie starts at 8.30 pm. Let's be there 15 minutes before
because I got us middle seats 5E and 6E.
Phani : That's a good idea. I cannot wait.
Jamie : see you this Saturday Phani.
Phani : See you.

Now listen again.

[Repeat extract 8].

That is the end of part 5. You now have 6 minutes to check and copy your answers onto the
answer sheet.

You have one more minute.

That is the end of the test.

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