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Mariel E.

Reyes September 21, 2019




1. Write the meaning of mine management in your own words? Explain the nature of mine


Mine management aims to organize, plan, control and govern one firm to become

one compact in everything. It is the planning on how to manage the mining company in

different aspects or nature including its safeness to people, protection to the environment

and maintaining its productivity and profitability leading to a successful responsible

mining. It handles the employees concerns, the problems present in the company, the

actions taken to solve the problem. Every detail that’s in the work of mining is being

associated to mine management.

Mine management is the preparation in everything that is involve in working or

operating a mine. Without mine management, the problem in mining will arise and will

cause chaotic situations not just to the company but to all that is involve in mining


2. Define and explain the following:

 Management as an Art

Art is the design how you do things that surrounds you. It develops skillful

application of knowledge which depends upon the ability of one person. Management

as an art because it can be learn through practise and experience. With practise, it will

develop mindful art that teaches individual to create solutions needed to run a certain
situations. In this case, management is partly with art as a person capacity uses the

knowledge it gained to become an artistic, inventive and innovative to solve the

problems arising on his/her business.

 Management as Science

Science is a method of understanding how things work. It is important because we

need science in order for things to work and to develop new technology, knowledge

that is used in everyday life. Science affects the world in many different ways

including a management because it does provide systematically develop wide

understanding. It will both affect the understanding of workers, employee’s behaviour

and attitude through the practise of management. Science has helped human beings to

mold individual human development that is important in building a management.

 Management as Profession

A profession depends upon the ability and nature of a person. Man has to choose a

profession or has to prepare for himself for that desired profession. In order to obtain

expertise in art and science management, the people in the management needs intense

dedication and participation because it requires specific understanding of leadership

values and deliberate attempts to gain proficiency.

3. What are the five functions of management? Give a concrete and concise explanation for

each function.

 Planning

Managers have to do planning because planning is the integral activity of successful

business operations. Planning is the process of analyzing the present conditions inside

and outside the company and developing the future course, the company should move
to. It must be related to and coordinated at distinct levels with regard to moment and

execution and must take into account the resources available to the organization and

staff flexibility as this will ensure continuity.

 Organizing

The second of the five basic management activities is organizing. One of the most

important functions of management is organizing to reach the intended goal or

objective. Organizing is defined as the assembling and coordinating the human,

financial, physical, informational, and other resources needed to achieve goals.

 Commanding

Not only planning and organizing are important in an organization but also

commanding plays an important role in an organization. Other word for commanding

is to give order. Managers have to make sure that all supervisors and workers are

keeping to targets and deadlines. Instructions and guidance must be provided by

managers and it is also their responsibility to make sure that the tasks are carried out

by people below them in the organization.

 Coordinating

Coordination is required in every function of management. Plans of different

departments and divisions must be properly coordinated, otherwise the objectives of

the organisation as a whole cannot be accomplished.

 Controlling

Controlling facilitates coordination and helps in planning. It provides structure to the

organization in order to make it more efficient. It is the process used to establish and
provide structure in order to deal with uncertainties. These uncertainties cause

tensions that leaders must deal with so they do not impede the organization. This is

far different from most peoples' conception in which they think of control as

controlling others.

4. Why is it important to study mine management and why it is significant to any mining


It is not enough that the people are motivated to succeed at their work. They have

to work together as a team to achieve their group objective. Mine management is run in a

team format. The mine management are needed because they will teach the people or

employees how to work in the teamwork therefore they must work together to achieved

the goal. It’s important to study mine management because you can get good knowledge

for future plans and better results. Mining companies must have mine management

because they are necessary to improve productivity of the company. If a management

team implements more effective planning, organizing, leading and controlling practices,

it will improve business results.

5. What do you mean by Corporate Social Responsibility? How is it related to proper mine


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby organizations

consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities

on customers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment in all aspects

of their operations. These responsibilities are achieved when the firm adapts all of its

practices to ensure that it operates in ways that meet or exceed the public expectations.

Today, mining companies are aware of the social and environmental impacts of their

international production. It is accepted already that mine companies should not be only
profitable, but also good corporate citizens. That’s why it is required to have mine

management in order to arrange and prepare everything that is involve especially to the

mining business that has become subjected to be a destructive industry.

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