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Analog performance of double gate junctionless tunnel field effect transistor

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2014 J. Semicond. 35 074001


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Vol. 35, No. 7 Journal of Semiconductors July 2014

Analog performance of double gate junctionless tunnel field effect transistor

M. W. Akram1; Ž and Bahniman Ghosh1; 2; Ž
1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, 208016, India
2 Microelectronics Research Center, 10100 Burnet Road, Bldg. 160, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 78758, USA

Abstract: For the first time, we investigate the analog performance of n-type double gate junctionless tunnel field
effect transistor (DG-JLTFET) and the results are compared with the conventional n-type double gate tunnel field
effect transistor (DG-TFET) counterpart. Using extensive device simulations, the two devices are compared with
the following analog performance parameters, namely transconductance, output conductance, output resistance,
intrinsic gain, total gate capacitance and unity gain frequency. From the device simulation results, DG-JLTFET is
found to have significantly better analog performance as compared to DG-TFET.

Key words: junctionless field effect transistor; tunnel field effect transistor; subthreshold slope
DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/35/7/074001 PACC: 7340Q; 7280C; 7340L

In this paper, for the first time, we investigate the analog

1. Introduction
performance of n-type double gate junctionless tunnel field ef-
The metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors fect transistor (DG-JLTFET), and the results are compared with
(MOSFETs) suffer increased short channel effects (SCEs) and the conventional TFETs. The performance evaluation para-
higher leakage current when it is continuously scaled down. meters under consideration are drain current (ID /, transconduc-
This is due to the fact of reduced gate controllability over tance (gm /, output conductance (gd /, output resistance (RO /,
the channelŒ1 3 . Due to the excellent immunity of SCEs, intrinsic gain (gm /gd /, total gate capacitance (CGG /, and unity
double-gate or multi-gate devices offer better scalability op- gain frequency (fT /.
tionsŒ4 6 . However, the device with a channel length of less
than 22 nm still shows significant drain induced barrier low- 2. Device structure and their operation
ering (DIBL) and threshold voltage roll-off effects. Recently,
tunnel field effect transistors (TFETs)Œ7 11 have been given Figure 1 shows the simulated n-type double gate tun-
a lot of attention as they provide a subthreshold slope (SS) nel field effect transistor (DG-TFET) structureŒ1 . The device
of less than 60 mV/dec at very low VDD ; this is because of structure parameters used for the simulation of DG-TFET are
the different conduction mechanism. TFETs also show very shown in Table 1. Here, silicon (Si) is taken as the channel ma-
much less SCEs as compared to the inversion-mode device terial with a channel length of 20 nm. The thicknesses of silicon
(MOSFETs)Œ1 3 . However, TFETs also suffer because of a film and gate oxide are 5 nm and 2 nm, respectively. To get an
low ON-currentŒ1; 12; 13 . In the sub-22 nm regime (for both optimized value of ON-current, OFF-current, and ION /IOFF ra-
conventional MOSFETs and the conventional TFETs), fabri- tio, and also to compare the results of n-type double gate tunnel
cation of such a small device becomes very challengingŒ3 . field effect transistor (DG-TFET) with the n-type double gate
Very recently, a new transistor called the junctionless field junctionless tunnel field effect transistor (DG-JLTFET) struc-
effect transistor (JLFET)Œ14; 15 has been proposed and suc- tureŒ22 , the optimized doping levels for the source, intrinsic,
cessfully fabricated, and is based on Lilienfeld’s first tran- and drain regions are chosen to be 5  1019 (p-type), 1  1015
sistor architectureŒ16 . This device is simpler to fabricate and (p-type), and 1  1019 (n-type) atoms/cm3 , respectively. Two
has less variability and better electrical properties than MOS- devices are compared for the same value of threshold voltage
FETŒ14; 15; 17 21 ; however, the SS is still limited, as in the (VTH /Œ23 . To get improved results of the ON-current (ION /,
MOSFETsŒ14; 15 . To overcome the limit of the subthreshold OFF-current (IOFF /, and the subthreshold slope (SS), the high-
slope and fabrication challenge, recently a new transistor called k dielectric material HfO2 with a dielectric constant value of 29
the junctionless tunnel field effect transistorŒ22 has been pro- is taken as the gate oxide material. For the gate metal contact, a
posed, which gives the combined advantages of both the tech- work function of 4.15 eV is chosen to achieve the comparable
nologies, namely, junctionless field effect transistors and the threshold voltage of 0.40 V, compared to the DG-JLTFET.
tunnel field effect transistors. Using 2D device simulation, the The device parameters of DG-TFET are taken to be the same as
author in Ref. [22] has achieved ION of 1 mA/m, a point those proposed in Ref. [1], except for 20 nm of channel length
subthreshold slope of 33 mV/decade, and an average sub- and doping level for the source region of 5  1019 atoms/cm3
threshold slope of 34 mV/decade at a supply voltage of 1 V (p-type), instead of 50 nm of channel length and doping level
and at room temperature for channel length of 20 nm, an iso- of 1  1020 atoms/cm3 (p-type) for the source region, just in
lation thickness of 2 nm, and high-k gate dielectric material as order to compare the results of DG-TFET with the results of
TiO2 . DG-JLTFET. The double-gate technology is used to improve

† Corresponding author. Email:,

Received 4 January 2014, revised manuscript received 29 January 2014 © 2014 Chinese Institute of Electronics

J. Semicond. 2014, 35(7) M. W. Akram et al.

Fig. 1. The simulated n-type double gate tunnel field effect transistor Fig. 2. The simulated n-type double gate junctionless tunnel field ef-
(DG-TFET)Œ1 . fect transistor (DG-JLTFET)Œ22 .

the controllability over the channel as compared to the single- Table 1. Parameters used for the DG-TFET simulation.
gate technologyŒ1 . Parameter DG-TFET, Value
The simulated DG-JLTFET is shown in Fig. 2. In this Gate length (LG / 20 nm
case, Si is also taken as the channel material, throughout the Silicon thickness (Tsi / 5 nm
source, intrinsic, and drain regions with a doping concentra- Gate dielectric thickness 2 nm
tion of 1  1019 cm 3 (n-type). Table 2 shows the parameters Width of the device 1 m
Drain doping concentration 1  1019 cm 3 , n-type
used for the simulation of DG-JLTFET. The channel length of
Channel doping concentration 1  1015 cm 3 , p-type
DG-JLTFET is taken to be the same as in the DG-TFET. The
Source doping concentration 5  1019 cm 3 , p-type
thicknesses of silicon film and gate oxide are 5 nm and 2 nm, Gate material work function 4.15 eV
respectively. 2 nm of isolation layer between the two gate elec- Supply voltage (VDD / 1V
trodes (gate (G) and P-gate (PG)) is taken, which works to iso- High-k gate dielectric material 29
late the gates and as a spacer. Here also high-k gate and P- permittivity
gate dielectric material with a dielectric constant value of 29
are taken to get an optimized value of ION , IOFF , and also the
subthreshold voltage (SS). The simulated device structure is Table 2. Parameters used for the DG-JLTFET simulation.
a lateral n-type double gate junctionless field effect transistor Parameter DG-JLFET, Value
(DG-JLFET)Œ1 , which uses two isolated gates (gate, P-gate) Gate length (LG / 20 nm
with different metal work-functions. This makes the layer be- Silicon thickness (Tsi / 5 nm
neath the gates intrinsic and p-type. We have taken 4.3 eV and Isolation thickness (Tiso / 2 nm
5.93 eV as the work function for the gate and P-gate electrodes, Gate dielectric thickness 2 nm
P-gate dielectric thickness 2 nm
respectively. The value of work function 5.93 eV corresponds
Width of the device 1 m
to the metal platinum (Pt)Œ24 .
Drain doping concentration 1  1019 cm 3 , n-type
The simple knowledge applied here is to translate the (NC – Channel doping concentration 1  1019 cm 3 , n-type
N –NC / drain, channel and source of JLFET into an (NC –I–
Source doping concentration 1  1019 cm 3 , n-type
PC / structure of a JLTFET without any physical doping. In- Gate material work function 4.3 eV
trinsically, the proposed device would show less variability P-gate material work function 5.93 eV
and short channel effects compared to the conventional TFET, Supply voltage (VDD / 1V
since the proposed device is principally based on the junction- High-k gate dielectric material 29
less channel. The shortcomings of junctionless tunnel field ef- permittivity
fect transistor concepts is that it would require a few more fab- High-k P-gate dielectric mate- 29
rication steps, such as the formation of an extra gate, gate con- rial permittivity
tact, and an isolation layer.
This model has already been used in other works to predict
3. Simulation results the performance of TFETŒ1 . To take the effect of the high
doping in the channel, a band-gap-narrowing model (BGN)
In this section, we discuss the simulation results ob- is used. The trap assisted tunneling model (TAT) given by
tained using a 2D device simulator, Silvaco Atlas, version SchenkŒ25; 26 is used to include the interface trap effect on
5.15.32.RŒ25 . Here we have shown the analog performance of BTBT for the devices. Consideration of an interface trap (or
an n-type double gate junctionless tunnel field effect transis- defect) effectŒ25; 26 and the presence of a high impurity atom
tor and the results are compared with the conventional n-type in the channel is modeled with the Shockley-Read-Hall re-
double gate tunnel field effect transistor counterpart. To take combination model (SRH). The complete mobility model for
account of the band-to-band tunneling process along the lateral concentration dependent, parallel electric field dependent, per-
direction of the device, we have used the non-local band-to- pendicular electric field dependent, and temperature dependent
band tunneling (BTBT) model available in Silvaco AtlasŒ25 . model (CVT)Œ25 is used. The gate leakage current model is

J. Semicond. 2014, 35(7) M. W. Akram et al.

Fig. 3. Drain current (ID / versus gate voltage (VGS / for the DG-TFET Fig. 4. Transconductance (gm / versus VGS for the DG-TFET and DG-
and DG-JLTFET at drain voltage (VDS / D 1 V. JLTFET at VDS D 1 V.

also enabled, and to include the effect of the quantum tun-

neling current through an oxide, the direct quantum tunnel-
ing model for electrons, holes, and the band-to-band tunneling
model (QTUNN) available in SilvacoŒ25 is used.

3.1. Transfer characteristics

Figure 3 shows the subthreshold characteristics (ID ver-
sus VGS / for the DG-TFET and DG-JLTFET at VDS D 1 V.
Two devices are compared for the comparable value of the
threshold voltageŒ23 . The threshold voltages of two devices
are matched primarily by adjusting the work function differ-
ence of gate to channel and p-gate to channel. From the figure,
we observe that for the comparable value of threshold volt-
age, the DG-JLTFET gives better performance in terms of ON-
current and also OFF-current. Moreover, it is also found that Fig. 5. ID versus VDS for the DG-TFET and DG-JLTFET at VGS D
the point subthreshold slope (SS) of the DG-JLTEFT is bet- 1 V.
ter than the DG-TFET. The point subthreshold slope (SS) of
DG-JLTEFT and DG-TFET are found to be 35.36 mV/decade
and 40.38 mV/decade, respectively. The threshold voltage is ductance (gm / characteristics are also observed in Refs. [12,
extracted using the constant-current method of value 10 7 32–34].
A/mŒ1 . The ON-current (ION / and OFF-current (IOFF / are gm D @ID =@VGS : (1)
measured at the supply voltages of (VD D 1 V, VMG D 1 V)
and (VD D 1 V, VMG D 0 V), respectively. The point SS is 3.2. Output characteristics
measured from the (inverse of the) maximum slope of the log
of the drain current versus gate voltageŒ1; 14 . The output characteristic (ID versus VDS / is shown in
The effect of gate voltage variation on transconductance Fig. 5. From the figure, we observed that as the drain voltage
(gm / is shown in Fig. 4. The value of transconductance is cal- increases from 0 to 1 V, the drain current also increases and fi-
culated, as given in Eq. (1)Œ27 34 . The value of transconduc- nally saturates; the effect of saturation occurs because of the ve-
tance (gm / is directly extracted from Fig. 3 using Eq. (1). The locity saturation, and also pinch-off mechanism for both of the
gm is an important analog performance parameter, which is a devices. Higher ON-current for the DG-JLTFET is observed
measure of the amplification given by that device. The higher compared to the DG-TFET; this is because of the higher tunnel
gm means more efficient amplification and more suitability for coupling effect offered by the DG-JLTFET. The reason for the
analog applicationsŒ32 34 . ID gives the amount of power dis- higher ID (VDS D 0 V, VGS D 1 V) in the DG-JLTFET com-
sipated to obtain that amplification. From the figure, it is ob- pared to the DG-TFET is also because of the same reason of the
served that for the comparable value of threshold voltage, the higher tunnel coupling effect offered by the DG-JLTFET for
transconductance (gm / of the DG-JLTFET is better than that of equal threshold voltage. The variation of output conductance
the DG-TFET counterpart. As the gate voltage increases from 0 (gd / with respect to gate voltage for equal threshold voltage is
to 1 V, continuous increase in transconductance of both the de- shown in Fig. 6. The value of output conductance is calculated
vices is observed, this is because of the continuous increase in as given in Eq. (2)Œ27 34 . The value of output conductance is
the differential drain current of both the devices, keeping the directly extracted from Fig. 5 using Eq. (2). From Fig. 6, we
differential gate voltage constant. Similar kinds of transcon- observed that the value of output conductance increases up to

J. Semicond. 2014, 35(7) M. W. Akram et al.

Fig. 6. Output conductance (gd / and output resistance (RO / for dif- Fig. 7. Voltage gain (AV / versus VGS for the DG-TFET and DG-
ferent drain voltages at VGS D 1 V. JLTFET at VDS D 1 V.

the drain voltages of 0.8 V and then decreases for both the de-
vices. Here we also observed that the output conductance of
DG-JLTFET is higher than that of DG-TFET, the higher value
of output conductance for the DG-JLTFET is achieved, and this
is because of the higher differential drain current offered by
DG-JLTFET for the same differential change in drain voltage
compared to the DG-TFET. Similar kinds of output conduc-
tance (gd / characteristics are also observed in Refs. [12, 32].

gd D @ID =@VDS : (2)

The variation of output resistance (RO / with respect to the

variation in drain voltage is also shown in Fig. 6. The value
of RO is calculated as the inverse of the output conductance
given in Eq. (3). The value of RO is extracted from Fig. 5 us-
ing Eq. (3). From Fig. 6, we observe that the DG-JLTFET has Fig. 8. Total gate capacitance (CGG / versus VGS for the DG-TFET and
a lower value of output resistance compared to the DG-TFET, DG-JLTFET at VDS D 1 V.
since the output conductance of the DG-JLTFET is higher than
that of the DG-TFET for all values of drain voltages, as ob-
served from the same figure.
RO D .@ID =@VDS / : (3)

The variation of intrinsic gain (gm /gd /Œ27 34 with respect
to gate voltage is shown in Fig. 7, and the intrinsic gain (gm /gd /
is directly extracted from Figs. 4 and 6. The DG-JLTFET shows
the improved value of intrinsic gain compared to the DG-
TFET, which implies that the DG-JLTFET is the better option
for analog application compared to the DG-TFETŒ32 34 .

3.3. C –V characteristics and unity gain frequency

The intrinsic gate capacitance is an important parameter
for the RF performance analysisŒ32 . The intrinsic gate capac-
itance is extracted from small signal AC device simulation at Fig. 9. Unity gain frequency (fT / versus VGS for the DG-TFET and
an operating frequency of 1 MHz. The total gate capacitance DG-JLTFET at VDS D 1 V.
consists of gate to channel capacitance plus gate to source/drain
capacitance. The variation of total gate capacitance (CGG / with
respect to gate voltage is plotted in Fig. 8. From Fig. 8, we capacitance increases as the gate voltage increases; a similar
observe that the value of gate capacitance (CGG / for the DG- kind of trend is also observed in Ref. [32]. The DG-JLTFET
JLTFET is higher than that of the DG-TFET for all values of shows a better unity gain frequency (fT / response as com-
gate voltages, this is because of the increase in capacitance due pared to the DG-TFET, as shown in Fig. 9. The higher value of
to the inter-gate capacitance offered by the extra P-gate. Gate fT in the DG-JLTFET makes it more suitable for RF applica-

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