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This chapter discusses the results of the research to discover the students’

ability in reading comprehension of narrative text using collaborative strategic

reading (CSR) technique and investigate whether there is significant improvement

of the students’ skill. The researcher presents findings that cover the description

of students’ score on pre-test and post-test, the summary of mean scores for both

classes, normality test, homogeneity test, the result hypothesis testing and


4.1 Result of Research

In this research, the researcher gave treatment to both experimental class

and control class about reading narrative text. In the experimental class the

researcher implemented Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Technique.

Meanwhile, in the control class the researcher implemented Grammar Translation

Method (GTM). Afterwards, the researcher measured students’ reading

comprehension achievement by using a test in multiple choice forms.

The instrument of the study was 20 numbers of questions given to the 35

students’ of class XI IPS A of MA Darussalam, Kunir, Subang.

The pre-test was administered on August 20th, 2016 at 08.30 a.m, for XI

IPS A (experimental class), and at 13.20 a.m, for XI IPS B (control class) It

required 60 minutes to administer the pre-test.

The post-test was administered on September 7th 2016 at 08.30 a.m. for

the experimental class, while in the control class; the test was also administered

on September 7th, 2016 at 13.20 a.m.

The Table 4.1 below shows the result of the test which analyzes the

students’ scores of pre-test and post-test in experimental class (variable X).

Table 4.1

Pre-test and Post-test Score of Experimental Class

Students’ Codes / Pre-test Post-test

Subject Scores Scores

1 SS-1 30 80
2 SS-2 65 90
3 SS-3 45 80
4 SS-4 30 80
5 SS-5 70 80
6 SS-6 65 85
7 SS-7 80 90
8 SS-8 75 95
9 SS-9 70 75
10 SS-10 50 80
11 SS-11 45 80
12 SS-12 50 70
13 SS-13 80 75
14 SS-14 75 50
15 SS-15 55 70
16 SS-16 75 90
17 SS-17 30 35
18 SS-18 30 75
19 SS-19 35 95
20 SS-20 30 65
21 SS-21 35 90
22 SS-22 30 75
23 SS-23 45 35
24 SS-24 70 80
25 SS-25 70 70
26 SS-26 40 55
27 SS-27 30 80
28 SS-28 30 90
29 SS-29 35 65
30 SS-30 60 90
31 SS-31 30 75
32 SS-32 30 90
33 SS-33 60 75
34 SS-34 50 50
35 SS-35 55 90

Based on the table above, it could be seen the lowest and the highest

score from 35 students’ in the classes. The lowest score in the pre-test was 30 and

the highest score was 80. After the writer giving the treatment using Collaborative

Strategic Reading (CSR) Technique, the writer gave the students’ post-test. The

data showed in post-test that the lowest score was 35 and the highest score was

The table 4.2 below shows the results of the test which analyzes the

students’ scores of pre-test and post-test in control class (variable Y).

Table 4.2

Pre-test and Post-test Score of Control Class

Students’ Codes / Pre-test Post-test

Subject Scores Scores

1 SS-1 75 50
2 SS-2 95 95
3 SS-3 95 80
4 SS-4 95 95
5 SS-5 60 65
6 SS-6 95 95
7 SS-7 95 95
8 SS-8 85 90
9 SS-9 80 90
10 SS-10 95 95
11 SS-11 65 75
12 SS-12 75 35
13 SS-13 95 80
14 SS-14 85 90
15 SS-15 90 95
16 SS-16 80 90
17 SS-17 85 90
18 SS-18 85 85
19 SS-19 75 85
20 SS-20 90 90
21 SS-21 95 90
22 SS-22 70 75
23 SS-23 85 85
24 SS-24 90 95
25 SS-25 75 80
26 SS-26 65 75
27 SS-27 50 50
28 SS-28 90 95
29 SS-29 85 90
30 SS-30 90 80
31 SS-31 80 80
32 SS-32 90 90
33 SS-33 95 80
34 SS-34 80 60
35 SS-35 95 95

Table 4.2 showed the lowest and the highest score from 35 students’ in

the control class. The lowest score in the pre-test was 50 and the highest score was

95. After the writer giving the treatment using grammar translation method

(GTM) Technique, the writer gave the students’ post-test. The data showed in

post-test that the lowest score was 35, and the highest score was 95.
4.2 The Analysis of the Data

4.2.1 Result of pre-test of Experimental Class and Control Class

The results of pre-test of experimental class and control class based on

SPSS v.19 for windows program was gained from the steps as follows: Analyze-

Description statistic-frequencies statistic. Results gained from a pre-test in class

XI IPS A as an experimental class of this research are presented in a table below:

Table 4.3

Table of Data Description of Pre-test Result of Experimental Class

N Valid 35
Missing 0
Mean 50.14
Median 50.00
Mode 30
Std. Deviation 17.843
Variance 318.361
Range 50
Minimum 30
Maximum 80
Sum 1755

The table above shows that the data of the experimental class is 35

students’. The total of all data which is divided with the number of data

determined as mean score from the experimental class is 50.14. Median score is

50.00. The median is the numerical value sparating the higher half of a data

sample, a population, or a probability distribution, from the lower half. The mode

is defined as the element that appears most frequently in a given set of elements.
The mode score from the table is 30. The set of scores constitute a population

determined as variance score is 318.361, and deviation standard is 17.843.

Deviation standard is a quantity calculated to indicate the extent of deviation for a

group as a whole. The highest score of the experimental class is 80 and the lowest

score is 30.00. The sum gined from the total scores is 1755.

According to the table above, it can be made a table of frequency

distribution which is presented as follows;

Table 4.4

Table of Frequency Distribution of Pre-test Result of Experimental Class

Score Frequency Percent

Valid 30 10 28.6
35 3 8.6
40 1 2.9
45 3 8.6
50 3 8.6
55 2 5.7
60 2 5.7
65 2 5.7
70 4 11.4
75 3 8.6
80 2 5.7
Total 35 100.0

The table above is a tool of presentation consisting of columns and rows

and there are numbers which describe the division and the percentage of

frequency distribution.
Beside the table of frequency distribution, it also can be describe by a

diagram which is presented as follows:

Figure 4.1

Diagram of Pre-test Result of Experimental Class

30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

From the figure above it can be seen that the table of frequency

distribution of the students’. It can be seen that there are were 10 students’ (30)

whose scores are lower, 3 students’ (35), 1 student (40), 6 studens’ (45 and 50) , 6

students’ (55, 60 and 65), 4 students’ (70), 4 students’ (75) and 2 Students’ (80)

who scores are higher.

The result gined from a pre-test in class XI IPS B as a control class of this

research are presented in a table below:

Table 4.5

Table of Data Description of Pre-test Result of Control Class

N Valid 35
Missing 0
Mean 83.71
Median 85.00
Mode 95
Std. Deviation 11.462
Variance 131.387
Range 45
Minimum 50
Maximum 95
Sum 2930

The table above shows that the data of the control class is 35 with sum

2930. Mean score from the control class is 83.71, the variance score is 131.387,

and deviation standard is 11.462. The highest score of the control class is 95 and

the lowest score is 50. The median score is 85 and the mode score is 95.
Table 4.6

Table of Frequency Distribution of Pre-test of Control Class

Score Frequency Percent

Valid 50 1 2.9
60 1 2.9
65 2 5.7
70 1 2.9
75 4 11.4
80 4 11.4
85 6 17.1
90 6 17.1
95 10 28.6
Total 35 100.0

The table above is a tool of presentation consisting of columns and rows

and there are numbers which describe the division and the percentage of

frequency distribution.

Beside the table of frequency distribution, it also can be describe by a

diagram which is presented as follows:

Figure 4.2

Diagram of Pre-test Result of Control Class


50 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

From the figure above it can be seen that the table of frequency

distribution of the students’. It can be seen that there are were 1 student (50)

whose scores are lower, 1 student (60), 2 students’ (65), 1 student (70), 4 students’

(75), 4 students’ (80), 6 students’ (85), 6 Students’ (90), and 10 students’ (95)

who scores are higher.

4.2.2 Result of Post-test of Experimental Class and Control Class

The results of post-test of experimental class and control class based on

SPSS v.19 for windows program was gained from the steps as follows: Analyze-

Description statistic-frequencies statistic. Results gained from a post-test in class

XI IPS B as an experimental class of this research are presented in a table below:

Table 4.7

Table of Data Description of Post-test Result of Experimental Class

N Valid 35
Missing 0
Mean 75.71
Median 80.00
Mode 80
Std. Deviation 15.346
Variance 235.504
Range 60
Minimum 35
Maximum 95
Sum 2650

The table above shows that the data of the experimental class is 35 with

sum 2650. Mean score from the experimental class is 75.71, the variance score is

235.504, and deviation standard is 15.346. The highest score of the experimental

class is 95 and the lowest score is 35. The median score is 80.00 and the mode

score is 80.

According to the table above, it can be made a table of frequency

distribution which is presented as follows:

Table 4.8

Table of Frequency Distribution of Post-test Result of Experimental Class

Score Frequency Percent

Valid 35 2 5.7
50 2 5.7
55 1 2.9
65 2 5.7
70 3 8.6
75 6 17.1
80 8 22.9
85 1 2.9
90 8 22.9
95 2 5.7
Total 35 100.0

Beside the table of frequency distribution, it also can be describe by a

diagram which is presented as follows:

Figure 4.3

Diagram of Post-test Result of Experimental Class

35 50 55 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
From the figure above it can be seen that the table of frequency

distribution of the students’. It can be seen that there are were 2 students’ (35)

whose scores are lower, 2 students’ (50), 1 student (55), 2 students’ (65), 3

students’ (70), 6 students’ (75), 8 students’ (80), 1 Student (85), 8 students’ (90),

and 2 students’ (95) who scores are higher.

The Result gained from a post-test in class XI IPS B as a control class of

this research are presented in a table below:

Table 4.9

Table of Data Description of Post-test Result of Control Class

N Valid 35
Missing 0
Mean 82.43
Median 90.00
Mode 90
Std. Deviation 14.671
Variance 215.252
Range 60
Minimum 35
Maximum 95
Sum 2885

The table above shows that the data of the control class is 35 with sum

2885. Mean score from the control class is 82.43, the variance score is 215.252

and deviation standard is 14.671. The highest score of the control class is 95 and

the lowest score is 35. The median score is 90.00 and the mode score is 90
According to the table above, it can be made table of frequency

distribution which is presented as follows:

Table 4.10

Table of Frequency Distribution of Post-test Result of Control Class

Score Frequency Percent

Valid 35 1 2.9
50 2 5.7
60 1 2.9
65 1 2.9
75 3 8.6
80 6 17.1
85 3 8.6
90 9 25.7
95 9 25.7
Total 35 100.0

Beside the table of frequency distribution, it also can be describe by a

diagram which is presented as follows:

Figure 4.4

Diagram of Post-test Result of Control Class

35 50 60 65 75 80 85 90 95
From the figure above it can be seen that the table of frequency

distribution of the students’. It can be seen that there are were 1 student (35)

whose scores are lower, 2 students’ (50), 1 student (60), 1 student (65), 3 students’

(75), 6 students’ (80), 3 students’ (85), 1 Student (85), 9 students’ (90), and 9

students’ (95) who scores are higher.

4.2.3 Normality Test

1. Normality Test of the Pre-test

Table 4.11

One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Pre-test of the Experimental Class

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 35
Normal Parameters Mean 50.14
Std. Deviation 17.843
Most Extreme Absolute .173
Differences Positive .173
Negative -.129
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.026
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .243
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

The results of normality test of the pre-test in the experimental class

showed that the value of two tailed significance was 0.243. It means that H0 was

accepted and H1 was rejected because 0.243 > 0.05. It implied that the

distribution of the test was normal.

Table 4.12

One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Pre-test of the Control Class

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 35
Normal Parameters Mean 83.71
Std. Deviation 11.462
Most Extreme Absolute .173
Differences Positive .162
Negative -.173
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.025
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .244
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

The same distribution was also shown in control class. The value of the

normality test of the pre-test in this group was 0.244. Because 0.244 > 0.05, it

could be stated that the data of the pre-test in the control class was normally

distributed. It means that H0 was accepted and H1 was rejected because 0.244 >

2. Normality Test of the Post-test

Table 4.13

One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Post-test of the Experimental Class

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 35
Normal Parameters Mean 75.71
Std. Deviation 15.346
Most Extreme Absolute .196
Differences Positive .119
Negative -.196
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.158
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .137
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

The results of normality test of the post-test in the experimental class

showed that the value of two tailed significance was 0.137. Since 0.137 > 0.05, it

could be stated that the data of the post-test in the experimental class was

normally distributed. It means that H0 was accepted and H1 was rejected since

0.137 > 0.05.

Table 4.14

One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Post-test of the Control Class

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 35
Normal Parameters Mean 82.43
Std. Deviation 14.671
Most Extreme Absolute .211
Differences Positive .196
Negative -.211
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.251
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .088
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

While in the post-test, the result of normality test was 0.88. Because 0.88

> 0.05, it could be stated that the distribution of the post-test in the control class

was normally distributed. In other words, H0 was accepted and H1 was rejected.

From the results of normality test above, it can be concluded that the

hypothesis was accepted both in the experimental class and the control class

which meant that the data in both classes were normally distributed.

4.2.4 Homogeneity Test

1. Homogeneity Test of the Pre-test

Based on the calculation of normality, the researcher got the result that

all data in pre-test of both experiment class and control class have been distributed


The results of pre-test homogeneity test of the data are presented as

Table 4.15

Homogeneity Pre-test Result between Experimental Class and Control Class

Test of Homogeneity
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

1.179 5 26 .346

It can be seen, the table shows that the gain score of both of groups

acquire 0.346, thus it is homogeneity for α = 0.05. It means that both of groups

have homogeneity in homogeneity test.

2. Homogeneity Test of the Pre-test

The results of post-test homogeneity test of the data are presented as


Table 4.16

Homogeneity Post-test Result between Experimental Class and Control Class

Test of Homogeneity
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
4.823 5 26 .194

It can be seen, the table shows that the gain score of both of groups

acquire 0.194, thus it is homogeneity for α = 0.05. It means that both of groups

have homogeneity in homogeneity test.

Hypothesis Test

It is used to prove whether the hypothesis proposed by the researcher

accepted or not. He used T-test in order to disclose the significance of treatment

effect. The hypothesis was analyzed at significant level of 0.05 in which the

hypothesis is approved if Sign < α. The result of was shown in the following


Tabel 4.17

Group Statistics

label N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Posttest Eksperimental 35 75.71 15.346 2.594

Control 35 82.43 14.671 2.480

Table 4.18

Independent Sample Test

Levene's Test
for Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence
Mean Std. Error Interval of the
Sig. (2-
F Sig. T df Differenc Differenc Difference
e e
Lower Upper
variances .031 .860 -1.871 68 .000 -6.714 3.589 -13.875 .447
Posttest Equal
-1.871 67.863 .000 -6.714 3.589 -13.876 .447
From the table, it is discernible the results of the computation shows that

the value of two tailed significance was 0.000. It means that H0 was accepted and

H1 was rejected because 0.00 < 0.05.It proves that the treatments given by the

researcher had a better effect on the students’ achievement. In other words, the

hypothesis is accepted.

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