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Astillero, Shayne Hope C.

ART APPRECIATION (sana ako pud ma appreciate ni crush)

When you hear the word Filipino what comes up from your mind? Filipinos could
be someone who are kayumanggi , hospitable, genuine, loving and enthusiasts. These
things are defined by the world for Filipinos but how does being a Filipino a process of
becoming? As our mother gave birth and gave life to us we are considered to be a
Filipino. A Filipino as a sign of citizenship but do we really have an identity already as
we go out from the womb of our mother? We live in a world where we are identified by
different people. We have also identified through our names but that doesn’t makes us
who we truly are. It is like a mask covering a face to hide something. Identity is much
something deeper such as finding a shining pearl from the deep ocean. A journey where
it will lead you to your identity.
When we were 3 years old we were taught on alphabet A-Z letters. When we
were 6 years old we were taught to write these letters and as we go to higher levels we
were taught to read and understand. On our early years we are taught by our language
for us to be able to communicate and share ideas towards others. As we understand
our language we tend to understand the culture we have. The culture and different
traditions we have every month. We ought to engage and be involve to every activities
that Filipinos celebrate. We tend to realize and give importance to our different beliefs
and behaviors. Beliefs were Filipino understands and embrace. As our culture arise we
tend to have power. Power to lead us to the truth. Truth of who we are. As the process
go on and on our language, culture, and having the power molds us and lead us to our
true identity. We learn things and accept things which are consider to be acceptable for
us. Something that would complete you and make you a whole person. Being raise in
the Philippines and considered to be a Filipino make door and windows open for you to
explore and create yourself, the self you want to be and you ought to be. It is still you
who choose to be you and being a Filipino is like a guardian to guide you towards your

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